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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)

Vol. 11, No. 3, Sep 2020, pp. xx~xx

ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v11.i3.ppxx-ppyy  51

Constant Current – Constant Voltage Baterry Charging

Method Using Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control

Indhana Sudiharto1, Farid Dwi Murdianto2, Berliana Rahma Putri3

1,2,3 Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Recently, the needs of electrical energy are increasing in line with the
increasing population in Indonesia. To reduce the use of electrical energy
Received Jan 17, 2019 produced by fossil energy, renewable energy is used, namely solar energy.
Revised Jul 22, 2019 Solar energy depends on the conditions of sunlight and the temperature of the
Accepted Aug 3, 2019 solar panel. So, if the solar panel is directly connected to the battery, it will
cause the battery to be damaged. To overcome this, a controlled DC-DC
converter is needed to stabilize the solar panel output before connecting to
Keywords: the battery. The DC-DC converter that used is a SEPIC converter with a
coupled inductor, this converter has the ability to increase efficiency, avoid
SEPIC Coupled Inductor input current ripple, and the output polarity is not reversed. The control used
Converter to adjust the output of the SEPIC converter is a type 2 fuzzy logic controller
Fuzzy Logic Controller Type 2 because it has the ability to find a set point value faster than other control
Lithium Ion Battery logics and can handle uncertainty better than a type 1 fuzzy logic controller.
Constant Current - Constant The output of the SEPIC coupled inductor converter is used for charging
Voltage lithium ion batteries with a capacity of 12V 21Ah. The output value of the
SEPIC coupled inductor converter is 14V fo voltage and 4A for a current.
The method used for charging the battery is the constant current constant
voltage (cc-cv) method
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Corresponding Author,
Electrical Engineering Department,
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus, Jl. Raya ITS, Keputih, Kec. Sukolilo, Kota SBY, Jawa
Timur 60111.

Currently, there are many developments of the energy storage using batteries and solar panels as
energy sources. The uses of solar energy sources can reduce the uses of fossil energy. Because the output of
solar panel is fluctuating due to the changing value of solar irradiation. So, DC-DC converter is needed to
adjust the output of the solar panel which will be used for charging the battery and the battery is not damaged
quickly. The DC-DC converter is SEPIC coupled inductor to stabilize the output for charhing the battery.
SEPIC coupled inductor converter has the ability to avoid input current ripple, reduce load voltage ripple, can
increase converter efficiency, output polarity is not reversed, and can produce the output voltage greater or
lower than the input voltage. Because the converter gets an input voltage from the solar panel, the duty cycle
of the converter will be adjusted to match the battery charging process. The control using type 2 fuzzy logic
control. The advantages of using FLC type 2 are that it is more reliable and stable, has more factors control
errors than other controls, handles uncertainty better than FLC type 1, and can reach set point values faster

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52  ISSN: 2088-8694

than the other controls. The FLC type 2 method uses to this study is the Sugeno method which produces
output in the form of a constant or linier equation. There are many methods of charging the battery, one of
the methods is constant current constant voltage method (CC-CV), this method is very suitable for the battery
charging process because this method causes the battery to last longer. Therefore, in this research, battery
charging will be implemented and designed using the constant current constant voltage method which is
controlled using FLC type 2 and will regulate the duty cycle of the SEPIC coupled inductor converter.

This research includes solar panels as a power source for input of the SEPIC coupled inductor
converter, CC-CV method for battery charging, and type 2 fuzzy logic control to regulate the output of the
converter. Figure 1 shows the diagram block of the system
12V 21 Ah 22 W
100 WP









Figure 1. Diagram Block System

2.1. Constant Current Constant Voltage

Battery is an electric cell device which there is an electrochemical process that works reverse and
forward so, in the battery has two processes called discharging process and charging process. The
discharging process occurs when chemical energy changes into electrical energy. And the charging process
occurs by regenerating the electrodes on the battery that provide electric current in the opposite direction to
the cell. There are several methods for charging batteries such as constant trickle (CTC), constant current
(CC), constant voltage (CV), and constant current constant voltage (CC-CV). Constant trickle is a method of
battery charging by charging on discharge rate, so that can maintain the battery in a full condition. Constant
current is a charging method with a constant current until the battery voltage reaches the maximum voltage.
Constant voltage is a charging method with a constant constant voltage until the charging current decreases to
cut off current. This charging process will prevent the battery from overchanging because the voltage is kept
constant to the maximum voltage, but this charging process will take a longer time than the constant current
The last method is constant current constant voltage, that works by charging the battery in the first step
using constant current, after the battery voltage reaches the maximum voltage the charging process move to
constant voltage until the charging current decreases according to cut off current. Using constant current
constant voltage method, the battery will be charged according to its full capacity. Charging the battery
begins with a constant current and continues with a constant voltage until the battery is fully charged. Figure
2 shows the battery charging process using CC-CV method.

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Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  53

Figure 2. Graph of Battery Charging with CC-CV Method

2.2. SEPIC Coupled Inductor Converter

The SEPIC converter is a type of DC-DC converter that can produce a lower or higher output voltage
than the input voltage by varying the duty cycle value. This converter is similar to a buck-boost converter.
The advantages of using a SEPIC converter than using buck-boost converter are that the output polarity is not
reversed, the efficiency of the converter is higher, the voltage ripple and current ripple are better than the
buck-boost converter. In this paper, a SEPIC converter with a coupled inductor is used, which in this
converter only uses one coupled inductor. The purpose of using a coupled inductor is to avoid input current
ripple and increase the efficiency of the converter. Figure 3 shows the SEPIC coupled inductor converter

L1 L2



C1 R

S1 C2

Figure 3. SEPIC Coupled Inductor Converter Circuit

In this research the SEPIC converter gets the input voltage from the solar panel and the converter output
will be connected to the battery. To calculate the value of the converter component will be explained in
equations (1) to (6).
𝑉𝑂 = 𝑉𝐼𝑁 × (1)

𝐿𝑚 ×∆𝑖𝐿2 ×𝑖2 ×𝑓 𝐷
𝐿1 = (𝑉𝐼𝑁 − )×( ) (2)
𝐷 ∆𝑖𝐿1 ×𝑖1 ×𝑓

𝑉𝑂 ×(1−𝐷)
𝐿2 = (3)
𝑓(∆𝑖𝐿1 ×𝑖1 +∆𝑖𝐿2 ×𝑖2 )

𝐿𝑚 = 𝐿2 (4)
𝐶1 = (5)
𝑅×∆𝑉𝑐1 ×𝑓

𝐶2 = (6)
𝑅×∆𝑉𝑂 ×𝑓

After knowing the equation to find the value of the converter component, table 1 shows the parameters
used in this research.

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
54  ISSN: 2088-8694

Table 1. The parameter of SEPIC coupled inductor converter

Parameter Value
Input voltage 17.5 V
Output voltage 14 V
Frequency switching 100KHz
Ripple current 10%
Ripple voltage 10%
Inductor 1 (L1) 75.02µH
Inductor 2 (L2) 77.5µH
Magnetizing inductor (Lm) 77.5µH
Capacitor (C1) 698.41µF
Capacitor (C2) 126.5µF

2.3. Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control

Because there is a weakness in type 1 fuzzy logic control, which is that it cannot handle the uncertainty
associated with the input and output membership functions, therefore it can be reduce the performance of
type 1 fuzzy logic control. To overcome this problem, a type 2 fuzzy logic control was developed which has
introduced by Lotfi Zadeh in 1975. The type 2 fuzzy logic control system has the same characteristics as the
type 1 fuzzy logic control, which uses an if-then rule basis. In addition, to change the type 2 fuzzy set to
produce an output value, the type 2 fuzzy logic control has a reduction type stage. In general, the type 2 fuzzy
logic control system has stages of fuzzification, rule base, fuzzy inference, reduction type, and
defuzzification. Figure 4 shows the diagram block of type 2 fuzzy logic control system.

Crisp IT-2-Fuzzy Type
inputs sets
inputs Output sets Reduced set
Fuzzifier Inference Engine Type Reducer

Rules output
Y = f(X)

Figure 4. Diagram Block of Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control System

Figure 4 shows the workings of the type 2 fuzzy logic control, namely crisp value on fuzzification into
the type 2 fuzzy set form. Input from fuzzy type 2 will activate fuzzy inference and the rule base will produce
the output of the centroid calculation into a type 1 fuzzy set or called a reduced fuzzy set. After type
reduction is done, the fuzzy set is defuzzified by finding the average of the output values.


In this section, explaining about testing of the SEPIC coupled inductor converter.

Figure 5. Battery Charging Integration Simulation with CC-CV Method Using SEPIC Coupled Inductor
Controlled by Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2020 : xx – xx
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  55

Figure 5 shows an integrated simulation circuit consisting of SEPIC coupled inductor and a control
circuit using type 2 fuzzy logic control to adjust the output of the SEPIC coupled inductor converter. Figure 6
shows the control circuit for battery charging.

Figure 6. Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control for Battery Charging using CC-CV Method

Type 2 fuzzy logic control is used to adjust the output of the SEPIC coupled inductor converter so that the
current is maintained constant at 4 A during battery charging and also maintains a constant voltage of 14 V
when the battery is fully charged. Figure 7 shows the variable design of the type 2 fuzzy logic control.

Figure 7. Design of Input and Output Variable Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control

Figure 7 shows the design of input and output variables of type 2 fuzzy logic control which is used
to control constant current and constant voltage, for constant current and constant voltage it has 2 input
variables, namely error and delta error and for output variable only 1, namely duty. Figure 8-11 shows the
design range error and delta error of constant current and constant voltage.

Figure 8. Design of Error for Constant Voltage

Figure 9. Design of Delta Error for Constant Voltage

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
56  ISSN: 2088-8694

Figure 10. Design of Error for Constant Current

Figure 11. Design of Delta Error for Constant Current

From Figure 8-11, each of the fuzzification inputs uses 7 triangular membership functions. The 7
membership functions of the input and output are Negative Big (NB), Negative Medium (NM), Negative
Small (NS), Zero (Z), Positive Small (PS), Positive Medium (PM), and Positive Big (PB). There are 49 rules
generated by 7 combinations of membership functions formed from the input error and delta error variables.
The results of the combination of rules are shown in table 2.

Table 2. Rule Base of Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control


In this simulation, the battery charging current is 4 A in constant current mode and the voltage when
the battery is fully charged is 14 V. In the lithium ion battery charging stage, when the battery is still empty,
the constant current method works with a constant current value of 4 A and if the battery is in a state almost
fully charged then the automatic switch in the control circuit will work by changing the charging method
from constant current to constant voltage. The result of the simulation of the battery charging circuit using
the constant current-constant voltage method using type 2 fuzzy logic control is shown in Figure 12

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2020 : xx – xx
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  57

Figure 12. Battery Charge Simulation Waveform with Constant Current-Constant Voltage Method Using
Type 2 Fuzzy Logic Control
From Figure 12 the displacement from constant current mode to constant voltage mode when the
SOC of the battery is 96.69% with a voltage value of 14 V and the current value decreases from a constant
value of 4 A to 2,307 A. In Table 3 shows the data of battery charging with SOC value in STC condition.

Table 3. Battery Charging Data with SOC Value in STC Condition

Input Voltage SOC Output Cuurent Output Voltage
(V) (%) (A) (V)
17.5 85 4.128 12.88
17.5 87 4.106 12.91
17.5 89 4.099 12.92
17.5 91 4.072 12.93
17.5 93 4.042 12.95
17.5 94 4.009 13
17.5 95 4.001 13.01
17.5 96 3.948 13.06
17.5 97 3.82 13.17
17.5 98 3.711 13.27
17.5 99 3.408 13.53
17.5 99.5 3.118 13.8
17.5 99.69 2.037 14
17.5 99.74 0.924 14

After performing the integration simulation, to prove that the control works according to the set
points, the solar panel irradiation value is varied. this proves the performance of type 2 fuzzy logic control.
Figure 12-14 shows the simulation results.

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
58  ISSN: 2088-8694

Figure 12. Simulation wave results with 900W/m2 irradiation value

Figure 13. Simulation wave results with 700W/m2 irradiation value

Figure 14. Simulation wave results with 600W/m2 irradiation value

from Figure 12-14 proves that the controls are working properly. with irradiation values of 900, 700,
and 600 generate an output for a current of 4 A and a voltage of 14 V. This output is used for the lithium ion
battery charging process with the cc-cv method.

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2020 : xx – xx
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  59

Constant current-constant voltage method is used for charging lithium ion batteries in this study so
that the battery does not overcharge. With a DC converter SEPIC coupled inductor equipped with type 2
fuzzy logic control to regulate the voltage and current which the voltage and current are charged at 14 V and
4 A. The shift from the constant current method to the constant voltage when the battery SOC is 99.69%. The
usefulness of the DC-DC converter for charging batteries using solar power sources is so that the batteries are
not damaged quickly due to fluctuating output from solar panels.

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Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2020 : xx – xx

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