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Interview Questions

Question 1
What is DBT and Advantages
• Data Build Tool ( ELT => T )
• Used for Data Transformation
• Reusable Code ( JINJA )
• Easy Testing
• CI CD Integration
• Data Lineage
• Documentation
Question 2
By Default what type of Tables will be
created in Snowflake using DBT
Transient Table
Question 3
I want to create Permanent Table
in Snowflake using DBT
{{ config(materialized='table', transient=false) }}

Praveen Snowflake & DBT Training - 9703180969

Question 4
Types of Materializations in DBT
• Table
• View
• Incremental
• Ephemeral
• Materialized view
Question 5
I am having 100 models in my project,
Wants to run only praveen_dbt_trainer.sql

dbt run --select praveen_dbt_trainer

Praveen Snowflake & DBT Training - 9703180969

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