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 Why does your child wish to study at this institution in Finland?

Because I know Finland is the country with the best education in the world.
Furthermore, I learned that tuition fees in Finland are very suitable for my family's
conditions. Savonlinnan lyseon lukio is the first school my child chose to enroll
in because Savonlinnan lyseon lukio has a good learning environment, support
services for international students, the school's facilities are very spacious, and
the distance from accommodation to near school. Therefore Savonlinnan lyseon
lukio was among the top choices. The interview with the school went well, and
my child was accepted.
 Does your child have relatives, friends, or other connections in the city
where they will be studying?
No, we do not have any relatives or friends in Finland. But my child will try to
make friends there and he will be living near those friends in the
accommodation area.
 Where and with whom will your child live while studying in Finland?
My child stays in a student-only apartment which will be provided by
Savonlinnan lyseon lukio. The apartment is within walking distance to schools
and all services. The apartment is used by students all year round, including
during school holidays.
 Has your child lived alone without guardians before?
My child has lived with his parents since childhood but sometimes my child
stays home alone for a few days when the whole family goes back to the
countryside or somewhere else.
 Who will take care of your child while they are in Finland?
While my child is studying in Finland, Savonlinnan lyseon lukio will assign a
teacher and principal to manage and support my child during his studies at
school. In addition, there are two academic advisors from Savonlinnan lyseon
lukio who serve as advisors for international students (documents from
Savonlinnan lyseon lukio are attached). And of course my child will take care
of himself; Furthermore, my family and everyone will also support him.

 Does your child spend school holidays in Finland? If yes, where will they
live during their school holidays?
During their school holidays my child will just rest at his residence or he can go
sightseeing and participate in the city's community events, go to another city to
have fun and make friends.
 Has your child visited Finland before? If yes, how many times, when and
No, he hasn’t.
 Does your child speak Finnish or Swedish?
Yes, my child can speak Finnish, he got a B1.1 certificate from Finest Future. But
he cannot speak Swedish.
 In what language will your child study in Finland?
My child will study Finnish in Finland.
 How will you keep in touch with your child while he is in Finland?
We will keep in touch by social networking applications.
 Who covers your child’s living expenses while she is in Finland? How will the
expenses be covered?
Me and my husband are his parents, and we will pay for his living expenses
because we have the income and a savings account. We will bank transfer money
for my child every month.
Hanoi, June 5th 2024
Bach’s mother

Hoang Thi Nguyet

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