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Department of Computer Science

Meeting Log

Name of the Student: Ghulam Madni Reg. No. 2022-uam-2898 , Degree: MSCS

Document Type: Thesis

Research Title: Cotton Crop Diseases Detection Using Artificial Intelligence

Sr. No Meeting Date Discussion Remarks

1 22 Jan, 2024 Discussion about data set collection and its preprocessing techniques.
Combining all the data collected into a uniform format. Reapplying After discussion I completed my task
preprocessing to the newly organized data in Excel worksheet.
Meeting with Dr. Muhammad Sanaullah Badar to
2 2 Feb,2024 Collect dataset. After discussion I read Articles and collect crop prediction
Articles collection to start thesis write data.
A comprehensive discussion on the shortcomings of using
3 12 Feb, 2024 Machine learning model for our dataset and how to train all. After that meeting we select best suitable model
Discussed model selection

4 22 Feb, 2024 Discussion on coding techniques available for system development.

Discussed different coding platform including Python and Google Colab. Understand the various coding tools

5 28 Feb, 2024 Discussion about Feature Analysis of text data and Feature After that meeting I start work on feature analysis and
Analysis techniques. use Feature analysis techniques.

6 8 March, 2024 Discussion about the implementation of proposed methodology. Working on my research methodology.

7 14 March, 2024 Discussion about Applying deep learning Model on our dataset. After this discussion I start work on model training
And Evaluate results.

8 25 March,2024 Discussion on Improving the accuracy of our model. After this discussion work on model and improved
Thesis Preparation Accuracy.
9 3 April, 2024 Evaluating the alternates of Models that could fit the best After Evaluating the alternate models Random Forest
to our dataset. By Cross Validation evaluate result Shows best results.

10 12 April, 2024 Discussion about result evaluation. After that meeting I Evaluated my Results of crop
prediction model.

11 26 April, 2024 Discussion on crop prediction model for efficient result. And its I completed my task and start and start writing these
Result in thesis preparation. Results with help of Supervisor.
Evaluating the different Machine learning algorithms.
12 3 May, 2024 Paper reading on reviews of efficiency of different Machine I completed my task and review previous
Learning algorithms.

13 17 May, 2024 Discussion on Thesis writing and Format. After that I start to improve my thesis format by department.

Discussion about Experiment I and write 2nd Chapter of Thesis

14 22 May, 2024 and Review Chapter. After Discussion I start and complete Chapter 2 with the
help of Supervisor.

15 24 May , 2024 Discussion about Experiment II write Chapter 3 After Discussion I start and Complete Chapter 3

16 27 May, 2024 Discussion and write Chapter 4 After Discussion I start and Complete Chapter 4

17 29 May, 2024 Discussion about Chapter 5 After Discussion I complete my Task

Discussion about Chapter 5 Detail discussion

18 31 May, 2024 After Discussion I Complete my Task

Summarizing the general discussion.

19 3 June, 2024 Thesis preparation and complete thesis work under supervision After Discussion I complete my Task
of Dr. Hira Nazir

Supervisor: ______________________ Submitted by: ______________________

Dr. Hira Nazir Ghulam Madni 2022-uam-2898

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