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Three-dimensional Evaluation of the

Carriere Motion 3D Appliance in the
treatment of Class II malocclusion
Elizabeth V. Biggs,a,b Erika Benavides,c James A. McNamara, Jr,a Lucia H. S. Cevidanes,a Flavio Copello,d,e
Ronald R. Lints,f Joel P. Lints,f and Antonio C. O. Ruellasa,d
Ann Arbor, Novi, and Traverse City, Mich, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Baltimore, Md

Introduction: This study aimed to quantify the outcomes of adolescent patients with Class II malocclusion
treated with the Carriere Motion 3D Appliance (CMA) combined with full fixed appliances. Methods: Cone-
beam computed tomography scans of 22 patients were available before orthodontic treatment (T1), at removal
of the CMA (T2), and posttreatment (T3). The average age of the patients was 13.5 6 1.6 years at T1, 14.1 6 0.2
years at T2, and 15.6 6 0.5 years at T3. The 3-dimensional image analysis procedures were performed using
ITK-SNAP (version 3.6.0;, Hatfield, Pa) and SlicerCMF (version 4.11.0;,
Cambridge, Mass); skeletal and dentoalveolar changes relative to cranial base, maxillary, and mandibular
regional superimpositions were evaluated. Results: Changes were analyzed with 1 sample t tests using the
mean differences during the CMA phase (T1 to T2) and total treatment time (T1 to T3). Significant skeletal
changes included a slight reduction of ANB from T1 to T3, mandibular growth (Co-Gn increment of 1.2 mm
and 3.3 mm from T1 to T2 and T1 to T3, respectively), inferior displacement of point A, and anterior and inferior
displacement of point B. The mandibular plane did not change significantly during treatment. During the CMA
treatment, posterior tipping and distal rotation of the maxillary molars, tip back and inferior displacement of
the maxillary canines, significant mesial rotation, and superior displacement of the mandibular molars were
observed. These movements rebounded during the full fixed appliance phase except for the molar and canine
vertical displacements. Clinically significant dental changes during treatment included a reduction in overjet and
overbite, Class II correction of the molar and canine relationship, and proclination of the mandibular incisors.
Conclusions: The CMA is an effective treatment modality for Class II correction in growing patients because
of a combination of mesial movement of the mandibular molar, distal rotation of the maxillary molar, and anterior
displacement of the mandible. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2023;164:824-36)

orrecting Class II malocclusion is a common goal population.1-4 Many options are available when
during routine orthodontic treatment, with these selecting a treatment modality, and the decision
patients comprising 20%-25% of the worldwide should be individualized on the basis of all aspects of
the patient. The Carriere Motion 3D Class II Correction
Appliance (CMA) is an appliance5 developed by Dr Luis
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Uni- Carriere of Barcelona, Spain, in 2004. Potential benefits
versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
b of using this appliance include obtaining the sagittal
Private practice, Novi, Mich.
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University correction first in patients presenting with Class II mal-
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. occlusions, a more esthetic treatment option with no ap-
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de
pliances obstructing the incisors, and the ability to use
Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Uni- full fixed appliances or clear aligners following the use
versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. of the CMA.5-9
Private practice, Traverse City, Mich.
Although recent research6-9 has shown it to be an
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. effective treatment option, some aspects of this
Address correspondence to: Antonio C.O. Ruellas, Department of Orthodontics appliance’s mechanism of action have not been
and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, 1011 North
investigated thoroughly. A technological advancement
University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078; e-mail,
Submitted, November 2021; revised and accepted, May 2023. incorporated into this study is the use of digital dental
0889-5406/$36.00 models and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Ó 2023 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
3-dimensional (3D) superimpositions relative to the

Biggs et al 825

cranial base, as well as regional maxilla and mandible for of Dentistry. The following inclusion criteria were
comprehensive and precise quantification of skeletal and used: bilateral Class II dental relationship (Division 1 or
dental changes10-16 compared with previous studies on 2); SN-GoGn measurements \35 ; no orthodontic or
this treatment modality using conventional 2- orthopedic treatment before the initial timepoint;
dimensional (2D)5,6,8,17 or 3D cephalometry.7,9 Recent growing patients; comprehensive, nonsurgical, nonex-
studies have been published on this topic evaluating traction treatment was completed with a CMA appliance
the effects of this device using 3D radiographic examina- used in the initial phase of treatment; no obvious cranio-
tions10,17 and superimposition of 3D models combined facial asymmetries; and no crossbites present at the
with cephalometric x-rays.11 So far, no record of a study initial time point.
has evaluated dental effects in digital dental models The CMA consisted of rigid stainless-steel or acrylic
through superimposition combined with 3D image su- bars bonded to the maxillary canines and first molars
perimposition from CBCT scans. Therefore, this study bilaterally. Elastics were worn in a Class II pattern,
also aims to investigate such measures, including maxil- from hooks on the maxillary canine to attachments on
lary and mandibular molar rotation, to evaluate the skel- the mandibular first or second molar.5 An invisible
etal and dental effects of the CMA. retainer or mandibular lingual holding arch anchors
Specifically, the results of this study may allow clini- the mandibular dentition. The elastics protocol for the
cians to make informed decisions on which patients will CMA appliance was: Force 1 elastics protocol (Henry
be best suited for using the CMA appliance in treating Schein Orthodontics) that generated about 375 g of
Class II malocclusion in adolescent patients. force12 that were used during the first month, then Force
2 elastics that generated about 540 g of force after that.5
MATERIAL AND METHODS The average age of the patients at the initial time
point was 13.5 6 1.6 years at T1, 14.1 6 0.2 years at
This study obtained the Institutional Review Board
T2, and 15.6 6 0.5 years at T3. The average treatment
approval at the University of Michigan and received
time with CMA (from T1 to T2) was 7.3 6 2.4 months
notice of determination of “Not Regulated” status
of age, and the total time until the completion of fixed
(HUM00168734). A single treating clinician’s office pro-
appliances treatment (from T1 to T3) was 26 6 6.8
vided blinded records of 28 patients. A different single
months. One patient was in the late mixed dentition at
clinician observer analyzed all datasets. Six patients
were excluded from the sample for $1 of the following T1 but was in the permanent dentition at T2. All other
patients were in permanent dentition at the beginning
reasons: missing intraoral scan data from $ 1-time
of treatment. The sample consisted of 7 adolescent
point; duration of treatment with the CMA appliance
males and 15 adolescent females. During the analysis
(Henry Schein Orthodontics, Carlsbad, Calif) exceeded
of treatment outcomes, sex, race, and ethnicity were
12 months; technical issues with CBCT scan data, mak-
not considered separately.
ing analysis of treatment impossible. The research sam-
CBCT scans were taken for diagnostic and clinical
ple consisted of 22 growing patients with Class II
purposes for all subjects, using an iCat unit (Imaging Sci-
malocclusion treated consecutively with the CMA and
full fixed orthodontic appliances. All patients presented ences International, Hatfield, Pa), with a 8.9-second
scan time, 120 kVp, 5 mA, a field of view of 23 3 17
cervical vertebra maturation stage 3 or 4 at baseline. The
cm, and a voxel size of 0.3 mm3. The CBCT data were
sample of 22 CBCT scans and 22 stereolithography in-
analyzed by a 3D cranial base, maxillary and mandibular
traoral scans (IOS) was taken at an initial time point
superimpositions. The 3D image analysis procedures
(T1), an intermediate time point coinciding with the
were performed using open-source software ITK-SNAP
removal of the CMA (T2), and an immediate posttreat-
(version 3.6.0,, Hatfield, Pa) and Sli-
ment time point (T3). Thus, 66 CBCT scans and 66 ster-
cerCMF (version 4.11.0;, Cam-
eolithography files were available for study.
The sample size of 22 patients was based on an a of bridge, Mass). Original deidentified digital imaging and
communications in medicine files were analyzed
0.05, using the measured difference (mean and standard
through the following previously validated steps:
deviation) in the rotation of the maxillary first molar
from T1 to T2 shown in Table I allows for an estimated 1. Head orientation of T1: 3D planes were used as a
power of 0.89 in this study. reference to standardize and reproduce the head
All patients were treated at the office of Dr Ronald R. orientation across all patients accurately13 as fol-
Lints in Traverse City, Michigan. These blinded data are lows: (1) Frankfort horizontal plane (FHP) to match
now stored at the Dental and Craniofacial Bionetwork the axial plane, and (2) midsagittal plane to match
for Image Analysis, The University of Michigan School the sagittal plane. After matching these planes, the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6
826 Biggs et al

Table I. Maxillary dentoalveolar measurements from T1 to T2 and T1 to T3

T1 to T2 T1 to T3

Variables Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI

U6 rotation 5.1 64.2 \0.001* 6.4 to 3.8 3.5 6 5.5 \0.001* 5.2 to 1.8
U6 movement AP, mm 0.9 6 1.0 \0.001* 1.2 to 0.6 0.4 6 1.1 0.009* 0.1-0.8
U6 movement SI, mm 0.0 6 0.6 0.634 0.2 to 0.2 0.7 6 1.0 \0.001* 0.4-1.0
U6 angulation 2.8 6 3.8 \0.001* 3.9 to 1.6 0.9 6 3.7 0.117 0.2 to 2.0
U3 movement AP, mm 1.4 6 1.2 \0.001* 1.8 to 1.0 0.1 6 1.3 0.397 0.2 to 0.5
U3 movement SI, mm 1.5 6 0.8 \0.001* 1.3-1.8 1.1 6 1.3 \0.001* 0.8-1.5
U3 angulation 4.8 6 3.8 \0.001* 6.0 to 3.7 0.2 6 4.1 0.77 1.1 to 1.4
U1 inclination 2.1 6 2.1 \0.001* 1.1-3.0 7.2 6 6.5 \0.001* 4.2-10.0
Note. Registration was performed using the maxilla as a reference. Positive values indicate mesial rotation, mesial movement, extrusion, and pro-
clination. Negative values indicate distal rotation, distal movement, intrusion, and retroclination. Data were analyzed with 1-way t tests.
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval; SI, superoinferior; AP, anteroposterior; 3D, Euclidean distance.
*Statistically significant at P \0.01.

scan was moved to have the FHP pass through and T1 were measured for cranial base, maxillary
point A. and mandibular registrations.
2. Use manual cranial base approximations to 9. Generate semitransparent overlays for visualiza-
approximate T2 to T1 and T3 to T1. tion and qualitative assessment.
3. Construction of segmentations (3D volumetric la- 10. Repeat landmark placement and measurements in
bel maps) was performed for the oriented T1, 3D Slicer for 20% of the sample to measure intra-
approximated to T2 and T3 scans. Separate cranial rater repeatability.
base, maxilla, and mandible segmentations were
created for each time point. Statistical analysis
4. Place landmarks (prelabeling)14 on the segmenta-
tions of each time point (Table II). The intraclass correlation coefficient was used to test
5. Voxel-based registrations were performed for T2  the intrarater repeatability using a 2-way mixed-effects
T1 and T3  T1 superimpositions using 3 refer- model. Treatment effects were evaluated using a
ences: the cranial base registration (surface of 1-sample t test focused on the changes occurring
the anterior cranial base),15 maxillary registration between T1 and T2 and T1 and T3 time points. Statisti-
(maxillary region of reference),14 and mandibular cal significance was defined using a P value of 0.05.
registration (mandibular body region of refer- SPSS software (version 16.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill)
ence).16 was used for the statistical analysis.
6. Generation of 3D surface models (visualization
toolkit files) using the 3D Slicer software model RESULTS
maker tool. For the intrarater reliability, a value of 0.97 was
7. Approximation and registration of IOS digital calculated on the basis of the 95% confidence interval
models (DM) over the analogous maxilla and of the intraclass correlation coefficient estimate, indi-
mandible visualization toolkit models.18 For cating excellent reliability.19
approximation, landmarks were placed on the first Using the models generated and superimposed in the
molar, the first premolar, and the canine on the 3D slicer software, measurements were completed and
right and left sides of CBCT and digital models. organized on the basis of whether the models were regis-
Then for registration, landmarks were placed in tered using the cranial base, maxilla, or mandible.
the middle of the buccal surface of all teeth on Although many of the measured variables showed statis-
the CBCT model and the approximated DM. tical significance, some differences were not clinically
8. Quantitative skeletal and dental change assess- relevant. The difference between dental movements on
ments were made using Q3DC in 3D Slicer. Skeletal the right and left sides was statistically insignificant, so
and root apices landmarks were labeled in Slicer they were combined and reported as 1 number.
over previously prelabeled landmarks. Dental land- Skeletal changes during treatment were measured on
marks were placed on registered IOS digital model the basis of models registered using the cranial base
files. Then, differences between T2 and T1 and T3 (Tables III-VI). A statistically significant skeletal change

December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Biggs et al 827

Table II. Definition of landmarks Table II. Continued

Landmark Definition Landmark Definition

Cranial base Menton (Me) Most inferior point on the
Sella (S) 3D center of sella turcica mandibular symphysis along
Nasion (N) The most anterior and central the midline transversely
point of the frontonasal suture Gnathion (Gn) The most anteroinferior midline
Maxilla point on the mandibular
A-point (A) The point of maximum concavity symphysis located midway
near the midline of the anterior between pogonion and menton
maxilla Condylion (Co) Two points are placed (right and
Anterior nasal spine (ANS) Most anterior point of the anterior left) on the most superior point
nasal spine, centered at the of the condyle. Midpoint is
midline transversely taken between the right and
Posterior nasal spine (PNS) Most posterior point of the left sides
posterior nasal spine, centered Tip mesiobuccal cusp Most occlusal point of the
at the midline transversely mandibular molar (tLR6/ mesiobuccal cusp of the
Tip mesiobuccal cusp Most occlusal point of the tLL6 or tLR7/tLL7) mandibular first or second
maxillary first molar mesiobuccal cusp of the molar (whichever molar was
(tmUR6/tmUL6) maxillary right and left first used for attachment of Class II
molarsy elastics)y
Tip distobuccal cusp maxillary Most occlusal point of the Tip distobuccal cusp Most occlusal point of the
first molar (tdUR6/tdUL6) distobuccal cusp of the mandibular molar (tLR6/ distobuccal cusp of the
maxillary right and left first tLL6 or tLR7/tLL7) mandibular first or second
molarsy molar (whichever molar was
Apex mesiobuccal root Most apical point of the used for attachment of Class II
maxillary first molar (aUL6/ mesiobuccal root of the elastics)y
aUR6) maxillary right and left first Apex mesial root mandibular Most apical point of the mesial
molars molar (aLR6/aLL6 or aLR7/ root of the mandibular first or
Tip cusp maxillary canines Most occlusal point at the cusp of aLL7) second molar (whichever molar
(tUR3/tUL3) the maxillary right and left was used for attachment of
caninesy Class II elastics)
Apex root maxillary canines Most apical point of the root of Buccal groove of the Center of the buccal groove on the
(aUR3/aUL3) the maxillary right and left mandibular first molar mandibular first molary
canines (bgLR6/bgLL6)
Incisal edge maxillary incisor The middle of the incisal edge of Distal contact point of the The most distal point on the distal
(tU1) the most proclined maxillary mandibular cusp (dCpLR3/ surface of the mandibular cusp
central incisor. If similar dCpLL3) (distal interproximal contact
proclination, the maxillary right point)y
central incisor was usedy Incisal edge mandibular The middle of the incisal edge of
Apex root Maxillary Incisor The most apical point of the root incisor (tL1) the most proclined mandibular
(aU1) of the most proclined maxillary central incisor. If similar
incisor. If similar proclination, proclination, the mandibular
the maxillary right central right central incisor was usedy
incisor was used Apex root mandibular incisor The most apical point of the root
Mandible (aL1) of the most proclined
B-Point (B) The point of maximum concavity mandibular central incisor. If
near the midline of the anterior similar proclination, the
mandible mandibular right central incisor
Pogonion (Pog) The most anterior point at the was used
midline of the mandibular
symphysis Landmarks that were placed on the surface of IOS models.
Gonion (Go) Two points are placed (right and
left) on the curvature of the in the sagittal dimension from T1 to T3 was shown by a
angle of the mandible. Located reduction in ANB of 0.6 . An increase in the lower
by bisecting the angle formed
anterior facial height also occurred during treatment,
by the posterior ramus and the
inferior border of the mandible. as evidenced by an increase in the superior-inferior
Midpoint is taken between the (SI) and 3D measurements of ANS-Me from T1 to T2
right and left sides (SI, 1.3 mm; 3D, 1.2 mm) and T1 to T3 (SI, 2.5 mm;

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6
828 Biggs et al

The maxillary first molar also was distalized (0.9

Table III. Descriptive statistics for skeletal angular
mm), tipped back (2.8 ) during CMA treatment, and
displaced slightly vertically (0.7 mm to occlusal direc-
Variables T1 T2 T3 tion) during treatment with full fixed appliances. The
SNA 82.0 6 4.3 81.8 6 4.3 81.7 6 4.4 maxillary canine displayed significant distalization
SNB 78.3 6 4.2 78.1 6 4.0 78.3 6 4.3 (1.4 mm) and tip back (4.8 ) from T1 to T2; these
ANB 4.1 6 1.5 3.9 6 1.5 3.5 6 1.4
changes rebounded from T2 to T3, however, and were
SNGoGn 27.9 6 3.3 28 6 3.1 27.9 6 3.4
no longer significant at the final time point (AP: T1
Note. Values are presented as mean 6 standard deviation. Registra-
to T3, 0.1 mm; angulation: T1 to T3, 0.2 ). The maxil-
tion was performed using the cranial base as a reference.
lary canine tip was displaced vertically during treatment
with the CMA (1.5 mm to occlusal direction);
3D, 2.3 mm). Mandibular growth also occurred this change was largely maintained throughout treat-
throughout treatment, with Co-Gn increasing from T1 ment. The maxillary central incisor was proclined
to T2 (1.2 mm) and T1 to T3 (3.3 mm). Point A had sta- slightly during the initial phase (2.1 ) and more sub-
tistically significant changes inferiorly (T1 to T2, 0.7 stantially proclined during the final phase of treatment
mm; T1 to T3, 1.7 mm) and 3D (T1 to T2: 0.9 mm, T1 (T1 to T3, 7.2 ).
to T3: 1.8 mm). Finally, the models were registered regionally on the
Point B and pogonion were both displaced anteriorly mandible to evaluate mandibular dentoalveolar changes
and inferiorly throughout treatment. Point B moved (Table VII). During treatment with the CMA from T1 to
inferiorly 2.0 mm from T1 to T2 and 2.7 mm from T1 T2, the mandibular molar to which the Class II elastic
to T3. Point B did not move significantly forward during was attached was rotated mesially significantly (8.3 ),
the initial phase of treatment but moved 0.8 mm anteri- but this rotation was reversed during the second phase
orly from T1 to T3. Similarly, pogonion was displaced 1.8 of treatment. The mandibular molar also moved mesially
mm inferiorly during CMA treatment, resulting in a total (1.1 mm) and occlusally (0.6 mm) from T1 to T2. The
of 3.7 mm from T1 to T3. Pogonion did not have a sig- sagittal movement was maintained, whereas the molar
nificant sagittal change in the initial phase but moved continued to move occlusally during treatment with
anteriorly 1.1 mm from T1 to T3. SNA, SNB, and full fixed appliances (T1 to T3, 1.4 mm). There were no
SNGoGn had no statistically significant changes during significant angulation changes to the mandibular molar
the study period. during treatment. The mandibular incisor was proclined
The models registered relative to the cranial base also 3.7 on average from T1 to T2 and was proclined
evaluated dental changes and occlusal relationships approximately 8 overall from T1 to T3.
(Tables IV and V). There was a statistically significant
reduction in overjet during the initial (T1 to T2, 0.9
mm) and final phase (T1 to T3, 1.4 mm) of treatment.
Overbite was also significantly reduced with the Carriere This is the first study to use both digital dental
appliance (T1 to T2, 1.7 mm). Further reduction in models and CBCT scans, as well as cranial base and
overbite occurred during treatment with full fixed appli- regional superimpositions, to comprehensively quantify
ances, with an overall reduction of 2.5 mm. Class II the skeletal and dental effects of the CMA in growing pa-
correction in the molar relationship improved by 2.7 tients with Class II malocclusions (Fig 1). Treatment
mm during the initial phase of treatment, but this changes that occurred from T1 to T2 were a combination
change was reduced to 1.6 mm of Class II correction of CMA use and growth during this timeframe. Changes
by the end of fixed appliance treatment. Similarly, the seen from T1 to T3 represent overall changes after treat-
canine relationship had 3.0 mm of Class II correction ment with the CMA and full fixed appliances.
from T1 to T2 but only 2.3 mm from T1 to T3. Treatment changes seen during this study were
The analyses of the maxillary dentoalveolar move- compared with previous studies focused on the CMA
ments were performed using models registered regionally or other Class II correctors and the changes seen in un-
on the maxilla (Table I). The maxillary first molar showed treated, growing patients with a Class II malocclusion.
statistically significant distal rotation during treatment, However, it should be noted that most previous studies
with the most obvious change occurring during the that focused on the dentoalveolar and skeletal effects
CMA phase of treatment (5.1 ). Some of this distal rota- of Class II correction appliances, including the CMA,
tion was lost during the full fixed appliance (FFA) phase of used 2D imaging. In these investigations, millimetric
treatment, making the overall average reduced slightly and angular changes cannot be compared directly to
(3.5 ). those derived from 3D imaging.

December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Biggs et al 829

Table IV. Skeletal angular measurements at T1, T2, and T3

T1 to T2 T1 to T3

Variables Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI

SNA 0.3 6 0.8 0.159 0.6 to 0.1 0.4 6 0.8 0.051 0.8 to 0.0
SNB 0.3 6 1.3 0.305 0.8 to 0.3 0.0 6 1.5 0.925 0.7 to 0.6
ANB 0.3 6 0.6 0.072 0.5 to 0.0 0.6 6 0.6 \0.001* 0.9 to 0.3
SNGoGn 0.1 6 0.9 0.671 0.3 to 0.5 0.0 6 1.0 0.834 0.5 to 0.4
Note. Data analyzed with 1-sample t test results. Registration was performed using the cranial base as a reference.
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval.
*Statistically significant at P \0.01.

Our sample had an average of 3.3 mm increase in the

Table V. Descriptive statistics for skeletal and occlusal mandibular length (Co-Gn) during treatment (T1 to T3).
relationship Previous 2D cephalometric analysis6 found that the in-
Variables T1 T2 T3 crease in the untreated controls for Co-Gn was approx-
ANS-Me SI, mm 55.5 6 4.2 56.8 6 4.2 58.0 6 4.3 imately 4.3 mm, whereas the group treated with the
ANS-Me 3D, mm 56.9 6 4.1 58.1 6 4.0 59.2 6 4.2 CMA had increases of 5.1 mm on average. They did
Co-Gn 3D, mm 103.3 6 7.1 104.6 6 7.1 106.6 6 6.7 not find the differences between the treated group and
Overjet AP, mm 3.7 6 1.4 2.8 6 1.3 2.3 6 0.5 the control group to be statistically significant.6 Both
Open bite SI, mm 4.8 6 1.0 3.1 6 1.4 2.3 6 0.5
Molar relationship AP, mm 2.5 6 1.4 0.5 6 1.2 0.9 6 0.8
measurements were greater than what was found in
Canine relationship AP, mm 5.3 6 1.4 2.3 6 1.7 3.0 6 0.8 the current sample.
The discrepancy in the magnitude of these changes
Note. Values are presented as mean 6 standard deviation. Registra-
may lie in the differences between 3D and 2D measure-
tion was performed using the cranial base as a reference.
Molar relationship, the anteroposterior distance from the tip of the ments. The growth of the mandible in the CMA sample is
mesiobuccal cusp of the U6 to the buccal groove of the L6; Canine likely responsible for the anterior and inferior displace-
relationship, the anteroposterior distance, in mm, from the tip of the ment of Point B and pogonion. In the vertical dimension,
U3 to the most distal point on the distal surface of L3; SI, superoin- an increase in the lower anterior face height occurred
ferior; AP, anteroposterior; 3D, Euclidean distance.
during both phases of treatment; however, there was
no significant change in the mandibular plane angle.
Based on the measurements using the cranial base as These findings reinforce the trends seen in 2D
a reference, there was largely no sagittal change seen in studies.6 Kim-Berman et al6 found that the increase in
the maxillomandibular relationship (ANB angle) during lower anterior face height with the CMA was almost
the initial phase of treatment with the CMA (T1 to T2) double that found in untreated controls but less than
in this sample. Similar results have been published by that in patients treated with full fixed appliances and
Fouda et al,17 Luca et al,10 and Schimd-Herrmann Class II elastics.20,21 Equivalent increases have been
et al,11 respectively (change, 0.24 6 0.92 on ANB17; observed using a Herbst or Forsus appliance.22-24
0.8 of ANB reduction10; 0.71 of ANB reduction11). Alternatively, Yin et al8 found the increase in the vertical
However, there was a significant difference in the ANB dimension to be greater with the CMA than when Class II
angle from the initial time point to treatment comple- elastics or the Forsus appliance was used.
tion (T1 to T3). This change is likely because of mandib- Our more clinically important finding in the sagittal
ular growth (mandibular length increment) seen dimension was the anterior displacement of the
throughout treatment (Fig 2). mandible because of Co-Gn increment (1.2 6 1.0 mm
These findings differ in some respects from some pre- from T1 to T2; 3.3 6 1.3 mm from T1 to T3), particularly
vious studies on the CMA. Kim-Berman et al6 reported from T2 to T3 (FFA phase). ANB angle decreased 0.3 6
restriction of maxillary growth at point A during the 0.6 from T1 to T2 and 0.6 6 0.6 from T1 to T3. Our
CMA phase of treatment and reported a reduction in results for CMA can be compared with other Class II
the SNA angle and the ANB angle from T1 to T3. How- correction treatment modalities. Similar results with
ever, a more recent 3D study of the CMA by Wilson et al7 minimal skeletal effects in the sagittal dimension have
found no significant changes in SNA or SNB but did been demonstrated for Class II elastics (mandibular
report a slight reduction in ANB during the CMA phase growth exceeded maxillary growth by 1.1 mm)20 and
of treatment. the pendulum appliance (ANB reduction of 0.3 6

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6
830 Biggs et al

Table VI. Skeletal and occlusal relationship measurements from T1 to T2 and T1 to T3

T1 to T2 T1 to T3

Variables Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI

ANS-Me SI, mm 1.3 6 0.9 \0.001* 0.9-1.7 2.5 6 1.3 \0.001* 2.0-3.1
ANS-Me 3D, mm 1.2 6 1.0 \0.001* 0.8-1.6 2.3 6 1.3 \0.001* 1.7-2.9
Co-Gn 3D, mm 1.2 6 1.0 \0.001* 0.8-1.7 3.3 6 1.3 \0.001* 2.7-3.8
OJ AP, mm 0.9 6 0.7 \0.001* 1.2 to 0.6 1.4 6 1.1 \0.001* 1.9 to 0.9
OB SI, mm 1.7 6 0.8 \0.001* 2.0 to 1.3 2.5 61.1 \0.001* 3.0 to 2.0
Molar relationship, AP, mm 2.9 6 1.8 \0.001* 3.5 to 2.4 1.6 6 1.3 \0.001* 2.0 to 1.2
Canine relationship, AP, mm 3.0 6 1.9 \0.001* 3.6 to 2.4 2.3 6 1.9 \0.001* 3.6 to 2.4
A-A AP, mm 0.0 6 0.3 0.473 0.1 to 0.2 0.2 6 0.5 0.03 0.1-0.4
A-A SI, mm 0.7 6 0.7 \0.001* 0.4-1.0 1.7 6 0.8 \0.001* 1.3-2.1
A-A 3D, mm 0.9 6 0.6 \0.001* 0.6-1.2 1.8 6 0.8 \0.001* 1.5-2.2
B-B AP, mm 0.3 6 0.5 0.009* 0.1-0.6 0.8 6 0.7 \0.001* 0.5-1.1
B-B SI, mm 2.0 6 1.1 \0.001* 1.5-2.4 2.7 6 1.4 \0.001* 2.1-3.3
B-B 3D, mm 2.3 6 1.0 \0.001* 1.9-2.7 3.0 6 1.3 \0.001* 2.5-3.6
Pog-Pog AP, mm 0.3 6 0.6 0.025 0.0-0.6 1.1 6 0.8 \0.001* 0.8-1.5
Pog-Pog SI, mm 1.8 6 1.4 \0.001* 1.2-2.4 3.7 6 1.8 \0.001* 2.9-4.5
Pog-Pog 3D, mm 2.2 6 1.3 \0.001* 1.6-2.7 4.0 6 1.7 \0.001* 3.3-4.8
Note. Registration was performed using the cranial base as a reference. Positive values indicate inferior and distoclusion. Negative values indicate
superior and mesioclusion. Data were analyzed with 1-way t tests.
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval; Molar relationship, the anteroposterior distance from the tip of the mesiobuccal cusp of the U6 to
the buccal groove of the L6; Canine relationship, the anteroposterior distance, in mm, from the tip of the U3 to the most distal point on the distal
surface of L3; SI, superoinferior; AP, anteroposterior; 3D, Euclidean distance.
*Statistically significant at P \0.01.

Table VII. Mandibular dentoalveolar measurements from T1 to T2 and T1 to T3

T1 to T2 T1 to T3

Variables Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI Mean 6 SD P value 95% CI

Mandibular molar rotation 8.3 6 5.5 \0.001* 6.6-10 0.5 6 5.9 0.568 2.3 to 1.3
Mandibular molar movement AP, mm 1.1 6 0.9 \0.001* 0.8-1.4 1.2 6 1.0 \0.001* 0.9-1.5
Mandibular molar movement SI, mm 0.6 6 0.6 \0.001* 0.4-0.7 1.4 6 0.9 \0.001* 1.1-1.7
Mandibular molar angulation 1.5 6 3.3 0.005* 0.5-2.5 0.1 6 3.5 0.885 1.1 to 1.0
L1 inclination 3.7 6 2.1 \0.001* 2.8-4.7 8.1 6 5.9 \0.001* 5.5-10.7

Note. Registration was performed using the mandible as a reference. Positive values indicate mesial rotation, mesial movement, extrusion, mesial
crown tip, and proclination. Negative values indicate distal rotation, distal movement, intrusion, distal crown tip, and retroclination. Data were
analyzed with 1-way t tests.
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval; SI, superoinferior; AP, anteroposterior; 3D, Euclidean distance.
*Statistically significant at P \0.01.

0.9 ).22 The Forsus fatigue-resistant device showed a anterior mandible positioning (A-point moved posteri-
minimal skeletal change in some studies25 (ANB reduc- orly 1.22 mm and B-point moved anteriorly 2.62
tion of 0.9 , mandibular length increment of 1.3 mm).21 Two-dimensional evaluations showed restriction
mm24; ANB reduction of 0.8 , mandibular length incre- of the maxilla with anterior positioning and growth of
ment of 1.4 mm26; ANB reduction of 1.4 , mandibular the mandible30-32 when using mandibular anterior
length increment of 1.9 mm27), whereas others studies repositioning appliance (mandibular length increment
reported a significant mandibular skeletal change28,29 of 1.78 mm30; mandibular length increment of 0.94
(ANB reduction of 1.8 , mandibular length increment mm31) and Twin-block appliance (mandibular length
of 1.1 mm28; mandibular length increment of 1.62 increment of 1.47 mm31).
mm29). Three-dimensional evaluation of the Herbst When evaluating overall differences in the molar and
appliance also showed mild maxillary restriction and canine relationship, the CMA proved to be an effective

December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Biggs et al 831

Fig 1. DM produced from IOS show examples of the molar and canine occlusal relationship present at
T1, T2, and T3.

Fig 2. Cranial base superimposition: changes in the sagittal maxillomandibular relationship: A, T1 to

T2; B, T1 to T3. White, T1; blue, T2; red, T3.

Class II corrector during the first phase of treatment in the The changes observed in 2D studies reported results of a
current sample (Figs 1 and 2; Tables IV-VI). However, some similar magnitude.6,8 These changes are important for
of this correction was lost during the second treatment function and esthetics on completion of treatment for
phase. The 2D study of the CMA also found a similar patients with Class II malocclusions.
decrease in the amount of Class II correction during the The regional maxillary registration provided insight
second phase of treatment, but it was postulated that into dentoalveolar changes occurring in the maxilla dur-
some of this relapse may have been intentional because ing treatment for the current CMA sample (Table I).
of overcorrection of the Class II relationship with the Figure 3 shows the changes to the maxillary molar and
CMA.6 Indeed, some of the patients in our sample were canine during the CMA phase of treatment. Although
corrected past Class I occlusion into a Class III tendency, statistically significant, the amount of distalization of
which rebounded during treatment with fixed appliances. the maxillary first molars from T1 to T2 was modest at
In our sample, maxillary molar and canine distal movement 0.9 mm, and the change was no longer statistically sig-
relapse were likely allowed because of the larger mandib- nificant by the time treatment with fixed appliances was
ular growth from T2 to T3, avoiding a Class III molar completed.
relationship at T3. In addition, the rebound would result When the CMA was first introduced, it was thought to
in the proper mesial, distal inclination of the maxillary act through distalization of the maxillary dentition, but
molar and canine at the end of treatment. it has since been found that this is not the main mech-
Overbite and overjet significantly decreased because anism at play, and the results of this study confirm this
of treatment with the CMA in our sample and displayed observation. Throughout the subjects, there also was
further reductions during the FFA phase. Previous distal tipping of the maxillary first molar that reverted
studies of the CMA using CBCT imaging reported an by the end of treatment. Janakiraman et al33 reported
average of 2 mm of reduction in overbite and overjet.7-9 in 2016 that tip-back mechanics are not an effective

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6
832 Biggs et al

Derotation of the molars is needed for proper Class I

intercuspation and Class I premolar articulation because
the maxillary first molar is trapezoidal and occupies
differing amounts of arch length depending on the
orientation. Braun et al36 reported that, although maxil-
lary molar derotation alone is insufficient for complete
correction of a Class II malocclusion, in combination
with other factors such as growth, derotation can
contribute to an idealized Class I occlusion.
This sample, treated with the CMA, experienced
mandibular growth and molar derotation during treat-
ment. In combination, these 2 treatment effects likely
contributed greatly to the Class II correction in these pa-
tients. McDonald et al37 studied the effect of molar rota-
tion on arch length using straight-pull headgear for Class
II correction. The derotation of the maxillary molar
Fig 3. Lateral view of maxillary regional superimposition contributed about 1 mm per side of arch length on
(T1 to T2) with overlaid IOS DM displaying dentoalveolar average. Molar rotation is only part of the process in pa-
changes from T1 to T2 with landmarks defining the apices tients requiring a larger Class II correction. However, in
and cusp tips of the maxillary molar and canine. The incli- patients with a mild Class II discrepancy, molar derotation
nation changes and vertical displacement for the maxil- help improve the occlusion toward a Class I molar rela-
lary molar and canine also are shown. White model tionship.37
(T1), red; Blue model (T2), black. The maxillary canine is the attachment point in the
maxilla for the Class II elastics used in conjunction with
the CMA. Therefore, many of the effects seen can be ex-
method for distalization of the maxillary molars, so the plained by the vectors exerted on these teeth by the inter-
rebound seen in the CMA subjects is not surprising. maxillary elastics pattern. Significant distalization,
The maxillary molar had no significant change in the vertical displacement, and distal tipping resulted from
vertical dimension during the CMA phase of treatment, treatment with the CMA (Table I). The changes in angu-
but it moved occlusally during treatment with fixed ap- lation to the maxillary canine from T1 to T2 are illus-
pliances. This could be due to the normal alveolar trated in Figure 3. The vertical change was the only
growth, in that the mandibular plane did not change. aspect maintained after the second phase of treatment.
One of the merits of using 3D imaging in the evalu- Previous studies7,9 using 3D evaluation of the CMA
ation of the CMA is that it allows for the evaluation of also showed distalization, extrusion, and distal tipping
the molar rotation and positional changes of the canine, of the maxillary canines, but because these studies did
which is not possible with standard 2D imaging. More not include a third-time point after the completion of
recently, it has been postulated that distal rotation about comprehensive orthodontic treatment, it was not re-
the palatal cusp of the maxillary first molars is one of the ported whether these changes were maintained.
major means of action of the CMA.5,9,34,35 In this sam- The superimposition of the models registered using
ple, we found an average of 5.1 of distal rotation of the mandible as a reference shows the mandibular
the maxillary molar from T1 to T2, with a slight rebound growth reported earlier (Fig 5) and some dental effects
to 3.5 by T3. Rotational changes during the CMA phase on the mandibular molars. The mandibular molar was
are illustrated in Figure 4 and Table I. Areepong et al9 used to engage the elastic. In some patients, the
found approximately 3.6 of distal rotation during the mandibular first molar was used, and the mandibular
phase of treatment with the CMA. So the amount of second molar was used in others. The mandibular molar
rotational change found in this sample was even more displayed an average of 8.3 of mesial rotation during
significant than that found in their sample,9 probably the initial phase of treatment with the CMA. This rota-
because the molar relationship was overcorrection in tion (Fig 6; Table VII) was clinically significant and had
our sample. Importantly, the slight relapse in the distal to be corrected during the FFA phase of treatment. Pre-
rotation of maxillary molars occurred after the active vious studies have not described the amount of rota-
CMA phase in this study while the patients were still in tional change seen in the mandibular molar in any
orthodontic treatment. Future investigation of relapse cone beams. Wearing the retainer obviously does not
after treatment and long-term stability are still required. prevent all undesired dentoalveolar effects in the

December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Biggs et al 833

Fig 4. Occlusal view of maxillary regional superimposition (T1 to T2) with overlaid IOS DM illustrating
rotational changes in the maxillary molar from T1 to T2. White model (T1), red; Blue model (T2), black.

mandibular arch. On the basis of these findings, When the occlusal movement of the teeth has been
we recommend bonding the hook on the mandibular found in this sample during treatment, these changes
molar as mesial as possible to minimize the tendency are reported simply as vertical movement in a specific di-
of rotation. rection rather than extrusion. Because 3D measurements
The regional examination of the mandibular molar for an untreated control group are unavailable, we
also showed statistically and clinically relevant mesial, cannot separate normal alveolar growth from extrusion
mesial tipping, and vertical movement (Fig 5; Table or intrusion movements because of treatment. Because
VII). The anteroposterior change in the mandibular the mandibular plane did not change in this sample, ver-
molar was maintained during the second phase of treat- tical movements in the mandibular molars are more
ment, whereas the amount of vertical movement likely because of normal growth changes. For the maxil-
increased further, and the mesial tipping was reversed. lary canine (from T1 to T2), the occlusal movement is
Areepong et al9 and Wilson et al7 similarly reported me- more likely to be extrusion because of treatment because
sialization, mesial tipping, and vertical displacement of the vertical movement of the maxillary canine is of a
the mandibular molar using the CMA, although a second greater magnitude than that of the maxillary molar. In
phase of treatment was not included in their studies. The addition, heavy Class II elastics exert extrusive forces
mesial movement of the molar partially contributed to on the maxillary canine without any vertical anchorage
the overall Class II correction seen in this sample of in the maxillary arch.
CMA patients and appears to be more resistant to relapse The effects of treatment with the CMA on the
than the changes seen in the maxillary molar. mandibular incisors were evaluated in the mandibular
Because the anteroposterior changes in both the regional superimposition. The initial phase of treatment
maxillary molar and canine observed in the CMA phase resulted in 3.7 of incisor proclination (Figs 5 and 6;
of treatment in this study largely rebounded by the Table VII), and an average of 8.1 of mandibular incisor
end of treatment, the correction in the Class II occlusal proclination occurred by the end of treatment. Similar to
relationship after treatment resulted from mandibular the rotation of the mandibular molar, the invisible
dentoalveolar movements (mesial movement of mandib- retainer used for anchorage in the CMA phase of treat-
ular molar), maxillary molar derotation, as well as for- ment controls as much proclination in the mandibular
ward displacement because of growth of the mandible incisor as possible. However, some changes still occurred
rather than distalization of the maxillary dentition. Jan- because of the force exerted by the Class II elastics. Kim-
son et al20 analyzed the outcome of the Class II maloc- Berman et al6 reported even more significant flaring of
clusions treated with Class II elastics and found similar the mandibular incisors during the CMA phase of treat-
mechanisms for Class II correction. They reported mini- ment (an average of 6.6 ), but this proclination was
mal movement in the maxillary molars, mesialization of reduced to 3.5 by the end of Phase II. Wilson et al7
the mandibular molars, and forward displacement of the and Areepong et al9 found mandibular incisor proclina-
mandible, with dental changes comprising 63% of the tion similar to ours. The amount of flaring of the
correction seen at the molar. mandibular incisors found in this study was also similar

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6
834 Biggs et al

Fig 5. Mandibular regional superimposition (lateral view) with overlaid IOS DM illustrating dentoalveolar
changes and condylar growth from T1 to T2: A, Condylar growth and inclination changes for the
mandibular molar and incisors; B, Condylar growth. White model (T1), red; Blue model (T2), black;
Amount of condylar growth, yellow.

Fig 6. Superimposed mandibular IOS DM (T1 to T2) based on the mandibular regional registration
(occlusal view). Rotational changes to the mandibular molar from T1 to T2 and incisor proclination
are shown as a result of CMA treatment. White model (T1), red; Blue model (T2), black.

to that produced by Class II treatment with the Forsus minimal or no bone loss for mandibular incisor changes
appliance, as reported by Miller et al.38 The literature below a threshold of 3.0 of proclination. Conversely,
shows that functional appliances cause flaring of the changes in the incisor inclination at or .8.0 increased
mandibular incisors to varying degrees,31 including the the probability of developing bony dehiscences and a
Herbst (5.2 6 6.4 ),22 Forsus (6.1 6 6.3 ),23 Twin- 50% probability of vertical bone loss.39 Although the
block (3.3 6 3.4 ),26 and mandibular anterior reposi- magnitude of mandibular incisor flaring with the CMA
tioning appliance (4.9 6 9.5 )30 appliances. Schmid- in our sample does not quite reach this threshold, the
Herrmann et al,11 evaluating 3D DM superimposition findings imply that mechanics during the remainder of
during CMA treatment, found 2.94 6 2.52 ) of orthodontic treatment must be controlled carefully to
mandibular incisor protrusion. Fouda et al17 showed limit further proclination of the mandibular incisors.
that using miniscrews as anchorage associated with There are some potential limitations to this clinical
CMA appliances led to decreased mandibular incisors investigation. First and foremost, the success of correc-
anterior movement. tion with the CMA depends on patient compliance with
A recent study by Matsumoto et al39 used CBCT im- wearing the elastics as prescribed. Previous studies have
aging to examine the changes in the alveolar bone re- shown compliance with removable orthodontic appli-
sulting from the advancement and proclination of the ances to be consistently suboptimal, and actual wear-
mandibular incisors. The mentioned study reported time is often significantly less than self-reported.40-42

December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Biggs et al 835

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December 2023  Vol 164  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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