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Vietnam National University

University of Languages and International Studies

Faculty of English Language Teacher Education

School of English 2


Reading - Writing Assignment Submission


Students’ ID No: 23040120 - 23040361

Assignment Topic: Scientists and the news media are presenting ever more evidence of
climate change. Government can't be expected to solve this problem. It is the
responsibility of individuals to change their lifestyle to prevent further damage. What
are your views?

Date of submission: 30/06/2024

We confirm that the work submitted has been produced through our own efforts.

Students’ Signature: Leader

Nguyễn Thanh Xuân


 There will be automatic deductions of 10% for work, which is 10% over or
under the word limit.
 Plagiarism will be penalized with 0 (Zero). If permitted to resubmit, a maximum
of 40% will be awarded.
 Work not submitted on time without prior approval will be failed and a
maximum mark of 40% awarded for the resubmission.
1. UNEP = United Nations Environment Programme

2. UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


In recent decades, since extreme weather patterns have become more prevalent
and calamitous, a host of concerns about combating climate change have emerged.
Along with that apprehension is the dispute over who should shoulder the accountability
for those climatic phenomena: governments or citizens. According to the Emissions Gap
Report (UNEP, 2020, as cited in UNEP, 2022), over two-thirds of greenhouse gas
emissions, the main cause of climate change, stem from lifestyles and household
consumption. Henceforth, from our perspectives, lifestyle holders or individuals should
take charge of dealing with climate change by modifying their living habits due to three
following rationales.

To begin with, it is crucial for individuals to change their commuting habits,

which can significantly diminish the amount of carbon dioxide. The incremental rise in
the number of vehicles running on fossil fuels has taken a heavy toll on the
environment. The carbon footprint pertaining to this practice accounts for the highest
percentage of total lifestyle-related greenhouse gas emissions (UNEP, 2022). There is in
turn a need for everyone to gear towards eco-friendly transportation which can
considerably reduce the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. Green commuting
is also the solution suggested by UNFCCC (2023) to curb the amount of transport
exhaust fumes. To put this recommendation into practice, people should increase the
frequency of using bicycles and electric vehicles which can reduce the likelihood of
further negative effects. Conclusively, this outcome couldn’t be realized without actions
from each person.

Another reason is that the collective adoption of dietary shifts also stands a
good chance of appreciably mitigating climate change. In fact, beef and milk-related
products make up the greatest proportion of carbon footprint deriving from eating habits
(UNEP, 2022). Accordingly, individuals' choice of food should be responsible for
global warming and other extreme weather patterns. In order to make our life more
sustainable, Springmann et al. (2016) states that there is a need for transitioning away
from animal-based and towards plant-rich diets. Not only does UNEP (2022) refer to
similar action but the programme also complements the act of limiting the frequency of

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food disposal. In other words, should individuals follow a vegan diet as well as keep the
food waste to a minimum, later natural catastrophes will be averted.

Opponents of people’s responsibility argue that individuals cannot be trusted to

address climatic problems, rather, it is the authority of the government to enact laws for
prevention. However, the inefficacy of current policy mechanisms raises doubts about
their ability to ensure compliance from nations. The internationally recognized Paris
Agreement is a convention that serves as a prominent example of poor policy. This
strategy was established in 2015 as an upgraded substitute following the Kyoto
Protocol’s worldwide collapse. Nevertheless, the myriad challenges still exist. One of
the main barriers is that the US distinguished itself as the solitary nation to retract
participation from the global pact on climate change in 2019 (Gallagher et al., 2020, as
cited in Kumar et al., 2022). As highlighted by Kumar et al. (2022), despite being a
dominant global force and a major economic player, the US has fallen short in its efforts
to uphold environmental stability. This observation resonates with the assertion made by
Fatmasari, emphasizing that given its position, the US should have the leadership role to
inspire other states. Contrarily, the US stands alone among major polluters in its failure
to establish a target under the Agreement (2019). Indeed, rather than depending
exclusively on governmental intervention, it is the responsibility of individuals to fight
against climate change by taking those proactive measures.

In conclusion, lifestyle modification in individuals will be the key to address

climate change. By adopting eco-friendly commuting habits and shifting towards green
diets, people can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a
more sustainable future for the planet.


Fatmasari, D. (2019). Policy Brief; The Differences between the Kyoto Protocol and the

Paris Agreement: Action Needed to Meet Mitigation Targets. Victoria.

Kumar, K. A., Lalitha, S., & Deka, A. (2022). A critical analysis of Paris Agreement

on climate change: Initiatives and challenges. AnVesak, 52(1), 731-734.

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Springmann, M., Godfray, H. C. J., Rayner, M., & Scarborough, P. (2016). Analysis and

valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of

America, 113(15), 4146–4151.

United Nations Environment Programme. (2022). Enabling Sustainable Lifestyles in a

Climate Emergency.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2023). Outcome of the

first global stocktake.

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