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Sir File No,GWS02-OPOMOMISC/10/2023-HARD GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH fe Director, Department of Gram Volunteers | Ward Volunteers & Village Secretariats / Ward Secretariats, Plot No.11 & 12, Nitman Bhavan, 'APIIC Colony, Autonagar, Vijayawada. From SriM Siva Prasad, LFS, To Director, All the District Collector inthe State, GVW & VSWS Department Allthe Joint Collectors in the State ‘Autonagar, Vijayawada Lr. Eile 2155687/GSWSI2023, Dated: 18/06/2024 ‘Sub Department of Gram Volunteers / Ward Volunteers & Vilag> Sectetariais Ward Secretaiats~ Printing and Supply of Secured Base Cortfcates Statonery to Vilage’ Ward Secretarits-Instuctions. of Government on Schemes/Programs, logos, cericates ec. issued by the departments -Instucons to VilageWard Secretaras to use the Secured base Cerificates supplied during the MCC period only- Reg. Ref :1. LrEfile.No.2185687/GSWS/2028, Dated: 12/04/2024 ‘2Cir. Memo No GADOI-PUOGAD/I/2024-PL:-A, dated 0608,2024 3 nstructions on Schemes J programmes names and logos recieved ‘through whatsapp message on 16052024 b> sce li Ue selerence 4st cited, in view of Model Code of Conduct in force, a5 per requests of the districts, Secured Base Cetiicates Stationery is supplied to all the Districts for distribution to vilage”Ward Secretariat duly removing the the photographs and logos related to the poltical personalities and partes. In the ret 2" cited, the Government have issued instructions 10 Hops on removal of photographs fom the State Government oficial websites of respective departmentslorganizations. Further in the Ret 3rd cited, instuctions were issued by the Government that” “All the Special Chief Secteaves! Pi. SectelariesiSecrearies to Government were directed to lis out various Government SchemesiPrograms dealt in their departments along with Names and Logos. They are further ditected to categorize all schemes! pragrams inte TWO categories. 1. Schemes existing prior to May-2019, whereir the names were changed between 2019-24. In such cases the, the old names (Pre- 2019) tobe restored. Dp Sty Si PreadlFS ‘a 18.6202 125514 Reson Aros File No.GWS02-OPOMOMISC/10/2023-HARD 2. New schemes which were stated between 2019-24. tn all such cases the current name should be removed immediately and appropiate Name tobe proposed. Til then, use only Generic Names, 3. 1 is further informed that any specitc Colour Scheme identifiable with any political party Flags in the govt Websites, Pass Books, Beneficiary Cards, Certificates etc, issued by the departments shall iso be discontinued, Stict compliance of the above instructions is expected from all Secretaries and HODs and any deviation will be viewed seriously. All Special Chief SecretariesPr. Secretaries/Secretaries to Government are requested o furnish compliance reports inthis egard to GAD urgent. In view of the above instructions, all the District Colectors are requested to instuct the DIO(GSWS}, MPDOs & MCs to issue insttuctions to all the secretariats and MeeSeva centves to continue the Usage of the ceriicates supplied during the MCC. period (erifcates without the photographs and logos related to the poltical personalities and parties) until further orders. Yous fatty, ‘SraPacad FS Director, GVW & VSWS Department Copy to: All Chie! Executive Officers of ZPP concerned in the state, ‘Al District Panchayat Oficers concerned inthe State, {All Distict GSWS In charge Office in the State. ‘Allthe Divisional Development Oficers (DLDQs) concernedin the State ‘Ail Mandal Parishad Development Officers concemed in the State, ‘All Commissioners of Municipal CorporationsiMunicipaliies concerned in the State, Asti CotcnatrsiADCe TCs Ns concerned inthe Ste fo necessary action, SPECIMEN SPECIMEN DONE BSow\ eobowoh chy GOW aly Hd sso Declar n by the Authorized Agent for Delivering the Electronic Services () 6 Bapyb8 sien BED isinoriio bigs SounybE NYE Hook So TORS OBS HSROORE SOB Sten woo HH. ‘The computer output in the form of computer printouts attached herewith is the correct representation ofits original as contained in the computer systems accessed by me for providing the servic. () G Soarybd soxier Gaeta Siradiéy RaMoSeAS wbGSDS dosyyDs NS tod GSogDs sgect oosegsn, ‘The information contained in the computer printouts has been producad from the aforesaid computer systoms during the period over which the computer was used rogularty. Ui) & Sospyet saicen WoekD Hanan osiybS HES DE WBS Soot Saree Sasedisa, During the said period, information ofthe kind contained in the computer printout ‘was regularly recorded by the aforesaid computer systems in the ordinary course of the activites Av) Gh Sosy Sar (Snetn inant Sites Sthaoet Hoye Ry Org aang eed Heed SosHOE HE Say DoeRTE Soren ase gid Gordo 8S ANS Ago iin 3S, Throughout the material part ofthe sald period, the computer was operaling properly and there have been no such operational problems that affect the accuracy of the electronic record contained in the aforesaid computer systems. [pS Boygasuires oe aodiod seth oats Deyo His dogs ‘The matter stated above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belie, Bodin Signature Seal ee OUT, GE ARIEL 608 855 ers, Demy HNsVod Tog _APESD AG 305 10623 SPECIMEN SPECIMEN DURNE Adios Soboibiw ohks GEVW ak Ha Hesio jon by the Authorized Agent for Deliv Dectars ing the Electron’e Services (ee Sop Sauter GOED Ssinetsin WOES SoumEE NE Hob Ao oD wis Siero SONS Heo eon SA ‘The computer output in the for of computor printouts attached herewith is, the correct representation of its original as contained in the computer systems accessed by me for providing the service. (i) & Hoary bE saee GUEtD Hiner DaMMOSOAS wYSBS SoMGEB RYEy cook Googe aged! oases, “The information contained in the computor printouts has been produced from the aforesaid computer systems during the period over which the computer was used regulary, (li) & Sospyb® soxier (SDEtD Simersin Hoty NES AE! GHDS Sgoet sacs aot, During the said period, information ofthe kind contained in the computer printout, was regulary recorded by the aforesaid computer systems in the orfinary course of the activities. (i) ee ogyo6 cater Octo mans Hie Sibabot! Kosrys6 Bin Wong Staab Sadia eh Boag BSS aig DRROE Oey dSio Gero #8 DOGS Rigsoe Sagan BS ‘Throughout the material pat ofthe sad period, he computer was operating properly and there have been no auch operational problems that affect the curacy of tho electronic record contained inthe aforesald computer systems. [Bs Siyqintainn ath BOHOd se shOuln a Deyo HH Sogo. ‘The matter stated abovo is correct tothe best of my knowledge and belle. Bossi Signature

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