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As the group leader, I am happy with the project's outcome, thus I am satisfied with my
work.Together, as a team, we worked on the project and finished it by the deadline.I
believe the poster's originality and limitations lie in our ability to collaborate as a team to
come up with a well-thought-out design. The fact that we were unable to select the ideal
design for the project, in my opinion, is what limits us. In doing so, we inquire about the
teacher's preference. Thanks to the design work done by our two members, Melissa
and Jon Hin, we have been able to provide a suitable design thus far. We have a good
team, and we want to perform even better.In order to improve places,.

Next teamwork.I enjoy working in the group as everyone contributes to something. I
enjoy working as a group because we get to split the task and work effectively. I think
what we did turned out as it needed to be. I think the challenges in the group is lack of
communication as sometimes we mix up the design. Other than that, We were able to
make the design into a poster.By overcoming the challenges we split the work and form
a chat group to communicate for the project.I think doing that is very effective as we can
communicate well and do the project fast and smoothly.

I contributed in doing research and how to form the poster. By directing them on
showing internet posters,My group can understand what kind of posters we are
doing.By doing that our group understands and immediately starts working on the
poster. I am a leader. I directed them on what to do and how to do.I am very proud of
my members as they did not mess up the poster.I played the role of directing. I think by
explaining in sentences my members understood. I think the roles of researching and
directing are equal. Despite that, I think the members who design the poster are very
good. As for my other member(Charles) He also researched and gave ideas.

I learned of being a good leader and directing. I felt very confident and had good
teamwork. I lead the group and direct them. I also learnt about explaining the thing of
what to do and not.I also learnt communication as We communicated a lot.I did the topic
gangsterism before doing this, I thought gangsterism are gangsters doing bad things but
not just that, there variety types of gangsterism(consequences,delinquency etc).Now I
know that gangsterism has variety of things.My view has changed from research as
Research shows the things of gangsterism like the description.Other than that,I think
this project is very interesting.

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