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CBSE Question Paper

Subject Computer Term

Duration 60 Minutes Maximum Marks 30 Marks Scored
Name of the Student:
Class and Section 1 Enrol No: Date:

A. Choose the correct answer ( 1 x 5 = 5)

1. When entering a lab, we should enter in a ___________. (queue/group)
2. The storage device must be handled ___________. (carefully / casually)
3. ______ is an opening to attach devices such as pen drive on the computer. (Plug / Port)
4. Before using a computer, we should __________ our hands.
5. ______________ includes games, letters, drawings, songs and so on. (Data / Device)

B. Write whether these sentences are true (T)or false (F). ( 1 x 5 = 5)

1. Ports are present inside the CPU box.

2. Data is the information that may include games, letters, drawings, or songs.

3. Always keep the computer system covered when not in use.

4. We should not eat or drink near the computer system.

5. We should not put our fi ngers in any slot of a computer system.

C. Circle the name of the device shown in the picture. ( 1 x 2 = 2)

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D. Recognize the pictures and label them using the correct option from the list. (1 x 4 = 4)

(Hard Disk, Pen drive, CD , Memory card)





E. Unscramble the given words (1 x 4 = 4)

1. E,M,O,M,R,Y A,R,C,D

2. V, I, C, E, D, E

3. R, O ,P, T

4. V,D,D

F. Tick the images which shows the right way of using a computer. (1 x 4 = 4)

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G. Arrange the Main parts of a Computer (Any 4) into the box. ( 1 x 4 = 4)

(Pen Drive , Keyboard , Hard Disk , Memory Card, Monitor, Mouse ,Speaker, CPU, CDs)

Main Parts of a Computer

H. Which of the following actions should be done while working on a computer and which
should not be done near a computer? Arrange them into the two columns: ( 1/2 x 4 = 2)

pulling wires, keeping computers covered when not in use,

sitting with a straight back, gently pressing the keyboard

Should be done Should not be done


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