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Nguyễn Đức Lâm


📞 0977336508 ✉ 🔗  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

• I am living in Ho Chi Minh now but I can relocate to workplace without any problem
• I have a small Github with some getting started project I start in some last several weeks, and you can watch this in attach link below:


I have 3 years experience as Backend Developer. Proficient in detect and solving problem, making RESTful API with NodeJS (and specific
is NestJS) and doing some autmation function with Trigger of MongoDB. Desire to work at Backend Developer, Faboshop company to
contribute to the company's system stable increase. In the future, I will continue to get knowledge about Backend and I hope I will have a
chance to learning Frontend to become a Fullstack Developer


Thuyloi University 09/2016 - 03/2021

Major: Information Technology


Solving Problem Fast detect and fixbug when problem has raised

Logical Thinking Easy to understanding request from Leader to develop features

English Can comminucate and read documents but with limit

Teamwork Can collaborate with other members to develop features without difficult


Faboshop Co., Ltd 03/2022 - Now

Backend Developer
- Working on an application to support clients for creating orders from Facebook
+ Position in the project: Backend Developer
+ Technologies used: Git, NestJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Docker, Elasticsearch, Postgres
- Achievements achieved:
+ Understand clearly the Git operating process in the project
+ Write system functions according to the microservices model (MSA)
+ Write Restful API using NestJS Framework
+ Know how to use Middleware in NestJS to handle login and authorization for each separate API
+ Have basic knowledge of Docker and Docker Compose to build a Local environment
+ Have knowledge of MongoDB's Change Stream to deploy automatic system functions when data has changed
+ Have knowledge of Atlas Search in MongoDB Atlas platform to support search by keyword for the system
+ Have basic knowledge of Elasticsearch to support search by keyword for the system
+ Using Postgres and TypeORM to making report function for system
+ Try to learn Gin Gonic and NextJS by myself for expand skills

MIRABO JSC 08/2021 - 03/2022

Backend Developer
- Working on a project at the request of the company related to the timekeeping and personnel management system for the factory:
+ Position in the project: Backend Developer
+ Technologies used: NodeJS, expressJS, MariaDB, Git
- Achievements and Skills achieved:
+ Learn about Docker, JWT and Sequelize
+ Write RESTful APIs for projects using expressJS
+ Working with git to manage project code
+ Know how to write and use Docker at a basic level

NEWTEL-TELECOM JSC 04/2021 - 08/2021

Backend Developer
- Working on a project at the request of the company related to video conferencing, digital signature:
+ Position in the project: Backend Developer
+ Technologies used: Laravel Framework, SocketIO, NodeJS, koaJS, mongoDB, mariaDB, RabbitMQ, AgendaJS, PM2, Git
- Achievements and Skills achieved:
+ Build a complete web app according to the microservice model
+ Use Laravel Framework integrated with AngularJS to build UI
+ Integrate koaJS into NodeJS to build services, integrate into the system using PM2
+ Build socket service based on NodeJS to manage online users, chat and call online
+ Integrate mongoDB into services to manage data
+ Use NodeJS's AgendaJS to create automatic work schedule
+ Use RabbitMQ to exchange between services
+ Write Restful API for Laravel Framework and NodeJS based projects
+ Integrate security with basic auth or oauth2 to secure Restful API
+ Working with git to manage project code

NEWTEL-TELECOM JSC 01/2021 - 03/2021

Web Internship
- Working on a personal project assigned by the company: Build a user management website, integrate chat and display notifications:
+ Position in the project: Developer
+ Technologies used: Laravel Framework, PM2, NodeJS, AngularJS, socketIO, RabbitMQ, AgendaJS, ...
- Achievements and Skills achieved:
+ Learn about Laravel Framework, html, css, javascript, AngularJS, socketIO, ...
+ Learn about some security methods such as oauth2, laravel passport, hmac, ...
+ Learn about NodeJS, AgendaJS, PM2- Learn about RabbitMQ
+ Build projects according to microservice model
+ Build complete UI using Laravel Framework and AngularJS
+ Build socket service using NodeJS and KoaJS to connect to Laravel Framework client to perform chat function

+ Built a notification service to store notifications into mongoDB and integrated RabbitMQ to send real-time notifications to clients via
socket service

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