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Learning Objectives
As the end of this lab, you ‘ll be able to
 Install a Linux distribution on a virtual machine.
 Explore the Linux file system using popular commands.

Materials and Setup

 VMWare Workstation Player (latest version) or Virtual Box
 Ubuntu ISO
 Putty
Lab Steps
Step 1:
Install Ubuntu on VMWare Workstation Player. After finish installation, create a snapshot.
Step 2:
Update and upgrade your Ubuntu machine using these commands
Sudo apt update
Sudo apt upgrade
Install net-tools package to use the ifconfig command
Sudo apt install net-tools
Install SSH package
Sudo apt install ssh -y
Step 3:
Use Putty to connect to your Ubuntu VM using SSH connection
Step 4:
Read the file Linux Commands.docx and practice commands from these categories:

 Files and folder navigating

 User, group, permission
 Managing processes and read system information
 Working with the text
Step 5:
When creating a Word file to submit your working proof, make sure to follow the requirements below to
avoid losing marks:
 For each command, provide two examples with different parameters.
 Include a screenshot of the terminal displaying the command and result along with your face. Be
sure to caption each screenshot appropriately.
 Use the heading 1 style for each command title.
 Create a table of contents at the beginning of the document.
 Name your Word file using the format: studentID_studentName.docx
To ensure that you do not lose points, make sure you avoid the following mistakes:
 Using an incorrect file name format.
 Omitting the table of contents.
 Failing to include a caption for your screenshots (0.5 points per omission).
 Not featuring your face in the given screenshots (0.5 points per omission).
 Submitting your work after the deadline (0.5 points deducted for every hour of delay).

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