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The depth of the foundation, Df = 1.50 m
Foundation width x direction, Bx = 1.50 m
Foundation width y direction, By = 1.50 m
Thick foundation, h= 0.25 m
Concrete Cover Thick h= 0.075 m
Column width x direction, bx = 0.30 m
Column width y direction, by = 0.30 m
The position of the column (in = 40, edge = 30, angle = 20) as = 40
Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 21.0 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Unit Weight concrete, gc = 24 kN/m3


Axial force due to the factored loads, Pu = 170.932 kN
Moment x direction due to the factored loads, Mux = 20.206 kNm
Moment y direction due to the factored loads, Muy = 9.234 kNm


Soil bearing capacity is used: qc = 125 kg/cm2 qa = 222.65 kN/m2

Area foot base plate, A = Bx * By = 2.2500 m2
moment of inertia direction x, W x = 1/6 * By * Bx2 = 0.5625 m3
moment of inertia direction y, W y = 1/6 * Bx * By2 = 0.5625 m3
Foot high above the ground plate, z = Df - h = 1.25 m
Pressure due to heavy foot and the ground plate, q = h * gc + z * g = 26.613 kN/m2

Eccentricity on the foundation:

ex = Mux / Pu = 0.1182 m < Bx / 6 = 0.2500 m (OK)
ey = Muy / Pu = 0.0540 m < By / 6 = 0.2500 m (OK)
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The maximum pressure that occurs at the base of the foundation:

a1 = Bx/2 - ex = 0.6318 m
a2 = 3 a1 = 1.8954 m
qmax = 2 * Q /(3 * Bx * (By/2 - ex)) = - kN/m2
qmax = Pu / A + Mux / W x + Muy / W y + q = 154.921 kN/m2
qmax = 154.92
qmax < qa → SAFE (OK)
The minimum pressure that occurs at the base of the foundation:
qmin = Pu / A - Mux / W x - Muy / W y + q = 50.244 kN/m2
qmin = 0.000 kN/m2
qmin = 50.24 kN/m2
qmin > 0 → NOT TENSION (OK)



Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.169 m
Distance fields critical to the outside of the foot plate, ax = ( Bx - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.516 m
Soil pressure at the critical field shear direction x,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 118.929 kN/m2
Shear direction x, Vux = [ qx + ( qmax - qx ) / 2 - q ] * ax * By = 85.341 kN
The width of the shear field to review the direction of x, b = By = 1500 mm
Footplat effective thickness, d= 169 mm
The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, b c = bx / by = 1.0000
Shear strength foot plate x direction, taken the smallest value of Vc obtained from the following equation
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 579.123 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10 =
626.740 kN
Vc = 1 / 6 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 193.041 kN
Taken, shear strength foot plate, → Vc = 193.041 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Shear strength foot plate, f * Vc = 154.433 kN
Conditions to be met,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
154.433 > 85.341 → SAFE (OK)


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Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.169 m
Distance fields critical to the outside of the foot plate, ay = ( By - by - d ) / 2 = 0.516 m
Soil pressure at the critical field shear direction y,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 118.929 kN/m2
Shear direction y, Vuy = [ qy + ( qmax - qy ) / 2 - q ] * ay * Bx = 85.341 kN
The width of the shear field to review the direction of y, b = Bx = 1500 mm

Footplat effective thickness, d= 169 mm

The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, b c = bx / by = 1.0000
Shear strength foot plate y direction, taken the smallest value of Vc obtained from the following equation
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 579.123 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 626.740 kN
Vc = 1 / 6 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 193.041 kN
Taken, shear strength foot plate, → Vc = 193.041 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.95
Shear strength foot plate, f * Vc = 183.389 kN
Conditions to be met,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
183.389 > 85.341 → SAFE (OK)


Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.17 m
The width of the shear field puncher x direction, c x = bx + 2 * d = 0.469 m
The width of the shear field pons y direction, c y = by + 2 * d = 0.469 m
Punch shear forces that occur,
Vup = ( Bx * By - cx * cy ) * [ ( qmax + qmin ) / 2 - q ] = 154.257 kN
Wider field sliding punch, Ap = 2 * ( cx + cy ) * d = 0.316 m2
The width of the shear field pons, bp = 2 * ( cx + cy ) = 1.874 m

The ratio of the long side of an eye. the short side of the column, b c = bx / by = 1.0000
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Punch shear stress, taken the smallest value of Vcp is obtained from the following equation:
Vcp = [ 1 + 2 / b c ] * √ fc' / 6 = 2.291 MPa
Vcp = [ as * d / bp + 2 ] * √ fc' / 12 = 2.137 MPa
Vcp = 1 / 3 * √ fc' = 1.528 MPa
The shear stress required pons, Vcp = 1.528 MPa
Punch shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.85
Punch shear strength, f * Vnp = f * Ap * Vcp * 103 = 409.99 kN
Terms: f * Vnp ≥ Vup
409.993 > 154.257 → SAFE (OK)
f * Vnp ≥ Pu
409.993 > 170.932 → SAFE (OK)



Distance beyond the edge of the column to the foot plate, ax = ( Bx - bx ) / 2 = 0.600 m
Soil pressure at the edge of the column,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 113.050 kN/m2

Moments that occur in the foundation plate due to soil pressure

Mux = 1/2 * ax2 * [ qx + 2/3 * ( qmax - qx ) - q ] * By = 30.875 kNm

The width of the foundation plate under review, b = By = 1500 mm

Foundation plate thickness, h= 250 mm
Distance center reinforcement thd. the outside of the concrete, d' = 81.5 mm
Effective plate thickness, d = h - d' = 169 mm
Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 21 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Concrete stress distribution factor, b1 = 0.85
rb = b 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.02357809
Flexural strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 5.564
Mn = Mux / f = 38.594 kNm
Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.90620
Rn < Rmax → (OK)
Required reinforcement ratio,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 -  {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0024
The minimum reinforcement ratio, rmin = 0.0035
Reinforcement ratio used, → r aktual = 0.0035
The area of ​reinforcement is required, As = raktual * b * d = 884.63 mm2

Diameter of reinforcement is used, D 13 mm

Distance reinforcement is required, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / As = 225 mm
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Maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Distance reinforcement is used, → s= 200 mm
Used reinforcement, D 13 - 150
The area of ​reinforcement used, As = p / 4 * D2 * b / s = 1327.32 mm2


Distance beyond the edge of the column to the foot plate, ay = ( By - by ) / 2 = 0.600 m
Soil pressure at the edge of the column,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 113.050 kN/m2

Moments that occur in the foundation plate due to soil pressure

Muy = 1/2 * ay2 * [ qy + 2/3 * ( qmax - qy ) - q ] * Bx = 30.875 kNm
The width of the foundation plate under review, b = Bx = 1500 mm
Foundation plate thickness, h= 250 mm
Distance center reinforcement thd. the outside of the concrete, d' = 82 mm
Effective plate thickness, d = h - d' = 169 mm
Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 21 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Concrete stress distribution factor, b1 = 0.85
rb = b 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.02357809
Flexural strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 5.564
Mn = Muy / f = 38.594 kNm
Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.90620
Rn < Rmax → (OK)
Required reinforcement ratio,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 -  {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0024
The minimum reinforcement ratio, rmin = 0.0035
Reinforcement ratio used, → r aktual = 0.0035

The area of ​reinforcement is required, As = raktual * b * d = 884.63 mm2

Diameter of reinforcement is used, D 13 mm

Distance reinforcement is required, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / As = 225 mm
Maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Distance reinforcement is used, → s= 200 mm
Used reinforcement, D 13 - 150
The area of ​reinforcement used, As = p / 4 * D2 * b / s = 1327.32 mm2

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Minimum shrinkage reinforcement ratio, rsmin = 0.0018

Shrinkage reinforcement wide x direction, Asx = rsmin* d * Bx = 454.950 mm2
Extensive shrinkage reinforcement y direction, Asy = rsmin* d * By = 454.950 mm2

Diameter of reinforcement is used, D 13 mm

Distance reinforcement shrinkage direction x, sx = p / 4 * 2 * By / Asx = 438 mm

Shrinkage reinforcement maximum distance x direction, sx,max = 200 mm
Distance x direction shrinkage reinforcement is used, → sx = 200 mm
Shrinkage reinforcement distance y direction, sy = p / 4 * 2 * Bx / Asy = 438 mm
The maximum shrinkage reinforcement distance y direction, sy,max = 200 mm
Distance y direction shrinkage reinforcement is used, → sy = 200 mm
Used shrinkage reinforcement direction x, D 13 - 200
Used shrinkage reinforcement y direction, D 13 - 200

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