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 Carry it forward: On the BJP government in Odisha

The BJP government should continue development schemes in Odisha
Odisha’s newly sworn-in Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, the first politician from the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to occupy the post in the State, will also be making a new record
while thwarting a long-standing one. His predecessor, Naveen Patnaik of the Biju Janata Dal, was
the Chief Minister for 24 years and 99 days – the second longest tenure for any one in India, after
Pawan Kumar Chamling who served 66 days longer in Sikkim. Mr. Majhi is from the Santali tribe
and his ascension shows the assiduousness with which the BJP has sought to win the support of
the tribal communities in central and east India — also reflected in its endorsement of President
Droupadi Murmu when she stood as a candidate. Mr. Majhi has rich experience as a legislator and
a political organiser, having begun his political journey as an administrator. He was a village
sarpanch in the late 1990s. His ascension marks a breakthrough for the BJP, which successfully
projected the image of the BJD being rudderless without Mr. Patnaik as well as his dependence on
the bureaucracy having steadily eroded the BJD of its second-rung of leadership. As the Achilles
heel of the BJD too, this bureaucratic over-dependence was used to not only provide governance
and implement policies endorsed by Mr. Patnaik, but also in political outreach. The BJP has
steadfastly grown as the alternative to the BJD with the decline of the Congress.
 Mr. Majhi’s swearing-in ceremony also marked a return to a degree of political bonhomie with
the BJD after a bitter and personal campaign targeting Mr. Patnaik’s lieutenant, V.K. Pandian, for
his Tamil roots. The optics were encouraging and the BJP should focus on bringing continuity to
some of the BJD’s initiatives in the State that have allowed for faster GDP growth, better delivery
of services and welfare measures in the rural areas, and better diversification of an economy that
is dependent on agriculture. Yet, for all its successes in reducing poverty and diversifying its
economy, Odisha still remains among the poorest States in the country, with an estimated 11.07%
of its population below the Multidimensional Poverty Index in 2023, according to NITI-Aayog and
only six major States having higher numbers. Mr. Majhi and his colleagues have their task cut out.
Odisha rewarded Mr. Patnaik with a long tenure not just for governance but also for bringing
peace to a State that has seen communal riots in its tribal regions at a time when his party was in
alliance with the BJP. The BJP should not interpret this mandate as one that endorses its ideology
of Hindutva and return to those days of communal disharmony. Instead, it must focus on
continuing the developmental work in Odisha.

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 :

ण , इ द ( )
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द , 66 द औ
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- द द

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, द
औ द द ण
द ,इ - द
औ ,

 ण . . औ
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, , ण औ ण औ
ण . , औ
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- औ , 2023 इ 11.07% द
. औ
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औ द द इ ,

23 Important Words :
1. occupy 2. thwarting 3. ascension 4. assiduousness 5. sought
6. reflected 7. endorsement 8. Administrator 9. breakthrough 10. rudderless
11. bureaucracy 12. eroded 13. implement 14. Outreach 15. steadfastly
16. bonhomie 17. campaign 18. optics 19. diversification 20. riots
21. interpret 22. ideology 23. disharmony

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1. Occupy: To take control or possession of a place, situation, or position.

Root Word : The word "occupy" originates from the Latin "occupare," meaning "to seize" or "to
take possession of." This Latin term is composed of "ob-" (toward) and "capere" (to take). It
entered Middle English through Old French "occuper," maintaining its original meaning.

"occupy" "occupare" , " "। य

"ob-" ( ) औ "capere" ( ) ।य च "occuper" य य य,

औ ।
• Collocations: Occupy a position, occupy space, occupy a building, occupy oneself, occupy time
 Synonyms: Seize, take, capture, inhabit, engage
 Antonyms: Vacate, abandon, surrender, relinquish, yield
Eg. The soldiers occupied the fort.
Eg. She occupied her time with reading.

2. Thwarting: To prevent someone from accomplishing something or to oppose a plan

Root Word : "Thwarting" comes from the Old Norse "þvert," meaning "across." It evolved in
English to signify obstructing or preventing progress, suggesting a hindrance or barrier placed
across a path to stop movement or action. "thwarting" "þvert"

य , " "। य य य

, य ।
• Collocations: Thwarting plans, thwarting efforts, thwarting attempts, thwarting progress,
thwarting an attack
 Synonyms: Foil, prevent, hinder, obstruct, stymie
 Antonyms: Aid, assist, facilitate, support, promote
Eg. They were thwarting his attempts to escape.
Eg. The police succeeded in thwarting the robbery.

3. Ascension: The act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

Root Word : "Ascension" is derived from the Latin "ascensio," from "ascendere," meaning "to
climb up" or "to ascend." This term was adopted into English through Old French "ascension,"
maintaining its sense of rising or climbing to a higher status. "ascension"
"ascensio" य , "ascendere" , "ऊ च "य " "। य
च "ascension" य य,औ च य च

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• Collocations: Ascension to power, ascension of a leader, ascension to the throne, rapid

ascension, ascension process
 Synonyms: Rise, climb, elevation, advancement, promotion
 Antonyms: Decline, descent, fall, demotion, regression
Eg. His ascension to the CEO position was swift.
Eg. The ascension of the new king was celebrated.

4. Assiduousness: Showing great care, attention, and perseverance in carrying out a task.
Root Word : "Assiduousness" comes from the Latin word "assiduus," which means "constantly
present" or "diligent." The Latin term itself is derived from "assidēre," meaning "to sit near or
beside," indicating persistence and dedication. "assiduousness" "assiduus"

य , " "य " "। य "assidēre" ,

" य ," औ ।
• Collocations: Assiduousness in work, assiduousness of a student, assiduousness in research,
show assiduousness, demonstrate assiduousness
 Synonyms: Diligence, perseverance, industriousness, dedication, meticulousness
 Antonyms: Negligence, indifference, carelessness, laziness, inattention
Eg. Her assiduousness in her studies paid off with high grades.
Eg. The project succeeded due to the assiduousness of the team.

5. Sought: Past tense of "seek," meaning to look for or try to achieve something.
Root Word : "Sought" is the past tense and past participle of "seek," which originates from the
Old English "sēcan," meaning "to look for or search." The term evolved to represent the act of
striving or searching for something. "sought" "seek" औ य

, "sēcan" य , " "। य च य

य ।
• Collocations: Sought after, sought help, sought advice, sought permission, sought refuge
 Synonyms: Searched, requested, pursued, looked for, inquired
 Antonyms: Ignored, avoided, disregarded, overlooked, neglected
Eg. She sought advice from her mentor.
Eg. The missing files were sought by the investigators.

6. Reflected: To show, express, or be a sign of something; to think deeply or carefully about.

Root Word : "Reflected" comes from the Latin "reflectere," meaning "to bend back." It combines
"re-" (back) and "flectere" (to bend). The term entered English through Middle French

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"reflecter," evolving to signify the act of mirroring or contemplating.

"reflected" "reflectere" य , " "। य "re-" ( )औ

"flectere" ( ) ।य य च "reflecter" य य औ

य च य ।
• Collocations: Reflected in, reflected on, reflected light, reflected image, reflected glory
 Synonyms: Mirrored, indicated, manifested, considered, pondered
 Antonyms: Absorbed, ignored, disregarded, overlooked, neglected
Eg. Her feelings were reflected in her expression.
Eg. He reflected on his past decisions during the quiet evening.

7. Endorsement: The act of giving public approval or support to someone or something.

Root Word : "Endorsement" originates from the Medieval Latin "indorsare," meaning "to write
on the back of." This term evolved from "in-" (on) and "dorsum" (back). It passed into Middle
English as "endosse," eventually becoming "endorse." "endorsement" य

"indorsare" य , " ।" य "in-" ( ) औ "dorsum" ( )

।य य "endosse" य औ "endorse" य।
• Collocations: Political endorsement, public endorsement, celebrity endorsement, official
endorsement, endorsement deal
 Synonyms: Support, approval, backing, ratification, recommendation
 Antonyms: Disapproval, rejection, opposition, condemnation, criticism
Eg. The candidate received a significant endorsement from a popular leader.
Eg. The product's sales increased after the celebrity's endorsement.

8. Administrator: A person responsible for running a business, organization, or government

Root Word : "Administrator" comes from the Latin "administrare," meaning "to manage" or "to
serve." The root "ad-" (to) and "ministrare" (to serve) combine to form a term indicating
management and oversight. It evolved through Old French "administrateur" before entering
English. "administrator" "administrare" य , " "य

" ।" य "ad-" ( ) औ "ministrare" ( ) । य च

"administrateur" य य।
• Collocations: School administrator, system administrator, network administrator, government
administrator, chief administrator
 Synonyms: Manager, director, supervisor, executive, controller
 Antonyms: Subordinate, employee, worker, assistant, underling

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Eg. The new administrator implemented several important changes.

Eg. As a system administrator, she manages the company's IT infrastructure.

9. Breakthrough: A significant and sudden advance, development, or achievement.

Root Word : "Breakthrough" is a compound word formed from "break" and "through." "Break"
originates from Old English "brecan," meaning "to break" or "shatter," and "through" comes
from Old English "þurh," meaning "through" or "across." Together, they signify a sudden,
dramatic advancement. "breakthrough" "break" औ "through" य

। "Break" "brecan" य , " "य " ," औ "through"

"þurh" य , " य "य " ।" ,य च ,

य ।
• Collocations: Major breakthrough, technological breakthrough, medical breakthrough, scientific
breakthrough, significant breakthrough
 Synonyms: Advancement, discovery, progress, innovation, leap
 Antonyms: Setback, regression, stalemate, stagnation, impasse
Eg. The scientist achieved a breakthrough in cancer research.
Eg. The new technology represented a breakthrough in renewable energy.

10. Rudderless: Lacking a clear direction, leader, or purpose.

Root Word : "Rudderless" is a compound word formed from "rudder," which comes from Old
English "rōther," meaning "steering oar," and the suffix "-less," indicating absence. Thus,
"rudderless" means without a means to steer or direct. "rudderless" "rudder"

, "rōther" य , " य च ," औ यय "-less,"

। , "rudderless" य ।
• Collocations: Rudderless ship, rudderless leadership, rudderless organization, rudderless
policy, rudderless state
 Synonyms: Directionless, aimless, leaderless, drifting, unfocused
 Antonyms: Directed, guided, purposeful, led, focused
Eg. After the CEO resigned, the company felt rudderless.
Eg. The team was rudderless without their coach.

11. Bureaucracy: A system of government or management in which decisions are made by state
officials or administrators rather than by elected representatives.
Root Word : "Bureaucracy" comes from the French word "bureaucratie," which is derived from
"bureau" (office) and the Greek suffix "-kratia" (rule or power). It indicates governance by office
workers or administrators. "bureaucracy" च "bureaucratie" य ,
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"bureau" ( य य) औ यय "-kratia" ( य ) ।य य य च य य

• Collocations: Government bureaucracy, bureaucratic system, complex bureaucracy, red tape
bureaucracy, bureaucratic inefficiency
 Synonyms: Administration, civil service, establishment, officialdom, red tape
 Antonyms: Anarchy, non-administration, chaos, disorganization, deregulation
Eg. The project was delayed due to government bureaucracy.
Eg. She criticized the bureaucracy for being slow and inefficient.

12. Eroded: Gradually worn away or diminished.

Root Word : "Eroded" comes from the Latin "erodere," meaning "to gnaw away." It is composed
of "e-" (out) and "rodere" (to gnaw). The term was adapted into Middle English through Old
French "eroder." "eroded" "erodere" य , " ।" य

"e-" ( ) औ "rodere" ( ) ।य च "eroder" य य य।

• Collocations: Eroded soil, eroded confidence, eroded coastline, eroded trust, eroded values
 Synonyms: Worn away, diminished, weakened, deteriorated, depleted
 Antonyms: Built up, strengthened, restored, reinforced, constructed
Eg. The coastline has eroded significantly over the years.
Eg. Trust in the government has eroded due to recent scandals.

13. Implement: To put a decision, plan, agreement, etc., into effect. य

Root Word : "Implement" comes from the Latin "implementum," meaning "filling up" or
"fulfilling," which is derived from "implere" (to fill up). The word evolved in Middle English to
mean an article used to fulfill a task, and later a verb to denote putting plans into action.

"implement" "implementum" य , " " य " ।" य

"implere" ( ) ।य य य य

औ य य

• Collocations: Implement a plan, implement policies, implement changes, implement a strategy,
implement decisions
 Synonyms: Execute, apply, enforce, carry out, administer
 Antonyms: Neglect, ignore, halt, prevent, delay
Eg. The government decided to implement new safety regulations.
Eg. The company plans to implement the new system by next year.

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14. Outreach: The act of reaching out to extend services, support, or information to a wider section
of the community. च
Root Word : "Outreach" is a compound word from "out" and "reach." "Out" comes from Old
English "ūt," meaning "outwards," and "reach" originates from Old English "ræcan," meaning "to
stretch out." Together, they signify the act of extending support or services beyond normal
limits. "outreach" "out" औ "reach" य । "Out" "ūt"

य , " ," औ "reach" "ræcan" य ,

" ।" ,य य य य ।
• Collocations: Community outreach, outreach program, outreach efforts, outreach activities,
outreach services
 Synonyms: Extension, service, assistance, support, engagement
 Antonyms: Isolation, withdrawal, detachment, neglect, inaccessibility
Eg. The organization launched an outreach program for the homeless.
Eg. The university's outreach activities include educational workshops in local schools.

15. Steadfastly: In a firm, unwavering, and resolute manner.

Root Word : "Steadfastly" comes from the Old English "stædfæst," which combines "stede"
(place) and "fæst" (firm). The adverbial form "steadfastly" denotes unwavering firmness or
loyalty. "steadfastly" "stædfæst" य , "stede" ( ) औ "fæst"

( ) । य "steadfastly" य ।
• Collocations: Steadfastly support, steadfastly oppose, steadfastly believe, steadfastly remain,
steadfastly adhere
 Synonyms: Firmly, resolutely, unwaveringly, determinedly, loyally
 Antonyms: Fickly, waveringly, irresolutely, unsteadily, capriciously
Eg. She steadfastly refused to abandon her principles.
Eg. The team steadfastly pursued their goals despite challenges.
16. Bonhomie: Cheerful friendliness; geniality. य
Root Word : "Bonhomie" comes from the French word "bonhomie," which combines "bon"
(good) and "homme" (man). The term entered English in the late 18th century, retaining its
original sense of cheerful friendliness. "bonhomie" च "bonhomie" य ,

"bon" ( ) औ "homme" ( ) ।य 18 य औ

य ।
• Collocations: Display bonhomie, atmosphere of bonhomie, sense of bonhomie, genuine
bonhomie, infectious bonhomie
 Synonyms: Geniality, friendliness, affability, amiability, camaraderie
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 Antonyms: Hostility, aloofness, unfriendliness, animosity, coldness

Eg. The party was marked by a sense of bonhomie among the guests.
Eg. His bonhomie made him popular with colleagues.

17. Campaign: A series of organized activities or events intended to achieve a particular goal.

Root Word : "Campaign" originates from the Latin "campania," meaning "open country" or
"field," used in a military context. It entered English through Old French "campagne," initially
describing military operations and later extending to other organized efforts.

"campaign" "campania" य , " "य " ," य

य य ।य च "campagne" य य, य य

औ य य ।
• Collocations: Political campaign, advertising campaign, military campaign, launch a campaign,
campaign strategy
 Synonyms: Crusade, drive, operation, movement, initiative
 Antonyms: Inaction, idleness, cessation, inactivity, stagnation
Eg. The politician launched a new campaign to promote education reform.
Eg. They ran a successful advertising campaign for the new product.

18. Optics: The way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public.
Root Word : "Optics" is derived from the Greek "optikos," meaning "of sight" or "visual."
Originally relating to the scientific study of sight and light, it has expanded in modern usage to
include public perception of actions or events. "optics" "optikos" य ,

" "य " य।" य औ यय ,औ

य य य ।
• Collocations: Political optics, bad optics, improve optics, optics of a situation, manage optics
 Synonyms: Perception, image, appearance, view, impression
 Antonyms: Reality, substance, truth, authenticity, essence
Eg. The optics of the decision were not favorable to the administration.
Eg. They need to consider the optics before making such a move.

19. Diversification: The act or process of varying or expanding the range of products or services,
investments, etc.
Root Word : "Diversification" comes from the Latin word "diversificare," which means "to make
diverse." It combines "diversus" (different) and "facere" (to make). The term entered English in

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the 15th century, primarily in the context of agriculture and later in business and finance.

"diversification" "diversificare" य , " ।" य "diversus"

( ) औ "facere" ( ) ।य 15 य, य औ

य औ ।
• Collocations: Economic diversification, portfolio diversification, diversification strategy,
diversification efforts, diversification benefits
 Synonyms: Variety, variation, expansion, assortment, heterogeneity
 Antonyms: Uniformity, monotony, homogeneity, similarity, sameness
Eg. The company focused on diversification to reduce risks.
Eg. Agricultural diversification helps in stabilizing the economy.

20. Riots: Violent disturbances of the peace by a crowd.

Root Word : "Riots" originates from the Old French "riote," meaning "quarrel" or "dispute," and
entered Middle English with the same meaning. It evolved to signify violent public disturbances.
"riots" च "riote" य , " "य " ," औ य य

य।य ।
• Collocations: Violent riots, street riots, race riots, political riots, incite riots
 Synonyms: Disturbances, uprisings, rebellions, upheavals, insurrections
 Antonyms: Peace, order, harmony, tranquility, calm
Eg. The city was in turmoil after the riots broke out.
Eg. The government imposed a curfew to control the riots.

21. Interpret: To explain the meaning of information, words, or actions. य य

Root Word : "Interpret" comes from the Latin "interpretari," meaning "to explain" or "to
translate." This Latin term is derived from "interpres," which means "agent" or "translator." The
word entered English through Old French. "interpret" "interpretari" य ,

" य य "य " ।" य "interpres" ,

" "य " ।" य च य य।

• Collocations: Interpret data, interpret a dream, interpret a law, interpret a text, interpret
 Synonyms: Explain, elucidate, translate, clarify, decode
 Antonyms: Misinterpret, confuse, obscure, misrepresent, distort
Eg. It is crucial to interpret the data correctly.
Eg. The lawyer helped interpret the complex legal language.

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22. Ideology: A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or
political theory and policy. च
Root Word : "Ideology" comes from the French "idéologie," which is derived from Greek roots
"idea" (form, pattern) and "logos" (study, discourse). The term originally referred to the science
of ideas and evolved to mean a systematic body of concepts. "ideology" च

"idéologie" य , "idea" ( , ) औ "logos" ( यय , य) ।य

च औ य य

• Collocations: Political ideology, economic ideology, dominant ideology, ideology of freedom,
revolutionary ideology
 Synonyms: Beliefs, principles, doctrine, philosophy, tenets
 Antonyms: Pragmatism, nonbelief, disbelief, skepticism, doubt
Eg. His political ideology strongly influences his policies.
Eg. The party's ideology is based on principles of equality and justice.

23. Disharmony: Lack of harmony or agreement.

Root Word : "Disharmony" is a combination of the prefix "dis-" (indicating reversal or absence)
and "harmony," which comes from Greek "harmonia," meaning "agreement" or "concord." Thus,
"disharmony" means a lack of concord or agreement. "disharmony" "dis-"

( य ) औ "harmony" , "harmonia" य ,

" "य " ।" , "disharmony" य ।

• Collocations: Social disharmony, cause disharmony, create disharmony, family disharmony,
disharmony in relationships
 Synonyms: Discord, conflict, disagreement, dissonance, friction
 Antonyms: Harmony, agreement, concord, unity, peace
Eg. The new policy led to disharmony among the team members.
Eg. Social disharmony can arise from economic inequalities.

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–––––––––– Idioms and Phrases ––––––––––

1. Carry it forward: To continue or advance a project or process. इसे आगे बढ़ाऩा
Eg. The BJP government should continue development schemes in Odisha.
2. Sworn in: To be formally admitted into office by taking an oath. शपथ ग्रहण करऩा
Eg. Odisha’s newly sworn-in Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi.
3. Make a record: To achieve a notable accomplishment. ररकॉर्ड बऩाऩा
Eg. Mohan Charan Majhi... will also be making a new record.
4. Mark a return: To signify a comeback to a previous state or condition. व़ापसी क़ा संकेत दे ऩा
Eg. Mr. Majhi’s swearing-in ceremony also marked a return to a degree of political bonhomie.
5. Achilles heel: A weakness or vulnerable point. कमजोर बबंदु
Eg. As the Achilles heel of the BJD too, this bureaucratic over-dependence.
6. Have their task cut out: To have a large and difficult task to complete. क कबिन क़ार्ड करऩा
Eg. Mr. Majhi and his colleagues have their task cut out.

–––––––––– 10 important grammatical concepts–––––––––

1. Relative Clause: The clause provides additional information about Naveen Patnaik.
Eg. His predecessor, Naveen Patnaik of the Biju Janata Dal, was the Chief Minister for 24 years and
99 days.
2. Passive Voice: The action is emphasized over the subject.
Eg. endorsed by Mr. Patnaik, but also in political outreach.
3. Present Perfect Tense: Indicates an action that began in the past and continues to the present.
Eg. The BJP has sought to win the support of the tribal communities.
4. Possessive Case: Shows ownership or association.
Eg. targeting Mr. Patnaik’s lieutenant, V.K. Pandian, for his Tamil roots.
5. Comparative Degree: Compares the quality of service and welfare measures.
Eg. better delivery of services and welfare measures.
6. Appositive: Provides additional information about the noun Naveen Patnaik.
Eg. His predecessor, Naveen Patnaik of the Biju Janata Dal.
7. Gerund Phrase: The gerund "bringing" acts as a noun.
Eg. for bringing peace to a State.
8. Infinitive Phrase: The infinitive "to continue" functions as the purpose.
Eg. to continue development schemes in Odisha.
9. Present Continuous Tense: Indicates an action that is currently in progress.
Eg. also making a new record while thwarting a long-standing one.
10. Parallel Structure : Uses parallel structure to present a series of related actions or items.
Eg. faster GDP growth, better delivery of services, and welfare measures in the rural areas.

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–––––––––– Exercise ––––––––––

Q.1 What is the central theme of the passage?
(a) The achievements of Naveen Patnaik (b) The rise of BJP in Odisha politics
(c) The economic challenges in Odisha (d) The cultural diversity in Odisha

Q.2 What significant change does the new Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi represent?
(a) Improved economic policies (b) A shift in political power
(c) Enhanced welfare schemes (d) Better rural services

Q.3 According to the passage, what is one of the major challenges that Odisha still faces?
(a) Lack of political stability (b) High levels of poverty
(c) Poor education system (d) Environmental issues

Q.4 Which of the following is the best synonym for "ascension" as used in the passage?
(a) Decline (b) Rise
(c) Stability (d) Descent

Q.5 Which of the following is the best antonym for "steadily" as used in the passage?
(a) Quickly (b) Unpredictably
(c) Slowly (d) Gradually

Q.6 Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(a) The Economic Challenges in Odisha (b) The Legacy of Naveen Patnaik
(c) BJP's Political Breakthrough in Odisha (d) Cultural Diversity in Odisha Politics

Q.7 What is the overall tone of the passage?

(a) Critical (b) Neutral (c) Celebratory (d) Nostalgic

Q.8 In the context of the passage, what does the word "bonhomie" most closely mean?
(a) Hostility (b) Friendship (c) Competition (d) Indifference

Q.9 Based on the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the BJP's strategy in
(a) They focus solely on economic development.
(b) They aim to gain support from tribal communities.
(c) They rely heavily on the bureaucracy.
(d) They avoid targeting political opponents.

Q.10 What is the primary purpose of the passage?

(a) To criticize the previous government (b) To announce the economic plans of the BJP
(c) To report on a political transition (d) To describe the cultural aspects of Odisha

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–––––––––– Solution––––––––––
1. (b) The rise of BJP in Odisha politics
The passage primarily discusses the transition of power in Odisha from Naveen Patnaik of the
Biju Janata Dal to Mohan Charan Majhi of the BJP. It highlights the BJP's strategic efforts to gain
support in the state and the challenges the new Chief Minister faces.
ण , द
इ ण औ

2. (b) A shift in political power

The passage describes Mohan Charan Majhi's ascension as a significant political change in
Odisha, marking the first time a BJP politician has taken the role of Chief Minister in the state.
This shift is emphasized as a breakthrough for the BJP.
ण ण ,
इ ण

3. (b) High levels of poverty

The passage mentions that despite some successes, Odisha remains one of the poorest states in
the country, with a significant portion of its population below the Multidimensional Poverty
Index in 2023. This indicates that addressing poverty is a major ongoing challenge for the state.
द, द
, 2023 ण इ

4. (b) Rise
In the context of the passage, "ascension" refers to Mohan Charan Majhi's rise to the position of
Chief Minister. The best synonym for "ascension" here is "rise," as it indicates an upward
movement in status or position. "ascension" द
द "ascension" "rise" ,
द ऊ द

5. (b) Unpredictably
The passage uses "steadily" to describe the consistent growth of the BJP as an alternative to the
BJD. The best antonym for "steadily" in this context is "unpredictably," which indicates
inconsistency and lack of steady progress. "steadily"

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ण इ द "steadily"
"unpredictably" , औ इ

6. (c) BJP's Political Breakthrough in Odisha

The passage focuses on the BJP's significant political breakthrough in Odisha, highlighting
Mohan Charan Majhi's ascension to the role of Chief Minister and the party's strategic efforts.
Therefore, "BJP's Political Breakthrough in Odisha" is the most fitting title.
ण , द औ
ण इ ," "

7. (b) Neutral
The tone of the passage is neutral as it presents facts and information about the political change
in Odisha without showing strong emotions or biases. The author objectively discusses the BJP's
rise and the challenges ahead for the new Chief Minister.

द द औ

8. (b) Friendship
In the passage, "bonhomie" refers to the return of friendly and good-natured relations between
political parties. Hence, "friendship" is the closest meaning. "bonhomie"
द णऔ इ , "friendship"

9. (b) They aim to gain support from tribal communities.
The passage mentions that Mr. Majhi's ascension shows the BJP's efforts to win the support of
tribal communities in central and east India. This indicates that gaining tribal support is a key
part of their strategy. औ
द द द

10. (c) To report on a political transition

The passage aims to report on the political transition in Odisha, focusing on the change in
leadership from the BJD to the BJP and the implications of this shift.
, औ इ

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• Alia Bhatt, a renowned actress, occupied (took control of) a

significant place in the film industry with her exceptional
talent. She faced numerous challenges, but thwarting
(preventing) every obstacle, she achieved great ascension
(rise) in her career. Known for her assiduousness
(diligence), Alia sought (looked for) diverse roles that
reflected (showed) her versatility.

• Her endorsement (support) of various brands showcased

her influence beyond cinema. As an administrator
(manager) of her own production house, she made strategic
decisions that led to major breakthroughs (advances).
Alia Bhatt Despite her success, Alia felt rudderless (directionless) at
times, navigating the complex world of bureaucracy
(officialdom) in the film industry, which often eroded
(diminished) her enthusiasm.
• Determined to implement (execute) positive changes, she initiated outreach (extension)
programs for aspiring actors. Alia steadfastly (firmly) maintained her commitment to social
causes, creating an atmosphere of bonhomie (friendliness) on her sets. During her
promotional campaign (drive) for a new film, she carefully managed the optics (public
perception) to ensure a positive image.

• Alia’s career strategy included diversification (variation) into different genres, which
prevented potential riots (disturbances) of public interest. She often had to interpret
(explain) her choices to the media, balancing her artistic vision with public expectations. Her
unique ideology (belief system) of combining commercial success with meaningful cinema set
her apart.

• However, navigating through the industry's challenges often led to disharmony (lack of
agreement) among her team members. Yet, with her unwavering spirit, Alia Bhatt continued to
shine, a beacon of perseverance and talent in the film world.

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English Hindi
S.No. Word Example
Meaning Meaning

To take control or
The soldiers occupied the
1 Occupy possession of a place,
situation, or position
To prevent someone from
The police succeeded in
2 Thwarting accomplishing something or
thwarting the robbery.
to oppose a plan successfully
The act of rising to an
His ascension to the CEO
3 Ascension important position or a
position was swift.
higher level
Showing great care, Her assiduousness in her
4 Assiduousness attention, and perseverance studies paid off with high
in carrying out a task grades.
Past tense of "seek,"
She sought advice from her
5 Sought meaning to look for or try to
achieve something
To show, express, or be a
Her feelings were reflected
6 Reflected sign of something; to think
in her expression.
deeply or carefully about
The act of giving public The candidate received a
7 Endorsement approval or support to significant endorsement
someone or something from a popular leader.
A person responsible for
The new administrator
running a business,
8 Administrator implemented several
organization, or government
important changes.
A significant and sudden The scientist achieved a
9 Breakthrough advance, development, or breakthrough in cancer
achievement research.
Lacking a clear direction, After the CEO resigned, the
10 Rudderless
leader, or purpose company felt rudderless.
A system of government or
The project was delayed
management in which
11 Bureaucracy due to government
decisions are made by

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Gradually worn away or The coastline has eroded

12 Eroded
diminished significantly over the years.

य The government decided to

To put a decision, plan,
13 Implement implement new safety
agreement, etc., into effect
The act of reaching out to The organization launched
14 Outreach extend services, support, or च an outreach program for
information the homeless.
In a firm, unwavering, and She steadfastly refused to
15 Steadfastly
resolute manner abandon her principles.
The party was marked by a
Cheerful friendliness;
16 Bonhomie य sense of bonhomie among
the guests.
A series of organized The politician launched a
17 Campaign activities or events intended य new campaign to promote
to achieve a particular goal education reform.
The way in which an event or The optics of the decision
18 Optics course of action is perceived were not favorable to the
by the public administration.
The act or process of varying The company focused on
19 Diversification or expanding the range of diversification to reduce
products or services risks.
Violent disturbances of the The city was in turmoil
20 Riots
peace by a crowd after the riots broke out.
To explain the meaning of य य It is crucial to interpret the
21 Interpret information, words, or
data correctly.
A system of ideas and ideals, His political ideology
22 Ideology especially one that forms the च strongly influences his
basis of theory or policy policies.
The new policy led to
Lack of harmony or
23 Disharmony disharmony among the
team members.

CLOZE TEST quickness dk use generally lkspus] le>us dk;Z'khy djuk” gksrk gSA
Tennis is a game that gives one plenty of dh rsth ds sense esa gksrk gSA tcfd ;gka eye vr% lgh choice option (d) calls gSA
exercise; it develops____1____of eye and limb and limb dh ckr gks jgh gSA vU; rhuksa options – commands, asks,
and___2 ___the brain too into ____3___. A few Eg: She was known for the quickness of her signals, irrelevant gSaA
sets of tennis keep one physically and wit. 3. lgh choice option (d) action gSA vU;
____4____ fit. But for the indoors, chess is the Agility ds vFkZ esa movement, swiftness, rhuksa options response, play, work,
queen of games. People say chess is a____5___ quickness rhuksa Hkko lekfgr gSaA Agile dk irrelevant gSA
game because only two can play. vFkZ& “Able to move quickly and easily” Vocabulary Point:
1. (a) movement (b) swiftness gksrk gSA Sportsperson rFkk athlete ds fy,
(c) quickness (d) agility Response/ Reaction
usually agility word iz;qDr gksrk gSA
2. (a) commands (b) asks • response ,d written ;k spoken answer
vr% lgh answer option (d) agility gSA gksrk gS tks vki fdlh pht ds fy, nsrs gksA
(c) signals (d) calls
Vocabulary Point:
3. (a) response (b) play Eg: I received an encouraging response to
Swift/Fast/Quick/Rapid my advertisement.
(c) work (d) action
Swift- Swift lkekU;r% ,slh phtksa dks describe •
v fdlh ckr ;k ?kVuk ls tks feeling vkrh gS oks
4. (a) intellectually (b) emotionally
djus ds fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS tks cgqr rsth ls reaction gksrh gSA
(c) mentally (d) logically
?kfVr gksrh gS ;k tks quickly and
5. (a) selfish (b) mean Eg: My immediate reaction to the news was
immediately dh tkrh gSA
(c) carefree (d) careless one to shock.
Eg: 4. Physically and mentally fit ,d
Answer key
• a swift decision. collocation gSA
1. (d) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(a)
• The government took swift action. vr% lgh answer option (c) mentally gSA
Word Meanings:
v Fast- fast lkekU;r% fdlh ,sls O;fDr ;k oLrq ds
Movement - an act of moving the body or
ª vU; rhuks a options- intellectually,
fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS tks cgqr rst move dj
part of the body – xfrfo/kh emotionally and logically, factually wrong
ldsA fast ,d adjective gS tks lkekU;r% fuEu gSA
Swift- happening or done quickly and
nouns ds lkFk iz;qDr gksrk gSA
immediately- rRij 5. Option (b) mean, Red herring gSA mean tc
Eg: fast car/train/bowler/pace/ lane. adjective form esa gksrk gS rFkk game ;k
Agility- able to move quickly and easily-
v Quick- quick ,slh pht dks describe djus ds sports ds context esa iz;qDr gksrk gS rks bldk
fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS tks cgqr de le; esa ;k fcuk vFkZ&very good and skillful gksrk gS ysfdu
Command- an order given to a person or
fdlh delay ds dh tk;sA mean dk use fdlh person dh quality ds
an animal- vkns'k
Eg: quick glance/look/reply/decision/ sense esa gksrk gSA
Intellectual- connected with or using a
way. Eg: He's a mean tennis player.
person's ability to think – ckSf)d
v Rapid- rapid fdlh ,slh pht dks describe • She plays a mean game of chess.
Emotional- connected with people's
djus ds fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS tks cgqr rsth ls Option (c) carefree, irrelevant gSA carefree
feelings- Hkkoqd
cny jgh gks uk fd ,slh phtksa ds fy, tks cgqr dk vFkZ& “dksbZ responsibilities ;k worries
Selfish- caring only about yourself –LokFkhZ
rsth ls move dj jgh gksaA uk gksuk” gksrk gSA
Detailed Analysis :
Eg: rapid change/growth/increase/
1. Option (a) movement, irrelevant gSA Collocation:
decline/ progress.
Movement dk vFkZ& ,d LFkku ls nwljs LFkku • a carefree attitude/ life.
• a rapid train. (X)
rd tkus ;k body dks fgykus ds sense esa gksrk Option (d) careless, irrelevant gSA Careless
• We had a rapid coffee. (X)
gSA Movement ,d neutral word gS tcfd dk vFkZ& “fdlh dk;Z dks djrs le; lko/kkuh
Speedy- speedy Hkh rapid dh rjg gh iz;qDr
v uk j[kuk ftlls mistakes gks tkrh gSA”
;gka eye and limb dh fdlh quality dks
gksrk gSA
develop djus dh ckr dgh gSA Collocations
Eg: We wish you a speedy recovery.
Option (b) swiftness, Red herring gSA swift • careless worker/driver
• a speedy reply.
dk vFkZ& “rRdky o rsth ls djuk” ds sense esa • Careless mistake/error
• a speedy car. (X)
gksrk gSA • Careless laugh/smile
2. Que. 2 and Que. 3 ds options dks ,d lkFk
Collocations bl sentence esa chess dh fo'ks"krk crkus okys
analysis djus ij] Call somebody/
• swift action/decision/movement/ word dh requirement gS rFkk tks word
something into action…… ,d phrase
current vk;sxk oks negative meaning okyk gksxk
curh gS ftldk vFkZ & “fdlh O;fDr ;k oLrq dks
Option (c) quickness, Red herring gSA D;ksafd blesa vkxs ;s dgk x;k gS fd dsoy nks
yksx [ksy ldrsa gSaA Eg: She chose her words with care. unnecessary risks uk ysukA prudence
vr% lgh choice option (a) selfish gSA ftldk • Great care is needed when choosing a used lkekU;r% financial contexts esa gh iz;qDr
vFkZ& “Lo;a dk /;ku j[kuk] Lo;a ds ckjs esa car. gksrk gSA
lkspuk” gSA Caution- tc dksbZ risk uk yh tk;s rFkk
v Eg: As a matter of prudence, keep a record
Collocation: danger o mistakes dks avoid djus ds fy, of all your financial transactions.
• Selfish behavior/attitude. cgqr /;kuiwoZd dksbZ dk;Z fd;k tk;s rks • to do something with care/ caution/
Vocabulary Point: caution word iz;qDr gksrk gSA prudence.

Care/Caution/Prudence Eg: The utmost caution must be exercised • great/extreme care/caution/ prudence.
when handling explosives. • to use/exercise care/caution/ prudence.
;s lHkh words, mistakes ;k accidents dks
avoid djus ds fy, /;ku j[kus ds sense esa • extreme/great caution.
iz;qDr gksrs gSaA • a word/ note of caution.
Care- fdlh dk;Z dks cgqr /;kuiwoZd djuk
v v Prudence- Judgements rFkk decisions ysrs
rkfd dksbZ mistake ;k damage uk gksA le; careful rFkk sensible jguk o
1. The Google doodle Given sentence esa 20th century (active badly.
P. with a cup of green tea, beaker doer) us mark fd;s gS] vkSj a great B. People begin drinking just for the
and transition (Noun phrase), Verb 'mark' sake of it and gradually make it a
Q. Tsujimura working in her dk object gSaA habit.
laboratory ;fn 'a great transition' sentence dk C. Addiction of any kind, including
R. some green tea leaves by the side subject curk gS rks ;g passive subject alcoholic addiction impacts all
cusxk vkSj Passive structure (Was aspects of an individual's life.
S. features a graphical
marked) follow djsxk] tks fdlh Hkh option D. Once it becomes a habit, it does
representation of
esa ugha gSA
not require much to change into
(a) RSPQ (b) PQSR
vr: option (b) correct sequence gksxkA an addiction.
(c) RPQS (d) SQPR
3. Kemp's ridleys are (a) BDAC (b) DBCA
Sol. (d)
P. usually found in near shore and (c) BDCA (d) ACBD
Q. inshore waters of the northern Sol. (c) BDCA
Sentence dk structure lkekU;r% Subject
R. Gulf of Mexico, especially in Explanation:
+ verb + object gksrk gSA
Louisiana waters, D esa an addiction vk;k gS C esa addiction dks
;gka okD; dk subject 'The Google
S. which are their primary feeding elaborate fd;k x;k gS fd ;g individuals
doodle' gS ftlds ckn verb iz;qDr gksxh tks
grounds dh life ds gj aspect ij impact Mkyrk gSA
dsoy S esa 'features' vk;h gSA vr% sequence
(a) SRQP (b) QPSR vr% D rFkk C esa addiction ,d common
S ls start gksxkA ,slk dsoy ,d gh option (d)
(c) PQRS (d) PRSQ factor gSA vr% DC ,d Neon Link gS tks dosy
SQPR esa gSA
,d gh option (c) BDCA esa gSA
Logic II Sol. (c) PQRS
Logic II
Q esa working vk;k gSA work with Explanation:
B esa drinking dks introduce fd;k x;k gS
somebody/something ,d structure Parallel construction ls near shore
rFkk D esa blds fy, Pronoun 'it' vk;k gS vkSj B
gksrk gSA vr% QP ,d Neon Link gSA ,slk dosy and inshore… vr% PQ ,d Neon Link gS
o D esa 'a habit' ,d common factor Hkh gSA
,d gh option (d) SQPR esa gSA tks dsoy ,d gh option (c) PQRS esa gSA
vr% BD ,d Neon Link gSA
vr% lgh answer option (d) SQPR gSA Logic II
BD o DC Neon Link okyk dsoy ,d gh
2. A great transition/ marked/ the 20 th
Northern Gulf of Mexico fdlh txg dk
option (c) BDCA gSA
century/ for mankind. uke gS tks United States esa gSA vr% QR ,d
Neon Link gS tks dosy ,d gh option esa gSA vr% lgh answer option (c) BDCA gSA
(a) A great transition marked the
Logic III 5. A. The principal wished the
20th century for mankind.
students continued to aim for
(b) The 20th century marked a great Sentence dk structure lkekU;r% Subject
perfection in their future
transition for mankind. + auxiliary verb + main verb + object
gksrk gSA
(c) A great transition for mankind
B. The principal also lauded
marked the 20th century. ;gka auxiliary verb ds ckn main verb
educators for their tireless
(d) For mankind, a great transition vk,xh tks dh P esa found vk;h gSA vr%
efforts to educate students and
marked the 20th century. sequence P ls start gksxhA
inspire them to come up with
Sol. (b) P ls start gksus okyk vkSj PQ Neon Link okyk new ideas.
dsoy ,d gh option (c) PQRS gSA
Explanation: C. Our college's principal delivered
th vr% lgh answer option (c) PQRS gSA an excellent speech in which he
Given sentence dk subject 'the 20
centrury' gS] blds ckn Verb 'Marked' 4. A. It not only distances the addict lauded the pupils.
vk;sxh tks dsoy ,d option (b) esa gSaA from his/her social circles but D. The principal mentioned how
also impacts their productivity teaching assistants assisted
students in resolving academic
and social challenges.
(a) ABCD (b) CDBA
(c) CABD (d) DBAC
Sol. (b) CDBA
C esa college principal dks introduce fd;k
x;k gS vkSj vkxs lHkh esa blds fy, the
principal use gqvk gS] tks fdlh igys
introduce dh xbZ Noun ds lkFk use gksrk
gSaA vr: sequence C ls start gksxhA C esa
speech deliver djus ds ckjs esa crk;k x;k gS]
vkSj D esa mention vk;k gS tks speech esa
mention fd xbZ ckrksa ds fy, vk;k gSA vr: CD
Neon link gSA C ls start gksus okyk vkSj CD
link okyk dsoy ,d option (b) CABD gSaA



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