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NAIA BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 48/4 Paper a October/November 2014 eee 40 Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer she t provided, 2. Four possibie answers are given for each question. Select the correct answer and fil the oval for that answer on your answer sheet Be sure tothe ovals ke this: camel 3. If more than one oval is fled for a question it wll be marked wrong, Erase completely answers that you change DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet. A DONOT mark the oval ike is SS ifyou do, your answer will be marked wrong, The topographic map of Manzin is provi 2p of Manzn is provided below. Use it to answer questions 1 to 3. z Key Towns or areas with s9 School Settlements permanent buldings ail "5 Police staten ton Charen River Hospital Sy — sn — Contour (vt 10.) " Post office a ce power Sore; Maa Renita Saubem Ala by Ab Bowes a 1. What is the physical feature labelled X in grid square 40287 A Valley B Plain Spur D Hil ‘ reais 2 \what would be the direction of the fow of water when tains in Manzini? A Notth to South B South to North C East to West D West to East 3. Which service is not provided in Manaini? A Manufacturing B Education © sustice D Health ‘Which of the following natural disasters is common in both Europe and Asia? A Drought B Tsunami © Veldfires D Earthquake 5. What was the effect of migrant labour system in Botswana? A Promotion of moral values B__ Increase in foreign exchange C Increase in agricultural produce D Rise in sexually transmitted infections 6. Which of the following factors leads to rapid population growth in Botswana? Increased spread of HIV and AIDS infections Increased cases of teenage pregnancy Introduction of the one child policy Proper use of contraceptives com> Use the information below to answer question 7. ‘A Herero family conducted a wedding ceremony where they fully observed their norms and values, 7. Which type of marriage is shown by the scenario? ‘A Monogamous & Customary Cc Religious DCW ves) « Use the information below to answer questions 8 and 9. Residents of village X complained to their chief about people who come from other areas of Botswana to sete in their vilage. The chief {nsPonded by saying that residents should allow people from outside their village to join them because the laws of Botswana allow them to settle wherever they wanted 8. What does the behaviour ofthe residents of vilage X show? A Racism B Militaney © Tripalism D Nationalism 8. Which pillar of Vision 2016 was the chief promoting? ‘A Aust and caring nation 8 united and proud nation Asecure and sate nation D An educated, informed nation ‘10. What term is used to describe a relationship involving more than two countries? ‘A Multicultural relations B Multilateral relations © Muttiracial relations D Bilateral relations Ung diagram below shows a military tactic used during the Mfecane wars. Use it to answer question 11. Enemy 4 — Head of army Z Reserves 11. What function di the regiments labeled R serve during battle? ‘A Toencircle the enemy B To destroy the enemy © Tospyon the enemy D To back up the head of army 94151 4 12. Whi then a te following isa form of government in which people are allowed to air _ Mutt:party democracy One pany state Dictatorship Monarchy "8. Which ofthe folowing is not an effect of tourism onthe environment? A Deforestation B Soilerosion © Poaching D Littering The table below shows the production of maize in village X from 1994 to 1997. Use it to answer question 14, Year | No. of [Production | Transport | Capital workers |in tonnes | (No. of vehicle) | (million ula) 1994 2 700 é a 1995; 8 7600 4 4 1996 3 800 6 4 1997 5 7000 5 4 14. Which of the following factors has contributed to the increase in production? A Time B Labour C Capital D Transport The table below shows the results for three poli al parties that took part in an election. Use it to answer questions 15 and 16, Party | Votes | Parliamentary | x 49% | 70% | y_ [am | 2% zf* [| din this election? jectoral system was use 45. Which el 5 t First past the pos! tem Presidential sys Parliamentary system proportional representation vou 16. How can the results of the election be interpreted? A Party Y narrowly won the elections, 8 Party X won the elections by a large margin § Baty X has more seats in parliament than the votes they got ‘arty Z has far less seats in parliament than the votes they got Use the information below to answer question 17. Mrs Morula operates a garden that produces a lot of spinach She pubplies 2 nearby school on a weekly basis. She also sells to individual | households in the village. ree ‘17. Whatis likely to happen to Mrs Morula's business when the schools are closed? ‘A The demand and the supply will be equal 8 The demand willbe higher than the supply. C The price will be lowered to increase demand The pnce willbe increased to maintain the same profit levels The graph below shows a climatic region in the Southern hemisphere. Use it to answer questions 18 and 18. mm c 700: 30 600 25 500} }20 400} 300) r —t10 200+ a tH : cae Temperature soars 6 19, 20. 21. 22. Give one characteristic ofthe climatic region High rainfall during winter igh rainfall during summer Low rainfall throughout the year D Dry in winter Which of the following statements differentiates a map from a plan? ‘AA map is drawn to represent a small area while a plan is drawn to represent a large area ‘A map does not use symbols to show the features while a plan uses symbols to show features, ‘A map represents the actual ground while a plan represents the real object. D__Amap is drawn to scale while a plan is not drawn to scale. B c Use the contour map below to answer questions 21 and 22. s Which feature is represented by the contour lines? A Hill B Cliff C Plateau D Depression From which side ofthe feature can a climber reach the summit easily? rom whi A East B North South D West soars * 23. Which of the following is not part of the process of the formation of a lake? A 8 c D Volcanic eruption Earth movement Rock weathering River erosion Use the information below to answer question 24. ‘The reduction of water level in Lake Malawi has led to poverty among the fishermen in that country because they cannot get enough fish 24. Which of the following could be the reason for the reduction of the water level in the lake? A Floods B Pollution © Climate change D_ Weather changes 25. Which of the following environmental regions has influenced its inhabitants to rear large numbers of livestock? voo> Mediterranean Savannah Equatorial Desert 26. Which of the following statements explains cultural heritage? A B c D Important elements of culture learnt and acquired from the past Adapting the cuture that has been altered by technology All elements of culture learnt and acquired from the past ‘Adopting the culture of the young generation 27. Which of the following statements defines inflation rate? cowr 194151 ‘The general increase in wages and salaries The general rise in the production of raw materials The general rise in demand of goods and services The general increase in price of goods and services Us ; Se the picture below to answer question 28. 28. Which of the following examples of environmental mism: above picture? A B c D ‘Source: www. kirbvmuseum ova lanagement is depicted by the Veldfires Soil erosion Overgrazing Cutting down trees 29. Which of the following shows the economic benefits of culture? A B c D It allows Government to sponsor students for cultural exchange tours, It promotes the production of local cuttural goods, it promotes the cultural beliefs of the society. it sustains the material elements of culture. 30. Which of the following is net a way of improving human resource in Botswana? vom> 494151 Building more tertiary institutions to offer various courses Graduates working in internship programmes to gain experience Under graduates participating in national service to gain exposure Recruiting workers along tribal lines to work in government departments 31 32, 33. ‘The graph below shows rural to urban migrants by gender in 2005. Use it to answer questions 31 and 32. 22 — key: Migrants Number of migrants in thousands Males Females What is the total number of male migrants to urban areas? A 3000 B 5000 Cc 7000 D 10000 How does the male migration affect women socially? They manage farming. They become bread winners. ‘They become head of families. ‘They spearhead developments in the village gom> In which of the following marriages would married couples be treated as equal partners? A Customary B Christian C Islamic D Civil Which of the following does not explain the reason why more people settled in the eastem part of Botswana? A The presence of mountains for defence purposes BB Good pastures for pastoral farming opportunities C Good infrastructure offering comfort to people D Flat lands for growing crops soars 10 * 35, 36. 37. 38. 39. Which of the following was nota c facing the leaders of Botswana at independers ot MING Was not a chalenge facing the lead &_[Reteasing numbers of immigrants High levels cf poverty Low levels of literacy ‘Tnbalism ‘Which of the following principles does no 01 lings with other Mehakh ing principles does not guide Botswana's dealing: Respect for human rights Respect for national interest C Respect for international laws D Respect for developed countries What aifferentates Soiswana’s modern day presidents fiom the ancient Egyptian Pharoahs? ‘A Pharaohs were elected by committee members while Botswana's presidents are elected by parliament. B Pharaoh's position was hereditary while Botswana's presidents are elected C Pharaoh was appointed by high priests while the position of president in Botswana is hereditary D Pharaohs were advised by scribes while Botswana's presidents are advised by cabinet the information below to answer questicn 38. Koep’s grandmother told him how their ancesiors were the first to settle In Southern Africa. She told him that they reared livestock and that their neighbours’ economic way of life was centred around hunting Which of the following 's likely to be Koep's group? A San B Bantu Cc Xhosa D_— Khoikhoi nich national principe is directly promoted by he establishment of backyard gardens across Boiswana? A Self-reliance B Democracy Botho D Unity bt * 40. Use the picture below to answer question 40. Which mining stage is shown in the picture? Transportation Distribution Processing Extraction oon> |? BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 15/4 Papert October/November 2016 Marks: 40 Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided. 2. Four possible answers are given for each question, Select the correct answer and fill the oval for that answer on your answer sheet, Be sure to fill the ovals like this: os 3. If more than one oval is filled for 2 quostion it will be marked wrong, Erase completely answers that you change. DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet, 4. DONOT mark the oval ike this: => If you do, your answer will be marked wrong, This question paper contains 12 printed pag @veca06 DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOL! YES "oe 12008 se 5 0 TOiBO so, 2 Use the information below to answer question 1. with the bank. He plans to use the Kabo has a stop order of P1000.00 money after retirement. ‘What practice is reflected in the scenario? A. Getting dividends 8 Saving money Investment 0D Budgeting Use the picture below to answer question 2. Source: History of Botswana by T. Tlou and A. Campbell, Macmillan 1999. The evidence from the picture which suggests that the settlement belonged to the Bantu people is the A presence of a hill B practising of arable farming. C practising of commercial farming. D__ division of duties between men and women Read the information below and answer question 3. ‘Some people from Gaborone annually attend the Kuru Dance Festival held at D'kar near Ghanzi. Those who attend do so because they are interested in watching the San perform their traditional dance. ‘Which of the following is not a business opporturity created by the festival? Catering services Socialisation of people Transportation of people Accommodation services com> Non-Governmental Organisations help empower the youth in Botswana by A giving them monthly allowances, B helping them to join political parties. giving them education on career choices D sponsoring them for careers of their interest. ‘Which of the following natural disasters is an effect of the movement of the earth? A Hurricanes B Voleanoes C Droughts D Floods Study the two diagrams below showing earth movement and use them to answer question 6, Diagram P Fautt Fault Sea ey Diagram @ What is the feature marked X in diagram Q called? A Lake B River C Crater D Valley How can Botswana's population distribution be described? A fanion dt byste hws at pep nna 5 Thecesam par ofthe county spare popused 3 10. ". Use the information below to answer question 8. Thandie recently celebrated her thirteenth birthday. She started going out with different boyfriends of which her parents did not approve. How can the behavioural problem be addressed? By sending Thandie to a foster home By taking Thandie to a health centre to get contraceptives By openly discussing with Thandie issues concerning morality By advising Thandie to discuss her challenges with her friends go> What attempts have been made to promote gender equity in Botswana? ‘A Removal of laws that discriminate against men B__ Encouragement of women to support decisions made by men C Introduction of constitutional law that addresses gender equality D Promotion of social harmony between different genders in the country ‘Why was the Legislative Council (LEGCO) introduced in the Bechuanaland Protectorate? ‘A To achieve equal representation of Africans and Europeans in the council B_ To make laws governing all people in the Protectorate C _ Toallow people to vote during elections D To deal with matters affecting Africans The table below represents climatic regions in Africa. Use it to answer questions 11 and 12. Climatic |__ Average Rainfall (mm) | Average Temperatures (°C) Region [Jan-|Apr—]Jul- | Oct— | Jan—|Apr-|Jul- | Oct— Mar_|Jun_| Sept |Dec_|Mar_|Jun_| Sept | Dec w 7o [100 |30 |eo [22 |20 [18 far x 40 |20 |oo [30 |as |e |i fas vy, ao |240 |300 |120 [18 [12 |r0 [16 Zz s0 [700 |1500 |6oo [2s [23 [22 [or Which climatic region is represented by 27 ‘A Tropical savanna B Mediterranean Equatorial D Desert 196181 12, Which economic activity will be more suited for climatic region Y? A Pastoral farming B Arable farming © Wine making D—Lumbering 13. Which of the following is not a national principle of Botswana? A Unity B Dignity C Self reliance D Development Use the picture below to answer question 14. Soure whe 44, What does the picture illustrate? Atistic ability of the Bantu Cultural heritage of the San Non-material elements of culture Traditional myths of the Batswana com> 196161 formation below to answer question 15. “A chil war broke out in country X which resulted in one ethnic group ye number of the other. 45. What are the kilings mentioned in the scenario above referred to a5? A Racism B Genocide © Terrorism D Xenophobia Use the part of Morwa map presented below to answer questions 16 to 20. Scale: 1.50000 ve, Comores PO FostOhce Tones ean 223 away ne Vegetation cet Borehole ‘Source: Map Reading for Southern Alrica by A.D Bowen eal. 96151 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. 2. ‘Whats the highest point on the map? A 3600m 8B 3250m © 3200m DO 3150m Wich Seve rove nthe ta fang win i square c700 A Banking 8 Educaten Construction Do Telecommunications ‘nats the straight ine distance between points X and ¥? A 3.0km. 8 26km © BD 20km What is the vertical interval on the map? A 50m 8 100m Cc 150m D 200m ‘Supposing Morwa is trout Which of the following site bled by strong winds that be tes will be most suitable to low from East and West build a house on? oom> wnov Which ofthe following did the British use to colonise Bechuanaland? Trickery Protection Assimilation Miltary force voa> 22. 23. 24. Use the information below to answer question 22 Tshepo bought a pint of mik from a supermarket and when she got home she realised that it had expired. When she returned it to the supermarket, they refused to help her. Which of the following is the correct line of reporting that Tshepo should follow to address the problem? A Shop Assistant ~ Manager ~ Consumer Affairs Department B Manager-Police - Consumer Affairs Department Consumer Affairs Department — Manager ~ Police D Shop assistant - Manager ~ Police Use thy formation below to answer question 23. Kabo has a private company that moulds bricks. He gets sand from the river to make the bricks. He makes lots of money from selling the bricks but he never pays tax to the government. What offence is Kabo committing? A Environmental crime B Economic crime C Social crime D Corruption How was the economic lifestyle of the Khoikhoi different from that of the San? ‘A The Khoikhoi reared livestock while the San grew crops. The Khoikhoi grew crops while the San reared livestock © The Khoikhoi were nomadic hunter ~ gatherers while the San were nomadic D pastoralists. ‘The Khoikhoi were nomadic pastoralists while the San were nomadic hunter ~ gatherers. 25. Which of the following is 2 positive effect of international trade on the economy of Botswana? ‘A Acquisition of goods at relatively lower prices, B Realisation of higher revenue from export of local goods Employment of citizens to manage foreign owned companies D Increased expenditure as the country imports goods of high value 190151 . 27. 28. 29. 30. Thabo is a street hawker an the school gate inva nagar Tost sells ata nearby shopping oenire facing ane 19¢. She sells among other things sweets, oranges het famgak®® She does not make much money but shes ale ania ‘What opportunity does Thabo have as a seiemployed person? A She has a readily available market She can improve her famiys nag stand fami’ ving stands © _ She candace weno gp out ado buses, 5 She-can make mare poi tan te oe sunersarkt ‘The challenge that Thabo faces in seitmployment is that she ‘A has to give students credit as they do not have money. 8 does not have manpower o help her un the business has to spend all the money without saving D has to compete with establishes retailers, What is the advantage of practising democracy? ‘A Itaccords the nation the rule of law. B It allows for people to do whatever they feel like doing. C__Itgives members of the society freedom of association. D__Itencourages the nation to place the county's interest above theirs Which of the following is not an effect ofthe killing of vuitures on the environment? ‘A. Pollution ofthe air B Disturbance of the ecosystem Spread of diseases from carcasses Increase of income from bird tourism How can the Botswana government help to protect the vultures? ce of vues [A By educating peopl onthe importance of 8 By pursungithe pokey ofing poachers on sigh & By moreasing pals to guard vue ses D_Bynvoducng sports hunting 31. 32. 33. 34, Use the contour map below to answer questions 31 and 32. The feature marked P on the contour map is a convex slope because the contour lines are irregularly spaced equal in distance throughout the featur. far apart at the bottom and close together at the top. lose together at the bottom and far apart at the top oow> Which feature is marked Q on the map? A Valley B Plateau © Cone D cit ‘nich ministry would be better placed to investigate stock then A Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security B Ministry of Labour and Home Attire C Ministry of State President D_ Ministry of Agriculture Which ofthe folowing isnot an eect of HIV and aing on Botswana's economy? Exertion of pressure on governments budget re Loss of breadwinners by families Loss of loved ones by families Reduction of human resource com> 10 vee » 35. Under the British was administered t A 8 c D Use the diagram below to answer question 36 olonial Gov through the Queen in Eng lana. Dikgosi in ti al reserves, African Advisory Council, British South Aftica Company Minimum A_[20°c B [20°C abi © [25°C Ze D [26°C we sent scale? 37. What is 1:25 000 in a statement A 3 | 5 1 Sheer 20 1 eniSpesens 20 " ‘ernment, the policy of divide and rule in Bechuanaland Use the information below to answer question 38. ibe and the wars it fought cumsadspiisif 38. The method used by Ramorula to pass information 's Known as A Oral traditions, B folkiores, © legends, D myths, Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 39 and 40. Key: — River ZZ Climatic region (i Highlang 38. What is the name of the feature marked H? ‘A Ethiopian Highlands B Mount Kilimanjaro C Jos plateau D Mount Kenya 40. Which climatic region is found in the area marked 1? Mediterranean Equatorial Desert Steppe vom> 2 * TAT BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL x JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES tea Paper 2 OctoberiNovember 2016 Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Candidate's Examination Number INSTRUCTIONS 1. White your examination number in the space provided above. 2. Answer ALL questions in all sections, 3. All answers must be written in the spaces provides. 4. Candidates are allowed to use a calculator in this paper. FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Question [Marks Scored] 1 7 ‘Total Marks This question paper contains 14 printed pages encom DONOT TURN THE PAGE UNTH vet ape rain em (30 Marks) SECTION A ‘Answer all questions in this section ‘Study the map of Africa below to answer question 1 Cape of Good Hope Seale @ 0.000 199000 150000, 200000280 e60m Tsien td od Source Adaoted trom tne Wort 4. (a) Which desen is found inthe area marked $7 ssors2 - a (©) What's the straight ine distance between points P and Q in kilometers? “ (6) Explain the type of rainfall that s associated with features lke the mountain range marked T a) {d) Explain two ways in which the desert labeled R has ed the way of life of people living there. 4) 110) 80182 e 2 95152 The flow chart below shows the election process for country X. Use it to answer question 2 Stage 3 Constituency and ward results Stage 2 Voters elect members of Parliament and courcillors for the party of their chace Stage 4 Candidate with most votes represents constituency Stage 1 Stage 5 Voters at poling stations The party with mejority vates tules the country Souree: Social Silas A Fresh Sian, V Ngongoia and Cais! (2010) (a) (i) Which form of governance is practiced in country X (ii) State three reasons to support your answer in (a) (i) using information from the flow chan only. a @ between in Botswana ‘The graph below shows trends in oad accident 1985 and 2013. Use it to answer question 3 Road accidents (in thousands) ° 1965 1667 1989 199116991095 1967 18602001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Years Source: ww mvafund Borswane (a Describe the trend of road accidents from 2003 to 2013, (b) Explain any two change the trend or able fad safety measures that could have been used to of road accidents between 1995 and 2003. @ (e) Explain any two measures that might have boen putin piace that resulted in the reduction of road accidents between 2003 and 2013, 4) [19 sa6r82 4 196352 SECTION B 30 Mark Answer al questions inthis section. (20 Marks) (@) Describe any two characteristics of the Late Stone Age technology. “4 (b) Discuss two ways in which the physical development ofthe Australepithecus has influenced its activities, 6) (10) IES eA eet i cannleenpigiienebarhrni iy 5. (a) (@) Explain any two factors that have influenced population distribution in Botswana @) {b) Discuss two effects of rapid population growth on the environment. sonisz * 6) [19] 198152 (a) Explain any two reasons for conserving the environment 10 @ {1 Cintues how any two envianmerte prtiens can sfectelaons between countries, © 10} 96152 SECTION C a (20 mat Answer all questions in this section c Use the information below to answer question 7. atin In 2011 a labour force survey was carried out on the status of unemployme urban areas in Botswana by age The findings are presented as follows Unemployment Rate (%) by Age key 15-24 years 25-34 years 36-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years Source: National institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), 2013 7. (a) Which method of data presentation is used? a) () Suggest any two methods of data collection that could have been used (@ 95152 12 (©) Give two adi 0Nartages of any ofthe data collection methods stated in (b). @) {@) "Identify one possible way in which preparations la oe Yin which preparations fr the study could have a) (0) Suggest two departments that could have been visited to colect data 2 (1) Give two possible aims of the study. (2) cme i * i ap yf 25-34 years? (a) What advice can you give tothe unemployed age GfOuP °F (2) (h) Give two possible conclusions that can be made from the study (2) (i) Using the space below, present the findings in the form of a histogram. (6) [20] 198152 14 BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL | JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 15/2 Paper 2 October/November 2012 Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Candidate's Examination Number: a I eae emcee INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your examination number in the space provided above. 2. Answer ALL questions in all sections. 3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided 4. Calculators may be used in this paper FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Total Marks ae This question paper contains 13 printed pages Donor ee SECTION A, (30 Marks) Answer all questions in this section. Use the map of Africa below to answer question 1. 23%} 10" aw -----|r0° v paul ee Environmental zones fa) (b) (co) Identify the following environmental zones: (i) Zone marked U a) ) Zone marked T (1) Locate Angola using lines of latitude, (1) Why is wine-making an important actvly inthe environmental zone a) examiners (d) Describe any three characteristics of the vegetation found in the cd environmental zone marked T. (3) (e) Describe any three characteristics of the climate found in the environmental zone marked R. (3) [10] Use the graph below to answer question 2. 25000 20000 15000 140000 Number of Tourists 5000 fa) (b) (e) eats Botswana Tourists Arrivals (2000-2003) | KEY: YEARS it] 2003 United Australia United France states of kingdom america Countries ‘Source: Adapted from Botswana Institute far Development Policy Analysis ‘and the World Bank (in Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis Report, 2006). Describe the trend of tourists arrivals between the years 2000 and 2003. (ay ‘Suggest two reasons that might have led to the trend reflected in tourists’ visits to Botswana over the years shown. @ ‘Suggest three ways through which Botswana could have benefited from tourists coming from the United Kingdom and the United States of ‘America in the year 2000. (3) Explain two possible ways through which Botswana can attract Co (a) ‘More tourists into the country 4) 110) (a) (b) 92182 Use the information below to answor questions 3 (a) and (P) ind tribal groupings that The country of Kenya is a mix of cultures af snya's interactions with have a set of unique traditions. Many of Ker culture take place in the western part of the country mainly among the Luos and Luhya communities. Ramogi hills are a popular attraction in the region. The Luo community believe that the father of the Luo tribe (Ramogi) settled Con the hills after a long, hard and tiresome journey from Uganda This region is now a forest and a big rock that lias here is believed to have been a bull that tumed into a rock. These hills which are located near Kisumu city give visitors a good view of the Western Rift that includes Lake Kanyaboll and the Yala swamp. ‘Souree:htte/ifricapoint Explain three ways through which the Ramogi cultural site can benefit the Luo community ‘Suggest two practices that could be used by the Luo community to protect the environment. 6) (2) ex examiners (c) Give two examples of Botswana's cultural heritage. _ @ [10] soe » SECTION B (30 Marks) | 4 Answer all questions in this section. (a) Explain two ways in which the physical characteristics of the Australopithecus enabled them to survive in their environment, (4) {b) Discuss two differences between the technological developments of the Stone Age and Iron Age periods. (6) (10) 5. (a) __Expiain any two factors that encouraged the growth of towns and cities | ied in Botswana 4) (b) Outline any three economic opportunities available in rural areas. (6) {10} (a) Describe two of the major features of the Early Egyptian form of government (4) (b) Explain three ways in which Democracy differs from Monarchy, (6) (19) 10 7. SECTION C (20 Marks) Answer all questions in this section. A social worker cor from abuse cases Number of chil (a) (b) (c) 2006 to 2010. She presented her findings as follows: 60 30 2 reported 20 10 ° 4 2006 2007 2008 2009-2010 Year Adapted from Social Studies, A fresh start by V. Ngongola and P Montsho. Which method of data presentation did the social worker use? Where was the study conducted? to collect the data for this study. " 2 Inducted a study on child abuse in urban areas, in Botswana (1) (1) (a) (e) (A) ‘Suggest three possible aims of the study. ‘Suggest three possible findings that could have originated from the research, ‘Suggest any three causes of child abuse that the social worker may have come across in her research, (3) @) (3) For Examen (g) ‘State any two recommendations that can be made to the Botswana government on the basis of this research, @| (h) Present the social worker's findings in a table form, Use the space provided below. BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 45/1 Eaer | October/November 2017 Marks: 40 Time: 1 Hour INSTRUCTIONS ‘Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided. Four possible answers are given for each question. Select the Correct answer and fill the oval for that answer on your answer sheet. Be sure to fill the ovals like this: Yes 1@OOed a> | 20008 8@O00 3. If more than one ovals filed for a question it will be marked wrong, Erase completely answers that you change, DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet. 4, DO NOT mark the oval like this: Ifyou do, your answer will be marked wrong Fae This question paper contains 11 printed pages. DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO So. ec 2007 Soret 3. Use the information below to answer question 1. Wr Mogens marie wo wanen aba waren we HF Mogamis_| rene “1 What type of marriage is Mr Mogami involved in? A Civil marriage B Arranged marriage © Customary marriage D_— Monogamous marriage Which of the following is a non-material element of culture? Remains of buildings Rain-making rituals Traditional dress ‘Traditional food com> Use the diagram below illustrating the earth structure to answer question 3. Which part of the earth structure is represented by the region labelled 2? ‘A Upper mantle B Lower mantle C Crust D Core sensi * ee Which European country is Correctly matched [European County] Seren Country | to its former colony? Colony Namibia Zimbabwe Angola Mozambique \Which ofthe folowing mountains was formed from cooling of lava? A Mount Kilimanjaro B Mount Ruwenzori © Khara mountains D Atlas mountains A free market economic system is whereby A all the businesses are owned by government. B businesses are privately owned by individuals. C the government plans on what is to be produced D businesses are jointly owned by the government and individuals Which of the following family factors does not contribute to unacceptable behaviour ‘among the youth? A Child abuse B_ Poor parenting C Domestic violence D Leadership conflicts Use th formation below to answer question 8. Mr Modise has been found guilty of stock theft by the ward Headman. He would like to appeal his case. Below are the courts he could appeal to: i High court Magistrate court iii Customary court Which order should he follow to appeal his case to the higher courts? voa> sonst > 10. 1. 12, 13. 14. ‘Why did the barter trade system decline among Batswana? A They concentrated on smelting iron B They concentrated on arable farming They started using money as a medium of exchange. D They felt cheated as goods were not properly weighed What are agro-based industries? ‘A Industries that encourage commercial farming B___ Industries that encourage subsistence farming C__ Industries that use raw materials produced by other agricultural sectors D__ Industries that promote the growing of vegetables for home consumption ‘The quaternary sector involves the A intellectual activities that provide information services. B extraction of raw materials from natural resources. C processing of raw materials into finished goods. 0 distribution of finished goods. How does being landlocked influence Botswana's foreign relations? ‘A Itcompels Botswana to have good relations with countries that surround her. B It forces Botswana to solve disputes through military interventions. C__ It forces Botswana to support undemoeratic countries’ policies. 1D Itmakes Botswana to import more goods rather than export. The table shows the climatic conditions of Area T. Use it to answer questions 43 and 14. [Months Js Je [m [a [m [ys [ys [a [s Jo [nw 0 | Rainfall (mm) | 51/33 [55|25| 10/5 |o |o [5 | 10/20 | 25 | [Temperature ("¢) | 33 |31 | 34 | 29 | 10 |-3 |-a [17 [20 | 1 | 5 37 | What is the average rainfall for Area T? A 55mm B 50mm Cc 25.9mm D 199mm Calculate the temperature range for Area T. A 40°C B 34°C Cc 38°C DB 40°C 45. Which of the following is not an impact of an epidemic on humanity? ‘A An increase in absenteeism from work B__ It stimulates the development of new drugs CA decrease in population due to loss of lives 1D It makes it easy for doctors to control the spread of diseases. 16. Which of the following bodies allows Botswana to import goods from South Africa without paying customs duty? A SACU B SADC c aU D UN ‘The diagram below shows the “cow's horns” fighting method. Use it to answer questions 17 and 18. regiment Source: A Hislory of South Africa 17. Why is this battle formation called the “cow's horns’ A Iteneircled the enemy B__tinstiled fear into the enemy tmade it easier to raid for cattle ttinstiled discipline in the soldiers 18, was the function of the regiment labelled R? To spy on the enemy To reinforce the army To surround the enemy To directly face the enemy coor : oo | tion? 19. Which is the correct order for stages of human evolution’ Homo Sapiens. A Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, s 8 _Australopithecus, Homo Habis, Home Sapiens, Homo, — C _Australopthecus, Homo Erectus, Homo Habils. Homo Sapiens D Australopithecus, Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus, Homo 20. What was the ruling ofthe International Court of Justice on the conflict between Botswana and Namibia over Sedudu Island” ‘A That it must be under the control ofthe United Nations. B That it belonged to Botswana, © That it should remain neutral. D That it must be independent, The flow diagram below represents acti 9 place on a piece of land, Use the flow diagram to answer question 21. Activities Deforestation Ploughing along a slope Effect ‘Overstocking Bush fires 21. Whatis the effect ofthe above human activites on the land? ‘A. Improvement of animal habitat Washing away of top soil Increase in soll nutrients D Pollution of land 22. Why was Bechuanaland Protectorate Federal Party unpopular in Bechuanaland? A Itopposed bogosi Itpreached muiti-racialism 8 C__Ithad more support in rural areas, D__Itassociated itsetf withthe politics of South Afica vers e al | 2. | | 1% i Vas, | } F I The graph below shows th Traut it different regions of the sete jot Parla ymanary seat occupied by OF th the graph answer questions 23 14 26, Me World from 1995 to 2004, Use the grapl 25.00 20.09 | 18.00 10.00 — 5.00 0.00 Percentage ala = || © 2004 Afica America America Asia Europe Oceania North South Source: UN statistics, (hat was the possible reason forthe observed trend of ‘occupation of parliamentary Seats by women in different regions? 2 Position of women being compromised by ferent governments 8 Abolition of laws that discriminated against wemes & _Breference for women pariamentarians by votre © Provision of public education in towne \What is the trend of patiamentary representation by women in Oceania? A tis decreasing, B tis increasing © tis fuctuating D tis stagnant Which of the folowing factors could have led to the low level of women representation in Africa in 1995? ‘A Unequal access to resources B Public education on gender relations Change of attitudes on gender relations D Absence of laws and policies that promote gender equalty Why is citzen economic empowerment important? Itencourages citizens to duplicate businesses, It helps citizens to diversify the agricultural sector. encourages citizens to rely on government assistance. enables ctizens to stat businesses that can compete globally com> L i mee e nd The graph below shows employment percentages for 2 developing countries. Use it to answer questions weloping countries Developed countries __ Age group _ Developing — a 55-64 45.54 25-44 15.24 ona 15% 10% 5% 0 5% 10% 15% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0 5% 10 male female male female imax % employed not employed Sse Mah etntoyee per e eeeee Source: Geoaraphy Elective, Red Spot Publish 27. Which age group has the highest percentage of employed people in developed countries? A 65+ B 5564 C 25-44 D 15-24 28. Why is there a large number of unemployed people in the age category of 15-24 in both developed and developing countries? A They are dependent on government & They are relying on youth funds C They are sell-employed D They are stil in school 29. Why are there fewer employed old ay 1960 People in the developed countries than the developing countries? ‘oped countries thar A The life expectancy is higher in develo ene Ping Countries as opposed to developed B People in developed countries may have accumulated enough their working days Ugh wealth during C People i developing counties have more savings than ty countries. 1O8€ in developed D People in developed countries do not have required developing countries we required skills as opposed to e715 34 32. Source: Cortficate Map Ret SHeliwvel, 1E Publications, 1990 ‘What is the name of the numbered lines on the map? A Contours B Isobars C Isohytes D Isotherms ‘What is the physical feature labelled K? A Cliff B Hill C Plateau D Valley What is the vertical interval of the map? A 2000m B 1750m Cc 500m D 250m In which direction is Moi River flowing? ‘A Northeast B Northwest Southeast D_ South west & round areas marked M and N? 34. What could hinder the development ofa settlement around a ‘A The areas have steep slopes. B The areas are lowing lands. © The areas are prone to floods. D The areas have gentle slopes. likely to lead to an environmental The picture below shows an activity that is Problem. Use it to answer question 35. 36. Which of the following practices is a way of controlling the environmental problem that may arise due to the activty shown in the picture? ‘A Recycling waste material B Reducing electricity tariffs © Educating people about their health D Encouraging people to use alternative sources of energy 36. Which of the folowing is an example of a crater lake? ‘A Lake Tanganyika B Lake Malawi Lake Kariba D Lake Nyos 37. What was the main role ofthe Vizier in Egyptian society? ‘A He ensured that taxes were collected B He was the commander of the army. C He performed religious rituals, D He made laws, 10 38. Why is Botswana's cultural heritage important to the country? 8 [promotes the o Ttenzouages cutural intolerance inthe counre 5 [bteserves culture forthe tutus caressa PWencourages cultural change inthe conten 38. When a warning about an upcoming tsunami has been given, how can people Prepare for that? A By buying protective clothing B_ By moving to a higher ground Cc By taking refuge in tall buildings D By taking refuge in enclosed areas What is the political officer in charge of running a town known as? District commissioner The Governor Minister Mayor gom> BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 15/2 Paper 2 October/November 2017 Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Candidate Full Names: Centre Number INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write your full names and examination number in the spaces provided above 2. Answer ALL questions in all sections. 3. All answers must be written inthe spaces provided. 4. Candidates are allowed to use a calculator in this paper. FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY [Marks Scored] Total Marks | Ti eon pe Gata Tp paps Section A (30 Marks) ‘Answer all questions in this section ‘Study the map of Africa below and answer quostion 1. 1. {@) _Identty the folowing features: (Environmental zone marked U eT (i) Environmental zone marked V ” (ii) Longitude line marked T ) (iv) The Ocean marked W ” (©) Whats the location of Cairo using ines of attude and longitude? 0) (€) Identity one type of scale shown on the map. ” (2) Explain any two economic activites practised by the Egyptians which were influenced by the river marked X “«) [otal: 10) —lW AANA rr: 10) lesaminers 197182 Use the picture provided below to answer question 2. (a) Identity the environmental zone shown in the picture (b) State any three characteristics of the environmental zone in the picture. (1) (3) levernors To! lived in this (€) Explain three ways in which the traditional fe-style of people Who environmental zone was like ©) [Total: 10] 3. jon below to answer question 5. Botswana lea semiarid county faced with a number of environmental Challenges. These include an increasing demand on natural resources such as water and land. This increasing demand on the natural resources hag Negatively affected Agricuturalactvties. {a) Explain two ways in which this demand on natural resources has caused land ‘mismanagement within the Agricultural sector. 4) (b) Suggest how the land use practices in 3 (a) could be improved. © serve 6 Section B (30 Marks) Answer all questions in ths section. 4 (a)__ With some examples explain how primary and secondary economic sectors ‘of production differ. « (b) Explain any three ways through which the mixed economic system can benefit Botswana (6) Total: 10] _——JAT—, 5. (2) Outine any two ways in which men and women in Botswana have been empowered 4) {b) Evaluate two implications of customary marriage on the rights of married women in Botswana, 197182 lex (2) Using two examples expain the technological developments of Mesopotamia (4) (b) Discuss any three differences between ancient Egypt and the modern world. (6) (Total: 10] Beeson (20 Marks) ‘Answer all questions in this section. Use the information below to answer question 7. Ga Sender activist conducted some research in Botswana Her findings as Gemlcted by records were as folows; 40% of women experienced some form Cf Sender violence in their life time including partner and non-partner violence. 30% of men, admit to perpetrating violence against women, 29% of women experienced intimate partner violence. 1% of women reported cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) te the police ee ea “Adapted fom: hp //Batswana unipa org (@) Suggest an appropriate title for the study, a {b) (i) Suggest any one research method that the researcher could have used. Oy (ii) State two problems associated with the method suggested in (b) (i). @ {c) Formulate three objectives for the study. (3) 1" wi > lexamners () Suggest three reasons why most gender based violence cases are Not we reported to the relevant authorities. @)| (e) State any two possible sources of information fortis study (2) | (f) State any two findings of the study. a! (a) Using the space below, present the researcher's findings ina pie chart \ 6) ! SS ae ec 2 sorisa 1

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