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Patient’s ID & Sex 164022, M Patient’s Name AMR EZAT ABDALAZEZ, 022Y

Accession No undefined Referred By Dear Colleague

Study Date 12-Nov-2021 Reporting Date 12-Nov-2021
Examination MR LEFT KNEE
Axial T2w images. Sagittal T1w, T2w, PDw and STIR images. Coronal T2w and STIR images.
No contrast.
Comparison: None available studies for comparison.


• Discontinuous anterior cruciate ligament fibers seen separated by fluid intensity gap.
• Linear fracture line is seen involving lateral tibial plateau being associated with appreciable
bone marrow edema signal area of implicating medial and lateral portions of tibial plateau as
well as lateral and (to a much lesser extent) medial femoral condyles.
• Large amount of knee joint effusion is seen.
• Normal shape and signal of both medial and lateral menisci.
• Normal course and intensity of posterior cruciate ligament.
• No collateral ligaments injuries visualized.
• Intact quadriceps tendon.
• No evidence of significant patellar instability noted, with intact both patellar retinacula.
• Intact shape and signal of visualized portions of surrounding muscles.


• A.C.L. tear.
• Tibial plateau fracture with extensive tibial and femoral bone bruises as described.
• Large knee effusion.

Dr. Essam G. Ghonaim

Consultant Radiologist

This report is provided by Rology, LLC - Page 1 of 1


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