Newborn Care Foundations - Safety Considerations

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Newborn Care Foundations - Safety Considerations

This is a handy list to get you started on the safety considerations when setting up for your new
baby. It is by no means exhaustive and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have
considered your own individual needs and requirements in regards to keeping you and your
baby safe. The following links are provided as a guide only and I welcome any further
suggestions to enhance this list for future parents!

● Have an appropriate feeding chair for day and night, comfortable and supportive of your
back and a foot rest helps too
● If bottle feeding or pumping, understanding sterilisation methods
○ Australian Breastfeeding Association - How to clean your pump parts
○ Australian Breastfeeding Association - Expressing and story breastmilk
○ Australian Breastfeeding Association - Facts about formula

● Ensure you have a secure change table, height should be just right that you don’t have
to bend over too much
● Always keep one hand on the baby when changing nappies as even newborns can
wriggle and even roll!
● Changing baby on a change mat on the floor is also completely fine

● In Australia, bassinets do not have a safety standard, however, cots do.
○ Raising Children Network - Safe baby furniture checklist
● Red Nose Australia has some great resources on creating a safe sleep space:
○ Birth to one year old safe sleep environment
○ Bassinets
○ Safe practices
● Co-sleeping/bed sharing - learning about this is important if you ever find yourself
needing to or wanting to do it. Here are some key resources:
○ Red Nose - co-sleeping with your baby
○ CoSleepy - Tiffany Belanger has some fantastic resources
○ La Leche League - The Safe Sleep Seven (for breastfeeding)
○ Dr James McKenna - Some great articles here about baby sleep, breastfeeding
and co-sleeping safely

● If you have the space, get a stand for your baby bath to save your back from injury!
● Bath seats are great, however, babies should never be left alone or unattended in one
● Avoid soap or any products on the skin for the first 6 weeks, check ingredients

The Newborn Nest 2024

○ Development of food allergy through food based skin care products
● Get a bath thermometer to ensure you’ve got optimate temperature of 36-37 degrees

Out and About

● Raising children network - Pram Safety Guide
● Choosing a car seat:
○ Raising Children - Choosing a car seat
○ CHOICE - How to choose baby car seat and buying guide
● Baby carriers - Using the TICKS rule

Please note:

The information contained in this presentation and its associated handouts is provided for
educational purposes only. For specific advice about your healthcare needs, or those of your
baby, you should seek advice from your health professional or primary health care provider. The
Newborn Nest does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from your reliance
on this information. If you or your baby require urgent medical attention, please contact your
nearest emergency department.

The Newborn Nest 2024

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