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1. Find a vector with initial point at A(2,3) and terminal point at B(5,4).

2. Determine whether the given pair of vectors is parallel: a=⟨2,1⟩ and b=⟨−4 ,−2⟩ .
3. Find a vector with magnitude 3 and in the same direction as v=3 i+4 j

4. Find a unit vector in the same direction as ⟨4 ,−3⟩ and write ⟨4 ,−3⟩ in polar form.
5. Find a vector with r=4 , θ=π /4 .

6. Find unit vector of a=5⟨cos1200 ,sin 1200 ⟩ . Hence, justify that the answer is a unit
vector to a.

7. Find two unit vectors parallel to ⟨3,1,2⟩ .

8. Use vectors to determine whether the points (0, 1, 1), (2, 4, 2) and (3, 1, 4) form an
equilateral triangle.
9. Use vectors and Pythagorean Theorem to determine whether the points (1, -2, 1),
(4, 3, 2) and (7, 1, 3) form a right triangle.

10. Check whether a=⟨2,−1⟩ and b=⟨2, 4⟩ are orthogonal.

11. Find a three dimensional vector perpendicular to p=⟨2,−1,0⟩ and find a vector of the

form ⟨a,2,−3⟩ that is perpendicular to p.

12. Given three vectors p = i + j -2k, q = -i + 2j + 3k and r = 5i + 8k. Find the values of m
and n so that the vector (r - mp - nq) orthogonal to both p and q.

13. Find compba and projba if a=⟨2,1⟩ , b=⟨3,4⟩

14. If a=⟨2,1⟩ , find b such that (a) compba = 1, (b) compba = -1.
→ →
15. Given three points A(-1,1,5), B (2,-1,7) and C(3,-2,4). Let u=AB and v=BC , find

16. Compute a x b if a=⟨1,2,−1⟩ and b=⟨1,0,2⟩

17. Find unit vector orthogonal to a=⟨1,0,4⟩ and b=⟨1,−4 ,2⟩ .

18. Find the distance from Q (1, 2, 0) to the line passing through (0, 1, 2) and (3, 1, 1).

19. Use the cross product to determine the angle θ between a=⟨1,0,4⟩ and b=⟨2,0,1⟩
0≤θ≤ .
assuming that 2

20. Check whether the three vectors a=⟨1,−1,4⟩ , b=⟨−2,3,1⟩ and c=⟨2,2,1⟩ are coplanar.

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