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SIMON VS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS NO. (T)he Commission on Human Rights was not meant by the
GR NO. 100150. JAN. 5, 1994 fundamental law to be another court or quasi-judicial agency in this
AREVALO country, or duplicate much less take over the functions of the latter.

DOCTRINE: The most that may be conceded to the Commission in the way of
adjudicative power is that it may investigate, i.e., receive evidence and
(T)he Commission on Human Rights . . . was not meant by the make findings of fact as regards claimed human rights violations involving
fundamental law to be another court or quasi-judicial agency in this civil and political rights. But fact finding is not adjudication, and cannot be
country, or duplicate much less take over the functions of the latter. likened to the judicial function of a court of justice, or even a quasi-judicial
agency or official. The function of receiving evidence and ascertaining
FACTS: therefrom the facts of a controversy is not a judicial function, properly
speaking. To be considered such, the faculty of receiving evidence and
The case all started when a "Demolition Notice," signed by Carlos Quimpo making factual conclusions in a controversy must be accompanied by the
(one of the petitioners) in his capacity as an Executive Officer of the authority of applying the law to those factual conclusions to the end that
Quezon City Integrated Hawkers Management Council under the Office of the controversy may be decided or determined authoritatively, finally and
the City Mayor, was sent to, and received by, the private respondents definitively, subject to such appeals or modes of review as may be
(being the officers and members of the North EDSA Vendors Association, provided by law. This function, to repeat, the Commission does not have.
Incorporated). In said notice, the respondents were given a grace-period
of three (3) days (up to 12 July 1990) within which to vacate the ERMITA - MALATE HOTEL & MOTEL OPERATORS ASSOCIATION VS
questioned premises of North EDSA. 1 Prior to their receipt of the CITY OF MANILA
demolition notice, the private respondents were informed by petitioner
Quimpo that their stalls should be removed to give way to the "People's DOCTRINE:
Park". 2 On 12 July 1990, the group, led by their President Roque Fermo,
filed a letter-complaint (Pinag-samang Sinumpaang Salaysay) with the The local legislative body, by enacting the ordinance, has in effect given
CHR against the petitioners, asking the late CHR Chairman Mary notice that the regulations are essential to the well being of the people x x
Concepcion Bautista for a letter to be addressed to then Mayor Brigido x . The Judiciary should not lightly set aside legislative action when there
Simon, Jr., of Quezon City to stop the demolition of the private is not a clear invasion of personal or property rights under the guise of
respondents' stalls, sari-sari stores, and carinderia along North EDSA. On police regulation.2
23 July 1990, the CHR issued an Order, directing the petitioners "to desist
from demolishing the stalls and shanties at North EDSA pending resolution FACTS:
of the vendors/squatters' complaint before the Commission" and ordering
said petitioners to appear before the CHR. However, the petitioners carried The petitioners Ermita - Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association, one
out the demolition of the stalls, sari-sari store and carinderia. The CHR of its members, Hotel Del Mar Inc. and a certain Go Chiu (President and
cited the petitioners for contempt for violating the cease and desist order. Gen. Manager) filed a petition for prohibition against the respondent Mayor
of the City of Manila. It was alleged that the petitioner non-stock
ISSUE: corporation is dedicated to the promotion and protection of the interest of
its eighteen (18) members "operating hotels and motels, characterized as
Whether or not the public respondent has jurisdiction: legitimate businesses duly licensed by both national and city authorities,
a) to investigate the alleged violations of the "business rights" of the regularly paying taxes, employing and giving livelihood to not less than
private respondents whose stalls were demolished by the petitioners at the 2,500 person and representing an investment of more than P3 million.
instance and authority given by the Mayor of Quezon City; That the Municipal Board of the City of Manila enacted Ordinance No.
b) to impose the fine of P500.00 each on the petitioners; and 4760, by the then Vice-Mayor Herminio Astorga, who was at the time
c) to disburse the amount of P200,000.00 as financial aid to the vendors acting as Mayor of the City of Manila.
affected by the demolition.
The petitioner assailed the validity of Ordinance No. 4760 on the ground
HELD: that it was violative of their right to due process because (1) as it would
impose P6,000.00 fee per annum for first class motels and P4,500.00 for

second class motels;(2) that the provision in the same section which would There is no question but that the challenged ordinance was precisely
require the owner, manager, keeper or duly authorized representative of a enacted to minimize certain practices hurtful to public morals. The
hotel, motel, or lodging house to refrain from entertaining or accepting explanatory note of the Councilor Herminio Astorga included as annex to
any guest or customer or letting any room or other quarter to any person the stipulation of facts, speaks of the alarming increase in the rate of
or persons without his filling up the prescribed form in a lobby open to prostitution, adultery and fornication in Manila traceable in great part to
public view at all times and in his presence (personal information needs to the existence of motels, which "provide a necessary atmosphere for
be supplied such as name, address, occupation, etc); (3) that the clandestine entry, presence and exit" and thus become the "ideal haven
premises and facilities of such hotels, motels and lodging houses would be for prostitutes and thrill-seekers." The challenged ordinance then proposes
open for inspection either by the City Mayor, or the Chief of Police, or their to check the clandestine harboring of transients and guests of these
duly authorized representatives (4) not only for being arbitrary, establishments by requiring these transients and guests to fill up a
unreasonable or oppressive but also for being vague, indefinite and registration form, prepared for the purpose, in a lobby open to public view
uncertain, and likewise for the alleged invasion of the right to privacy and at all times, and by introducing several other amendatory provisions
the guaranty against self-incrimination;(5) Section 2 of the challenged calculated to shatter the privacy that characterizes the registration of
ordinance classifying motels into two classes and requiring the transients and guests." Moreover, the increase in the licensed fees was
maintenance of certain minimum facilities in first class motels; (6) that the intended to discourage "establishments of the kind from operating for
provision of Section 2 of the challenged ordinance prohibiting a person less purpose other than legal" and at the same time, to increase "the income of
than 18 years old from being accepted in such hotels, motels, lodging the city government." It would appear therefore that the stipulation of
houses, tavern or common inn unless accompanied by parents or a lawful facts, far from sustaining any attack against the validity of the ordinance,
guardian and making it unlawful for the owner, manager, keeper or duly argues eloquently for it.
authorized representative of such establishments to lease any room or
portion thereof more than twice every 24 hours; and (7) insofar as the PICHAY VS OFFICE OF DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
penalty provided for in Section 4 of the challenged ordinance for a 677 SCRA 408
subsequent conviction would, cause the automatic cancellation of the
license of the offended party, in effect causing the destruction of the DOCTRINE:
business and loss of its investments.
The equal protection of the law clause is against undue favor and
ISSUE: individual or class privilege, as well as hostile discrimination or the
oppression of inequality. It is not intended to prohibit legislation which is
Whether or not Ordinance No. 4760 of the City of Manila is violative of the limited either in the object to which it is directed or by territory within
due process clause. which it is to operate. It does not demand absolute equality among
residents; it merely requires that all persons shall be treated alike, under
HELD: like circumstances and conditions both as to privileges conferred and
liabilities enforced. The equal protection clause is not infringed by
NO. Primarily what calls for a reversal of such a decision is the absence of legislation which applies only to those persons falling within a specified
any evidence to offset the presumption of validity that attaches to a class, if it applies alike to all persons within such class, and reasonable
challenged statute or ordinance. As was expressed categorically by Justice grounds exist for making a distinction between those who fall within such
Malcolm: "The presumption is all in favor of validity x x x . The action of class and those who do not.
the elected representatives of the people cannot be lightly set aside. The
councilors must, in the very nature of things, be familiar with the FACTS:
necessities of their particular municipality and with all the facts and
circumstances which surround the subject and necessitate action. The local On April 16, 2001, then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued
legislative body, by enacting the ordinance, has in effect given notice that Executive Order No. 12 (E.O. 12) creating the Presidential Anti-Graft
the regulations are essential to the well being of the people x x x . The Commission (PAGC) and vesting it with the power to investigate or hear
Judiciary should not lightly set aside legislative action when there is not a administrative cases or complaints for possible graft and corruption,
clear invasion of personal or property rights under the guise of police among others, against presidential appointees and to submit its report and
regulation. recommendations to the President.

November 15, 2010, President Benigno Simeon Aquino III issued and may be removed therefrom only upon stringent conditions. On the
Executive Order No. 13 (E.O. 13), abolishing the PAGC and transferring its other hand, appointive officials hold their office by virtue of their
functions to the Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs designation thereto by an appointing authority. Some appointive officials
(ODESLA), more particularly to its newly-established Investigative and hold their office in a permanent capacity and are entitled to security of
Adjudicatory Division (IAD). tenure while others serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

On April 6, 2011, respondent Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima filed 2) In administrative proceedings, the filing of charges and giving
before the IAD-ODESLA a complaint affidavit 2 for grave misconduct against reasonable opportunity for the person so charged to answer the
petitioner Prospero A. Pichay, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the accusations against him constitute the minimum requirements of due
Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA), as well as the incumbent process,35 which simply means having the opportunity to explain one’s
members of the LWUA Board of Trustees, which arose from the purchase side.36 Hence, as long as petitioner was given the opportunity to explain
by the LWUA of Four Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Three Hundred Seventy his side and present evidence, the requirements of due process are
Seven (445,377) shares of stock of Express Savings Bank, Inc satisfactorily complied with because what the law abhors is an absolute
Now alleging that no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy is available lack of opportunity to be heard.37 The records show that petitioner was
to him in the ordinary course of law, petitioner has resorted to the instant issued an Order requiring him to submit his written explanation under oath
petition for certiorari and prohibition upon the grounds that E.O. 13 is with respect to the charge of grave misconduct filed against him. His own
unconstitutional for being violating the guarantee of due process and equal failure to submit his explanation despite notice defeats his subsequent
protection clause pointing to the arbitrariness of limiting the IAD-ODESLA's claim of denial of due process.
investigation only to presidential appointees occupying upper-level
positions in the government. WHITE LIGHT CORPORATION ET. AL. VS CITY OF MANILA
GR NO. 122846 JAN. 20, 2009
1) Whether or not EO 13 is violative of the right to due process
2) Whether or not EO 13 is violative of right to equal protection clause The rights at stake herein fell within the same fundamental rights to
liberty. Liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was defined by Justice
HELD: Malcolm to include “the right to exist and the right to be free from
arbitrary restraint or servitude. The term cannot be dwarfed into mere
1) NO. Executive Order No. 13 Does Not Violate Petitioner's Right to Due freedom from physical restraint of the person of the citizen, but is deemed
Process and the Equal Protection of the Laws. The equal protection of the to embrace the right of man to enjoy the facilities with which he has been
laws is a guaranty against any form of undue favoritism or hostility from endowed by his Creator, subject only to such restraint as are necessary for
the government.29 It is embraced under the due process concept and the common welfare.
simply requires that, in the application of the law, "all persons or things
similarly situated should be treated alike, both as to rights conferred and FACTS:
responsibilities imposed."30 The equal protection clause, however, is not
absolute but subject to reasonable classification so that aggrupations On 3 Dec 1992, then Mayor Lim signed into law Ord 7774 entitled “An
bearing substantial distinctions may be treated differently from each other. Ordinance” prohibiting short time admission in hotels, motels, lodging
There are substantial distinctions that set apart presidential appointees houses, pension houses and similar establishments in the City of Manila.
occupying upper-level positions in government from non-presidential White Light Corp is an operator of mini hotels and motels who sought to
appointees and those that occupy the lower positions in government. In have the Ordinance be nullified as the said Ordinance infringes on the
Salumbides v. Office of the Ombudsman,34 we had ruled extensively on private rights of their patrons. The RTC ruled in favor of WLC. It ruled that
the substantial distinctions that exist between elective and appointive the Ordinance strikes at the personal liberty of the individual guaranteed
public officials, thus: by the Constitution. The City maintains that the ordinance is valid as it is a
valid exercise of police power. Under the LGC, the City is empowered to
Substantial distinctions clearly exist between elective officials and regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of cafes,
appointive officials. The former occupy their office by virtue of the restaurants, beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses, lodging
mandate of the electorate. They are elected to an office for a definite term

houses and other similar establishments, including tourist guides and forcibly opening the door of the union office. In the morning, as union
transports. The CA ruled in favor of the City. officer Soluta was trying in vain to open the door of the union office, Loida
narrated to him what she had witnessed at dawn.
Soluta immediately lodged a complaint before the Security Officer. And he
Whether or not Ord 7774 is valid. fetched a locksmith. At that instant, men in barong tagalog armed with
clubs arrived and started hitting Soluta and his companions. Panlilio
HELD: thereupon instructed Villanueva to force open the door, and the latter did.
Once inside, Panlilio and his companions began searching the office, over
The SC ruled that the said ordinance is null and void as it indeed infringes the objection of Babay who even asked them if they had a search warrant.
upon individual liberty. It also violates the due process clause which serves A plastic bag was found containing marijuana flowering tops.
as a guaranty for protection against arbitrary regulation or seizure. The
said ordinance invades private rights. Note that not all who goes into As a result of the discovery of the presence of marijuana in the union
motels and hotels for wash up rate are really there for obscene purposes office and after the police conducted an investigation of the incident, a
only. Some are tourists who needed rest or to “wash up” or to freshen up. complaint against the 13 union officers was filed before the Fiscal’s Office
Hence, the infidelity sought to be avoided by the said ordinance is more or of Manila. Petitioners further argue that the search of the union office was
less subjected only to a limited group of people. The SC reiterates that reasonable under the circumstances,21 given that the hotel owns the room
individual rights may be adversely affected only to the extent that may where the union holds office; the search was not without probable cause
fairly be required by the legitimate demands of public interest or public as it was conducted precisely due to reports received by petitioners that
welfare. Indeed, the right to privacy as a constitutional right must be the union office was being used as a venue for illegal activities, particularly
recognized and the invasion of it should be justified by a compelling state the sale and/or use of prohibited drugs;22 and the search was conducted
interest. Jurisprudence accorded recognition to the right to privacy with the consent and in the presence of union officer Babay.
independently of its identification with liberty; in itself it is fully deserving
of constitutional protection. Governmental powers should stop short of ISSUE:
certain intrusions into the personal life of the citizen.
Whether respondent individual can recover damages for violation of
SILAHIS INTERNATIONAL HOTEL INC VS SOLUTA constitutional rights against illegal search and seizure
GR NO. 163087 FEB. 20, 2006
YES. In the present case, as priorly stated, petitioners had, by their own
While it is doctrinal that the right against unreasonable searches and claim, already received reports in late 1987 of illegal activities allegedly
seizures is a personal right which may be waived expressly or impliedly, a undertaken in the union office and Maniego conducted surveillance of the
waiver by implication cannot be presumed. There must be clear and union officers. Yet, in the morning of January 11, 1988, petitioners and
convincing evidence of an actual intention to relinquish it to constitute a their companions barged into and searched the union office without a
waiver thereof.28 There must be proof of the following: (a) that the right search warrant, despite ample time for them to obtain one, and
exists; (b) that the person involved had knowledge, either actual or notwithstanding the objection of Babay.
constructive, of the existence of such right; and, (c) that the said person
had an actual intention to relinquish the right. In other words, the waiver The course taken by petitioners and company stinks in illegality, it not
must be voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently made. falling under any of the exceptional instances when a warrantless search is
allowed by law. Petitioners’ violation of individual respondents’
FACTS: constitutional right against unreasonable search thus furnishes the basis
for the award of damages under Article 32 of the Civil Code.
Loida Somacera (Loida), a laundrywoman of the hotel, stayed overnight at
the female locker room at the basement of the hotel. At dawn, she heard That a violation of one’s constitutional right against illegal search and
pounding sounds outside, she saw five men in barong tagalog whom she seizure can be the basis for the recovery of damages under Article 32 in
failed to recognize but she was sure were not employees of the hotel, relation to Article 2219(6) and (10) of the New Civil Code, there is no

doubt. Since the complaint29 filed before the trial court was for damages Whether or not the delegation of legislative powers to the local authorities
due to malicious prosecution and violation of constitutional right against is valid?
illegal search and seizure, the award by the trial court of actual damages
to respondent union was correctly set aside by the appellate court. RULING:

RUBI vs. PROVINCIAL BOARD OF MINDORO YES, such delegation is valid. "Non-Christian" is an awkward and
G.R. No. 14078. March 7, 1919 unsatisfactory expression. Legislative, judicial, and executive authority has
CRUZ, Chanine held that the term "non-Christian" should not be given a literal meaning or
a religious signification, but that it was intended to relate to
DOCTRINE: degree of civilization. This has been the uniform construction of executive
officials who have been called upon to interpret and enforce the law. The
The legislature is permitted to delegate legislative powers to the local term "non-Christian" refers not to religious belief, but in a way to
authorities on matters that are of purely local concerns. geographical area, and more directly to natives of the Philippine
Islands of a low grade of civilization.
The maxim of constitutional law forbidding the delegation of legislative
Rubi and various other Manguianes in the province of Mindoro were power should be zealously protected. The true distinction, therefore, is
ordered by the provincial governor of Mindoro to remove their residence between the delegation of power to make the law, which necessarily
from their native habitat and to established themselves on a reservation at involves a discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring authority or
Tigbao in the province of Mindoro and to remain there, or be punished by discretion as to its execution, to be exercised under and in
imprisonment if they escaped. The Provincial Board of Mindoro adopted a pursuance of the law. The first cannot be done; to the latter no valid
resolution which required all Mangyans to stay in one permanent objection can be made. "
settlement. The said resolution was approved by the Secretary of Interior
as required under Sec. 2145 of the Revised Administrative Code. This The legislature may make decisions of executive departments or
provision authorized the establishment of non-Christian sites to be subordinate officials thereof, to whom it has committed the execution of
selected by the provincial governor. Manguianes had been ordered to live certain acts, final on questions of fact. The growing tendency in the
in a reservation made to that end and for purposes of cultivation under decisions is to give prominence to the "necessity," of the case. An
certain plans. The Manguianes are a Non-Christian tribe with a very low exception to the general rule, sanctioned by immemorial practice, permits
culture. These reservations, as appears from the resolution of the the central legislative body to delegate legislative powers to local
Provincial Board, extends over an area of 800 hectares of land, which is authorities.
approximately 2000 acres, on which about 300 Manguianes are confined.
One of the Manguianes, Dabalos, escaped from the reservation and was Section 2145 of the Administrative Code of 1917 is not an unlawful
taken in hand by the provincial sheriff and placed in prison at Calapan, delegation of legislative power by the Philippine Legislature to provincial
solely because he escaped from the reservation. An application for habeas officials and a department head.
corpus was made on behalf of Rubi and other Manguianes of the province,
alleging that by virtue of the resolution of the provincial board of Mindoro Since the term "non-Christian" is here construed to refer to natives of the
creating the reservation, they had been illegally deprived of their liberty. Philippine Islands of a low grade of civilization, Section 2145 of the
In this case the validity of section 2145 of the Administrative Code, Administrative Code of 1917 does not discriminate between individuals on
reading: “With the prior approval of the Department Head, the provincial account of religious differences and is therefore not invalid.
governor of any province in which non-Christian inhabitants are found is
authorized, when such a course is deemed necessary in the interest of law The provision is valid, as an exception to the general rule. The legislature
and order, to direct such inhabitants to take up their habitation on sites on is permitted to delegate legislative powers to the local authorities on
unoccupied public lands to be selected by him and approved by the matters that are of purely local concerns.
provincial board,” was challenged.
ISSUE: G.R. No. 194709. July 31, 2013

DOCTRINE: elements of due process because they were not given the chance to
physically confront and examine their complainants.
The essence of due process is simply to be heard, or as applied to
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side, or an In a letter, RPNEU's officers informed their company of the expulsion of
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of. petitioners from the union and requested the management to serve them
notices of termination from employment in compliance with their CBA's
FACTS: union security clause. They were later informed of the termination of their
employment, enforcing Article II, Section 2 also known as the union
Petitioners were former union members of Radio Philippines Network security clause of their current CBA. Aggrieved, petitioners filed three (3)
Employees Union (RPNEU), a legitimate labor organization and the sole separate complaints for ULP against the respondents, which were later
and exclusive bargaining agent of the rank and file employees of Radio consolidated, questioning the legality of their expulsion from the union and
Philippines Network (RPN), a government-sequestered corporation their subsequent termination from employment.
involved in commercial radio and television broadcasting affairs, while the
respondents were the union's elected officers and members. ISSUE:

On suspicion of union mismanagement, petitioners, together with some Whether or not their ULP case would prosper?
other union members, filed a complaint for impeachment of their union
president, Reynato Siozon, before the executive board of RPN, which was RULING:
eventually abandoned. They later re-lodged the impeachment complaint,
this time, against all the union officers and members of RPNEU before the No. In the case at bench, petitioners claim that the respondents, as union
DOL. officers, are guilty of ULP for violating paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article
249 of the Labor Code, to wit: “ART. 249.UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF
Then, two written complaints, were filed against petitioners and several LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. – It shall be unfair labor practice for a labor
others for alleged violation of the union's Constitution and By- organization, its officers, agents or representatives: (a)To restrain or
Laws. Months later, a different group of union members filed a third coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to self-organization.
complaint against petitioners and 12 others, before the Chairman of However, a labor organization shall have the right to prescribe its own
RPNEU's Committee on Grievance and Investigation (the Committee) citing rules with respect to the acquisition or retention of membership; (b)To
as grounds the "commission of an act which violates RPNEU Constitution cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an
and By-Laws, specifically, Article IX, Section 2.2 for joining or forming a employee, including discrimination against an employee with respect to
union outside the sixty (60) days period and Article IX, Section 2.5 for whom membership in such organization has been denied or to terminate
urging or advocating that a member start an action in any court of justice an employee on any ground other than the usual terms and conditions
or external investigative body against the Union or its officer without first under which membership or continuation of membership is made available
exhausting all internal remedies open to him or available in accordance to other members”. Petitioners posit that the procedure that should have
with the CBL." These complaints were, later on, consolidated. Thereafter, been followed by the respondents in resolving the charges against them
petitioners received a memorandum notice from Jeric Salinas, Chairman of was Article XVII, Settlement of Internal Disputes of their Constitution and
the Committee, requesting them to answer the complaint and attend a By-Laws, specifically, Section 2 thereof, requiring members to put their
hearing. Petitioners and their group, through an exchange of grievance in writing to be submitted to their union president, who shall
communications with the Committee, denied the charges imputed against strive to have the parties settle their differences amicably. Petitioners
them and contested the procedure adopted by the Committee in its maintain that any form of grievance would be referred only to the
investigation. Then, the Committee submitted their recommendation of committee upon failure of the parties to settle amicably.
expulsion from the union to RPNEU's Board of Directors. RPNEU's Board of
Directors affirmed the recommendation of expulsion of petitioners and the The Court is not persuaded. Based on RPNEU's Constitution and By-Laws,
12 others from union membership in a Board Resolution No. 018- the charges against petitioners were not mere internal squabbles, but
2005. Through a Memorandum, petitioners were served an expulsion violations that demand proper investigation because, if proven, would
notice from the union. Consequently, petitioners wrote to RPNEU's constitute grounds for their expulsion from the union. Besides, any
President and Board of Directors that their expulsion from the union was supposed procedural flaw in the proceedings before the Committee was
an ultra vires act because the Committee failed to observe the basic deemed cured when petitioners were given the opportunity to be heard.

Due process, as a constitutional precept, is satisfied when a person was Petitioners purchased a registered parcel of land from Mariano Lising.
notified of the charge against him and was given an opportunity to explain Subsequently, private respondent, the registered owner of Lot 689, filed
or defend himself. In administrative proceedings, the filing of charges and Civil Case No. Q-12918 against Herminigilda Pedro and Mariano Lising for
giving reasonable opportunity for the person so charged to answer the allegedly encroaching upon her lot. The trial court adjudged Pedro and
accusations against him constitute the minimum requirements of due Lising to pay damages, remove all constructions and relocate the
process. The essence of due process is simply to be heard, or as applied to boundaries. Petitioners filed a petition for prohibition with the CA to
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side, or an prohibit the judge from issuing a writ of demolition and the sheriff from
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained implementing the alias writ of execution against their property. They
of. It cannot be denied that petitioners were properly notified of the claimed that they were not impleaded in Civil Case No. Q-12918, hence,
charges filed against them and were equally afforded the opportunity to they would be deprived of their property without due process of law. The
present their side. Next, petitioners point out that they were not given the CA dismissed the petition ruling that as buyers of Mariano Lising,
opportunity to personally face and confront their accusers, which were petitioners were privies and could be reached by the execution order.|
violative of their right to examine the complainants and the supposed
charges against them. Petitioners' contention is without merit. Mere ISSUE:
absence of a one-on-one confrontation between the petitioners and their
complainants does not automatically affect the validity of the proceedings Whether or not parties who were not impleaded in the case may be
before the Committee. Not all cases necessitate a trial-type hearing. As in reached by the decision thereto?
this case, what is indispensable is that a party be given the right to explain
one's side, which was adequately afforded to the petitioners. RULING:

It is well-settled that workers' and employers' organizations shall have the No. As builders in good faith and innocent purchasers for value, petitioners
right to draw up their constitutions and rules to elect their representatives have rights over the subject property and hence are proper parties in
in full freedom, to organize their administration and activities and to interest in any case thereon. Consequently, private respondents should
formulate their programs. In this case, RPNEU's Constitution and By-Laws have impleaded them in Civil Case No. Q-12918. Since they failed to do
expressly mandate that before a party is allowed to seek the intervention so, petitioners cannot be reached by the decision in said case. No man
of the court, it is a pre-condition that he should have availed of all the shall be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger, and
internal remedies within the organization. Petitioners were found to have strangers to a case are not bound by any judgment rendered by the court.
violated the provisions of the union's Constitution and By-Laws when they In the same manner, a writ of execution can be issued only against a party
filed petitions for impeachment against their union officers and for audit and not against one who did not have his day in court. Only real parties in
before the DOLE without first exhausting all internal remedies available interest in an action are bound by the judgment therein and by writs of
within their organization. This act is a ground for expulsion from union execution and demolition issued pursuant thereto. In our view, the
membership. Thus, petitioners' expulsion from the union was not a spouses Victor and Honorata Orquiola have valid and meritorious cause to
deliberate attempt to curtail or restrict their right to organize, but was resist the demolition of their house on their own titled lot, which is
triggered by the commission of an act, expressly sanctioned by Section 2.5 tantamount to a deprivation of property without due process of law.
of Article IX of the union's Constitution and By-Laws.
Where a case like the present one involves a sale of a parcel of land under
ORQUIOLA vs. TANDANG SORA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION the Torrens system, the person dealing with the registered property need
G.R. No. 141463. August 6, 2002 not go beyond the certificate of title; he can rely solely on the title and he
is charged with notice only of such burdens and claims as are annotated
DOCTRINE: on the title. It is our view here that the petitioners, spouses Victor and
Honorata Orquiola, are fully entitled to the legal protection of their lot by
No man shall be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger, and the Torrens system. The Supreme Court granted the petition and thereby
strangers to a case are not bound by any judgment rendered by the court. reversed and set aside the assailed decision. The Court noted that
petitioners acquired the lot before the commencement of Civil Case No. Q-
FACTS: 12918. They could reasonably rely on Mariano Lising's certificate of title
because at the time of purchase, it was still free from any third party
claim. As builders in good faith and innocent purchasers for value,

petitioners are proper parties in any case involving subject property. But applied to retain the land covered by it. Respondents first filed an
since private respondents failed to implead them in Civil Case No. Q- Application for Retention of their landholdings under P.D. No. 27 on
12918, petitioners cannot be reached by the decision in said case. December 24, 1975. However, it was not acted upon. In May 1996,
respondents received a letter from Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer
PANGILINAN vs. BALATBAT Victorino Guevarra informing respondents of a conference for the
G.R. No. 170787. September 12, 2012 determination of the value of their landholdings and the final survey of the
land preparatory to the issuance of emancipation patents. Respondents
DOCTRINE: alleged that they received a Notice of Coverage on OCT No. 6009
under R.A. No. 6657 and a final notification to landowner, which notices
The essence of due process is simply an opportunity to be heard. Such were all issued by Guevarra.
process requires notice and an opportunity to be heard before judgment is
rendered. In a letter respondents, reiterated their application for retention to the
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Regional Director, Region III, San
FACTS: Fernando Pampanga, thru the Municipal Agrarian Reform Office, San
Fernando, Pampanga. The DAR Regional Director referred respondents'
Spouses Jocelyn N. Balatbat and Vicente A. Balatbat were found by the application for retention to the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer in San
PARAD to have landholdings totaling 25.2548 hectares, which consisted of Fernando, Pampanga, which application was later endorsed to Guevarra.
9.8683 hectares of riceland and 15.3864 hectares of sugarland. The After investigation and verification of the landholdings of respondents,
9.8683 hectares of riceland was covered by land reform. Guevarra recommended to the DAR Provincial Office, San Fernando,
Pampanga that respondents' re-application for retention be denied. The
Out of the 25.2548 hectares of land owned by respondents, 18.2479 Register of Deeds for the Province of Pampanga issued TCT No. 25866 to
hectares or 182,479 square meters thereof was under Original Certificate petitioner, pursuant to Emancipation Patent No. 00728063, which is a
of Title (OCT) No. 6009. Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer Victorino D. portion of the land sought to be retained by respondents. This prompted
Guevarra found that in OCT No. 6009, 8.6402 hectares or 86,402 square respondents to file on February 4, 1998 with the DAR Provincial Agrarian
meters was riceland covered by Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 27 and Reform Adjudication Board, Region III, San Fernando, Pampanga a
Executive Order (E.O.) No. 228, while 96,077 square meters was Complaint for annulment of emancipation patent, ejectment and damages
sugarland. against petitioner Crispino Pangilinan, Municipal Land Officer Victorino D.
Guevarra, and the DAR Secretary. Respondents alleged that although
Title Nos. 181464 and 181469, representing Lots 21-0 and 21-1, were Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer Victorino Guevarra knew that the land
utilized by respondents in a subdivision/condominium project particularly cultivated by petitioner is one of those included in their application for
called Carolina Village II, located at San Juan, Sta. Ana, Pampanga, while retention, Guevarra, acting in bad faith and without notice to them and in
Title No. 181462, representing Lot 21-B, was subdivided among the disregard of their rights and in collusion with petitioner, recommended for
children of respondents. The exact area of riceland respondents applied for the coverage of their land under Operation Land Transfer. Thereafter,
retention is 8.3749 hectares. Emancipation Patent No. 00728063 and TCT No. 25866 were unlawfully
issued and registered with the Register of Deeds of Pampanga on May 30,
Although 8.6402 hectares was subjected to the Operation Land Transfer 1997.
Program under P.D. No. 27, as amended by Letter of Instruction (LOI) No.
474, this case involves only 2.9941 hectares or 29,941 square meters ISSUE:
thereof, covered under TCT No. 181466-R, and identified as Lot 21-F of
the subdivision plan Psd-03-005059, being a portion of Lot 21 Sta. Ana Whether or not petitioner was deprived of his right to be heard and was
Cadastre, situated in the Barrio of San Juan, Municipality of Sta. Ana, denied due process of law?
Province of Pampanga. The said Lot 21-F, with an area of 29,941 square
meters, was transferred to petitioner as evidenced by TCT No. RULING:
25866, which was registered in the Register of Deeds for the Province of
Pampanga on May 30, 1997, pursuant to Emancipation Patent No. NO. Petitioner invokes these rights because he was not personally
00728063 issued by the DAR on April 18, 1997. Hence, respondents furnished a copy of the petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 85017, which copy was
sought to cancel the said emancipation patent on the ground that they furnished to Mr. Fernando Dizon, his legal counsel before the PARAD and

the DARAB. According to petitioner, the legal services rendered to him by
Mr. Fernando Dizon in DARAB Case No. 5357-P'98 was merely an The petitioner (Evilio Javier) and the private respondent (Arturo
accommodation to him in Mr. Dizon's capacity as Legal Officer for the Pacificador) were candidates in Antique for the Batasang Pambansa in the
Legal Services Division of the DAR. Petitioner asserts that after the case May 1984 elections. The former appeared to enjoy more popular support
was decided and resolved by the DARAB, the legal assistance extended to but the latter had the advantage of being the nominee of the KBL with all
him by Mr. Fernando Dizon ended, simply because Mr. Fernando Dizon is its perquisites of power. On the eve of the elections, the bitter contest
not a full-fledged lawyer, which the respondents knew very well. Thus, the between the two came to a head when several followers of the petitioner
Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated May 30, 2005, cannot be enforced were ambushed and killed, allegedly by the latter's men. Seven suspects,
against him. Petitioner's contention lacks merit. Petitioner was not denied including respondent Pacificador, are now facing trial for these murders.
due process or the right to be heard as he was furnished with a copy of The incident naturally heightened tension in the province and sharpened
the petition through his counsel of record, Mr. Fernando Dizon, who was the climate of fear among the electorate. Conceivably, it intimidated voters
his legal counsel before the PARAD and the DARAB. The Court notes that against supporting the Opposition candidate or into supporting the
the applicable DARAB New Rules of Procedure (1994) allows a non-lawyer candidate of the ruling party.
to appear before the Board or any of its adjudicators if he is a DAR Legal
Officer. As Mr. Dizon was his counsel of record before the PARAD and the It was in this atmosphere that the voting was held, and the post-election
DARAB, it may be presumed that petitioner and Mr. Dizon communicated developments were to run true to form. Owing to what he claimed were
with each other as Mr. Dizon even filed a Comment to the Petition for attempts to railroad the private respondent's proclamation, the petitioner
Review filed by respondents before the Court of Appeals. The filing of the went to the Commission on Elections to question the canvass of the
said Comment would show that petitioner was informed by Mr. Dizon that election returns. His complaints were dismissed and the private
respondents filed a Petition for Review of the Decision of the DARAB with respondent was proclaimed winner by the Second Division of the said
the Court of Appeals. Hence, it is the responsibility of petitioner to engage body. The petitioner thereupon came to this Court, arguing that the
the services of a lawyer to file a Comment in his behalf and to inform the proclamation was void because made only by a division and not by the
court of any change of counsel. As petitioner had a counsel of record, Commission on Elections en banc as required by the Constitution.
service was properly made upon the said counsel, absent any notification Meanwhile, on the strength of his proclamation, the private respondent
by petitioner to the court of circumstances requiring service upon took his oath as a member of the Batasang Pambansa.
petitioner himself. The essence of due process is simply an opportunity to
be heard. Such process requires notice and an opportunity to be heard The case was still being considered by this Court when on February 11,
before judgment is rendered. In this case, petitioner was not denied due 1986, the petitioner was gunned down in cold blood and in broad daylight.
process as he was able to file a comment before the Court of Appeals The nation, already indignant over the obvious manipulation of the
through his counsel of record, DAR Legal Officer Dizon. Moreover, records presidential elections in favor of Marcos, was revolted by the killing, which
show that petitioner, with the assistance of two lawyers, Atty. Paul S. flaunted a scornful disregard for the law by the assailants who apparently
Maglalang and Atty. Jord Achaes R. David, filed a motion for believed they were above the law. This ruthless murder was possibly one
reconsideration of the decision of the Court of Appeals. Hence, there was of the factors that strengthened the cause of the Opposition in the
no violation of such rights. February revolution that toppled the Marcos regime and installed the
present government under President Corazon C. Aquino.
G.R. NOS. L-68379-81, SEPTEMBER 22, 1986 ISSUE:
Whether or not there had been due process in the proclamation of
DOCTRINE: Pacificador.

The relationship of the judge with one of the parties may color the facts HELD:
and distort the law to the prejudice of a just decision. Where this is
probable or even only possible, due process demands that the judge The SC ruled in favor of Javier and has overruled the Sol-Gen’s tenor.
inhibit himself, if only out of a sense of delicadeza.
ArticleXII-C, Section 3, of the 1973 Constitution expressly provides that:
FACTS: “The COMELEC may sit en banc or in three divisions. All election cases

maybe heard and decided by divisions except contests involving members the arguments are filed, on the basis of the established facts and the
of theBatasang Pambansa, which shall be heard and decided en banc.”. pertinent law.
The decision of the second division alone regarding the protest was invalid.
The court held that, were it not for the supervening events that have
The SC has repeatedly and consistently demanded “the cold neutrality of legally rendered it moot and academic, this petition would have been
an impartial judge” as the indispensable imperative of due process. To granted and the decision of the Commission on Elections dated July 23,
bolster that requirement, we have held that the judge must not only be 1984, set aside as violative of the Constitution. (the supreme court
impartial but must also appear to be impartial as an added assurance to decided on the case despite the fact that the constitutional body in issue
the parties that his decision will be just. The litigants are entitled to no less no longer existed.)
than that. They should be sure that when their rights are violated they can
go to a judge who shall give them justice. They must trust the judge, GALMAN V. SANDIGANBAYAN
otherwise they will not go to him at all. They must believe in his sense of G.R. NO. 72670, SEPTEMBER 12, 1987
fairness, otherwise they will not seek his judgment. Without such
confidence, there would be no point in invoking his action for the justice DOCTRINE:
they expect.
No court whose Presiding Justice has received "orders or suggestions"
In this case, given the general attitude of the Commission on Elections from the very President who by an amendatory decree made it possible to
toward the party in power at the time, and the particular relationship refer the cases to the Sandiganbayan, can be an impartial court, which is
between Commissioner Opinion (TAO to, maybe opinion ang family name the very essence of due process of law.
niya) and MP Pacificador, one could not be at least apprehensive, if not
certain, that the decision of the body would be adverse to the petitioner. Legal jeopardy attaches only (a) upon a valid indictment, (b) before a
As in fact it was. Commissioner Opinion's refusal to inhibit himself and his competent court, (c) after arraignment, (d) a valid plea having been
objection to the transfer of the case to another division cannot be justified entered; and (e) the case was dismissed or otherwise terminated without
by any criterion of propriety. His conduct on this matter belied his the express consent of the accused.
wounded protestations of innocence and proved the motives of the Second
Division when it rendered its decision. The relationship of the judge with FACTS:
one of the parties may color the facts and distort the law to the prejudice
of a just decision. Where this is probable or even only possible, due This is a case about the treacherous assassination of foremost opposition
process demands that the judge inhibit himself, if only out of a sense leader former Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr., who was imprisoned
of delicadeza. For like Caesar's wife, he must be above suspicion. for almost eight years since the imposition of martial law in September,
Commissioner Opinion, being a lawyer, should have recognized his duty 1972 by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, he was sentenced to death
and abided by this well-known rule of judicial conduct. For refusing to do by firing squad by a military tribunal for common offenses alleged to have
so, he divested the Second Division of the necessary vote for the been committed long before the declaration of martial law and whose
questioned decision, assuming it could act, and rendered the proceeding jurisdiction over him as a civilian entitled to trial by judicial process by civil
null and void.||| courts he repudiated. Ninoy pleaded in vain that the military tribunals are
admittedly not courts but mere instruments and subject to the control of
Add’l info: Due process is intended to insure that confidence by requiring the President as created by him under the General Orders issued by him
compliance with what Justice Frankfurter calls the rudiments of fair play. as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and that he
Fair play calls for equal justice. There cannot be equal justice where a had already been publicly indicted and adjudged guilty by the President of
suitor approaches a court already committed to the other party and with a the charges in a nationwide press conference held on August 24, 1971
judgment already made and waiting only to be formalized after the when he declared the evidence against Ninoy "not only strong but
litigants shall have undergone the charade of a formal hearing. Judicial overwhelming." 1 This followed the Plaza Miranda bombing of August 21,
(and also extrajudicial) proceedings are not orchestrated plays in which 1971 of the proclamation rally of the opposition Liberal Party candidates
the parties are supposed to make the motions and reach the denouement for the November, 1971 elections (when eight persons were killed and
according to a prepared script. There is no writer to foreordain the ending. practically all of the opposition candidates headed by Senator Jovito
The judge will reach his conclusions only after all the evidence is in and all Salonga and many more were seriously injured), and the suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under Proclamation No. 889 on

August 23, 1971. The massacre was instantly attributed to the
communists but the truth has never been known. But the then President Saturnina Galman and Reynaldo Galman together with 29 other
never filed the said charges against Ninoy in the civil courts. petitioners, charged the Tanodbayan and the Sandiganbayan of serious
irregularities constituting mistrial and resulting in the miscarriage of justice
Ninoy Aquino was nevertheless thereafter allowed in May, 1980 to leave for want of due process of law; they argued that there was failure to exert
the country to undergo successful heart surgery. After three years of exile genuine efforts in allowing the prosecution to present vital documentary
and despite the regime's refusal to give him a passport, he sought to evidence and prayed for nullifying the bias proceedings before the
return home "to strive for a genuine national reconciliation founded on Sandiganbayan and ordering a re-trial before an impartial tribunal.
justice." He was to be cold-bloodedly killed while under escort away by
soldiers from his plane that had just landed at the Manila International They prayed for a TRO, a nullification of the proceedings and a re-trial
Airport on that fateful day at past 1 p.m. His brain was smashed by a before an impartial tribunal by an unbiased prosecutor A 9-to-2 vote of the
bullet fired point-blank into the back of his head by a murderous assassin, SB granted the TRO while later on the same 9-to-2 ratio dismissed the
notwithstanding that the airport was ringed by airtight security of close to petition and lifted the TRO. The petitioners filed a motion for
2,000 soldiers — and "from a military viewpoint, it (was) technically reconsideration based on the lack of legal ground for the dismissal All of
impossible to get inside (such) a cordon." The military investigators the accused were acquitted while even though Galman was not on trial, he
reported within a span of three hours that the man who shot Aquino was, in effect, convicted as the assassin of Ninoy
(whose identity was then supposed to be unknown and was revealed only
days later as Rolando Galman, although he was the personal friend of The Mla Times published an article entitled “Aquino Trial A Sham”, which
accused Col. Arturo Custodio who picked him up from his house on August had for its context the revelations of Deputy Tanodbayan Manuel Herrera
17, 1983) was a communist-hired gunman, and that the military escorts that the graft court were convinced by Marcos to whitewash the criminal
gunned him down in turn. The military later filmed a re-enactment of the cases.
killing scripted according to this version and continuously replayed it on all
TV channels as if it were taken live on the spot. The then President SC appointed a 3-member commission (Vasquez Commission) to hear and
instantly accepted the military version and repeated it in a nationally receive evidence of the charges of collusion and pressure. The Vasquez
televised press conference that he gave late in the evening of August 22, Commission submitted its report with an affirmation of the “secret
1983, wherein he said, in order to induce disbelief that the military had a meeting” held in Malacañang, wherein Marcos ordered Justice Pamaran to
hand in the killing, that "if the purpose was to eliminate Aquino, this was handle the case (without raffling the case first) and for the entire tribunal
not the way to do it." to have all of the accused acquitted)

The national tragedy shocked the conscience of the entire nation and ISSUES:
outraged the free world. The large masses of people who joined in the ten-
day period of national mourning and came out in millions in the largest a) Whether or not there was due process in the acquittal of the accused
and most orderly public turnout for Ninoy's funeral reflected their grief for from the charges against them.
his martyrdom and their yearning for the truth, justice and freedom. b) Whether or not a call for a re-trial of the case would be tantamount to
Marcos established a Fact Finding Board (the Agrava Board) to investigate double jeopardy.
the case
After 125 days of hearing the testimonies of 194 witnesses recorded in
transcript, the Agrava Board came up with a minority and majority report, The Supreme Court held that the prosecution was deprived of due process
both contending that the killing was not a communist plot but a military and fair opportunity to prosecute and prove their case which grossly
conspiracy. violates the due process clause.

Minority report – 6 persons who were at the service stairs as plotters, and Why? The record shows suffocatingly that from beginning to end, the then
Gen. Luther Custodio was essential to the implementation of the plan. President used, or more precisely, misused the overwhelming resources of
the government and his authoritarian powers to corrupt and make a
Majority report – 26 persons headed by gen Fabian Ver, all acting in mockery of the judicial process in the Aquino-Galman murder cases. As
conspiracy with one another in the premeditated killing of Ninoy graphically depicted in the Report, and borned out by the happenings (res

ipsa loquitur), since the resolution prepared by his "Coordinator," Manuel
Lazaro, his Presidential Assistant on Legal Affairs, for the Tanodbayan's The court further contends that the previous trial was a mock trial where
dismissal of the cases against all accused was unpalatable (it would the authoritarian President ordered the Sandiganbayan and Tanod Bayan
summon the demonstrators back to the streets and at any rate was not to rig and closely monitor the trial which was undertaken with due
acceptable to the Herrera prosecution panel, the unholy scenario for pressure to the judiciary. The court’s decision of acquittal is one void of
acquittal of all 26 accused after the rigged trial as ordered at the jurisdiction owing to its failure in observing due process during the trial
Malacañang conference, would accomplish the two principal clamor for the therefore the judgment was also deemed void and double jeopardy cannot
suspected killers to be charged in court and of giving them through their be invoked. More so the trial was one vitiated with lack of due process on
acquittal the legal shield of double jeopardy. Indeed, the secret the account of collusion between the lower court and Sandiganbayan for
Malacañang conference at which the authoritarian President called the rendition of a pre-determined verdict of the accused.
together the Presiding Justice of the Sandiganbayan and Tanodbayan
Fernandez and the entire prosecution panel headed by Deputy Tanodbayan The denial on the motion for reconsideration of the petitioners by the court
Herrera and told them how to handle and rig (moro-moro) the trial and was set aside and rendered the decision of acquittal of the accused null
the close monitoring of the entire proceedings to assure the predetermined and void. An order for a re-trial was granted.
ignominious final outcome are without parallel and precedent in out annals
and jurisprudence. PEOPLE V. CASTILLO
G.R. NO. 120282, APRIL 20, 1998
No court whose Presiding Justice has received "orders or suggestions"
from the very President who by an amendatory decree made it possible to DOCTRINE:
refer the cases to the Sandiganbayan, can be an impartial court, which is
the very essence of due process of law. Jurisdiction over cases should be Jurisprudence teaches that allegations of bias on the part of the trial court
determined by law, and not by preselection of the Executive, which could should be received with caution, especially when the queries by
be much too easily transformed into a means of predetermining the the judge did not prejudice the accused. The propriety of a judge's queries
outcome of individual cases." This criminal collusion as to the handling and is determined not necessarily by their quantity but by their quality and, in
treatment of the cases by public respondent at the secret Malacañang any event, by the test of whether the defendant was prejudiced by such
conference (and revealed only after fifteen months by Justice Manuel questioning.
Herrera) completely disqualified respondent Sandiganbayan and voided ab
initio its verdict. This renders moot and irrelevant for now the extensive FACTS:
arguments of respondents accused, particularly General Ver and Olivas
and those categorized as accessories, that there has been no evidence or Appellant Castillo was charged with murder in connection with the fatal
witness suppressed against them, that the erroneous conclusions of Olivas stabbing of Antonio Dometita. He pleaded not guilty and interposed the
as police investigator do not make him an accessory of the crimes he defense of denial and alibi claiming that he was then asleep in his house at
investigated and the appraisal and evaluation of the testimonies of the the time of the incident. Prosecution witness Eulogio Velasco testified that
witnesses presented and suppressed. There will be time and opportunity to he was sitting outside the pub house when appellant suddenly arrived and
present all these arguments and considerations at the remand and retrial stabbed the victim on the left side of the chest. Another prosecution
of the cases herein ordered before a neutral and impartial court. witness, Melinda Mercado, testified that although she did not see the
actual stabbing, she saw appellant wrapping a bladed weapon in his shirt.
2. There could be no double jeopardy since legal jeopardy attaches only However, defense witness Edilberto Marcelino, a tricycle driver, testified
(a) upon a valid indictment, (b) before a competent court, (c) after that he was about twenty-five meters away from the crime scene when he
arraignment, (d) a valid plea having been entered; and (e) the case was saw a group of persons ganging up on a person who was later identified as
dismissed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of the the victim, and that appellant was not one of the assailants. The trial court
accused. The lower court that rendered the judgment of acquittal was not gave full credence to the testimonies of the two prosecution witnesses and
competent as it was ousted of its jurisdiction when it violated the right of rendered judgment of conviction of the crime charged, with the qualifying
the prosecution to due process. In effect the first jeopardy was never circumstance of abuse of superior strength. Hence, this recourse, appellant
terminated, and the remand of the criminal case for further hearing and questioning the credibility of the prosecution witnesses and the partiality
trial before the lower courts amounts merely to a continuation of the first of the trial judge in favor of the prosecution as shown by his participation
jeopardy, and does not expose the accused to a second jeopardy. in the examination of witnesses.

president of the country from 1965-1986. After the latter's downfall in
ISSUE: 1986, the new administration, through the Presidential Commission
on Good Government (PCGG), filed a petition for forfeiture of properties
Was the Judge impartial? under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1379 against him with the Sandiganbayan.
The SB dismissed the petition for insufficiency of evidence.
After the Sandiganbayan denied its motion for reconsideration, the PCGG
No. It is a judge's prerogative and duty to ask clarificatory questions to sought a review of the dismissal before the Court on 1991. Sitting En
ferret out the truth. On the whole, the Court finds that the questions Banc, the Court found manifest errors and misapprehension of facts
propounded by the judge were merely clarificatory in nature. Questions leading it "to pore over the evidence extant from the records," including
which merely clear up dubious points and bring out additional relevant Bugarin's very own summary of his property acquisitions. Thereafter, the
evidence are within judicial prerogative. Moreover, jurisprudence teaches Court found Bugarin to have amassed wealth totaling P2,170,163.00 from
that allegations of bias on the part of the trial court should be received 1968 to 1980 against his total income for the period 1967 to 1980 totaling
with caution, especially when the queries by the judge did not prejudice only P766,548.00. With this, the Court held that Bugarin's properties,
the accused. The propriety of a judge's queries is determined not which were visibly out of proportion to his lawful income from 1968 to
necessarily by their quantity but by their quality and, in any event, by the 1980, should be forfeited in favor of the government.
test of whether the defendant was prejudiced by such questioning.
Bugarin moved for a reconsideration and while his motion was pending, he
In this case, appellant failed to demonstrate that he was prejudiced by the passed away in September 2002. With this development, his heirs, the
questions propounded by the trial judge. In fact, even if all such questions petitioners herein, moved to have the case dismissed. The Court denied
and the answers thereto were eliminated, appellant would still be both Bugarin's Motion for Reconsideration and petitioners' Motion to
convicted. As correctly observed by the Solicitor General, "there was no Dismiss. Petitioners sought reconsideration but the same was likewise
showing that the judge had an interest, personal or otherwise, in the denied. Still, they filed their Motion for Leave to File a Second Motion for
prosecution of the case at bar. He is therefore presumed to have acted Reconsideration and its Admission with the attached Second Motion for
regularly and in the manner [that] preserve[s] the ideal of the Reconsideration, but it was likewise denied for being a prohibited pleading
'cold neutrality of an impartial judge' implicit in the guarantee of due while the attached motion was merely noted without action. On June 2004,
process (Mateo, Jr. vs. Villaluz, 50 SCRA 18)." That the trial judge believed the January 30, 2002 Decision of the Court became final and executory
the evidence of the prosecution more than that of the defense, does not and was entered in the Entry of Judgment.
indicate that he was biased. He simply accorded greater credibility to the to submit "a list of properties more or less equivalent to the amount
testimony of the prosecution witnesses than to that of the accused. of P1,403,615.00 and still remaining in the name of defendant Bugarin."

HEIRS OF BUGARIN V. REPUBLIC Pursuant to the order to submit "a list of properties more or less
G.R. NO. 174431, AUGUST 06, 2012 equivalent to the amount of P1,403,615.00 and still remaining in the name
of defendant Bugarin, during the last hearing, the PCGG filed its Partial
DOCTRINE: Complianceand Amended Partial Compliance, dated April 2005. The latter
contained a list of properties and investments found by the Court in
Essence of Due process is right to be heard. Due process is satisfied when the Republic case to have been acquired by Bugarin from 1968 to 1980 at
the parties are afforded a fair and reasonable opportunity to explain their P1,697,333.00. The PCCG, in a manifestation, informed the
respective sides of the controversy. Thus, when the party seeking due Sandiganbayan of its earnest efforts in verifying the status of Bugarin's
process was in fact given several opportunities to be heard and air his other business investments not included in their Amended Partial
side, but it is by his own fault or choice he squanders these chances, then Compliance but only one replied to inform them that Bugarin was "not a
his cry for due process must fail. stockholder of nor has he any investment in this company." Thus, in the
same manifestation, the PCGG prayed that its latest compliance be
FACTS: considered sufficient conformity to the Sandiganbayan's Order of January
12, 2005. No comment was filed by petitioners.
The late Bugarin was the Director of the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) when the late Ferdinand E. Marcos was still the

On May 10, 2005, instead of a copy of their motion for leave to file motion Even those properties whose acquisition dates could no longer be
to dismiss, petitioners served upon PCGG their Manifestation and Ad determined were also excluded, all to the benefit of Bugarin. What
Cautelam Motion to Dismiss dated May 5, 2005, to which PCGG filed a remained was a trimmed down listing of properties, from which the
comment/opposition. On August 8, 2005, the Sandiganbayan denied Sandiganbayan may choose in executing the order of forfeiture of the
petitioners' Motion for Leave to File Motion to Dismiss, on the ground that Court.
the case sought to be dismissed had already been decided by the Court
and which decision has, in fact, attained finality on June 25, 2004. As a Moreover, in arriving at the amount representing his lawful income or
result, the Manifestation and Ad Cautelam Motion to Dismiss subsequently disposable income during his incumbency as NBI Director, the Court
filed by petitioners was ordered stricken off the record by the subtracted from Bugarin's income as stated in "Exhibit-'38," the personal
Sandiganbayan on September 1, 2005. expenses of his family, which according to the Court was quite
conservative, again redounding to the benefit of Bugarin.
Hearings ensued, petitioners' motion for reconsideration was eventually
denied and the hearing to determine the properties for forfeiture was held. The essence of due process is the right to be heard. Based on the
The Sandiganbayan ruled that the Court shall determine which properties foregoing, Bugarin or his heirs were certainly not denied that right.
shall be forfeited in favor of the plaintiff, pursuant to the decision of Petitioners cannot now claim a different right over the reduced list of
the Supreme Court dated January 30, 2002. properties in order to prevent forfeiture, or at the least, justify another
round of proceedings.
Petitioners moved for the reconsideration of this order arguing that the
Sandiganbayan could not determine the properties to be forfeited on its This Court continues to emphasize that due process is satisfied when the
own, and further prayed that the parties be allowed to present evidence to parties are afforded a fair and reasonable opportunity to explain their
determine what properties of Bugarin would be subject to forfeiture. respective sides of the controversy. Thus, when the party seeking due
process was in fact given several opportunities to be heard and air his
Finally, on April 3, 2006, the Sandiganbayan issued its assailed Resolution side, but it is by his own fault or choice he squanders these chances, then
ordering the forfeiture of certain properties of Bugarin. Among others court his cry for due process must fail.
ordered, the forfeiture of the properties listed in page 3 hereof, the
immediate issuance of a Writ of Execution pertinent to the Honorable When the case was remanded to the Sandiganbayan for execution,
Supreme Court's Decision, dated January 30, 2002, and the instant petitioners were likewise accorded due process. Records of this case reveal
Resolution; the concerned Register of Deeds to effect the immediate that every motion by petitioners for resetting of hearing dates was
transfer of the titles of the forfeited real properties of Bugarin and/or his granted, and every motion filed, either for reconsideration or leave of
transferees in favor of the Republic of the Philippines; and, the Corporate court, was heard. In the end, it concluded that "respondent's (Bugarin's)
Secretary of Makati Sports Club and of Manila Polo Club to effect the properties acquired from 1968 to 1980 which were out of proportion to his
transfer of forfeited shares of Bugarin and/or his transferees in favor of the lawful income for the said period should be forfeited in favor of the
Republic of the Philippines. government for failure of the respondent to show, to the Court's
satisfaction, that the same were lawfully acquired.
The properties of Bugarin in the list have been found unlawfully acquired.
WON the heirs were deprived of due process of law. The same have been ordered forfeited in favor of the government a
decade ago. It is high time that the Republic decision be finally carried out.
NO. The preceding summary of the Republic case, readily shows that G.R. NO. 182280, JULY 29, 2013
Bugarin was accorded due process. He was given his day in court to prove GATACELO
that his acquired properties were lawfully attained. A review of the full text
of the said case will reveal that the summary of properties acquired by DOCTRINE:
Bugarin during his tenure as NBI Director was based on his very own
exhibits. From this enumeration, the Court set aside those properties that
had been liquidated or those that had been obtained in 1981 onwards.

The principle that a person cannot be prejudiced by a ruling rendered in an a final determination of O'Pallick's claim. In his Amended Complaint,
action or proceeding in which he was not made a party conforms to the O'Pallick averred that Aguilar obtained her title through unlawful means.
constitutional guarantee of due process of law. Clearly, therefore, although captioned as one for Quieting of
Title, O'Pallick's suit is actually a suit for annulment of title. Basic is the
FACTS: rule that "[t]he cause of action in a [C]omplaint is not determined by the
designation given to it by the parties. The allegations in the body of the
Contract to Sell was executed between Primetown Property Group, Inc. [C]omplaint define or describe it. The designation or caption is not
(PPGI) and Poblete & Villanueva over a unit in Makati Prime Citadel controlling more than the allegations in the [C]omplaint. It is not even an
Condominium. Poblete and Villanueva executed in favor of O'Pallick a Deed indispensable part of the [C]omplaint."
of Assignment covering the unit. Later, PPGI issued a Deed of Sale in favor
of O'Pallick after the latter paid the purchase price in full. "The principle that a person cannot be prejudiced by a ruling rendered in
Although O'Pallick took possession of the unit, the Deed of Sale in his favor an action or proceeding in which he was not made a party conforms to the
was never registered nor annotated. Meanwhile, in a case between PPGI constitutional guarantee of due process of law." Thus, we agree with the
and Aguilar before HLURB, the latter was able to obtain a final and CA's pronouncement that since O’Pallick was not impleaded in the HLURB
executory Decision in her favor, thus levying the subject condominium case, he could not be bound by the decision rendered therein. Because he
unit. The sale at public auction was scheduled to be held on March 30, was not impleaded in said case, he was not given the opportunity to
2000. But before the scheduled auction sale, O'Pallick filed an Affidavit of present his case therein. But, more than the fact that O'Pallick was not
Third-Party Claim. Eventually, though, Aguilar was declared the highest impleaded in the HLURB case, he had the right to vindicate his claim in a
bidder and became the owner since PPGI failed to redeem the property. separate action, as in this case. As a prior purchaser of the very same
Subsequently, O'Pallick instituted an action to quiet title and to set aside condominium unit, he had the right to be heard on his claim.
the levy on execution of the subject unit, to annul the certificate of sale
issued in favor of Aguilar, as well as to recover the unit. O'Pallick claimed CARAS Y SOLITARIO V. COURT OF APPEALS
that when PPGI executed a Deed of Sale in his favor, all rights and G.R. NO. 129900, OCTOBER 02, 2001
interests over the unit were transferred to him, and the subsequent levy
and sale thereof to Aguilar created a cloud on his title. Petitioners sought DOCTRINE:
the dismissal of the case, arguing that PPGI remained the registered owner
of the unit and the title covering the same remained clean and free of The absence of a notice of dishonor necessarily deprives an accused an
annotations indicating claims by third persons. opportunity to preclude a criminal prosecution. Accordingly, procedural
due process clearly enjoins that a notice of dishonor be actually served on
RTC: It had no jurisdiction to annul the levy and sale on execution ordered petitioner. Petitioner has a right to demand — and the basic postulates of
by the HLURB, an agency under the Office of the President, because said fairness require — that the notice of dishonor be actually sent to and
Office is a co-equal body. received by her to afford her the opportunity to avert prosecution
under B.P. Blg. 22.
CA: It sustained O'Pallick's argument that since he was not a party to the
HLURB case, he could not be bound by its disposition as well as the FACTS:
incidents and actions taken therein; thus, he had the right to file a
separate action to protect and vindicate his claim. Caras obtained from Atienza on installment various gift checks and
purchase orders from Uniwide Sales and in payment thereof, the accused
ISSUE: issued to Atienza checks drawn against Philippine Commercial Bank. When
the checks were presented for deposit or encashment, they were all
WON O’Pallick can still assail Aguilar’s title of ownership over the unit. dishonored for the reason "Account Closed". Despite repeated verbal and
written demands made on her to replace the dishonored checks with cash,
HELD: she failed and refused to do so. The accused admitted that she issued the
fifteen (15) checks. She claimed, however, that they were given to
Yes. This Court's pronouncement in a former case [case decided by the SC Nakpil, alleged sister of Atienza, as "guarantee deposit," that is, for every
involving Aguilar and PPGI wherein the Court ruled that the foreclosure gift check and purchase order given to the accused, she issued personal
proceeding already vested ownership to Aguilar] can in no way constitute checks to guarantee its payment. The checks are not to be encashed nor

deposited with any bank. Caras, during trial, argued that no notice of the insufficiency of her funds when she issued the said checks, otherwise,
dishonor was ever received by her. Nevertheless, RTC QC found Caras she cannot be held liable under the law. Even more crucial, the absence of
GUILTY for Violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22. CA sustained the RTC in any notice of dishonor personally sent to and received by the accused is a
toto. violation of the petitioner's right to due process. The absence of a notice of
dishonor necessarily deprives an accused an opportunity to preclude a
ISSUE: criminal prosecution. Accordingly, procedural due process clearly enjoins
that a notice of dishonor be actually served on petitioner. Petitioner has a
WON the absence of notice of dishonor violates Caras’s right to due right to demand — and the basic postulates of fairness require — that the
process and thus qualifies her to be acquitted. notice of dishonor be actually sent to and received by her to afford her the
opportunity to avert prosecution under B.P. Blg. 22. Absent a clear
HELD: showing that petitioner actually knew of the dishonor of her checks and
was given the opportunity to make arrangements for payment as provided
Yes. The elements of the offense under Section 1 of B.P. Blg. 22 are: (1) for under the law, we cannot with moral certainty convict her of violation
drawing and issuance of any check to apply on account or for value; (2) of B.P. Blg. 22.
knowledge by the maker, drawer, or issuer that at the time of issue he did
not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment COSCOLLUELA V. SANDIGANBAYAN [FIRST DIVISION]
of such check in full upon presentment; and (3) said check is subsequently G.R. NOS. 191411, 191871, JULY 15, 2013
dishonored by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit, or
would have been dishonored for the same reason had not the drawer, DOCTRINE:
without any valid reason, ordered the bank to stop payment. Knowledge
of insufficiency of funds in or credit with the bank is presumed from the Akin to the right to speedy trial, its "salutary objective" is to assure that
act of making, drawing, and issuing a check payment of which is refused an innocent person may be free from the anxiety and expense of litigation
by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds when presented within 90 or, if otherwise, of having his guilt determined within the shortest possible
days from the date of issue. However, this presumption may be rebutted time compatible with the presentation and consideration of whatsoever
by the accused-petitioner. Such presumption does not hold when the legitimate defense he may interpose.
maker or drawer pays or makes arrangements for the payment of the
check within five banking days after receiving notice that such check had FACTS:
been dishonored. Thus, it is essential for the maker or drawer to be
notified of the dishonor of her check, so she could pay the value thereof or Coscolluela served as governor of the Province of Negros Occidental
make arrangements for its payment within the period prescribed by law. (Province) for three full terms. During his tenure, Nacionales served as his
Special Projects Division Head, Amugod as Nacionales' subordinate, and
We find that indeed no clear evidence is shown on whether petitioner was Malvas as Provincial Health Officer. Subsequently, the Office of the
informed that her checks had been dishonored. The notice of dishonor may Ombudsman received a letter-complaint from People's Graftwatch,
be sent by the offended party or the drawee bank. Complainant testified requesting for assistance to investigate the anomalous purchase of medical
that she hired lawyers to prepare and send the demand letters. The and agricultural equipment for the Province in the amount of P20M which
prosecution presented and marked in evidence two letters demanding allegedly happened around a month before Coscolluela stepped down from
payment which were purportedly sent to petitioner. However, the office. The complaint was soon upgraded into a criminal case for violation
prosecution presented no evidence that would establish petitioner's actual of RA 3019, "Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act." Information was
receipt of any demand letter which could have served as notice to prepared and submitted to Deputy Ombudsman Miro for recommendation
petitioner. No acknowledgment receipt nor return card for the first and on June 5, 2003. However, the final approval came only on May 21, 2009,
second demand letters were offered in evidence. The absence of proof that and on June 19, 2009, the Information was filed before the SB
petitioner received any notice informing her of the fact that her checks (Sandiganbayan). [What is matagal?!]
were dishonored and giving her five banking days within which to make
arrangements for payment of the said checks prevents the application of Petitioners alleged that they learned about the March 27, 2003 Resolution
the disputable presumption that she had knowledge of the insufficiency of and Information only when they received a copy of the latter shortly after
her funds at the time she issued the checks. Absent such presumption, the its filing with the SB. Hence, Coscolluela filed a Motion to Quash, arguing,
burden shifts to the prosecution to prove that petitioner had knowledge of among others, that his constitutional right to speedy disposition of cases

was violated as the criminal charges against him were resolved only after were terminated only on May 21, 2009, or almost eight (8) years after the
almost eight years since the complaint was instituted. filing of the complaint.

SB denied the Motion to Quash for lack of merit. Second, the above-discussed delay in the Ombudsman's resolution of the
case largely remains unjustified. Verily, the Office of the Ombudsman was
ISSUE: created under the mantle of the Constitution, mandated to be the
"protector of the people" and as such, required to "act promptly on
WON SB gravely abused its discretion in finding that petitioners' right to complaints filed in any form or manner against officers and employees of
speedy disposition of cases was not violated. the Government, or of any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
HELD: in order to promote efficient service." This great responsibility cannot be
simply brushed aside by ineptitude.
Yes. A person's right to the speedy disposition of his case is guaranteed
under Section 16, Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution Third, the Court deems that petitioners cannot be faulted for their alleged
(Constitution) which provides: SEC. 16.All persons shall have the right to a failure to assert their right to speedy disposition of cases. Records show
speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or that they could not have urged the speedy resolution of their case because
administrative bodies. This constitutional right is not limited to the accused they were unaware that the investigation against them was still on-going.
in criminal proceedings but extends to all parties in all cases, be it civil or They were only informed of the March 27, 2003 Resolution and
administrative in nature, as well as all proceedings, either judicial or quasi- Information against them only after the lapse of six (6) long years, or
judicial. In this accord, any party to a case may demand expeditious action when they received a copy of the latter after its filing with the SB on June
to all officials who are tasked with the administration of justice. 19, 2009. Being the respondents in the preliminary investigation
proceedings, it was not the petitioners' duty to follow up on the
In the determination of whether the defendant has been denied his right to prosecution of their case. Conversely, it was the Office of the
a speedy disposition of a case, the following factors may be considered Ombudsman's responsibility to expedite the same within the bounds of
and balanced: (1) the length of delay; (2) the reasons for the delay; (3) reasonable timeliness in view of its mandate to promptly act on all
the assertion or failure to assert such right by the accused; and (4) the complaints lodged before it.
prejudice caused by the delay. Examining the incidents in the present
case, the Court holds that petitioners' right to a speedy disposition of their Fourth, the Court finally recognizes the prejudice caused to the petitioners
criminal case had been violated. by the lengthy delay in the proceedings against them. Akin to the right to
speedy trial, its "salutary objective" is to assure that an innocent person
First, it is observed that the preliminary investigation proceedings took a may be free from the anxiety and expense of litigation or, if otherwise, of
protracted amount of time to complete. The Court does not lend credence having his guilt determined within the shortest possible time compatible
to the SB's position that the conduct of preliminary investigation was with the presentation and consideration of whatsoever legitimate defense
terminated as early as March 27, 2003, or the time when Cañares he may interpose.
prepared the Resolution recommending the filing of the Information. This
is belied by Section 4, Rule II of "Rules of Procedure of the Office of the Thus, in view of the unjustified length of time miring the Office of the
Ombudsman," which provides: No information may be filed and no Ombudsman's resolution of the case as well as the concomitant prejudice
complaint may be dismissed without the written authority or approval of that the delay in this case has caused, it is undeniable that petitioners'
the Ombudsman in cases falling within the jurisdiction of the constitutional right to due process and speedy disposition of cases had
Sandiganbayan, or of the proper Deputy Ombudsman in all other cases. been violated. As the institutional vanguard against corruption and
The above-cited provision readily reveals that there is no complete bureaucracy, the Office of the Ombudsman should create a system of
resolution of a case under preliminary investigation until the Ombudsman accountability in order to ensure that cases before it are resolved with
approves the investigating officer's recommendation to either file an reasonable dispatch and to equally expose those who are responsible for
Information with the SB or to dismiss the complaint. Therefore, in the case its delays, as it ought to determine in this case. Based on the violation of
at bar, the preliminary investigation proceedings against the petitioners petitioners' right to speedy disposition of cases as herein discussed, the
were not terminated upon Cañares' preparation of the March 27, 2003 present case stands to be dismissed even before either the prosecution or
Resolution and Information but rather, only at the time Casimiro finally the defense has been given the chance to present any evidence. Thus, the
approved the same for filing with the SB. In this regard, the proceedings Court is unable to make a definite pronouncement as to whether

petitioners indeed committed the acts or omissions from which any civil Now then, inasmuch as the aforementioned duty is given to the
liability on their part might arise as prescribed under Section 2, Rule 120 Ombudsman, the incumbent Tanodbayan (called Special Prosecutor under
of the Rules of Court. Consequently, absent this pronouncement, the the 1987 constitution and who is supposed to retain powers and duties
Province is not precluded from instituting a subsequent civil case based on NOT GIVEN to the Ombudsman) is clearly without authority to conduct
the delict if only to recover the amount P20M. preliminary investigations and to direct the filing of criminal cases with
the Sandiganbayan, except upon orders of the Ombudsman. This right to
ZALDIVAR V. SANDIGANBAYAN do so was lost effective February 2, 1987. Under the present Constitution,
G.R. NOS. 79690-707, 80578, APRIL 27, 1988 the Special Prosecutor (Raul Gonzalez) is a mere subordinate of the
Tanodbayan (Ombudsman) and can investigate and prosecute cases only
DOCTRINE: upon the latter's authority or orders. The Special Prosecutor cannot initiate
the prosecution of cases but can only conduct the same if instructed to do
Tanodbayan (called Special Prosecutor under the 1987 constitution and so by the Ombudsman. Even his original power to issue subpoena is now
who is supposed to retain powers and duties NOT GIVEN to the deemed transferred to the Ombudsman, who may, however, retain it in
Ombudsman) is clearly without authority to conduct preliminary the Special Prosecutor in connection with the cases he is ordered to
investigations and to direct the filing of criminal cases with investigate. It is not correct either to suppose that the Special Prosecutor
the Sandiganbayan, except upon orders of the Ombudsman. remains the Ombudsman as long as he has not been replaced, for the fact
is that he has never been the Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman
FACTS: is a new creation under Article XI of the Constitution different from the
Office of the Tanodbayan created under PD 1607 although concededly
Zaldivar, governor of the province of Antique, sought to restrain some of the powers of the two offices are identical or similar. The Special
the Sandiganbayan and Tanodbayan Gonzalez from proceeding with the Prosecutor cannot plead that he has a right to hold over the position of
prosecution and hearing of Criminal Cases on the ground that said cases Ombudsman as he has never held it in the first place.
were filed by said Tanodbayan without legal and constitutional authority,
since under the1987 Constitution which took effect on February 2, 1987, it VILLARUEL VS FERNANDO
is only the Ombudsman (not the present or incumbent Tanodbayan) who G.R. NO. 136726. SEPTEMBER 24, 2003
has the authority to file cases with the Sandiganbayan. In G.R. No. GLORIA
80578, Zaldivar, on substantially the same ground as the first petition,
prays that Tanodbayan Gonzalez be restrained from conducting DOCTRINE:
preliminary investigations (PI) and filing similar cases with
the Sandiganbayan. Due process, in essence, is simply an opportunity to be heard and this
opportunity was not denied petitioner. Throughout the proceedings in the
ISSUE: trial court as well as in the Court of Appeals, petitioner had the opportunity
to present his side but he failed to do so. Clearly, petitioner's former
WON Tanodbayan is authorized to conduct the PI. counsel, the OSG, was negligent. This negligence, however, binds
petitioner. The trial and appellate courts correctly ruled that the negligence
HELD: of the OSG could not relieve petitioner of the effects such negligence and
prevent the decision of the trial court from becoming final and executory.
No. Under the 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman (as distinguished from
the incumbent Tanodbayan) is charged with the duty to: "Investigate on FACTS:
its own, or on complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public
official, employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to Petitioner Villaruel, Jr. is the former Assistant Secretary of the Air
be illegal, unjust, improper, or inefficient." (Sec. 13, par. 1) The Transportation Office, Department of Transportation and Communication.
Constitution likewise provides that: The existing Tanodbayan shall Respondents Fernando, Abarca, Jr, and Cleofas are the Chief, Chief
hereafter be known as the Office of the Special Prosecutor. It shall Administrative Assistant, and Administrative Assistant, respectively, of the
continue to function and exercise its powers as now or hereafter may be Civil Aviation Training Center. The CATC is an adjunct agency of the ATO.
provided by law,except those conferred on the Office of the Ombudsman Petitioner issued a memorandum addressed to the respondents, detailing
created under this Constitution." (Art XI, Section 7) them to the Office of DOTC Undersecretary Cal effective on May 2, 1995.

Respondents wrote to DOTC Secretary Garcia and Undersecretary Lichauco opportunity was not denied Villaruel. Throughout the proceedings in the
through Villaruel requesting for reconsideration of such detail order. trial court as well as in the Court of Appeals, Villaruel had the opportunity
Having received no response, respondents reported to the Office of to present his side but he failed to do so. Clearly, his former counsel, the
Undersecretary Cal at DOTC in compliance with the order. Villaruel, instead OSG, was negligent and this negligence binds Villaruel. The trial and
of acting on the request, issued a memorandum addressed to Abarca appellate courts correctly ruled that the negligence of the OSG could not
placing him under "preventive suspension" for 90 days without pay relieve Villaruel of the effects such negligence and prevent the decision of
pending investigation for alleged grave misconduct. Respondents the trial court from becoming final and executory. In the present case,
requested Secretary Garcia to lift the detail order and to order their return there was no proof that he suffered serious injustice to exempt him from
to their mother unit since more than 90 days had already lapsed, and the general rule that the negligence of the counsel binds the client. He did
sought the intervention of the Ombudsman. Secretary Garcia issued a not even attempt to refute the respondents' allegations in the petition for
memorandum directing petitioner to recall respondents to their mother mandamus and damages. Moreover, he is not entirely blameless for the
unit. Secretary Garcia declared that the law does not sanction the dismissal of his appeal. After the OSG's failure to file the answer to the
continuous detail of respondents. Despite repeated demands by petition for mandamus and damages and to have the order declaring
respondents, Villaruel failed and refused to reinstate respondents to their petitioner in default lifted, he should have already replaced the OSG with
mother unit. Respondents filed a Petition for Mandamus and Damages with another lawyer. However, Villaruel still retained the services of the OSG,
Prayer for a Preliminary Mandatory Injunction against Villaruel, but the despite its apparent lack of interest in his case, until the trial court's
latter failed to file his answer. He was declared in default and the decision became final. Furthermore, Villaruel cannot now complain of the
judgment was rendered in favor of respondent. Villaruel, represented by OSG's errors, for he should have taken the initiative of making periodic
the Office of the Solicitor General, appealed to the Court of Appeals. inquiries from the OSG and the appellate court about the status of his
However, it was dismissed for failure of the OSG to file the required case. Litigants represented by counsel should not expect that all they need
memorandum. Subsequently, the Writ of Execution was issued. Petitioner, to do is sit back, relax and await the outcome of their case. The Court will
through his new counsel, filed a Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution and not countenance such ill-founded argument which contradicts long-settled
to Suspend Sheriffs Sale. He alleged that the trial court's decision never doctrines of trial and procedure.
became final and executory as he was deprived of his right to due process.
He further asserted that the resolution of the Ombudsman finding Modesto PEOPLE VS BAROIL
Abarca guilty of violation of Section 7(d) of Republic Act No. 6713 G.R. NO. 194608. JULY 9, 2012.
superseded the decision of the trial court. Thereafter, the trial court
quashed the Writ of Execution because the sheriff failed to follow Section DOCTRINE:
9, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, however, it issued an alias Writ of
Execution. The petitioner then filed a petition for certiorari wherein the The law presumes that an accused in a criminal prosecution is innocent
Court of Appeals ruled that the OSG's negligence found petitioner and it until the contrary is proven. This basic constitutional principle is fleshed
concurred with the trial court's ruling that the nature of the case before out by procedural rules which place on the prosecution the burden of
the Ombudsman was different from the case before the trial court. proving that an accused is guilty of the offense charged by proof beyond
reasonable doubt. Whether the degree of proof has been met is largely left
ISSUE: to the trial courts to determine.

Whether Villaruel was denied of his right to due process when the FACTS:
appellate court dismissed his appeal for failure of the OSG to file the
memorandum. The case involves two informations for the crime of rape charged against
the accused Baraoil. On August 8, 2004, at about 2:00 p.m., while five
HELD: year old AAA was walking near the house of Baraoil, he invited her to take
a ride with him on his bicycle. AAA acceded because Baraoil is a neighbor
No. Villaruel’s contentions that: (1) the the OSG "virtually abandoned" his and a friend of her parents. They biked together towards the town rice
case in violation of his right to due process and (2) the inexcusable mill. BBB, the elder sister of AAA, saw them. Worried about AAA’s safety,
negligence of the OSG did not bind him and prevented the decision of the BBB sought the help of CCC, her other sister, and their cousin DDD to look
trial court from becoming final and executory, are without merit. Due for AAA. Baraoil parked his bicycle against the wall of the mill, and pulled
process, in essence, is simply an opportunity to be heard and this AAA inside the mill's comfort room. There he pulled AAA's shorts as she

was not wearing underwear. He sat on a toilet bowl, unzipped his pants, the person accused, though innocent, to disprove; (2) due to the nature of
lifted AAA, seated her on his lap, and inserted his penis into AAA's vagina. the crime of rape in which only two persons are usually involved, the
AAA did not shout despite feeling pain. Baraoil threatened AAA not to tell testimony of the complainant must be scrutinized with extreme caution;
his mother or father about what happened or else he will repeat the act. and (3) the evidence for the prosecution must stand or fall on its own
He then inserted his right forefinger in AAA's vagina. AAA saw his finger merits and cannot be allowed to draw strength from the weakness of the
that was thrust into her, but she did not shout although she was about to evidence for the defense. Due to the nature of this crime, conviction for
cry. Baraoil removed his finger then pulled up his pants. BBB, CCC, and rape may be solely based on the complainant’s testimony provided it is
DDD arrived at the rice mill and saw the Baraoil’s bicycle. They entered credible, natural, convincing, and consistent with human nature and the
and heard thumping sounds coming from the comfort room. Baraoil then normal course of things. After a meticulous review of the records of the
suddenly opened its door and walked out. AAA followed him after a while instant case, the Court holds that the totality of the evidence adduced by
towards his bicycle looking visibly sweating and walking with difficulty. the prosecution proved the guilt of the accused-appellant beyond
CCC approached the accused-appellant and told him that they will take reasonable doubt. The assessment of the credibility of witnesses is a
AAA home. He refused and told them that he will take AAA home after domain best left to the trial court judge because of his unique opportunity
buying a new pair of slippers he needed for himself. He bought the pair of to observe their deportment and demeanor on the witness stand; a
slippers and a chocolate-filled biscuit for AAA. After half an hour, Baraoil vantage point denied appellate courts - and when his findings have been
took AAA back to the comfort room of the same rice mill. There, he affirmed by the CA, these are generally binding and conclusive upon this
undressed her and sucked her vagina. While doing this, AAA begged him Court. We find no reason to overturn the conviction of appellant under
to take her home. Baraoil then stopped and boarded her to his bicycle and Criminal Case No. T-3682 for the crime of statutory rape, it having been
brought her home. proven that AAA was under seven years of age when she was raped. On
the other hand, the crime of rape by sexual assault was not duly
Baraoil denied the charges and gave an alibi by stating that he was with established by the prosecution for under jurisprudential law, a person's
his friend Renato at the fish pond at the time when the alleged rape took tongue can be considered as an 'instrument or object' with which the crime
place. He alleged that AAA's family got mad at him after he disconnected of rape by sexual assault may be perpetrated. In the instant case,
their jumper connection from the power source. They even threatened that however, the record shows that no actual insertion of the tongue was done
they will hack him to death. Thus, the accusation of AAA's family was a by appellant to bring the act within coverage of Art. 266-A (2) of the RPC.
means of revenge. Not by any stretch of the imagination can the word "suck" be considered
as an insertion. Thus, the act complained of cannot be considered rape by
ISSUE: sexual assault. Nonetheless, appellant's act falls under the category of
crime of Acts of Lasciviousness, as defined under Art. 336 of the Revised
Whether or not the accused-appellant’s guilt has been proven beyond Penal Code. Also, the accused-appellant’s defense of alibi deserves scant
reasonable doubt vis-a-vis his main defense that the rape charges were consideration. Alibi is an inherently weak defense because it is easy to
merely concocted to get back at him as leverage against his act of fabricate and highly unreliable.
disconnecting the jumper owned by AAA's family.
HELD: G.R. NO. 192108. NOVEMBER 21, 2012.

Yes. The law presumes that an accused in a criminal prosecution is DOCTRINE:

innocent until the contrary is proven. This basic constitutional principle is
fleshed out by procedural rules which place on the prosecution the burden The essence of due process is to be found in the reasonable opportunity to
of proving that an accused is guilty of the offense charged by proof beyond be heard and to submit any evidence one may have in support of one's
reasonable doubt. Whether the degree of proof has been met is largely left defense. Where the opportunity to be heard, either through verbal
to the trial courts to determine. However, an appeal throws the whole case arguments or pleadings, is accorded, and the party can present its side or
open for review such that the Court may, and generally does, look into the defend its interest in due course, there is no denial of procedural due
entire records if only to ensure that no fact of weight or substance has process.
been overlooked, misapprehended, or misapplied by the trial court. Courts
use the following principles in deciding rape cases: (1) an accusation of FACTS:
rape can be made with facility; it is difficult to prove but more difficult for

Petitioner Sy and Andok's Litson Corporation entered into a 5-year lease Court is subject to the sound discretion of a judge. Such discretion was
contract covering the subject 316 square-meter lot located in Sta. Cruz, shown by the trial court, which was correct in putting into effect the
Manila owned by Sy. Monthly rental was fixed at P60,000.00, exclusive of consequence of petitioners' non-appearance at the pre-trial. While Sy filed
taxes, for the first 2 years and P66,000.00 for the third, fourth and fifth an Urgent Motion to Reset Pre-trial, she cannot assume that her motion
year with 10% escalation every year beginning on the fourth year. Per would be automatically granted. As found by the Court of Appeals, the
contract, the lessee shall, upon signing the contract, pay four (4) months denial of petitioners' motion for postponement is dictated by the motion
of advance deposit and a security deposit equivalent to four (4) months of itself: “A perusal of the Urgent Motion to Reset Pre-Trial Conference
rentall. Accordingly, Andok's issued a check to Sy for P480,000.00. discloses that other than the allegation that counsel will attend a hearing
Andok's alleged that while in the process of applying for electrical in another branch of the same court in Manila, yet, it failed to substantiate
connection on the improvements to be constructed on Sy's land, it was its claim. It did not state the case number nor attach the Calendar of
discovered that Sy has an unpaid MERALCO bill amounting to Hearing or such other pertinent proof to appraise the court that indeed
P400,000.00. Andok's further complained that construction for the counsel was predisposed.” We cannot allow petitioners to argue that their
improvement it intended for the leased premises could not proceed right to due process has been infringed. In The Philippine American Life &
because another tenant, Mediapool, Inc. incurred delay in the construction General Insurance Company v. Enario, we reiterated that the essence of
of a billboard structure also within the leased premises. Andok's informed due process is to be found in the reasonable opportunity to be heard and
Sy about the delay in the construction of the billboard structure on a to submit any evidence one may have in support of one's defense. Where
portion of its leased property. Three more letters of the same tenor were the opportunity to be heard, either through verbal arguments or pleadings,
sent to Sy but the demands fell on deaf ears. Consequently, Andok's is accorded, and the party can present its side or defend its interest in due
suffered damages in the total amount of P627,000.00 which comprises the course, there is no denial of procedural due process.
advance rental and deposit, cost of money, mobilization cost for the
construction of improvement over leased premises, and unrealized income. ALMARIO VS THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
After three years of continued inaction on the request to have the billboard G.R. NO. 189028. JULY 16, 2013
construction expedited, a complaint for rescission was filed. In her Answer,
Sy stated that she has faithfully complied with all the terms and conditions DOCTRINE:
of the lease contract and denied incurring an outstanding electricity bill.
Despite due notice, Sy and her counsel failed to appear in the Pre-trial As to the Constitutional right of persons to equal protection, it is the
Conference. Sy's urgent Motion to Reset Pre-trial was denied, and the RTC constitutional duty of the President to faithfully execute the laws and
allowed Andok's to present its evidence ex-parte. No motion for observe the rules, guidelines and policies as to the selection of the
reconsideration was filed on the trial court's order allowing ex-parte nominees for conferment of the Order of National Artists. This duty
presentation of evidence, so Andok's presented ex-parte the testimony of proscribed her from having a free and uninhibited hand in the conferment
its General Manager, Teodoro Calaunan, detailing the breach of contract of the said award.
committed by Sy. The trial court rendered a decision favoring Andok's. For
lack of merit, defendants' counterclaim is hereby dismissed. On appeal, Sy FACTS:
decried deprivation of her right to present evidence resulting in a default
judgment against her. Sy also denied that there was a breach on the lease Proclamation No. 1001, Proclamation No. 1144, P.D. 208, and R.A. 7356
contract. The Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal and affirmed the are the pertinent laws on the creation of the category of Award and
ruling of the RTC. Decoration of National Artist to be awarded to Filipinos who have made
distinct contributions to arts and letters (Fernando Amorsolo was declared
ISSUE: as the first National Artist), and the creation of a National Artists Awards
Committee. E.O. No. 236, s. 2003 was issued, (1) renaming the National
Whether or not there was an infringement of spouses Sy’s right to due Artists Award to Order of National Artists, (2) raising to the level of a
process in the rendering of default judgment against them. Cultural Order, (3) recognizing the vital role of the NCCA and the CCP in
identifying Filipinos who have made distinct contributions to arts and
HELD: letters, (4) creating a Committee on Honors to "assist the President in
evaluating nominations for recipients of Honors," including the Order of
No. What constitutes a valid ground to excuse litigants and their counsels National Artists, and presidential awards.
from appearing at the pre-trial under Section 4, Rule 18 of the Rules of

On 2009, after due deliberations were made, a final list of four names was that the choice of respondent Guidote-Alvarez was illegal and unethical
agreed upon, including Conde, Santos, Francisco, and Aguilar-Alcuaz as because, as the then Executive Director of the NCCA and presidential
nominees for the Order of National Artists. Accordingly, a letter was sent adviser on culture and arts, she was disqualified from even being
to then President Macapagal-Arroyo, recommending the four named artists nominated. Such action on the part of the former President constituted
as part of the 2009 Order of National Artists. According to respondents, grave abuse of discretion as it gave preferential treatment to respondent
the aforementioned letter was referred by the Office of the President to Guidote-Alvarez by naming the latter a National Artist despite her not
the Committee on Honors. Meanwhile, the Office of the President allegedly having been nominated and, thus, not subjected to the screening process
received nominations from various sectors, cultural groups and individuals provided by the rules for selection to the Order of National Artists.
strongly endorsing private respondents Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa
and Moreno. The Committee on Honors, after the alleged processing of ISSUE:
such nominations, submitted a memorandum to then President Macapagal-
Arroyo recommending the conferment of the Order of National Artists on Whether or not there was a violation of the equal protection clause of the
the four recommendees of the NCCA and the CCP Boards, as well as on Constitution.
private respondents Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno. Acting
on this recommendation, Proclamation No. 1823 declaring Manuel Conde a HELD:
National Artist was issued. Subsequently, Proclamation Nos. 1824 to 1829
were issued declaring Lazaro Francisco, Federico Aguilar-Alcuaz and Yes. Although the Court clarified that the President has discretion as to the
private respondents Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno, selection of the awardees and the role of the NCCA and the CCP is mere
respectively, as National Artists. This was subsequently announced to the advisory, there was a violation of the equal protection clause of the
public by then Executive Secretary Ermita. Constitution when the former President gave preferential treatment to
respondents Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno. The former
Convinced that, by law, it is the exclusive province of the NCCA Board of President's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws and observe
Commissioners and the CCP Board of Trustees to select those who will be the rules, guidelines and policies of the NCCA and the CCP as to the
conferred the Order of National Artists and to set the standard for entry selection of the nominees for conferment of the Order of National Artists
into that select group, petitioners instituted this petition for prohibition, proscribed her from having a free and uninhibited hand in the conferment
certiorari and injunction (with prayer for restraining order) praying that of the said award. The manifest disregard of the rules, guidelines and
the Order of National Artists be conferred on Dr. Santos and that the processes of the NCCA and the CCP was an arbitrary act that unduly
conferment of the Order of National Artists on respondents Guidote- favored respondents Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno. The
Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno be enjoined and declared to have conferment of the Order of National Artists on said respondents was
been rendered in grave abuse of discretion. The Court granted such therefore made with grave abuse of discretion and should be set aside.
petition. While the Court invalidates today the proclamation of respondents
Guidote-Alvarez, Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno as National Artists, such
Petitioners, an aggrupation of at least three groups, the National Artists, action should not be taken as a pronouncement on whether they are
cultural workers and academics, and the Concerned Artists of the worthy to be conferred that honor. Only the President, upon the advise of
Philippines (CAP), claim that former President Macapagal-Arroyo gravely the NCCA and the CCP Boards, may determine that. The Court simply
abused her discretion in disregarding the results of the rigorous screening declares that, as the former President committed grave abuse of discretion
and selection process for the Order of National Artists and in substituting in issuing Proclamation Nos. 1826 to 1829 dated July 6, 2009, the said
her own choice for those of the Deliberation Panels. According to proclamations are invalid. However, nothing in this Decision should be
petitioners, the President's discretion to name National Artists is not read as a disqualification on the part of respondents Guidote-Alvarez,
absolute but limited. In particular, her discretion on the matter cannot be Caparas, Mañosa and Moreno to be considered for the honor of National
exercised in the absence of or against the recommendation of the NCCA Artist in the future, subject to compliance with the laws, rules and
and the CCP. In adding the names of respondents Caparas, Guidote- regulations governing said award.
Alvarez, Mañosa and Moreno while dropping Dr. Santos from the list of
conferees, the President's own choices constituted the majority of the ROQUE VS OMBUDSMAN
awardees in utter disregard of the choices of the NCCA and the CCP and G.R. NO. 129978. MAY 12, 1999
the arts and culture community which were arrived at after a long and
rigorous process of screening and deliberation. Petitioners further argue DOCTRINE:

The long and unexplained delay in the resolution of the criminal complaints HELD:
against petitioners was not corrected by the eventual filing of the
Informations. The Court ruled that ‘the inordinate delay in terminating the Yes. Clearly, the delay of almost six years disregarded the ombudsman's
preliminary investigation and filing the information in the instant case is duty, as mandated by the Constitution and Republic Act No. 6770, to act
violative of the constitutionally guaranteed right of the petitioner to due promptly on complaints before him. More important, it violated the
process and the speedy disposition of cases against him. Accordingly, the petitioners' rights to due process and to a speedy disposition of the cases
informations should be dismissed.’ filed against them. Although respondents attempted to justify the six
months needed by Ombudsman Desierto to review the recommendation of
FACTS: Deputy Ombudsman Gervasio, no explanation was given why it took
almost six years for the latter to resolve the Complaints. Thus, in
Petitioner Roque was a Schools Division Superintendent of the Department Angchangco, Jr. v. Ombudsman, this Court dismissed a Complaint that had
of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), assigned in Koronadal, South been pending before the Office of the Ombudsman for more than six
Cotabato, until her compulsory retirement on May 17, 1991. Petitioner years, ruling that “after a careful review of the facts and circumstances of
Mabanglo was likewise a Schools Division Superintendent of the DECS, the present case, the Court finds the inordinate delay of more than six
assigned in Tagum, Davao Province, until his compulsory retirement on years by the Ombudsman in resolving the criminal complaints against
May 8, 1997. The Commission on Audit Regional Office conducted an audit petitioner to be violative of his constitutionally guaranteed right to due
on the P9.36 million allotment released by the DECS Regional Office No. process and a speedy disposition of the cases against him, thus warranting
11 to its Division Offices. The Auditors found some major deficiencies and the dismissal of said criminal cases . . ." We are not persuaded by
violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and COA Circular Nos. respondents' argument that the Petition for Mandamus became moot and
78-84 and 85-55A, DECS Order No. 100 and Section 88 of P.D. No. 1445. academic when the Complaints were resolved by the Office of the
Affidavits of complaint were filed before the Office of the Ombudsman- Ombudsman for Mindanao and the Informations were filed. The same
Mindanao against several persons including petitioners Roque and contention was rejected in Tatad v. Sandiganbayan, wherein the Court
Mabanglo. In an order dated June 11, 1991, the Office of the Ombudsman- declared that “the long and unexplained delay in the resolution of the
Mindanao found the complaints proper for a preliminary investigation. On criminal complaints against petitioners was not corrected by the eventual
March 18, 1997, the Ombudsman-Mindanao recommended the filing of the filing of the Informations. The Court ruled that ‘the inordinate delay in
appropriate complaints against several respondents, among them were terminating the preliminary investigation and filing the information in the
petitioners. The same was approved by Ombudsman Aniano Desierto. On instant case is violative of the constitutionally guaranteed right of the
August 14, 1997, petitioners instituted a petition for mandamus premised petitioner to due process and the speedy disposition of cases against him.
on the allegation that more than six (6) years had passed since the initial Accordingly, the informations . . . should be dismissed.’" Although
orders finding the cases proper for preliminary investigation, yet no case petitioners prayed only for the issuance of a ruling directing the dismissal
has been filed with the appropriate court against them. On November 24, of Ombudsman Case Nos. OMB-MIN-91-0201 and OMB-MIN-91-0203, this
1997, the Court issued a temporary restraining order directing Court, in the interest of the speedy disposition of cases, resolves to
respondents to cease and desist from further proceeding with the cases dismiss the above cases directly. This ruling is in line with Angchangco, in
filed against petitioners. On August 21, 1998, petitioners asked the Court which the Court dismissed the complaints outright, although petitioner
to cite respondents in contempt, contending that a criminal complaint was therein sought merely to compel the ombudsman to do so. The Court
filed in violation of the TRO. Hence, the present petition for mandamus granted the Petition for Mandamus, but denies the prayer to cite
praying that respondent public officers be directed to dismiss the graft respondents in contempt of court.
cases filed against them and subsequently to issue the necessary
clearance in petitioners' favor. ANG TIBAY VS. COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
G.R. NO. L-46496. FEBRUARY 27, 1940

Whether or not there was undue and unjustifiable delay in resolving [the] DOCTRINE:
complaints against petitioners (respondents therein) which violated their
constitutional right to due process of law and to a speedy disposition of There are cardinal primary rights which must be respected even in
cases. proceedings of this character. The first of these rights is the right to a
hearing, which includes the right of the party interested or affected to

present his own case and submit evidence in support thereof. Not only Labor Union, Inc., the SC is of the opinion that it is not necessary to pass
must the party be given an opportunity to present his case and to adduce upon the motion for reconsideration of the Solicitor-General. The SC
evidence tending to establish the rights which he asserts but the tribunal proceeded to dispose of the motion for new trial of the respondent labor
must consider the evidence presented. While the duty to deliberate does union. Before doing this, however, the SC deemed it necessary, in the
not impose the obligation to decide right, it does imply a necessity which interest of orderly procedure in cases of this nature, in interest of orderly
cannot be disregarded, namely, that of having something to support its procedure in cases of this nature, to make several observations regarding
decision. Not only must there be some evidence to support a finding or the nature of the powers of the Court of Industrial Relations and
conclusion, but the evidence must be substantial. The decision must be emphasize certain guiding principles which should be observed in the trial
rendered on the evidence presented at the hearing, or at least contained of cases brought before it.
in the record and disclosed to the parties affected. The Court of Industrial
Relations or any of its judges, therefore, must act on its or his own The fact, however, that the Court of Industrial Relations may be said to be
independent consideration of the law and facts of the controversy, and not free from the rigidity of certain procedural requirements does not mean
simply accept the views of a subordinate in arriving at a decision. The that it can, in justifiable cases before it, entirely ignore or disregard the
Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controvercial questions, render fundamental and essential requirements of due process in trials and
its decision in such a manner that the parties to the proceeding can know investigations of an administrative character. There are primary rights
the various issues involved, and the reasons for the decisions rendered. which must be respected even in proceedings of this character:
The performance of this duty is inseparable from the authority conferred The first of these rights is the right to a hearing, which includes the right
upon it. of the party interested or affected to present his own case and submit
evidence in support thereof.
Not only must the party be given an opportunity to present his case and to
Teodoro Toribio is the owner of Ang Tibay, a leather company which adduce evidence tending to establish the rights which he asserts but the
supplies leather goods to the Philippine Army. Toribio claimed that on tribunal must consider the evidence presented.
September 26, 1938, there was shortage of leather soles in ANG TIBAY
making it necessary for him to temporarily lay off the members of the "While the duty to deliberate does not impose the obligation to decide
National Labor Union Inc (NLU) . However, members of NLU avers right, it does imply a necessity which cannot be disregarded, namely, that
otherwise. They claimed that Toribio was guilty of unfair labor practice for of having something to support it is a nullity, a place when directly
discriminating against the NLU and unjustly favoring the National Workers’ attached." This principle emanates from the more fundamental is contrary
Brotherhood. to the vesting of unlimited power anywhere. Law is both a grant and a
limitation upon power.
The NLU filed a motion for new trial asking the SC to allow the same as
they were able to obtain new evidence and documents that were not Not only must there be some evidence to support a finding or conclusion.
presented before the CIR as the same were inaccessible at that time. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind accept as adequate
to support a conclusion."
The Solicitor-General in behalf of the respondent Court of Industrial
Relations in the above-entitled case has filed a motion for reconsideration The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at the hearing,
and moves that, for the reasons stated in his motion, the SC reconsider or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties affected.
the legal conclusions of the majority opinion. Only by confining the administrative tribunal to the evidence disclosed to
the parties, can the latter be protected in their right to know and meet the
ISSUE: case against them. It should not, however, detract from their duty actively
to see that the law is enforced, and for that purpose, to use the authorized
WON due process has been observed in this case legal methods of securing evidence and informing itself of facts material
and relevant to the controversy. Boards of inquiry may be appointed for
HELD: the purpose of investigating and determining the facts in any given case,
but their report and decision are only advisory.
In view of the conclusion reached by the SC and to be herein after stead
with reference to the motion for a new trial of the respondent National

The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges, therefore, must act Sec. 4. Any person who has committed any act of disloyalty to the State,
on its or his own independent consideration of the law and facts of the including acts amounting to subversion, insurrection, rebellion or other
controversy, and not simply accept the views of a subordinate in arriving similar crimes, shall not be qualified to be a candidate for any of the
at a decision. offices covered by this Act, or to participate in any partisan political
activity therein:
The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controversial questions,
render its decision in such a manner that the parties to the proceeding can provided that a judgment of conviction for any of the aforementioned
know the various issues involved, and the reasons for the decision crimes shall be conclusive evidence of such fact and the filing of charges
rendered. The performance of this duty is inseparable from the authority for the commission of such crimes before a civil court or military tribunal
conferred upon it. after preliminary investigation shall be prima facie evidence of such fact.
Petitioners then pray that the statutory provisions they have challenged be
DUMLAO VS. COMELEC declared null and void for being violative of the Constitution.
G.R. NO. L-52245. JANUARY 22, 1980
WON the equal protection clause has been violated in the passage of B.P.
In fine, it bears reiteration that the equal protection clause does not forbid 52
all legal classification. What is proscribes is a classification which is
arbitrary and unreasonable. That constitutional guarantee is not violated HELD:
by a reasonable classification based upon substantial distinctions, where
the classification is germane to the purpose of the law and applies to all The assertion that Section 4 of BP Blg. 52 is contrary to the safer guard of
Chose belonging to the same class. equal protection is neither well taken. The constitutional guarantee of
equal protection of the laws is subject to rational classification. If the
FACTS: groupings are based on reasonable and real differentiations, one class can
be treated and regulated differently from another class. For purposes of
The Petition alleges that petitioner, Patricio Dumlao, is a former Governor public service, employees 65 years of age, have been validly classified
of Nueva Vizcaya, who has filed his certificate of candidacy for said differently from younger employees. Employees attaining that age are
position of Governor in the forthcoming elections of January 30, 1980. subject to compulsory retirement, while those of younger ages are not so
Petitioner, Romeo B. Igot, is a taxpayer, a qualified voter and a member of compulsorily retirable.
the Bar who, as such, has taken his oath to support the Constitution and
obey the laws of the land. Petitioner, Alfredo Salapantan, Jr., is also a In respect of election to provincial, city, or municipal positions, to require
taxpayer, a qualified voter, and a resident of San Miguel, Iloilo. that candidates should not be more than 65 years of age at the time they
assume office, if applicable to everyone, might or might not be a
Petitioner Dumlao specifically questions the constitutionality of section 4 of reasonable classification although, as the Solicitor General has intimated, a
Batas Pambansa Blg. 52 as discriminatory and contrary to the equal good policy of the law would be to promote the emergence of younger
protection and due process guarantees of the Constitution. The said blood in our political elective echelons. On the other hand, it might be that
provision provides for Special Disqualification: persons more than 65 years old may also be good elective local officials.
Coming now to the case of retirees. Retirement from government service
Any retired elective provincial city or municipal official who has received may or may not be a reasonable disqualification for elective local officials.
payment of the retirement benefits to which he is entitled under the law, For one thing, there can also be retirees from government service at ages,
and who shall have been 6,5 years of age at the commencement of the say below 65. It may neither be reasonable to disqualify retirees, aged 65,
term of office to which he seeks to be elected shall not be qualified to run for a 65 year old retiree could be a good local official just like one, aged
for the same elective local office from which he has retired. 65, who is not a retiree.

For their part, petitioners igot and Salapantan, Jr. assail the validity of the But, in the case of a 65-year old elective local official, who has retired
following statutory provisions: from a provincial, city or municipal office, there is reason to disqualify him
from running for the same office from which he had retired, as provided

for in the challenged provision. The need for new blood assumes must rest on substantial distinctions; (2) must be germane to the purpose
relevance. The tiredness of the retiree for government work is present, of the law; (3) must not be limited to existing conditions only; and (4)
and what is emphatically significant is that the retired employee has must apply equally to all members of the same class. There can be no
already declared himself tired and unavailable for the same government dispute about the dissimilarities between land-based and sea-based
work, but, which, by virtue of a change of mind, he would like to assume Filipino overseas workers in terms of, among other things, work
again. It is for this very reason that inequality will neither result from the environment, safety, dangers and risks to life and limb, and accessibility to
application of the challenged provision. Just as that provision does not social, civic, and spiritual activities.
deny equal protection neither does it permit of such denial (see People vs.
Vera, 65 Phil. 56 [1933]). Persons similarly situated are similarly treated. FACTS:
In fine, it bears reiteration that the equal protection clause does not forbid
all legal classification. What is proscribes is a classification which is Petitioner Conference of Maritime Manning Agencies, Inc. (CMMA), an
arbitrary and unreasonable. That constitutional guarantee is not violated incorporated association of licensed Filipino manning agencies, and its co-
by a reasonable classification based upon substantial distinctions, where petitioners, all licensed manning agencies which hire and recruit Filipino
the classification is germane to the purpose of the law and applies to all seamen for and in behalf of their respective foreign shipowner-principals,
Chose belonging to the same class. urge us to annul Resolution No. 01, series of 1994, of the Governing
Board" of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and
In so far as the petition of Igot and Salapantan are concerned, the second POEA Memorandum Circular No. 05, series of 1994, on the grounds that:
paragraph of section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 52, quoted in full earlier,
and which they challenge, may be divided in two parts. The first provides: (1) The POEA does not have the power and authority to fix and promulgate
judgment of conviction jor any of the aforementioned crimes shall be rates affecting death and workmen's compensation of Filipino seamen
conclusive evidence of such fact ... working in ocean-going vessels; only Congress can.
(2) Even granting that the POEA has that power, it, nevertheless, violated
Explicit is the constitutional provision that, in all criminal prosecutions, the the standards for its exercise.
accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved, and shall (3) The resolution and the memorandum circular are unconstitutional
enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel (Article IV, section 19, because they violate the equal protection and non-impairment of
1973 Constitution). An accusation, according to the fundamental law, is obligation of contracts clauses of the Constitution.
not synonymous with guilt. The challenged proviso contravenes the The resolution and the memorandum circular are not, valid acts of the
constitutional presumption of innocence, as a candidate is disqualified from Governing Board because the private sector representative mandated by
running for public office on the ground alone that charges have been filed law has not been appointed by the President since the creation of the
against him before a civil or military tribunal. It condemns before one is POEA.
fully heard
In their comment, the public respondents contend that the petition is
Furthermore, a legislative/administrative determination of guilt should not without merit and should be dismissed becaus the issuance of the
be allowed to be substituted for a judicial determination. challenged resolution and memorandum circular was a valid exercise of
Being infected with constitutional infirmity, a partial declaration of nullity the POEA's rule-making authority or power of subordinate legislation which
of only that objectionable portion is mandated. It is separable from the this Court had sustained in Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. POEA.
first portion of the second paragraph of section 4 of Batas Pambansa Big.
52 which can stand by itself. ISSUE:

CONFERENCE OF MARITIME MANNING AGENCIES VS. POEA WON the assailed resolution and memorandum circular violate the equal
G.R. NO. 114714. APRIL 21, 1995 protection and contract clauses of the Constitution
That the challenged resolution and memorandum circular, which merely
It is an established principle of constitutional law that the guaranty of further amended the previous Memorandum Circular No. 02, strictly
equal protection of the laws is not violated by legislation based on conform to the sufficient and valid standard of "fair and equitable
reasonable classification. And for the classification to be reasonable, it (1)

employment practices" prescribed in E.O. No. 797 can no longer be because they are not ordinary contracts but are impresses with public
disputed. interest.

There is, as well, no merit to the claim that the assailed resolution and The challenged resolution and memorandum circular being valid
memorandum circular violate the equal protection and contract clauses of implementations of E.O. No. 797, which was enacted under the police
the Constitution. To support its contention of in equality, the petitioners power of the State, they cannot be struck down on the ground that they
claim discrimination against foreign shipowners and principals employing violate the contract clause. To hold otherwise is to alter long-established
Filipino seamen and in favor of foreign employers employing overseas constitutional doctrine and to subordinate the police power to the contract
Filipinos who are not seamen. It is an established principle of constitutional clause.
law that the guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not violated by
legislation based on reasonable classification. And for the classification to PEOPLE VS. JALOSJOS
be reasonable, it (1) must rest on substantial distinctions; (2) must be G.R. NOS. 132875-76. FEBRUARY 3, 2000
germane to the purpose of the law; (3) must not be limited to existing
conditions only; and (4) must apply equally to all members of the same DOCTRINE:
class. 14 There can be no dispute about the dissimilarities between land-
based and sea-based Filipino overseas workers in terms of, among other We, therefore, find that election to the position of Congressman is not a
things, work environment, safety, dangers and risks to life and limb, and reasonable classification in criminal law enforcement. The functions and
accessibility to social, civic, and spiritual activities. duties of the office are not substantial distinctions which lift him from the
class of prisoners interrupted in their freedom and restricted in liberty of
Nor is there-merit; in the claim that the resolution and memorandum movement. Lawful arrest and confinement are germane to the purposes of
circular violate the contract clause of the Bill of Rights. the law and apply to all those belonging to the same class.

The executive order creating the POEA was enacted to further implement FACTS:
the social justice provisions of the 1973. Constitution, which have been
greatly enhanced and expanded in the 1987 Constitution by placing them The accused-appellant, Romeo G. Jalosjos is a full-fledged member of
under a separate Article. Congress who is now confined at the national penitentiary while his
conviction for statutory rape on 2 counts and acts of lasciviousness on 6
The constitutional prohibition against impairing contractual obligations is counts is pending appeal. The accused-appellant filed this motion asking
not absolute and is not to be read with literal exactness . It is restricted to that he be allowed to fully discharge the duties of a Congressman,
contracts with respect to property or some object of value and which including attendance at legislative sessions and committee meetings
confer rights that maybe asserted in a court of justice; it has no despite his having been convicted in the first instance of a non-bailable
application to statutes relating to public subjects within the domain of the offense.
general legislative powers of the State and involving the public rights and
public welfare of the entire community affected by it. It does not prevent a The primary argument of the movant is the "mandate of sovereign will."
proper exercise by the State of its police power by enacting regulations He states that the sovereign electorate of the First District of Zamboanga
reasonably necessary to secure the health, safety, morals; comfort, or del Norte chose him as their representative in Congress. Having been re-
general welfare of the community, even though contracts may thereby be elected by his constituents, he has the duty to perform the functions of a
affected, for such matters cannot be placed by contract beyond the power Congressman. He calls this a covenant with his constituents made possible
of the State to regulate and control them. by the intervention of the State. He adds that it cannot be defeated by
insuperable procedural restraints arising from pending criminal cases.
Verily, the freedom to contract is not absolute; all contracts and all rights
are subject to the police power of the State and not only may regulations ISSUES:
which affect them be established by the State, but all such regulations
must be subject to change from time to time, as the general, well-being of WON being an elective official result in a substantial distinction that allows
the community may require, or as the circumstances may change, or as different treatment.
experience may demonstrate the necessity. And under the Civil Code,
contracts of labor are explicitly subject to the police power of the State

WON being a Congressman is a substantial differentiation which removes
the accused-appellant as a prisoner from the same class as all persons DOCTRINE:
validly confined under law
The legality of a seizure can be contested only by the party whose rights
HELD: have been impaired thereby|and that the objection to an unlawful search
and seizure is purely personal and cannot be availed of by third parties.
The performance of legitimate and even essential duties by public officers
has never been an excuse to free a person validly in prison. The duties FACTS:
imposed by the "mandate of the people" are multifarious. The accused-
appellant asserts that the duty to legislate ranks highest in the hierarchy Upon application of the officers of the government (Respondent-
of government. The accused-appellant is only one of 250 members of the Prosecutors), several judges (Respondent-Judges) issued, on different
House of Representatives, not to mention the 24 members of the Senate, dates, a total of 42 search warrants against petitioners herein and/or the
charged with the duties of legislation. Congress continues to function well corporations of which they were officers, directed to any peace officer, to
in the physical absence of one or a few of its members. Depending on the search the persons above-named and/or the premises of their offices,
exigency of Government that has to be addressed, the President or the warehouses and/or residences, and to seize and take possession of the
Supreme Court can also be deemed the highest for that particular duty. following personal property to wit:
The importance of a function depends on the need for its exercise. The
duty of a mother to nurse her infant is most compelling under the law of "Books of accounts, financial records, vouchers, correspondence, receipts,
nature. A doctor with unique skills has the duty to save the lives of those ledgers, journals, portfolios, credit journals, typewriters, and other
with a particular affliction. An elective governor has to serve provincial documents and/or papers showing all business transactions including
constituents. A police officer must maintain peace and order. Never has disbursements receipts, balance sheets and profit and loss statements and
the call of a particular duty lifted a prisoner into a different classification Bobbins (cigarette wrappers)."
from those others who are validly restrained by law. as "the subject of the offense; stolen or embezzled and proceeds or fruits
of the offense," or "used or intended to be used as the means of
A strict scrutiny of classifications is essential lest wittingly or otherwise, committing the offense," which is described in the applications adverted to
insidious discriminations are made in favor of or against groups or types of above as "violation of Central Bank Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws,
individuals. Internal Revenue (Code) and the Revised Penal Code."

The Court cannot validate badges of inequality. The necessities imposed by Petitioners alleged that said search warrants were null and void on the
public welfare may justify exercise of government authority to regulate ground that they contravene the Constitution and the Rules of Court since
even if thereby certain groups may plausibly assert that their interests are said warrants did not describe with particularity the documents, books and
disregarded. things to be seized; (2) cash money, not mentioned in the warrants, were
actually seized; (3) the warrants were issued to fish evidence against the
We, therefore, find that election to the position of Congressman is not a aforementioned petitioners in deportation cases filed against them; (4) the
reasonable classification in criminal law enforcement. The functions and searches and seizures were made in an illegal manner; and (5) the
duties of the office are not substantial distinctions which lift him from the documents, papers and cash money seized were not delivered to the
class of prisoners interrupted in their freedom and restricted in liberty of courts that issued the warrants, to be disposed of in accordance with law.
movement. Lawful arrest and confinement are germane to the purposes of
the law and apply to all those belonging to the same class. Thus, the documents, papers, and things seized under the alleged
authority of the warrants in question may be split into (2) major groups,
Premises considered, the SC is constrained to rule against the accused- namely: (a) those found and seized in the offices of the aforementioned
appellant’s claim that re-election to public office gives priority to any other corporations and (b) those found seized in the residences of petitioners
right or interest, including the police power of the State. herein.||


20 SCRA 383; G.R. No. L-19550. June 19, 1967

1. WON the petitioners have cause of action to assail the legality of the pertaining to all business transactions of petitioners herein, regardless of
search warrants and of the seizures made in pursuance thereof, with whether the transactions were legal or illegal. The warrants sanctioned the
respect to those found in the offices of the corporations. seizure of all records of the petitioners and the aforementioned
2. WON the searches and seizures made under the authority thereof, are corporations, whatever their nature, thus openly contravening the explicit
valid insofar as those which are found in the residences of the petitioners command of our Bill of Rights — that the things to be seized be
are concerned. particularly described — as well as tending to defeat its major objective:
the elimination of general warrants.|||
1. NO. Said corporations have their respective personalities, separate and 679 SCRA 318; G.R. No. 173474. August 29, 2012
distinct from the personality of herein petitioners, regardless of the
amount of shares of stock or of the interest of each of them in said DOCTRINE:
corporations, and whatever the offices they hold therein may be. 8 Indeed,
it is well settled that the legality of a seizure can be contested only by the The rule that there must first be a warrant of arrest and search warrant is
party whose rights have been impaired thereby, and that the objection to not absolute.
an unlawful search and seizure is purely personal and cannot be availed of
by third parties. Consequently, petitioners herein may not validly object to FACTS:
the use in evidence against them of the documents, papers and things
seized from the offices and premises of the corporations adverted to On March 22, 1999, at 11 o'clock in the morning, Chief Insp. Divina was in
above, since the right to object to the admission of said papers in evidence his office in the headquarters of the Western Police District (WPD) on
belongs exclusively to the corporations, to whom the seized effects belong, United Nations Avenue in Manila when he received a call from a male
and may not be invoked by the corporate officers in proceedings against person who refused to identify himself for fear of reprisal. The caller tipped
them in their individual capacity. him off about a robbery to be staged along Lopez Street, Tondo, Manila.
After relaying the tip to his superior officer, he was immediately ordered to
2. NO. Two points must be stressed in connection with this constitutional form a team composed of operatives of the District Intelligence Group and
mandate against unreasonable searches and seizures, namely: (1) that no to coordinate with the Special Weapons and Attack Team (SWAT) and the
warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, to be determined by the Mobile Patrol of the WPD.||
judge in the manner set forth in said provision; and (2) that the warrant
shall particularly describe the things to be seized.| None of these After a briefing, Chief Insp. Divina and the other operatives proceeded to
requirements has been complied with in the contested warrants. Indeed, Lopez Street, reaching the site before 1:00 pm. Chief Insp. Divina and PO2
the same were issued upon applications stating that the natural and Eraldo Santos positioned themselves along Vitas Street. At around 2:00
juridical persons therein named had committed a "violation of Central pm, Chief Insp. Divina spotted an owner-type jeep bearing a spurious
Bank Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code) and government plate (SBM-510) cruising along Vitas Street and told the rest
Revised Penal Code." In other words, no specific offense had been alleged of the team about it. The numbers of the car plate were painted white. The
in said applications. The averments thereof with respect to the offense driver was later identified as Belocura. Chief Insp. Divina signaled for
committed were abstract. As a consequence, it was impossible for the Belocura to stop for verification but the latter ignored the signal and sped
judges who issued the warrants to have found the existence of probable off towards Balut, Tondo. The team pursued Belocura's jeep until they
cause, for the same presupposes the introduction of competent proof that blocked its path with their Tamaraw FX vehicle, forcing Belocura to stop.
the party against whom it is sought has performed particular acts, or At this point, Chief Insp. Divina and the rest of the team approached the
committed specific omissions, violating a given provision of our criminal jeep and introduced themselves to Belocura as policemen. Chief Insp.
laws. As a matter of fact, the applications involved in this case do not Divina queried Belocura on the government plate. SPO1 Rojas confiscated
allege any specific acts performed by herein petitioners. It would be a legal Belocura's Berreta 9 mm. pistol (Serial Number M13086Z) that was tucked
heresy, of the highest order, to convict anybody of a "violation of Central in his waist and its fully loaded magazine when he could not produce the
Bank Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code) and appropriate documents for the pistol and the government plate. They
Revised Penal Code," — as alleged in the aforementioned applications — arrested him.
without reference to any determinate provision of said laws or codes.||| PO2 Santos searched Belocura's jeep, and recovered a red plastic bag
Thus, the warrants authorized the search for and seizure of records under the driver's seat. Chief Insp. Divina directed PO2 Santos to inspect

the contents of the red plastic bag, which turned out to be two bricks of warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest recognized under Section
marijuana wrapped in newspaper. 13, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court; (b) seizure of evidence under plain
view; (c) search of a moving vehicle; (d) consented warrantless search;
Afterwards, the team returned with Belocura to the WPD Headquarters on (e) customs search; (f) stop-and-frisk situations (Terry search); and (g)
board the Tamaraw FX. The team turned over the jeep and the red plastic exigent and emergency circumstances. In these exceptional situations, the
bag with its contents to the General Assignment Section for proper necessity for a search warrant is dispensed with.||
disposition. |||
Belocura was caught in flagrante delicto violating Section 31 of Republic
Reynaldo Belocura was then charged with illegal possession of 1,789.823 Act No. 4139 (The Land Transportation and Traffic Code). In flagrante
grams of marijuana in violation of Republic Act No. 6425 (Dangerous delicto means in the very act of committing the crime. To be caught in
Drugs Act of 1972), as amended by Republic Act No. 7659 and was found flagrante delicto necessarily implies the positive identification of the culprit
guilty of the crime charged. by an eyewitness or eyewitnesses. Such identification is a direct evidence
of culpability, because it "proves the fact in dispute without the aid of any
ISSUE: inference or presumption." Even by his own admission, he was actually
committing a crime in the presence or within the view of the arresting
WON there is a valid arrest and search and seizure in this case.. policemen. Such manner by which Belocura was apprehended fell under
the first category in Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of Court. The arrest
HELD: was valid, therefore, and the arresting policemen thereby became cloaked
with the authority to validly search his person and effects for weapons or
YES. No arrest, search and seizure can be made without a valid warrant any other article he might use in the commission of the crime or was the
issued by a competent judicial authority. So sacred are the right of fruit of the crime or might be used as evidence in the trial of the case, and
personal security and privacy and the right from unreasonable searches to seize from him and the area within his reach or under his control, like
and seizures that no less than the Constitution ordains in Section 2 of its the jeep, such weapon or other article. The evident purpose of the
Article III. The consequence of a violation of the guarantees against a incidental search was to protect the arresting policemen from being
violation of personal security and privacy and against unreasonable harmed by him with the use of a concealed weapon. Accordingly, the
searches and seizures is the exclusion of the evidence thereby obtained. warrantless character of the arrest could not by itself be the basis of his
This rule of exclusion is set down in Section 3 (2), Article III of the acquittal. Belocura was acquitted for the violation of RA 6425 (Dangerous
Constitution. Even so, the right against warrantless arrest, and the right Drugs Act of 1972) not because of his warrantless arrest and search and
against warrantless search and seizure are not absolute. There are seizure but because of the failure of the prosecution to prove beyond
circumstances in which the arrest, or search and seizure, although reasonable doubt the guilt of Belocura.
warrantless, are nonetheless valid or reasonable. Among the
circumstances are those mentioned in Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of GAMBOA vs. CHAN
Court, which lists down when a warrantless arrest may be lawfully made 677 SCRA 385; G.R. No. 193636. July 24, 2012
by a peace officer or a private person, namely:
(a)When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is The right to privacy is not absolute where there is an overriding compelling
actually committing, or is attempting to commit an offense; state interest.
(b)When an offense has in fact just been committed, and he has personal
knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be arrested has committed FACTS:
it; and
(c)When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a At the time the present Petition was filed, petitioner Marynette R. Gamboa
penal establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or (Gamboa) was the Mayor of Dingras, Ilocos Norte. 5 Meanwhile,
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while being respondent Police Senior Superintendent (P/SSUPT.) Marlou C. Chan was
transferred from one confinement to another. the Officer-in-Charge, and respondent Police Superintendent (P/SUPT.)
William O. Fang was the Chief of the Provincial Investigation and Detective
On the other hand, the constitutional proscription against warrantless Management Branch, both of the Ilocos Norte Police Provincial Office.
searches and seizures admits of the following exceptions, namely: (a)

On 8 December 2009, former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued privacy may nevertheless succumb to an opposing or overriding state
Administrative Order No. 275 (A.O. 275), "Creating an Independent interest deemed legitimate and compelling.|||
Commission to Address the Alleged Existence of Private Armies in the
Country." The body, which was later on referred to as the Zeñarosa The Constitution explicitly mandates the dismantling of private armies and
Commission, 8 was formed to investigate the existence of private army other armed groups not recognized by the duly constituted authority. It
groups (PAGs) in the country with a view to eliminating them before the also provides for the establishment of one police force that is national in
10 May 2010 elections and dismantling them permanently in the future. scope and civilian in character, and is controlled and administered by a
Upon the conclusion of its investigation, the Zeñarosa Commission national police commission.
released and submitted to the Office of the President a confidential report
Taking into account these constitutional fiats, it is clear that the issuance
Gamboa alleged that the Philippine National Police in Ilocos Norte (PNP- of A.O. 275 articulates a legitimate state aim, which is to investigate the
Ilocos Norte) conducted a series of surveillance operations against her and existence of PAGs with the ultimate objective of dismantling them
her aides, and classified her as someone who keeps a PAG. Purportedly permanently.
without the benefit of data verification, PNP-Ilocos Norte forwarded the
information gathered on her to the Zeñarosa Commission, thereby causing To enable the Zeñarosa Commission to achieve its goals, A.O. 275 clothed
her inclusion in the Report's enumeration of individuals maintaining PAGs. it with the powers of an investigative body, including the power to
summon witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony or evidence relevant
On 6 and 7 July 2010, ABS-CBN broadcasted on its evening news program to the investigation and use compulsory processes to produce documents,
the portion of the Report naming Gamboa as one of the politicians alleged books, and records. A.O. 275 likewise authorized the Zeñarosa
to be maintaining a PAG. Gamboa averred that her association with a PAG Commission to deputize the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the National
also appeared on print media. Thus, she was publicly tagged as someone Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice, the PNP, and any other
who maintains a PAG on the basis of the unverified information that the law enforcement agency to assist the commission in the performance of its
PNP-Ilocos Norte gathered and forwarded to the Zeñarosa Commission. functions.
As a result, she claimed that her malicious or reckless inclusion in the
enumeration of personalities maintaining a PAG as published in the Report Meanwhile, the PNP, as the national police force, is empowered by law to
also made her, as well as her supporters and other people identified with (a) enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and
her, susceptible to harassment and police surveillance operations. properties; (b) maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to
ensure public safety; and (c) investigate and prevent crimes.||
Contending that her right to privacy was violated and her reputation
maligned and destroyed, Gamboa filed a Petition for the issuance of a writ Pursuant to the state interest of dismantling PAGs, as well as the foregoing
of habeas data against respondents in their capacities as officials of the powers and functions accorded to the Zeñarosa Commission and the PNP,
PNP-Ilocos Norte. the latter collected information on individuals suspected of maintaining
PAGs, monitored them and counteracted their activities. One of those
ISSUE: individuals is herein petitioner Gamboa.

WON there is a violation of the right to privacy of Gamboa. This Court holds that Gamboa was able to sufficiently establish that the
data contained in the Report listing her as a PAG coddler came from the
HELD: PNP. Contrary to the ruling of the trial court, however, the forwarding of
information by the PNP to the Zeñarosa Commission was not an unlawful
NO. The right to privacy is not absolute. While it is true that Section 21, act that violated or threatened her right to privacy in life, liberty or
Article VI of the Constitution, guarantees respect for the rights of persons security. The PNP was rationally expected to forward and share intelligence
affected by the legislative investigation, not every invocation of the right regarding PAGs with the body specifically created for the purpose of
to privacy should be allowed to thwart a legitimate congressional inquiry. investigating the existence of these notorious groups. Moreover, the
The right to privacy is not absolute where there is an overriding compelling Zeñarosa Commission was explicitly authorized to deputize the police force
state interest. Therefore, when the right to privacy finds tension with a in the fulfillment of the former's mandate, and thus had the power to
competing state objective, the courts are required to weigh both notions. request assistance from the latter.
In these cases, although considered a fundamental right, the right to

The fact that the PNP released information to the Zeñarosa Commission Security Group (CSG) at the intersection of Mayon Street and P. Margall
without prior communication to Gamboa and without affording her the Street, Quezon City. The record does not disclose that a warrant of arrest
opportunity to refute the same cannot be interpreted as a violation or had previously been issued against NOLASCO.||At 12:00 N. on August 6th,
threat to her right to privacy since that act is an inherent and crucial elements of the CSG searched the premises at 239-B Mayon Street,
component of intelligence-gathering and investigation. Additionally, Quezon City. The stated time is an allegation of petitioners, not specifically
Gamboa herself admitted that the PNP had a validation system, which was denied by respondents. In their COMMENT, however, respondents have
used to update information on individuals associated with PAGs and to alleged that the search was conducted "late on the same day"; that is late
ensure that the data mirrored the situation on the field. Thus, safeguards on August 6th. On August 6th, at around 9:00 A.M., Lt. Col. Virgilio G.
were put in place to make sure that the information collected maintained Saldajeno of the CSG, applied for a Search Warrant from respondent Hon.
its integrity and accuracy. To accord the right to privacy with the kind of Ernani Cruz Paño, Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court in Quezon
protection established in existing law and jurisprudence, this Court City, to be served at No. 239-B Mayon Street, Quezon City, determined to
nonetheless deems it necessary to caution these investigating entities that be the leased residence of AGUILAR-ROQUE, after almost a month of
information-sharing must observe strict confidentiality. Intelligence "round the clock surveillance" of the premises as a "suspected
gathered must be released exclusively to the authorities empowered to underground house of the CPP/NPA." AGUILAR-ROQUE has been long
receive the relevant information. After all, inherent to the right to privacy wanted by the military for being a high ranking officer of the Communist
is the freedom from "unwarranted exploitation of one's person or from Party of the Philippines, particularly connected with the MV
intrusion into one's private activities in such a way as to cause humiliation Karagatan/Doña Andrea cases.
to a person's ordinary sensibilities."
It does not appear from the records that an application in writing was
In this case, respondents admitted the existence of the Report, but submitted by Lt. Col. Saldajeno to Judge Paño. According to the record, Lt.
emphasized its confidential nature. That it was leaked to third parties and Col. Saldajeno and his witness S/A Dionicio A. Lapus, were examined
the media was regrettable, even warranting reproach. But it must be under oath by Judge Paño, but only the deposition of S/A Lapus has been
stressed that Gamboa failed to establish that respondents were submitted to the court. The latter deposed that to his personal knowledge,
responsible for this unintended disclosure. In any event, there are other there were kept in the premises to be searched records, documents and
reliefs available to her to address the purported damage to her reputation, other papers of the CPP/NPA and the National Democratic Front, including
making a resort to the extraordinary remedy of the writ of habeas data support money from foreign and local sources intended to be used for
unnecessary and improper. rebellion.

NOLASCO vs. PANO In connection with the search made at 12:00 N. of August 6th,
139 SCRA 152; G.R. No. L-69803. October 8, 1985 TOLENTINO was a person then in charge of the premises. He was arrested
by the searching party presumably without a warrant of arrest. The
DOCTRINE: searching party seized 428 documents and written materials, and
additionally a portable typewriter, and 2 wooden boxes, making 431 items
Search warrants which are too general are void for being violative of the in all. According to the Return, submitted in the SEARCH WARRANT CASE
Constitutional mandate provided under Sec. 3, Article 4 of the on August 10th, the search was made in the presence of Dra. Marciana
Constitution. Galang, owner of the premises, and of two (2) Barangay Tanods. No
mention was made that TOLENTINO was present. The list of the 428
The rule that articles seized under an invalid search warrant should be articles and documents attached to the Return was signed by the two
returned is not absolute and admits of certain exceptions. Barangay Tanods, but not by Dra. Galang.|

FACTS: AGUILAR-ROQUE, NOLASCO and TOLENTINO, were charged before the

Quezon City Fiscal's Offic upon complaint filed by the CSG against
AGUILAR-ROQUE was one of the accused of Rebellion in Criminal Case No. petitioners for "Subversion/Rebellion and/or Conspiracy to Commit
SMC-1-1 before Special Military Commission No. 1, and also one of the Rebellion/Subversion. The CITY FISCAL filed an Information for Violation of
accused of Subversion in Criminal Case No. MC-25-113 of Military Presidential Decree No. 33 (Illegal Possession of Subversive Documents)
Commission No. 25. She was then still at large.| At 11:30 A.M. on August against petitioners before Branch 42 of the Metropolitan Trial Court of
6th, AGUILAR-ROQUE and NOLASCO were arrested by a Constabulary Quezon City (the SUBVERSIVE DOCUMENTS CASE). CSG filed a Motion for

Reconsideration with the CITY FISCAL, praying that AGUILAR-ROQUE and not sufficiently searching to establish probable cause. The "probable
NOLASCO be charged with Subversion which was however denied. cause" required to justify the issuance of a search warrant comprehends
such facts and circumstances as will induce a cautious man to rely upon
ISSUES: them and act in pursuant thereof. Of the 8 questions asked, the 1st, 2nd
and 4th pertain to identity. The 3rd and 5th are leading not searching
1. WON the search warrant that was issued is void for being too general. questions. The 6th, 7th and 8th refer to the description of the personalities
2. WON the articles seize should be returned. to be seized, which is identical to that in the Search Warrant and suffers
from the same lack of particularity. The examination conducted was
HELD:|| general in nature and merely repetitious of the deposition of said witness.
Mere generalization will not suffice and does not satisfy the requirements
1. YES. Section 3, Article IV of the Constitution, guarantees the right of of probable cause upon which a warrant may issue.
the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects 2. NO. Notwithstanding the irregular issuance of the Search Warrant and
against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for although, ordinarily, the articles seized under an invalid search warrant
any purpose. It also specifically provides that no Search Warrant shall should be returned, they cannot be ordered returned in the case at bar to
issue except upon probable cause to be determined by the Judge or such AGUILAR-ROQUE. Some searches may be made without a warrant. Thus,
other responsible officer as may be authorized by law, after examination Section 12, Rule 126, Rules of Court, explicitly provides:
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may
produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the "Section 12.Search without warrant of person arrested. — A person
things to be seized. charged with an offense may be searched for dangerous weapons or
The disputed Search Warrant (No. 80-84) describes the personalities to be anything which may be used as proof of the commission of the offense."
seized as follows:
"Documents, papers and other records of the Communist Party of the The provision is declaratory in the sense that it is confined to the search,
Philippines/New Peoples Army and/or the National Democratic Front, such without a search warrant, of a person who had been arrested. It is also a
as Minutes of the Party Meetings, Plans of these groups, Programs, List of general rule that, as an incident of an arrest, the place or premises where
possible supporters, subversive books and instructions, manuals not the arrest was made can also be search without a search warrant. In this
otherwise available to the public, and support money from foreign or local latter case, "the extent and reasonableness of the search must be decided
sources." on its own facts and circumstances, and it has been stated that, in the
application of general rules, there is some confusion in the decisions as to
It is at once evident that the foregoing Search Warrant authorizes the what constitutes the extent of the place or premises which may be
seizure of personal properties vaguely described and not particularized. It searched". "What must be considered is the balancing of the individual's
is an all-embracing description which includes everything conceivable right to privacy and the public's interest in the prevention of crime and the
regarding the Communist Party of the Philippines and the National apprehension of criminals."
Democratic Front. It does not specify what the subversive books and
instructions are; what the manuals not otherwise available to the public Considering that AGUILAR-ROQUE has been charged with Rebellion, which
contain to make them subversive or to enable them to be used for the is a crime against public order; that the warrant for her arrest has not
crime of rebellion. There is absent a definite guideline to the searching been served for a considerable period of time; that she was arrested
team as to what items might be lawfully seized thus giving the officers of within the general vicinity of her dwelling; and that the search of her
the law discretion regarding what articles they should seize as, in fact, dwelling was made within a half hour of her arrest, we are of the opinion
taken also were a portable typewriter and 2 wooden boxes. It is thus in that, in her respect, the search at No. 239-B Mayon Street, Quezon City,
the nature of a general warrant and infringes on the constitutional did not need a search warrant; this, for possible effective results in the
mandate requiring particular description of the things to be seized. In the interest of public order.
recent rulings of this Court, search warrants of similar description were
considered null and void for being too general. Such being the case, the personalities seized may be retained by CSG, for
possible introduction as evidence in the Rebellion Case, leaving it to
The lack of particularization is also evident in the examination of the AGUILAR-ROQUE to object to their relevance and to ask Special Military
witness presented by the applicant for Search Warrant. The questions Commission No. 1 to return to her any all irrelevant documents and
propounded by respondent Executive Judge to the applicant's witness are articles.

2. WON there is a violation of petitioner's right to a speedy disposition of
677 SCRA 750; G.R. No. 198554. July 30, 2012

The equal protection clause guaranteed under the Constitution extends to 1. YES. A court-martial case is a criminal case and the General Court
the class of those who have been convicted by any court. Martial is a "court" akin to any other courts. In the same case, this Court
clarified as to what constitutes the words "any court," used in the
FACTS: Constitution. The words "any court" refers, not only to a civil, but also to a
military court or a Court-Martial. Because, in construing a Constitution, "it
The Provost Martial General of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), must be taken as established that where words are used which have both
Col. Henry A. Galarpe, by command of Vice-Admiral De Los Reyes, issued a restricted and a general meaning, the general must prevail over the
a Restriction to Quarters against petitioner. Thereafter, a Charge Sheet restricted unless the nature of the subject matter of the context clearly
dated October 27, 2004 was filed with the Special General Court Martial indicates that the limited sense is intended."
NR 2 presided by Maj. Gen. Emmanuel R. Teodosio, AFP, (Ret.). Petitioner
allegedly committed the following violations: (1) failure to disclose/ The application of Article 29 of the Revised Penal Code in the Articles of
declare all his existing assets in his Sworn Statement of Assets and War is in accordance with the Equal Protection Clause of the 1987
Liabilities and Net Worth for different years; (2) violation of his solemn Constitution. According to a long line of decisions, equal protection simply
oath as a military officer to uphold the Constitution and serve the people requires that all persons or things similarly situated should be treated
with utmost loyalty by acquiring and holding the status of an alike, both as to rights conferred and responsibilities imposed. It requires
immigrant/permanent residence of the United States of America in public bodies and institutions to treat similarly situated individuals in a
violation of the State policy governing public officers; (3) making similar manner. The purpose of the equal protection clause is to secure
untruthful statements under oath of his true assets in his Statement of every person within a state's jurisdiction against intentional and arbitrary
Assets and Liabilities and Net worth for 2003 and 2002. Petitioner had discrimination, whether occasioned by the express terms of a statute or by
undergone a preventive confinement for 6 years and 2 months. its improper execution through the state's duly-constituted authorities. In
other words, the concept of equal justice under the law requires the state
In connection therewith, petitioner argues that the confirmation issued by to govern impartially, and it may not draw distinctions between individuals
the Office of the President directing him to be confined for two (2) years in solely on differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate governmental
the penitentiary had already been fully served in view of his preventive objective. It, however, does not require the universal application of the
confinement which had exceeded two (2) years. Therefore, according to laws to all persons or things without distinction. What it simply requires is
him, the Office of the President no longer has the authority to order his equality among equals as determined according to a valid classification.
confinement in a penitentiary. On the other hand, the OSG opines that Indeed, the equal protection clause permits classification. Such
petitioner cannot legally demand the deduction of his preventive classification, however, to be valid must pass the test of reasonableness.
confinement in the service of his imposed two-year confinement in a The test has four requisites: (1) the classification rests on substantial
penitentiary, because unlike our Revised Penal Code which specifically distinctions; (2) it is germane to the purpose of the law; (3) it is not
mandates that the period of preventive imprisonment of the accused shall limited to existing conditions only; and (4) it applies equally to all
be deducted from the term of his imprisonment, the Articles of War and/or members of the same class. "Superficial differences do not make for a
the Manual for Courts-Martial do not provide for the same deduction in the valid classification." In the present case, petitioner belongs to the class of
execution of the sentence imposed by the General Court Martial as those who have been convicted by any court, thus, he is entitled to the
confirmed by the President in appropriate cases. rights accorded to them. Clearly, there is no substantial distinction
between those who are convicted of offenses which are criminal in nature
ISSUES: under military courts and the civil courts. Furthermore, following the same
reasoning, petitioner is also entitled to the basic and time-honored
1. WON Article 29 (deduction of preventive confinement from the term of principle that penal statutes are construed strictly against the State and
imprisonment) of the Revised Penal Code should be made applicable to liberally in favor of the accused. It must be remembered that the
petitioner. provisions of the Articles of War which the petitioner violated are penal in

The MeTC found Ando guilty beyond reasonable doubt of making it appear
2. NO. No less than our Constitution guarantees the rightnot just to a that Tee s father, Tee Ong, who was the owner of To Suy Hardware,
speedy trial but to the speedy disposition of cases. However, it needs to be signed, executed and sworn a Deed of Sale, an Affidavit, and a Transfer of
underscored that speedy disposition is a relative and flexible concept. A Rights on January 31, 1996. Ando s conviction was premised on the
mere mathematical reckoning of the time involved is not sufficient. following factual findings:
Particular regard must be taken of the facts and circumstances peculiar to (i) Tee Ong was already dead at the time the allegedly falsified
each case. In determining whether or not the right to the speedy documents were executed and notarized on January 31, 1996;
disposition of cases has been violated, this Court has laid down the (ii) (ii) Ando was in possession of the allegedly falsified documents,
following guidelines: (1) the length of the delay; (2) the reasons for such giving rise to the presumption that she was responsible therefor; and
delay; (3) the assertion or failure to assert such right by the accused; and (iii) (iii) Ando used the allegedly falsified documents to cause the
(4) the prejudice caused by the delay. transfer in her favor of the rights to the business name "TO SUY
In this case, there was no allegation, whatsoever of any delay during the
trial. What is being questioned by petitioner is the delay in the On appeal, Court (RTC) of Manila affirmed the MeTC s findingsthe RTC
confirmation of sentence by the President. Basically, the case has already predicated Ando s guilt on the falsity of the subject documents as being
been decided by the General Court Martial and has also been reviewed by undisputed and stipulated upon by the parties.
the proper reviewing authorities without any delay. The only thing missing
then was the confirmation of sentence by the President. The records do The CA gave due course to Ando s appeal and reversed the RTC Decision
not show that, in those six (6) years from the time the decision of the dated November 6, 2008. According to the CA, Ando deserves to be
General Court Martial was promulgated until the sentence was finally acquitted of the charges against her in view of the prosecution s failure to
confirmed by the President, petitioner took any positive action to assert his prove that the subject documents were indeed falsified. Specifically, the
right to a speedy disposition of his case. This is akin to what happened in prosecution did not present any expert witness or caused the examination
Guerrero v. Court of Appeals, where, in spite of the lapse of more than ten of the subject documents to determine whether Tee Ong s thumb mark
years of delay, the Court still held that the petitioner could not rightfully and signature were indeed forged. The CA found the lower courts to have
complain of delay violative of his right to speedy trial or disposition of his erred in sweepingly concluding that the signatures on the Deed of Sale,
case, since he was part of the reason for the failure of his case to move on Affidavit, and Transfer of Rights were forged on the basis of the
towards its ultimate resolution. Time runs against the slothful and those undisputed fact that Tee Ong was already dead at the time that such
who neglect their rights. In fact, the delay in the confirmation of his documents were notarized on January 31, 1996. According to the CA the
sentence was to his own advantage, because without the confirmation prosecution did not eliminate the possibility that Tee Ong may have signed
from the President, his sentence cannot be served. the said documents before he died on December 15, 1995, thus, clouding
Ando s supposed guilt with moral uncertainty. What the CA found as
PEOPLE vs. COURT OF APPEALS and JULIETA G. ANDO certain from the evidence of the prosecution is the notarization of the
G.R. NO. 198589 - July 25, 2012 subject documents after Tee Ong s death and not the impossibility of Tee
MATILLANO Ong s voluntary execution thereof before his death. Accordingly, it is the
notary public who notarized the subject documents, not Ando, who should
FACTS: be held liable for any irregularities that may have attended the
notarization. The execution and notarization of the subject documents are
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court filed by two (2) different acts and the irregularities attending their notarization do
private complainant Willie Tee (Tee) from the Decision1 dated July 2, 2011 not necessarily affect the validity of their execution. In this petition, Tee
of the CA. The instant petition is GRANTED. The November 6, 2008 and attributes grave abuse of discretion on the part of the CA, alleging that the
May 2, 2008 Decisions of the RTC of Manila, and MTC of Manila, are latter has no reason to reverse the MeTC s and RTC s finding of guilt as
REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the petitioner is ACQUITTED of the the inconsistencies in Ando s statements and her possession and use of
offenses charged. Respondent Julieta G. Ando (Ando) was convicted by the the subject documents prove beyond reasonable doubt that she was the
MeTC, of three (3) counts of Falsification of Public Documents under Article one who forged Tee Ong s thumb mark and signature. There was likewise
172(1) in relation to Article 171(2) of the Revised Penal Code (RPC). no necessity to produce an expert witness to determine if Tee Ong s
thumb mark and signature were forged. That Tee Ong was already dead at
the time the subject documents were executed and notarized coupled with

Ando s use thereof to her benefit sufficed to conclude that there was an accused, which is what is protected by the rule against double
forgery and that Ando was responsible therefor.Tee claimed that he filed jeopardy.
this Petition under the authority and supervision of the Office of the
Solicitor General (OSG). Tee had also dispensed with the filing of a motion This petition does not allege a mistrial and the sole challenge posed by Tee
for reconsideration, claiming that the same has been rendered futile by the and the OSG against the validity of the CA s disposition is the latter s
immediately executory nature and finality of an acquittal. The OSG filed a supposed misappreciation of the evidence, which is an error of judgment
Manifestation and Motion dated October 6, 2011, stating that it is adopting and not of jurisdiction or a manifestation of grave abuse of discretion,
Tee s petition as its own. Dismissal of this petition is inevitable in view of hence, not correctible by a writ of certiorari . In People of the Philippines v.
the principle of double jeopardy, making it unnecessary to address and Hon. Sandiganbayan (Third Division) this Court clarified that for an
extrapolate on the numerous factual issues raised by Tee against the CA s acquittal to be considered tainted with grave abuse of discretion, there
Decision dated July 28, 2011 and the procedural lapses Ando attributes to must be a showing that the prosecution s right to due process was violated
Tee. The mere fact that the decision being brought for this Court’s review or that the trial conducted was a sham.Although the dismissal order is not
is one for acquittal alerts one‘s attention to a possible violation of the rule subject to appeal, it is still reviewable but only through certiorari under
against double jeopardy. Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. For the writ to issue, the trial court must be
shown to have acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
ISSUE: excess of jurisdiction such as where the prosecution was denied the
opportunity to present its case or where the trial was a sham thus
Whether or not the constitutional rule against double jeopardy was rendering the assailed judgment void. The burden is on the petitioner to
violated? clearly demonstrate that the trial court blatantly abused its authority to a
point so grave as to deprive it of its very power to dispense justice.
The petition is bereft of any allegation, much less, evidence that the SOCIETY, INC. (PTS)
prosecution s right to due process was violated or the proceedings before G.R. No. 143384. February 4, 2005
the CA were a mockery such that Ando s acquittal was a foregone
conclusion. Accordingly, notwithstanding the alleged errors in the FACTS:
interpretation of the applicable law or appreciation of evidence that the CA
may have committed in ordering Ando s acquittal, absent any showing that On 16 April 1968, petitioner Dr. Maquiling was employed by respondent
the CA acted with caprice or without regard to the rudiments of due Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. (PTS). On 8 June 1991, Dr. Maquiling,
process, THE CA‘S FINDINGS CAN NO LONGER BE REVERSED, DISTURBED then earning a monthly salary of P13,900.00 was dismissed from service
AND SET ASIDE WITHOUT VIOLATING THE RULE AGAINST DOUBLE as Deputy Executive Director after serving PTS for 23 years. Dr. Maquiling
JEOPARDY. Nonetheless, even if the Sandiganbayan proceeded from an filed a complaint against PTS for reinstatement or, in the alternative, for
erroneous interpretation of the law and its implementing rules, the error payment of full back wages and separation pay in accordance with Article
committed was an error of judgment and not of jurisdiction. Petitioner 279 of the Labor Code, as well as moral damages in the amount of five
failed to establish that the dismissal order was tainted with grave abuse of hundred thousand pesos P500,000.00 and exemplary damages in the
discretion such as the denial of the prosecution s right to due process or amount of one hundred thousand pesos P100,000.00.
the conduct of a sham trial. In fine, the error committed by the
Sandiganbayan is of such a nature that can no longer be rectified on The records disclose that Dr. Maquiling received a memo dated 2 April
appeal by the prosecution because it would place the accused in double 1991 from the PTS OIC-Executive Director Andres B. Soriano (Soriano)
jeopardy. This petition cannot be given due course without running afoul of directing him to submit within five (5) days from notice a written
the principle against double jeopardy. explanation on the following matters:

In People v. Hon. Tria-Tirona, this Court reiterated that mistrial is the only 1. The delayed GSIS remittances;
exception to the well-settled, even axiomatic, principle that acquittal is 2. The reported deficit of P7.3 million appearing in our financial
immediately final and cannot be appealed on the ground of double statement for 1990;
jeopardy. This Court was categorical in stating that a re-examination of 3. The expenses you approved and incurred in connection with the Dale
the evidence without a finding of mistrial will violate the right to repose of Carnegie and Silva Mind Control Seminar;

4. The P3.7 million miscellaneous expenses appearing in our financial reversed the decisions of the NLRC and Labor Arbiter by ordering the
statement; and dismissal of the complaint and declaring that his dismissal from
5. Your reasons for renewing our service contract with Ultra.[6] employment as legal and valid. It, however, ordered PTS to pay Dr.
Maquiling the amount of,000.00 as damages or indemnity for violation of
Dr. Maquiling submitted his explanatory letter dated 11 April 1991 inviting his right to procedural due process and separation pay in the amount of
attention to PTS Finance Manager’s Report. On 15 April 1991, Dr. P159,850.00 in the interest of social justice. Hence, this petition for review
Maquiling had a thirty (30) minute conversation with Soriano at the latter’s on certiorari. Dr. Maquiling raised in his petition that the appellate court,
instance. No further related proceedings were undertaken before Dr. which agreed with the findings of the labor arbiter and the NLRC that the
Maquiling received a letter-notice dated 8 June 1991 informing him that twin requirements of notice and hearing are wanting, erred in adopting an
the PTS Executive Committee approved Soriano’s findings and abandoned doctrine by merely imposing a fine of ten thousand pesos
recommendations calling for his dismissal effective immediately, without (P10,000.00) against PTS and in disregarding the present doctrine on
any retirement benefits. termination of employment and monetary benefits accorded by law to Dr.
Maquiling, and in concluding with grave abuse of discretion that the
Despite Soriano’s instruction for him not to report for work, Dr. Maquiling dismissal of Dr. Maquiling, who had served PTS for twenty-three (23)
manifested, through a letter to the OIC-Executive Director, his intention to years, was for just cause.
continue performing his duties as Deputy Executive Director. Dr. Maquiling
continued to report for work at the PTS daily. In the meantime, he In its Comment dated 9 October 2000, PTS contends that the dismissal of
elevated his case to the PTS Board of Directors through a memorandum Dr. Maquiling was based on a just cause, supported as it was by the
dated 28 June 1991 which sought to point out the illegality of his dismissal evidence, law and jurisprudence. The termination of Dr. Maquiling’s
from office and prayed for a resolution upholding his position. employment was allegedly due to loss of trust and confidence.[24] It avers
that for gross mismanagement, for acts inimical to the interest of PTS, and
On 17 July 1991, Dr. Maquiling, protesting non-payment of his salary for also for reason that PTS has lost its trust and confidence in him, PTS
the period of 15 July 1991, wrote the OIC Finance Department and terminated his services without any retirement benefit.
formally demanded the release of his earned wages. PTS reacted through
Soriano by informing Dr. Maquiling that there are no wages forthcoming PTS, however, alleges that it complied with the two-notice rule required for
inasmuch as the latter’s service had been terminated for cause since 7 termination of employment. According to PTS, the first notice was sent by
June 1991.[9] Soriano to Dr. Maquiling by means of confidential memorandum[26] dated
2 April 1991 requiring him to explain in writing, within five days from
In an effort to exhaust the remedies within PTS, Dr. Maquiling wrote the notice, the matters stated therein. Dr. Maquiling honored the first notice
President of PTS a letter dated 5 August 1991 saying, among others: my by submitting on 11 April 1991 a written reply to Soriano. The second
counsels agree with me that if your Board does not act on my 28 June notice which allegedly informed Dr. Maquiling of the decision to terminate
1991 Memorandum within fifteen (15) days from receipt of this letter, such his employment, stating reasons therefor, was sent to him by Soriano on 8
omission will mean a confirmation of Soriano’s notice of my alleged June 1991.[27]
termination from the service a dismissal which is referable to the proper
outside forum.”[10] ISSUE:

Receiving no response from the PTS, Dr. Maquiling stopped reporting for Whether or not PTS failed to comply with the twin notice requirements of
work at the PTS in the last week of September 1991. Then, on 10 October notice and hearing?
1991, Dr. Maquiling filed his complaint with the Labor Arbiter.
The evidence adduced by the parties, the Labor Arbiter rendered a
decision ordering PTS to immediately reinstate Dr. Maquiling to the After careful perusal of the factual backdrop of the case, we rule that Dr.
position of Deputy Executive Director or its equivalent in rank and pay, Maquiling was indeed validly dismissed for just cause. However, PTS was
without loss of seniority rights inclusive of all benefits attached to said remiss in its duty to observe procedural due process in effecting the
position at the time of his dismissal. Upon appeal by PTS to the NLRC, the dismissal of Dr. Maquiling.
Commission upheld the decision of the labor arbiter and dismissed the
appeal.However, PTS appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals which

Under this second requirement, two notices must be sent to the employee Pursuant to the directive of the Board of Directors issued in its meeting on
who is the subject of an investigation for acts which may warrant his March 25, 1991, you are hereby instructed to report and explain in writing
eventual dismissal from employment. The notices required before an to this office, within five (5) days from notice hereof, on the following
employee may be validly dismissed are: matters:
(a) a written notice served on the employee specifying the grounds for 1. The delayed GSIS remittances;
termination and giving the employee reasonable opportunity to explain 2. The reported deficit of P7.3 million appearing in our financial
his/her side; statement for 1990;
(b) a hearing or conference wherein the employee, with the assistance of 3. The expenses you approved and incurred in connection with the Dale
counsel if so desired, is given opportunity to respond to the charge, Carnegie and Silva Mind Control Seminar;
present his evidence or rebut evidence presented against him/her; and 4. The P3.7 million miscellaneous expenses appearing in our financial
(c) written notice of termination served on the employee indicating that statement; and
upon due consideration of all the circumstances, grounds have been 5. Your reasons for renewing our service contract with Ultra.
established to justify termination. For immediate compliance.
The twin requirements of notice and hearing constitute elements of due OIC-Executive Director
process in cases of employee’s dismissal; the requirement of notice is
intended to inform the employee concerned of the employer’s intent to On 11 April 1991, Dr. Maquiling submitted his written reply. The second
dismiss and the reason for the proposed dismissal; upon the other hand notice which informs Dr. Maquiling of the decision to terminate his
the requirement of hearing affords the employee an opportunity to answer employment was sent to him on 8 June 1991. It must be noted that the
his employer’s charges against him and accordingly to defend himself first notice dated 2 April 1991 is a mere instruction to explain the matters
therefrom before dismissal is effected. Clearly, the first notice must inform enumerated therein. It did not apprise Dr. Maquiling of any investigation
outright the employee that an investigation will be conducted on the to be conducted or being conducted that will warrant his dismissal from
charges particularized therein which, if proven, will result to his dismissal. service if found guilty of charges specified therein. Thus, such notice fell
Such notice must not only contain a plain statement of the charges of short of the requirement of law that an employee must be afforded the
malfeasance or misfeasance but must categorically state the effect on his benefit of the two-notice rule in dismissal cases that will allow the
employment if the charges are proven to be true. This notice will afford employee to substantiate the charges specified in the notice with full
the employee an opportunity to avail all defenses and exhaust all remedies knowledge at the outset that the investigation to be conducted may result
to refute the allegations hurled against him for what is at stake is his very in his dismissal or suspension from employment.
life and limb his employment. Otherwise, the employee may just
disregard the notice as a warning without any disastrous consequence to US VS. BUSTOS
be anticipated. Absent such statement, the first notice falls short of the G.R. NO. L-12592, MARCH 8, 1918
requirement of due process. One’s work is everything, thus, it is not too
exacting to impose this strict requirement on the part of the employer DOCTRINE:
before the dismissal process be validly effected. This is in consonance with
the rule that all doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the It is a duty which everyone owes to society or to the State to assist in the
provisions of the Labor Code, including its implementing rules and investigation of any alleged misconduct. It is further the duty of all who
regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor.It is worthy to note that the know of any official dereliction on the part of a magistrate or the wrongful
Labor Arbiter, the NLRC and the Court of Appeals all agree in concluding act of any public officer to bring the facts to the notice of those whose
that procedural due process in the instant case was not observed. As duty it is to inquire into and punish them. The right to assemble and
revealed by the evidence on record, a confidential memorandum FN dated petition is the necessary consequence of republican institutions and the
2 April 1991 was sent to Dr. Maquiling by Soriano requiring him to explain complement of the part of free speech. Assembly means a right on the
in writing the matters contained therein. The text of the memorandum part of citizens to meet peaceably for consultation in respect to public
reads as follows: affairs. Petition means that any person or group of persons can apply,
without fear of penalty, to the appropriate branch or office of the
02 April 1991 government for a redress of grievances. The persons assembling and
CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM FOR: DR. ERNESTO I. MAQUILING petitioning must, of course, assume responsibility for the charges made.

All persons have an interest in the pure and efficient administration of if it is social or moral in its nature and this person in good faith believes he
justice and of public affairs. is acting in pursuance thereof although in fact he is mistaken. Although
the charges are probably not true as to the justice of the peace, they were
FACTS: believed to be true by the petitioners. Good faith surrounded their action.
Probable cause for them to think that malfeasance or misfeasance in office
In the latter part of 1915, numerous citizens of the Province of Pampanga existed is apparent. The ends and the motives of these citizens— to secure
assembled, and prepared and signed a petition to the Executive the removal from office of a person thought to be venal — were justifiable.
Secretary(privileged communication) through the law office of Crossfield In no way did they abuse the privilege.
and O'Brien, and five individuals signed affidavits, charging Roman
Punsalan, justice of the peace of Macabebe and Masantol, Pampanga, with In the usual case malice can be presumed from defamatory words.
malfeasance in office and asking for his removal. The specific charges Privilege destroys that presumption. A privileged communication should
against the justice of the peace include the solicitation of money from not be subjected to microscopic examination to discover grounds of malice
persons who have pending cases before the judge. Now, Punsalan alleged or falsity.
that accused published a writing which was false, scandalous, malicious,
defamatory, and libelous against him. RODEL LUZ y ONG, vs. PEOPLE
G. R. No. 197788 February 29, 2012
Whether or Not accused is entitled to constitutional protection by virtue of
his right to free speech and free press. The United States (U.S.) Supreme Court also discussed in Berkemer v.
McCarty at length whether the roadside questioning of a motorist detained
HELD: pursuant to a routine traffic stop should be considered custodial
interrogation. The Court held that, such questioning does not fall under
Yes. The guaranties of a free speech and a free press include the right to custodial interrogation, nor can it be considered a formal arrest, by virtue
criticize judicial conduct. The administration of the law is a matter of vital of the nature of the questioning, the expectations of the motorist and the
public concern. Whether the law is wisely or badly enforced is, therefore, a officer, and the length of time the procedure is conducted. Since the
fit subject for proper comment. If the people cannot criticize a justice of motorist therein was only subjected to modest questions while still at the
the peace or a judge the same as any other public officer, public opinion scene of the traffic stop, he was not at that moment placed under custody
will be effectively suppressed. It is a duty which everyone owes to society (such that he should have been apprised of his Miranda rights), and
or to the State to assist in the investigation of any alleged misconduct. It neither can treatment of this sort be fairly characterized as the functional
is further the duty of all who know of any official dereliction on the part of equivalent of a formal arrest.
a magistrate or the wrongful act of any public officer to bring the facts to
the notice of those whose duty it is to inquire into and punish them. The FACTS:
right to assemble and petition is the necessary consequence of republican
institutions and the complement of the part of free speech. Assembly The roadside questioning of a motorist detained pursuant to a routine
means a right on the part of citizens to meet peaceably for consultation in traffic stop does not fall under custodial interrogation, nor can it be
respect to public affairs. Petition means that any person or group of considered a formal arrest, by virtue of the nature of the questioning, the
persons can apply, without fear of penalty, to the appropriate branch or expectations of the motorist and the officer, and the length of time the
office of the government for a redress of grievances. The persons procedure is conducted. Traffic enforcer PO2 Emmanuel L. Alteza flagged
assembling and petitioning must, of course, assume responsibility for the down petitioner Rodel Luz for driving a motorcycle without a helmet.
charges made. All persons have an interest in the pure and efficient Alteza invited Luz to come inside their sub-station located near the area.
administration of justice and of public affairs. Public policy, the welfare of While issuing a citation ticket for violation of municipal ordinance, Alteza
society, and the orderly administration of government have demanded was alerted by Luz’s uneasy movement and thus asked him to put out the
protection for public opinion. The inevitable and incontestable result has contents of the pocket of his jacket. Consequently, it was revealed that
been the development and adoption of the doctrine of privilege. All Luz was in possession of prohibited drugs. The Regional Trial Court (RTC)
persons have an interest in the pure and efficient administration of justice convicted Luz of illegal possession of dangerous drugs. The RTC added that
and of public affairs. The duty under which a party is privileged is sufficient Luz had been lawfully arrested for a traffic violation and that he had been

subjected to a valid search. Upon review, the Court of Appeals (CA) of an arrest for the same violation. If it were true that Luz was already
affirmed the RTC’s decision. Luz, filed a Petition for Review on certiorari deemed “arrested” when he was flagged down for a traffic violation and
before the Supreme Court, thereafter. while he waiting for his ticket, then there would have been no need for him
to be arrested for a second time—after the police officers allegedly
ISSUE: discovered the drugs—as he was already in their custody.

Whether or not the roadside questioning of a motorist detained pursuant BALDOZA VS. HON. DIMAANO
to a routine traffic stop can be considered a formal arrest A.M. No. 1120-MJ. May 5, 1976
There was no valid arrest of Luz. When Luz was flagged down for
committing a traffic violation, he was not, ipso facto and solely for this The right to information on matters of public concern is predicated not on
reason, arrested. At the time that he was waiting for PO3 Alteza to write statutory grounds merely but on the constitutional right of the press to
his citation ticket, petitioner Rodel Luz could not be said to have been have access to information as the essence of press freedom.
“under arrest.” There was no intention on the part of PO3 Alteza to arrest
him, deprive him of his liberty, or take him into custody. Prior to the FACTS:
issuance of the ticket, the period during which Luz was at the police
station may be characterized merely as waiting time. In fact, as found by The Municipal Secretary of Taal, Batangas, charges Municipal Judge
the trial court, PO3 Alteza himself testified that the only reason they went Rodolfo B. Dimaano, of the same municipality, with abuse of authority in
to the police sub-station was that Luz had been flagged down “almost in refusing to allow employees of the Municipal Mayor to examine the
front” of that place. Hence, it was only for the sake of convenience that criminal docket records of the Municipal Court to secure data in connection
they were waiting there. There was no intention to take Luz into custody. with their contemplated report on the peace and order conditions of the
The United States (U.S.) Supreme Court also discussed in Berkemer v. said municipality. Respondent, in answer to the complaint, stated that
McCarty at length whether the roadside questioning of a motorist detained there has never been an intention to refuse access to official court records;
pursuant to a routine traffic stop should be considered custodial that although court records are among public documents open to
interrogation. The Court held that, such questioning does not fall under inspection not only by the parties directly involved but also by other
custodial interrogation, nor can it be considered a formal arrest, by virtue persons who have legitimate interest to such inspection, yet the same is
of the nature of the questioning, the expectations of the motorist and the always subject to reasonable regulation as to who, when, where and how
officer, and the length of time the procedure is conducted. Since the they may be inspected. He further asserted that a court has
motorist therein was only subjected to modest questions while still at the unquestionably the power to prevent an improper use or inspection of its
scene of the traffic stop, he was not at that moment placed under custody records and the furnishing of copies therefrom may be refused where the
(such that he should have been apprised of his Miranda rights), and person requesting is not motivated by a serious and legitimate interest but
neither can treatment of this sort be fairly characterized as the functional acts out of whim or fancy or mere curiosity or to gratify private spite or to
equivalent of a formal arrest. Similarly, neither can Rodel Luz here be promote public scandal.
considered “under arrest” at the time that his traffic citation was being
made. It also appears that, according to City Ordinance No. 98-012, which ISSUE:
was violated by Luz, the failure to wear a crash helmet while riding a
motorcycle is penalized by a fine only. Under the Rules of Court, a warrant WON the respondent judge acted arbitrarily in refusing to allow employees
of arrest need not be issued if the information or charge was filed for an of the Municipal Mayor to examine the criminal docket records of the
offense penalized by a fine only. It may be stated as a corollary that Municipal Court.
neither can a warrantless arrest be made for such an offense. This ruling
does not imply that there can be no arrest for a traffic violation. Certainly, HELD:
when there is an intent on the part of the police officer to deprive the
motorist of liberty, or to take the latter into custody, the former may be No. We find that the respondent did not act arbitrarily in the premises. As
deemed to have arrested the motorist. In this case, however, the officer’s found by the Investigating Judge, the respondent allowed the complainant
issuance (or intent to issue) a traffic citation ticket negates the possibility to open and view the docket books of respondent certain conditions and

under his control and supervision. It has not been shown that the rules employees therein shall not strike for the purpose of securing changes
and conditions imposed by the respondent were unreasonable. The access thereof.
to public records predicated on the right of the people to acquire
information on matters of public concern. Undoubtedly in a democracy, the FACTS:
public has a legitimate interest in matters of social and political
significance. In an earlier case, this Court held that mandamus would lie to SSS filed with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City a complaint for
compel the Secretary of Justice and the Register of Deeds to examine the damages with a prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction against
records of the latter office. Predicating the right to examine the records on petitioners, alleging that the officers and members of SSSEA staged an
statutory provisions, and to a certain degree by general principles of illegal strike and barricaded the entrances to the SSS Building, preventing
democratic institutions, this Court stated that while the Register of Deeds non-striking employees from reporting for work and SSS members from
has discretion to exercise as to the manner in which persons desiring to transacting business with the SSS; that the strike was reported to the
inspect, examine or copy the records in his office may exercise their Public Sector Labor - Management Council, which ordered the strikers to
rights, such power does not carry with it authority to prohibit. return to work; that the strikers refused to return to work; and that the
SSS suffered damages as a result of the strike.
The concurring opinion of Justice Briones predicated such right not on
statutory grounds merely but on the constitutional right of the press to It appears that the SSSEA went on strike after the SSS failed to act on the
have access to information as the essence of press freedom. union's demands, which included: implementation of the provisions of the
old SSS-SSSEA collective bargaining agreement (CBA) on check-off of
The New Constitution now expressly recognizes that the people are union dues; payment of accrued overtime pay, night differential pay and
entitled to information on matters of public concern and thus are expressly holiday pay; conversion of temporary or contractual employees with six
granted access to official records, as well as documents of official acts, or (6) months or more of service into regular and permanent employees and
transactions, or decisions, subject to such limitations imposed by law. The their entitlement to the same salaries, allowances and benefits given to
incorporation of this right in the Constitution is a recognition of the other regular employees of the SSS; xxx
fundamental role of free exchange of information in a democracy. There
can be no realistic perception by the public of the nation's problems, nor a Upon motion of the SSS on February 6,1989, the Court issued a temporary
meaningful democratic decision making if they are denied access to restraining order enjoining the petitioners from staging another strike or
information of general interest. Information is needed to enable the from pursuing the notice of strike they filed with the Department of Labor
members of society to cope with the exigencies of the times. As has been and Employment on January 25, 1989 and to maintain the status quo.
aptly observed: "Maintaining the flow of such information depends on
protection for both its acquisition and its dissemination since, if either The position of the petitioners is that the Regional Trial Court had no
process is interrupted, the flow inevitably ceases." However, restrictions jurisdiction to hear the case initiated by the SSS and to issue the
on access to certain records may be imposed by law. Thus, access restraining order and the writ of preliminary injunction, as jurisdiction lay
restrictions imposed to control civil insurrection have been permitted upon with the Department of Labor and Employment or the National Labor
a showing of immediate and impending danger that renders ordinary Relations Commission, since the case involves a labor dispute.
means of control inadequate to maintain order.
On the other hand, the SSS advances the contrary view, on the ground
The case is dismissed. that the employees of the SSS are covered by civil service laws and rules
and regulations, not the Labor Code, therefore they do not have the right
SSS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION VS. CA to strike. Since neither the DOLE nor the NLRC has jurisdiction over the
G.R. No. 85279 July 28, 1989 dispute, the Regional Trial Court may enjoin the employees from striking.


The terms and conditions of employment in the government, including any WON the employees of the Social Security System (SSS) have the right to
political subdivision or instrumentality thereof and government-owned and strike.
controlled corporations with original charters are governed by law and

are governed by law and employees therein shall not strike for the
No. It will be recalled that the Industrial Peace Act (R.A. No. 875), which purpose of securing changes thereof."
was repealed by the Labor Code (P.D. 442) in 1974, expressly banned
strikes by employees in the Government, including instrumentalities The strike staged by the employees of the SSS belonging to petitioner
exercising governmental functions, but excluding entities entrusted with union being prohibited by law, an injunction may be issued to restrain it.
proprietary functions:
In 1987, the CSC issued a Memorandum Circular “enjoining under pain of G.R. No. 78508 March 21, 1994
administrative sanctions, all government officers and employees from
staging strikes, demonstrations, mass leaves, walk-outs and other forms DOCTRINE:
of mass action which will result in temporary stoppage or disruption of
public service." At present, in the absence of any legislation allowing The Constitutional guaranty of non-impairment of obligations of contract is
government employees to strike, recognizing their right to do so, or limited by the exercise of the police power of the state.
regulating the exercise of the right, they are prohibited from striking, by
express provision of Memorandum Circular No. 6 and as implied in E.O. FACTS:
No. 180.
In 1967, private respondent obtained from petitioner a P65,000.00 loan
But are employees of the SSS covered by the prohibition against strikes? secured by a real estate mortgage covering five (5) parcels of land in
Isabela. Private respondent defaulted; hence, petitioner bank
The Court is of the considered view that they are. Considering that under extrajudicially foreclosed on the mortgage, and it acquired the
the 1987 Constitution "[t]he civil service embraces all branches, encumbered assets for the sum of P87,082.00. The sheriff's sale was
subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the Government, including registered with the Office of the Register of Deeds of Isabela. In 1971,
government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters" [Art. petitioner bank invited private respondent to repurchase the foreclosed
IX(B), Sec. .2(l) see also Sec. 1 of E.O. No. 180 where the employees in property for P87,082.00 plus interest and other charges. Before that, or on
the civil service are denominated as "government employees"] and that 18 November 1970 (or one day after the foreclosure sale), private
the SSS is one such government-controlled corporation with an original respondent already had paid an initial P10,000.00 to redeem the property.
charter, having been created under R.A. No. 1161, its employees are part Subsequently, additional payments were made by private respondent. In
of the civil service and are covered by the Civil Service Commission's 1972, PD No. 27 was enacted into law that mandated an agrarian reform.
memorandum prohibiting strikes. This being the case, the strike staged by Pursuant thereto, an "Operation Land Transfer Program" was launched;
the employees of the SSS was illegal. among the areas it covered were the parcels of land in question.
Sometime later, private respondent offered to buy the foreclosed property
Government employees may, through their unions or associations, either for P284,000.00 which was the market and appraised value thereof fixed
petition the Congress for the betterment of the terms and conditions of by petitioner bank. The Deed of Promise to Sell was executed between
employment which are within the ambit of legislation or negotiate with the petitioner bank and private respondent. However, private respondent
appropriate government agencies for the improvement of those which are questioned why he was still being made to buy the property for
not fixed by law. If there be any unresolved grievances, the dispute may P284,000.00 when, in truth, he had already paid P40,000 of the
be referred to the Public Sector Labor - Management Council for P87,082.00 previously offered by petitioner for redemption of the
appropriate action. But employees in the civil service may not resort to property. There was no response from the petitioner Bank. Hence, private
strikes, walk-outs and other temporary work stoppages, like workers in respondent instituted an action for "Annulment of Foreclosure Deed,
the private sector, to pressure the Govemment to accede to their Breach of Contract, Sum of Money and Damages" at the CFI, Echague,
demands. As now provided under Sec. 4, Rule III of the Rules and Isabela, against petitioner bank and its Branch Manager Leuterio Genato.
Regulations to Govern the Exercise of the Right of Government- While the case was yet pending with the trial court, petitioner bank
Employees to Self- Organization, which took effect after the instant additionally received from the Land Bank of the Philippines P26,348.12 in
dispute arose, "[t]he terms and conditions of employment in the cash and P160,000.00 worth of Land Bank Bonds in payment of the
government, including any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof foreclosed parcels of land. The trial court rendered a judgment in favor of
and government- owned and controlled corporations with original charters the bank. Private respondent went to the CA which rendered a decision

reversing the trial court and entering a new one in favor of private
respondent. PNB files a petition for review on certiorari before the SC. Private respondent Felipe Ramos was a ticket freight clerk of the Philippine
Airlines (PAL), assigned at its Baguio City station. It having allegedly come
ISSUE: to light that he was involved in irregularities in the sales of plane tickets,
the PAL management notified him of an investigation to be conducted into
WON the parcels of land in question may still be the object of the the matter of February 9, 1986. During the investigation, Ramos' answers
foreclosure proceedings after the promulgation of PD No. 27. were to the effect inter alia that he had not indeed made disclosure of the
tickets mentioned in the Audit Team's findings, that the proceeds had been
HELD: "misused" by him, that although he had planned on paying back the
money, he had been prevented from doing so, "perhaps (by) shame," that
No. The petition cannot be sustained. Lands covered by P.D. No. 27 may he was still willing to settle his obligation, and proferred a "compromise x
not be the object of the foreclosure proceedings after the promulgation of x to pay on staggered basis, (and) the amount would be known in the next
said decree. P.D. No. 27 had the effect of impairing the obligation of the investigation."
duly executed mortgage contracts affecting said lands. The SC gave
weight to the opinion of the Secretary of the Department of Justice: “there About two (2) months later, an information was filed against Felipe Ramos
is no question, however, that the land reform program of the government charging him with the crime of estafa. On arraignment on this charge,
as accelerated under P.D. No. 27 and mandated by the Constitution itself Felipe Ramos entered a plea of "Not Guilty," and trial thereafter ensued.
(Art. XIV, Sec. 12), was undertaken in the exercise of the police power of The prosecution of the case was undertaken by lawyers of PAL under the
the state. It is settled in a long line of decisions of the Supreme Court that direction and supervision of the Fiscal.
the Constitutional guaranty of non-impairment of obligations of contract is
limited by the exercise of the police power of the state. One limitation on The private prosecutors made a written offer of evidence which included
the contract clause arises from the police power, the reason being that "the (above mentioned) statement of accused Felipe J. Ramos taken on
public welfare is superior to private rights. The situation here, is like that February 9, 1986 at PAL Baguio City Ticket Office," which had been
in eminent domain proceedings, where the state expropriates private marked as Exhibit A, as well as his handwritten admission given on
property for public use, and the only condition to be complied with is the February 8, 1986, also marked as Exhibit K.
payment of just compensation. Technically, the condemnation proceedings
do not impair the contract to destroy its obligations, but merely The respondent judge declared Exhibit A "inadmissible in evidence, it
appropriate or take for public use. As the Land Bank is obliged to settle the appearing that the accused was not reminded of his constitutional rights to
obligations secured by the mortgage, the mortgagee is not left without any remain silent and to have counsel, and that when he waived the same and
compensation.” gave his statement, it was [not] with the assistance actually of a counsel."
He also declared inadmissible "Exhibit K, the handwritten admission made
The opinion deserves respect. This Court, likewise, in a number of cases by accused Felipe J. Ramos, for the same reason stated in the exclusion of
has expressed the dictum that police power subordinates the non- Exhibit 'A' since it does not appear that the accused was assisted by
impairment clause of the Constitution. counsel when he made said admission."

PEOPLE VS. JUDGE AYSON The private prosecutors filed a motion for reconsideration which was
G.R. No. 85215 July 7, 1989 subsequently denied. Consequently, they filed a petition for certiorari and
The right against self-incrimination is not self- executing or automatically
operational. It must be claimed. If not claimed by or in behalf of the WON respondent judge acted with grave abuse of discretion when it
witness, the protection does not come into play. It follows that the right excluded the People's Exhibits A and K.
may be waived, expressly, or impliedly, as by a failure to claim it at the
appropriate time. HELD:


Yes. At the core of the controversy is Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 The rights above specified, to repeat, exist only in "custodial
Constitution, to which respondent Judge has given a construction that is interrogations," or "in-custody interrogation of accused persons." And, as
disputed by the People. The section reads as follows: this Court has already stated, by custodial interrogation is meant
"questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been
SEC. 20. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself Any taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any
person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the significant way."
right to remain silent and to counsel, and to be informed of such right. No
force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiates the It is clear from the undisputed facts of this case that Felipe Ramos was not
free will shall be used against him. Any confession obtained in violation of in any sense under custodial interrogation, as the term should be properly
this section shall be inadmissible in evidence. understood, prior to and during the administrative inquiry into the
discovered irregularities in ticket sales in which he appeared to have had a
It should at once be apparent that there are two (2) rights, or sets of hand. The constitutional rights of a person under custodial interrogation
rights, dealt with in the section, namely: under Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution did not therefore
come into play, were of no relevance to the inquiry. It is also clear, too,
1) the right against self-incrimination — i.e., the right of a person not to that Ramos had voluntarily answered questions posed to him on the first
be compelled to be a witness against himself — set out in the first day of the administrative investigation, February 9, 1986 and agreed that
sentence, which is a verbatim reproduction of Section 18, Article III of the the proceedings should be recorded, the record having thereafter been
1935 Constitution, and is similar to that accorded by the Fifth Amendment marked during the trial of the criminal action subsequently filed against
of the American Constitution, 12 and him as Exhibit A, just as it is obvious that the note (later marked as
Exhibit K) that he sent to his superiors on February 8,1986, the day before
2) the rights of a person in custodial interrogation, i.e., the rights of every the investigation, offering to compromise his liability in the alleged
suspect "under investigation for the commission of an offense." irregularities, was a free and even spontaneous act on his part. They may
not be excluded on the ground that the so-called "Miranda rights" had not
That first sentence of Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution does been accorded to Ramos.
not impose on the judge, or other officer presiding over a trial, hearing or
investigation, any affirmative obligation to advise a witness of his right The writ of certiorari is granted.
against self-incrimination. It is a right that a witness knows or should
know, in accordance with the well known axiom that every one is PEOPLE VS BRAVO
presumed to know the law, that ignorance of the law excuses no one. G.R. No. 135562, November 22, 1999
Furthermore, in the very nature of things, neither the judge nor the MURILLO
witness can be expected to know in advance the character or effect of a
question to be put to the latter. DOCTRINE:

The right against self-incrimination is not self- executing or automatically Courts are not allowed to distinguish between preliminary questioning and
operational. It must be claimed. If not claimed by or in behalf of the custodial investigation proper when applying the exclusionary rule. Any
witness, the protection does not come into play. It follows that the right information or admission given by a person while in custody which may
may be waived, expressly, or impliedly, as by a failure to claim it at the appear harmless or innocuous at the time without the competent
appropriate time. assistance of an independent counsel should be struck down as
The second sentence refers the rights of persons "under investigation for
the commission of an offense," i.e., "suspects" under investigation by FACTS:
police authorities; and this is what makes these rights different from that
embodied in the first sentence, that against self-incrimination which, as On January 15, 1994 the decomposing body of Juanita Antolin (known in
aforestated, indiscriminately applies to any person testifying in any her neighborhood as Len-len), 9 years old, was found in a vacant lot along
proceeding, civil, criminal, or administrative. the road leading to Patul, Rosario Santiago City. Her body was found
between two concrete fences half naked, shirtless and skirt pulled up, her
panty stuffed in her mouth. The scalp on the left side of her head was

detached exposing a fracture on the left temporal lobe of her skull. Vaginal alleged admission was coerced, the very evil the rule stands to avoid.
examination showed fresh lacerations and easily accepts two fingers. The Supportive of such presumption is the absence of a written extra-judicial
cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. confession to that effect and the appellant's denial in court of the alleged
oral admission. The alleged admission should be struck down as
Evelyn San Mateo, neighbor and cousin of the victim, testified that she inadmissible.
was with the deceased the night before she disappeared. She stated that
while they stood on the roadside watching "Home Along Da Riles" from an Section 12 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution embodies the mandatory
open window of a neighbor's house the accused Benito Bravo approached protection afforded a person under investigation for the commission of a
them and asked Len-Len to come with him to a birthday party and then he crime and the correlative duty of the State and its agencies to enforce
will buy her Coke and balut. Len-Len asked her to go with them but she such mandate. The mantle of protection under this constitutional provision
did not want to because she was watching television. Len-Len went alone covers the period from the time a person is taken into custody for
with the accused. The following morning Len-Len's mother told Evelyn and investigation of his possible participation in the commission of a crime or
her mother that Len-Len was missing. In court, Evelyn positively identified from the time he is singled out as a suspect in the commission of a crime
the appellant as the person last seen with Len-len before she was found although not yet in custody. Also, the single circumstantial evidence
dead. proven by the prosecution is not enough to convict the accused, as per the
Rules of Evidence.
The Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Santiago Police Department,
Alexander Mico, testified that he found the appellant at his place of work (For purposes of recit: The exclusionary rule sprang from a recognition
at the Spring Garden Resort at Sinsayon, Santiago City. Upon seeing that police interrogatory procedures lay fertile grounds for coercion,
Bravo, Mico informed him that he is a suspect in the killing of a girl and physical and psychological, of the suspect to admit responsibility for the
asked him to come with him for questioning. The appellant agreed. Mico crime under investigation. It was not intended as a deterrent to the
further narrated in court that at the police station the appellant admitted accused from confessing guilt, if he voluntarily and intelligently so desires
he was with the girl and he carried her on his shoulder but he was so but to protect the accused from admitting what he is coerced to admit
drunk that night that he does not remember what he did to her. On cross- although untrue. Law enforcement agencies are required to effectively
examination Mico admitted that he did not inform the appellant of his communicate the rights of a person under investigation and to insure that
constitutional rights to remain silent, to counsel and of his right against it is fully understood. Any measure short of this requirement is considered
self-incrimination before the appellant made the said admission because a denial of such right. Courts are not allowed to distinguish between
according to Mico he was only "informally interviewing" the accused when preliminary questioning and custodial investigation proper when applying
he made the admission and that custodial interrogation proper was the exclusionary rule. Any information or admission given by a person
conducted by the assigned investigator. while in custody which may appear harmless or innocuous at the time
without the competent assistance of an independent counsel should be
ISSUE: struck down as inadmissible. It has been held, however, that an admission
made to news reporters or to a confidant of the accused is not covered by
W/N the admission made by the accused is admissible in evidence the rule.)

HELD: __________
NO. The accused was under arrest for the rape and killing of Juanita
Antolin and any statement allegedly made by him pertaining to his GAMBOA VS CRUZ
possible complicity in the crime without prior notification of his G.R. No. L-56291. June 27, 1988
constitutional rights is inadmissible in evidence. The policeman's apparent
attempt to circumvent the rule by insisting that the admission was made Rene V. Sarmiento for petitioner.
during an "informal talk" prior to custodial investigation proper is not
tenable. The appellant was not invited to the police station as part of a DOCTRINE:
general inquiry for any possible lead to the perpetrators of the crime under
investigation. At the time the alleged admission was made the appellant The police line-up is not a part of the custodial inquest, hence, the accused
was in custody and had been arrested as the prime suspect in the rape will not yet be entitled to counsel. When the process had not yet shifted
and killing of Juanita Antolin. The exclusionary rule presumes that the from the investigatory to the accusatory, as when police investigation does

not elicit a confession, the accused may not yet avail of the services of his shifted from the investigatory to the accusatory as when police
lawyer. investigation does not elicit a confession the accused may not yet avail of
the services of his lawyer. Since petitioner in the course of his
FACTS: identification in the police line-up had not yet been held to answer for a
criminal offense, he was, therefore, not deprived of his right to be assisted
On 19 July 1979, at about 7:00 o'clock in the morning, Gamboa was by counsel because the accusatory process had not yet set in. The police
arrested for vagrancy, without a warrant of arrest, by Patrolman Arturo could not have violated petitioner's right to counsel and due process as the
Palencia. Thereafter, petitioner was brought to Precinct 2, Manila, where confrontation between the State and him had not begun. In fact, when he
he was booked for vagrancy and then detained therein together with was identified in the police line-up by complainant he did not give any
several others. The following day, during the lineup of five (5) detainees, statement to the police. He was, therefore, not interrogated at all as he
including petitioner, complainant Erlinda B. Bernal pointed to petitioner was not facing a criminal charge. Far from what he professes, the police
and said, "that one is a companion [of another accused]." After the did not, at that stage, exact a confession to be used against him. For it
identification, the other detainees were brought back to their cell but was not he but the complainant who was being investigated at that time."
petitioner was ordered to stay on. While the complainant was being
interrogated by the police investigator, petitioner was told to sit down in (Dissenting opinion - this may be the side of Comish as well):
front of her. On 23 July 1979, an information for robbery was filed against
the petitioner. On 22 August 1979, petitioner was arraigned. Thereafter, YAP, C.J., dissenting:
hearings were held. On 2 April 1980, the prosecution formally offered its I am constrained to dissent from the majority opinion. In my opinion, after
evidence and then rested its case. On 14 July 1980, petitioner, by counsel, the police line-up with other detainees in which the accused was pointed
instead of presenting his defense, manifested in open court that he was out by the complainant as one of the "companions" of those who allegedly
filing a Motion to Acquit or Demurrer to Evidence. On 13 August 1980, committed the crime of robbery, the investigatory part of the proceedings
petitioner filed said Motion predicated on the ground that the conduct of started when the accused was singled out and "ordered to sit down in front
the line-up, without notice to, and in the absence of, his counsel violated of the complainant" while the latter gave her statement which led to the
his constitutional rights to counsel and to due process. Trial court denied filing of the information. The majority opinion holds that the police line-up
petitioner's motion. Hence, this petition. was not part of the custodial inquest, hence, petitioner (the herein
accused) was not yet entitled to counsel. But this overlooks the fact that
ISSUE: the incident objected to took place after the police line-up, when the
accused was made to confront the complainant, and the latter made her
W/N petitioner's right to counsel is violated statement which became the basis of the information filed against the
accused. At this point, it can be said that the custodial investigation had
HELD: already begun.

NO. The right to counsel only attaches upon the start of an investigation, SARMIENTO, J., dissenting:
i.e. when the investigating officer starts to ask questions to elicit It is noteworthy that the accused was already in custody at the time. And
information and/or confessions or admissions from the although he was detained for some other cause (vagrancy), it left him little
respondent/accused. At such point or stage, the person being interrogated or no choice other than to face his accuser. It cannot be then gainsaid that
must be assisted by counsel to avoid the pernicious practice of extorting as far as he was concerned, the situation had reached what American
false or coerced admissions or confessions from the lips of the person jurisprudence refers to as the "critical stage" of the inquiry, in which the
undergoing interrogation, for the commission of an offense. confrontation becomes an accusation rather than a routine procedure
preliminary to a formal prosecution. He was in custody not for the "usual
As aptly observed, however, by the Solicitor General, the police line-up (at questioning" but for an existing charge, although the investigation was in
least, in this case) was not part of the custodial inquest, hence, petitioner connection with another offense. The confrontation, exacerbated by the
was not yet entitled, at such stage, to counsel. The Solicitor General pressure of actual custody, had become adversarial rather than
states: "When petitioner was identified by the complainant at the police informational, and the assistance of counsel to the accused, a matter of
line-up, he had not been held yet to answer for a criminal offense. The Constitutional necessity. That he was being held for vagrancy whereas the
police line-up is not a part of the custodial inquest, hence, he was not yet line-up involved a complaint for robbery does not make a difference to
entitled to counsel. Thus, it was held that when the process had not yet him. He was under detention, a development that made him vulnerable to

pressures, whatever offense was involved. Moreover, the confrontation bystander that Bautista was shot and the bag was taken away from him;
arranged by the police investigator between the self- proclaimed (m) when barangay officials and the police arrived, he and his two (2)
eyewitness and the accused did violence to the right of the latter to other companions were brought to the police station for investigation; (ii)
counsel in all stages of the investigation into the commission of a crime on June 7, 2001, while on his way to Barangay Maybunga, Pasig City, he
especially at its most crucial stage- the identification of the accused. saw Lara walking along Dr. Pilapil Street, Barangay San Miguel, Pasig City;
(o) he alerted the police and Lara was thereafter arrested; and (p) at the
As it turned out, the method of identification became just a confrontation. police station, he, Atie and Manacob identified Lara as the one who shot
At that critical and decisive moment, the scales of justice tipped unevenly and robbed them of San Sebastian's money.
against the young, poor, and disadvantaged accused. The police procedure
adopted in this case in which only the accused was presented to witness SPO1 Cruz testified that: (a) he was assigned at the Follow-Up Unit of the
Samson, in the funeral parlor, and in the presence of the grieving relatives Pasig City Police Station; (b) at around 7:55 in the evening of June 7,
of the victim, is as tainted as an uncounselled confession and thus falls 2001, Sumulong went to the police station and informed him that he saw
within the same ambit of the constitutionally entrenched protection. For Lara walking along Dr. Pilapil Street; (c) four (4) police officers and
this infringement alone, the accused-appellant should be acquitted. Sumulong went to Dr. Pilapil Street where they saw Lara, who Sumulong
identified; (d) they then approached Lara and invited him for questioning;
PEOPLE VS LARA (e) at the police station, Lara was placed in a line-up where he was
G.R. No. 199877. August 13, 2012 positively identified by Sumulong, Manacob and Atie; and (f) after being
identified, Lara was informed of his rights and subsequently detained.
In his defense, Lara testified that: (a) he was a plumber who resided at
Identification in a police line-up is not a part of custodial investigation. Dr. Pilapil Street, San Miguel, Pasig City; (b) on May 31, 2001, he was at
Hence, the right to have a counsel does not yet accrue. his house, digging a sewer trench while his brother, Wilfredo, was
constructing a comfort room; (c) they were working from 8:00 in the
FACTS: morning until 3:00 in the afternoon; (d) on June 7, 2001 and at around
7:00 in the evening, while he was at the house of one of his cousins, police
Arturo Lara was found guilty by the RTC and CA of the crime robbery with officers arrived and asked him if he was Arturo Lara; (e) after confirming
homicide. His victim was Joselito Bautista. The testimonies of some of the that he was Arturo Lara, the police officers asked him to go with them to
witnesses retell the incident. the Barangay Hall; (f) he voluntarily went with them and while inside the
patrol car, one of the policemen said, "You are lucky, we were able to
Sumulong, victim's co-employee, testified that: (a) on May 31, 2001 and caught you in your house, if in another place we will kill you" (sic); (g) he
at around 9:00 in the morning, he withdrew the amount of P230,000.00 was brought to the police station and not the barangay hall as he was
from the Metrobank-Mabini Branch, Pasig City to defray the salaries of the earlier told where he was investigated for robbery with homicide; (h) when
employees of San Sebastian; (c) in going to the bank, he rode a pick-up he told the police that he was at home when the subject incident took
and was accompanied by Virgilio Manacob (Manacob), Jeff Atie (Atie) and place, the police challenged him to produce witnesses; (i)when his
Joselito Bautista (Bautista); (d) he placed the amount withdrawn in a black witnesses arrived at the station, one of the police officers told them to
bag and immediately left the bank; (e) at around 10:30 in the morning, come back the following day; (j) while he was at the police line-up holding
while they were at the intersection of Mercedes and Market Avenues, Pasig a name plate, a police officer told Sumulong and Atie, "Ituru nyo na yan at
City, Lara suddenly appeared at the front passenger side of the pick-up uuwi na tayo"; and (k) when his witnesses arrived the following day, they
and pointed a gun at him stating, "Akin na ang pera, iyong bag, nasaan?"; were told that he will be subjected to an inquest
(f) Bautista, who was seated at the back, shouted, "Wag mong ibigay"; (g)
heeding Bautista's advice, he threw the bag in Bautista's direction; (h) ISSUE:
after getting hold of the bag, Bautista alighted from the pick-up and ran;
(i) seeing Bautista, Lara ran after him while firing his gun; (j) when he had W/N Lara's right to counsel is violated
the chance to get out of the pick-up, he ran towards Mercedes Plaza and
called up the office of San Sebastian to relay the incident; (k) when he HELD:
went back to where the pick-up was parked, he went to the rear portion of
the vehicle and saw blood on the ground; (l) he was informed by one

NO. Contrary to Lara's claim, that he was not provided with counsel when
he was placed in a police line-up did not invalidate the proceedings leading After the test-buy, SPO2 David organized a team to conduct a buy-bust
to his conviction. That he stood at the police line-up without the assistance operation. At the briefing, SPO2 David was designated as the poseur-
of counsel did not render Sumulong's identification of Lara inadmissible. buyer, with the other two police officers as back-ups. To purchase the
The right to counsel is deemed to have arisen at the precise moment shabu, Chief of Police Erese gave SPO2 David a P100-peso bill and five
custodial investigation begins and being made to stand in a police line-up P20-peso bills, which SPO2 David marked. The team thereafter proceeded
is not the starting point or a part of custodial investigation. to Brgy. Manibaug, Libutad in Porac, Pampanga. Upon arriving at the
target area at around 11:00 a.m., SPO2 David approached Enriquez,
The guarantees of Sec. 12 (1), Art. III of the 1987 Constitution, or the so- whom they spotted sitting in a sari- sari store, while SPO2 Divina and
called Miranda rights, may be invoked only by a person while he is under SPO1 Garung hid behind a dump truck parked across the store. SPO2
custodial investigation. Custodial investigation starts when the police David called the attention of Enriquez by saying "dalawang (2) piso" while
investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has handing him the P200.00. Without saying anything, Enriquez took the
begun to focus on a particular suspect taken into custody by the police money and went to the back of the store. After one to two minutes,
who starts the interrogation and propounds questions to the person to Enriquez emerged and handed SPO2 David a sachet of shabu. This
elicit incriminating statements. Police line-up is not part of the custodial prompted SPO2 David to put his hand at the back of his head, to signal his
investigation; hence, the right to counsel guaranteed by the Constitution teammates that the sale had been consummated. Upon the execution of
cannot yet be invoked at this stage. This was settled in the case of People the pre-arranged signal, SPO2 Divina and SPO1 Garung approached the
vs. Lamsing and in the more recent case of People vs. Salvatierra. The site of engagement, introduced themselves as police officers to Enriquez,
right to be assisted by counsel attaches only during custodial investigation and thereafter conducted a body search on him, which resulted to the
and cannot be claimed by the accused during identification in a police line- discovery of a plastic game card containing one big and 45 small plastic
up because it is not part of the custodial investigation process. This is sachets of white crystalline substance. SPO2 David prepared the
because during a police line-up, the process has not yet shifted from the Confiscation Receipt for the above-seized items, then subsequently
investigatory to the accusatory and it is usually the witness or the brought Enriquez to the Porac Police Station, wherein the team prepared
complainant who is interrogated and who gives a statement in the course the papers necessary in filing a case.
of the line-up.
Enriquez was then convicted for violating RA 9165, the CDDA.
G.R. No. 197550. September 25, 2013 ISSUE:

DOCTRINE: W/N the prosecution was able to sufficiently establish the chain of custody
in building their case against Enriquez
The prosecution must always prove with moral certainty that the integrity
and evidentiary value of the items confiscated in drug-related cases are HELD:
established in court.
(disclaimer: the following, which consisted mostly of facts that transpired
FACTS: in the case, appeared in the ruling part lang. Hindi sya naka-indicate sa
facts mismo.) NO. The SC explained that the prosecution was not able to
Sometime in May 2003, public officers received reports from the barangay establish proper chain of custody to convict Enriquez. While non-
office and other concerned citizens of drug-dealing activities in the locality compliance with the prescribed procedural requirements will not
of Porac, Pampanga. They immediately conducted a casing and automatically render the seizure and custody of the items void and invalid,
surveillance operation to verify the reports. About four operations were this is true only when "(i) there is a justifiable ground for such non-
carried out, on a weekly basis, which confirmed that Enriquez was indeed compliance, and (ii) the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items
dealing drugs among the truck drivers and helpers within the vicinity. After are properly preserved." Thus, any divergence from the prescribed
confirming the reports, SPO2 David, together with one civilian asset, procedure must be justified and should not affect the integrity and
conducted a test-buy on June 2, 2003. During the test-buy, SPO2 David's evidentiary value of the confiscated contraband. Absent any of the said
asset was able to buy P200.00 worth of shabu, which he confirmed to be conditions, the non-compliance is an irregularity, a red flag, that casts
so by burning it, contrary to standard police procedure. reasonable doubt on the identity of the corpus delicti.

Enriquez's conviction. The Constitution demands that an accused in a
The following are the links that must be established in the chain of custody criminal case be presumed innocent until otherwise proven beyond
in a buy-bust situation: reasonable doubt.

First, the seizure and marking, if practicable, of the illegal drug recovered ROGELIO ABERCA, ET. AL. VS. MAJ. GEN. FABIAN VER, ET.AL.
from the accused by the apprehending officer; Second, the turnover of the GR. NO. L-69866 APRIL 15, 1988
illegal drug seized by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer; DUMALANTA
Third, the turnover by the investigating officer of the illegal drug to the
forensic chemist for laboratory examination; and Fourth, the turnover and DOCTRINE
submission of the marked illegal drug seized from the forensic chemist to
the court. Article 32 of the Civil Code which renders any public officer or employee or
any private individual liable in damages for violating the Constitutional
The first crucial link in the chain of custody starts with the seizure from rights of another, as enumerated therein, does not exempt the
Enriquez of the dangerous drugs and its subsequent marking. Under the respondents from responsibilities. Only judges are excluded from liability
law, such marking should have been done immediately after confiscation under the article.
and in the presence of the accused or his representative. While it is true
that the items presented in court bore the initials of SPO2 David, who was Respondeat superior: A superior officer must not abdicate his duty to
also the poseur-buyer and primary apprehending officer, nowhere in the properly supervise his subordinates for he runs the risk of being held
documentary and testimonial evidence of the prosecution can it be found responsible for gross negligence and of being held liable under the cited
when these items were actually marked and if they were marked in the provision of the Civil Code as indirectly and solidarily accountable with the
presence of Enriquez or at least his representative. tortfeasor.

The second link in the chain of custody is the turnover of the illegal drug FACTS:
by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer. Both SPO2 David
and SPO2 Divina testified that after the buy-bust operation, they brought The case is the aftermath of alleged illegal searches and seizures and
Enriquez and the seized items to the police station. However, they both other violations of the rights and liberties of plaintiffs by the various
failed to identify the person to whom they turned over the seized items. intelligence unit of the AFP, then known as Task Force Makabansa (TFM),
Records show that the request for laboratory examination was prepared by ordered by respondent General Fabian Ver to conduct pre-emptive strikes
Chief of Police Erese, and yet there is no evidence to show that he was the against known communist-terrorist underground houses in view of
person who received the seized items from the apprehending officers. increasing reports to sow disturbances in Manila. Plaintiffs allege that
There is therefore a crucial missing link, i.e., what happened to the seized complying upon said directive, elements of the TFM raided several places,
items after they left the hands of SPO2 David and SPO2 Divina and before employing defective judicial search warrants and that many of plaintiffs’
they came to the hands of Chief of Police Erese. personal effects were seized. Plaintiffs were also arrested without proper
warrants and denied visits from relatives and lawyers, and that the
As for the third and the last links, although records show that Chief of military men who interrogated them employed threats, tortures and other
Police Erese signed the request for laboratory examination, he was not forms of violence to obtain incriminating information and confessions.
presented in court to testify as such. The testimony of Chief of Police Erese Plaintiffs now seek actual/compensatory damages, moral damages,
is indispensable because he could have provided the critical link between exemplary damages and attorneys’ fees.
the testimony of SPO2 David, and the tenor of the testimony of P/Insp.
Dizon, which the parties have stipulated on. The unaccounted for Respondent allege through then Solicitor General Estelito Mendoza that:
whereabouts of the seized items from the time they were brought to the a.) plaintiffs cannot cause a judicial inquiry into the circumstances of their
police station to the time they were submitted to P/Insp. Dizon for detention in the guise of a damage suit because as to them, the privilege
examination constitutes a clear break in the chain of custody. of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended; b.) assuming that the courts
can entertain the present action, defendants are immune from liability for
This Court finds that the prosecution was not able to establish with moral acts done in the performance of their official duties, and c.) the complaint
certainty that the integrity and evidentiary value of the items confiscated states no cause of action against the defendants.
from Enriquez were preserved such that they could be used as basis for

ISSUES: The writ of habeas corpus does not act upon the prisoner who seeks relief,
WON plaintiffs can sue respondents for damages despite the suspension of but upon the person who holds him in what is alleged to be the unlawful
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus as to them authority. Hence, the only parties before the court are the petitioner
WON the doctrine of respondeat superior applies in the instant case (prisoner) and the person holding petitioner in custody, and the only
question to be resolved is whether the custodian has authority to deprive
HELD: the prisoner of his liberty.

A.) YES. It is obvious that the purpose of Article 32 of the Civil Code is to FACTS
provide a sanction to the deeply cherished rights and freedoms enshrined
in the Constitution. Its message is clear; no man may seek to violate those On June 16, 2003, seven criminal complaints against petitioner Anita
sacred rights with impunity. Respondents’ invocation of the doctrine of Mangila and four others with syndicated estafa in violation of Article 315 of
state immunity from suit is misplaced; it may be that respondents, as the Revised Penal Code, in relation to PD 1689, and with violations of
members of the AFP, were indeed merely responding to their duty, but this Section 7(b) of RA 8042, were filed in the MTC of Puerto Princesa in
cannot be a blanket license or a roving commission untrammelled by any Palawan. The complaints arose from the recruiting and promising of
constitutional restraint, to disregard or transgress upon the rights and employment by Mangila and others to private complainants as overseas
liberties protected by the Constitution. contract workers in Toronto, Canada and from the collection of visa
processing fees, membership fees and online application without lawful
The court also disagreed with the contention that since the privilege of the authority from the POEA.
writ of habeas corpus is suspended as to plaintiffs bars them from bringing
suit. The suspension does not render valid an otherwise illegal arrest or The following day, June 17, 2003, Judge Heriberto M. Pangilinan, Presiding
detention. What is suspended is merely the right of the individual to seek Judge of the MTCC, conducted a preliminary investigation on the
release from the detention through the writ of habeas corpus as a speedy complaints. He accordingly issued a warrant of arrest for Mangila and her
means of obtaining his liberty. cohorts without bail. The next day, the entire records of the cases and the
warrant was transmitted to the City Prosecutor of Puerto Princesa city.
B.) YES. While the doctrine of respondeat superior is limited to the Mangila was arrested on June 18, 2003 and detained at the NBI
application to principal and agent and master and servant, the Court headquarters in Taft Avenue, Manila.
considered applying the doctrine in relation to Article 32. Where the law
speaks of an officer or employee or person ‘directly’ or ‘indirectly’ Claiming that respondent judge did not have authority to conduct the
responsible for the violation of such Constitutional rights, it is not just the preliminary investigation and that the preliminary investigation he
actor alone who must answer for damages under the article; the person conducted was not yet completed when he issued the warrant of arrest;
indirectly responsible has also to answer for the damages or injury caused and that the warrant of arrest was issued without sufficient justification or
to the aggrieved party. Article 32 encompasses within the ambit of its without a finding of probable cause, Mangila filed with the Court of Appeals
provisions those directly, as well as indirectly, responsible for its violation. a petition for habeas corpus to obtain release from detention. She alleged
that habeas corpus was resorted to because she could no longer file a
ANITA MANGILA, VS. JUDGE HERIBERTO M. PANGILINAN, ET. AL. motion to quash the warrant considering that respondent judge had
GR NO. 160739 JULY 17, 2013 already forward the records of the case to the City Prosecutor, who had no
authority to lift or recall the warrant. The CA denied the petition.
Habeas corpus is not in the nature of a writ of error; nor intended as a WON habeas corpus is a proper remedy?
substitute for the trial court’s function. It cannot take the place of appeal,
certiorari or writ of error. The writ cannot be used to investigate and HELD
consider questions of error that might be raised relation to procedure or on
the merits. A.) NO. The high prerogative writ of habeas corpus has been devised as a
Where restraint is under legal process, mere errors and irregularities, speedy and effective remedy to relieve persons from unlawful restraint.
which do not render the proceedings void, are not grounds for relief by The writ is not ordinarily granted where the law provides for other
habeas corpus because in such cases, the restraint is not illegal. remedies in the regular course, and in the absence of exceptional

circumstances. Habeas corpus cannot be issued as a writ of error or as a
means of reviewing errors of law and irregularities not involving the a.) WON the grant of bail to petitioner was valid?
questions of jurisdiction occurring during the course of the trial, subject to b.) WON private respondent had legal standing to question the grant
the caveat that constitutional safeguards of human life and liberty must be before the CA?
preserved and not destroyed. The primary, if not the only object, of the
writ of habeas corpus is to determine the legality of the restraint under HELD
which a person is held.
A.) NO. The appellate court found that only ten minutes had elapsed
With Mangila’s arrest and ensuing detention being by virtue of the order between the filing of the Motion by the accused and the Order granting
lawfully issued by Judge Pangilinan, the writ of habeas corpus was not an bail, a lapse of time that could not be deemed sufficient for the trial court
appropriate remedy to relieve her from the restraint on her liberty. This is to receive and evaluate any evidence. In the application for bail of a
because the restraint, being lawful and pursuant to a court process, could person charged with a capital offense punishable by death, reclusion
not be inquired into through the writ. Her proper recourse was to bring the perpetua or life imprisonment, a hearing, whether summary or otherwise
supposed irregularities to the attention of the City Prosecutor. in the discretion of the court, must actually be conducted to determine
whether or not the evidence of guilt against the accused is strong. On such
JOSELITO V. NARCISO VS. FLOR MARIE STA. ROMANA-CRUZ hearing, the court does not sit to try the merits or to enter into any inquiry
GR No. 134504 March 17, 2000 as to the weight to be allowed to the evidence for or against the accused,
nor will it speculate on the outcome of the trial or on what further
DOCTRINE evidence may be therein offered and admitted. The absence of objection
from the prosecution is never a basis for the grant of bail in such cases,
When the penalty prescribed by law is death, reclusion perpetua or life for the judge has no right to presume that the prosecutor knows what he
imprisonment, a hearing must be conducted by the trial judge before bail is doing on account of familiarity with the case.
can be granted to the accused. Absent such hearing, the order granting
bail is void for having been issued with grave abuse of discretion. B.) YES. The offended parties in criminal cases have sufficient interest and
personality as ‘persons aggrieved’. The crime charged against petitioner is
In parricide, the accused cannot be considered an offended party just parricide, and he cannot be regarded as an offended party. No one can
because he was married to the deceased. In the interest of justice and in expect his minor child to think and act for himself. The sister of the
view of the peculiar circumstances of the case, the sister of the victim may deceased is a proper party-litigant who as akin to the ‘offended party’, she
be deemed to be an offended party, and has the legal personality to being a closer relative. There is no other who may be expected to take up
challenge the void order of the trial court. the cudgels of justice for the deceased.


After conducting a preliminary investigation on the death of Corazon GR No. 153675 April 19, 2007
Sta.Romana-Narciso, wife of the plaintiff, the Assistant City Prosecutor of
Quezon City recommended and thereafter filed the Information for DOCTRINE
parricide against Joselito Narciso on November 13, 1991 with the RTC.
The case of US vs. Hon. Purganan declared that the exercise of the right to
On August 3, 1992 petitioner filed an urgent ex-parte motion to allow bail is limited to criminal proceedings. However, in the case of Mejoff vs.
petitioner to post bail. The Public Prosecutor registered no objection and Director of Prisons, bail has been granted to a prospective deportee, in
the same motion was granted on the same day, allowing the accused to view of the adherence of the Philippines to the ICC on Political Rights.
post bail at P150,000. On August 14, 1992, the private prosecutor If bail can be granted in deportation cases, there is no justification why it
representing respondent, the deceased’s sister, filed an opposition against should not also be allowed in extradition cases. Both are administrative
the motion for bail. Not obtaining any resolution, respondent filed her proceedings where the innocence or guilt of the person detained is not in
petition for Ceriorari to the CA, which granted the same. issue.


The right of a prospective extradite to apply for bail in this jurisdiction However, the Court, in reconsidering and overturning Purganan, held that:
must be viewed in the light of the various treaty obligations of the if bail can be granted in deportation cases, there is no justification why it
Philippines concerning respect for the promotion and protection of human should not also be allowed in extradition cases. Considering also that the
rights. The Philippines should see to it that the right to liberty of every Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to deportation cases, then it
individual is not impaired. can also be invoked in extradition cases. Both are administrative
proceedings where the innocence or guilt of the detainee is not in issue.
FACTS The Philippines should see to it that the right to liberty of every individual
is not impaired.
On January 30, 1995, the Philippines and Hong Kong signed an extradition
agreement, which took effect on June 20, 1997. While extradition is not a criminal proceeding, it is characterized by: a.) it
entails a deprivation of liberty on the part of the potential extradite and b.)
Private respondent Muñoz was charged before the Hong Kong Court with 3 the means employed to attain the purpose of extradition is also the
counts of the offense of ‘accepting an advantage as agent’ and 7 counts of machinery of criminal law. An extradition proceeding, while ostensibly
‘offense of conspiracy to defraud’. Warrants of arrest were then issued administrative, bears all earmarks of a criminal process. A potential
against him, and if convicted, he faces a jail term of 7 years to 14 years extradite may be subjected to arrest, to a prolonged restraint of liberty
for each charge. and forced to transfer to the demanding state following the proceedings.
While the extradition law does not provide for the grant of bail, however,
On September 13, 1999 the DOJ received from Hong Kong a request for there is no provision prohibiting him from filing a motion for bail, a right to
the provisional arrest of private respondent. On September 23, 1999 the due process under the Constitution.
RTC Branch 19 of Manila issued an Order of Arrest and on the same day,
the NBI agents arrested and detained private respondent. On October 14, BRICCIO “RICKY” A. POLLO VS. CHAIRPERSON KARINA
1999 private respondent then questioned the validity of his arrest with the CONSTANTINO-DAVID, THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, ET. AL.
CA. On December 18, 2000, the Supreme Court affirmed the validity of the GR No. 181881 October 18, 2011
As early as November 22, 1999 Hong Kong had already filed a petition for
extradition of private respondent. Private respondent filed in the same O’Connor vs. Ortega teaches that public employees’ expectations of
case a petition for bail, which petitioner opposed. On October 8, 2001, the privacy in their offices, desks and file cabinets may be reduced by virtue of
judge denied the petition for bail on the ground that there is no Philippine actual office practices and procedures, or by legitimate regulation. The
law granting bail in extradition cases and that respondent is a high flight employee’s right of privacy must be assessed in the context of the
risk. On December 20, 2001, respondent judge, acting on respondent’s employment relation.
MR, allowed him to post bail. The next day, petitioner filed an urgent
motion to vacate the above Order. Hence this recourse. Given the great variety of work environments in the public sector, the
question of whether an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy
ISSUES must be addressed on a case-to-case basis.

a.) WON private respondent was rightly allowed to post bail? In the case of searches conducted by a public employer, we must balance
the invasion of the employees’ legitimate expectations of privacy against
HELD the government’s need for supervision, control and efficient operation of
the workplace.
A.) YES.
In the case of Gov’t of US vs. Hon. Purganan, it was decided that the right In contrast to law enforcement officials, public employers are not enforcers
to bail is restricted to criminal cases and that it cannot be taken to mean of criminal law; instead, public employers have a direct and overriding
that the right is available even in extradition proceedings that are not interest in ensuring that the work of the agency is conducted in a proper
criminal in nature. and efficient manner. Therefore, a probable cause requirement for
searches of the type at issue here would impose intolerable burdens on
public employers. The delay in correcting the employee misconduct caused

by the need for probable cause rather than reasonable suspicion will be entailed that the person was not into isolated practice, but was doing it
translated into tangible and often irreparable damage to the agency’s with regularity. And since the draft pleadings were obtained from
work, and ultimately to the public interest. petitioner’s computer, it raised the presumption that he was the one
responsible or aided in their preparation. One pleading even had a line
The existence of a privacy right involves a two-fold requirement: a.) that a inserted into it that said “Eric N. Estrallado, Epal kulang and bayad mo”.
person has exhibited actual (subjective) expectation of privacy; and b.)
that the expectation be one that society is prepared to recognize as On February 26, 2007, petitioner was charged with Dishonesty, Grave
reasonable (objective). Misconduct, Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service and
Violation of RA 6713. Petitioner filed an Omnibus Motion for
FACTS Reconsideration, to Dismiss and/or to Defer, alleging that the charge was
without basis since the evidence proceeded from an illegal search which
Petitioner Pollo is a former Supervising Personnel Specialist of the SCS was beyond the authority of the CSC chair.
Regional Office No. IV and was also the OIC of the Public Assistance and
Liaison Division (PALD) under the ‘Mamamayan Muna Hindi Mamaya Na’ Eventually, on July 24, 2007, the CSC issued Resolution No. 071420 where
program of the CSC. petitioner was accordingly found guilty of the charges against him and
dismissed from the service.
On January 3, 2007, an unsigned letter-complaint was addressed and
received by CSC Chairperson Karina Constantino-David. The anonymous ISSUES
complaint alleges that an employee of the agency has been lawyering for
an accused government employee having a pending case with the CSC. It a.) WON the search conducted on petitioner’s computer transgresses his
also further alleged that the said employee is the chief of the ‘Mamamayan constitutional right to privacy?
Muna Hindi Mamaya Na’ program. Respondent David immediately formed b.) WON the search of petitioner’s files was reasonably conducted?
a team of four personnel with background in IT and issued a memo c.) WON the CSC was correct in finding petitioner guilty of the charges and
directing them to conduct an investigation and “back up all the files in the dismissing him from service?
computers found in the PALD and Legal Divisions”.
The backing up of all the files at the PALD and Legal Services Division was A.) NO. The Civil Service Commission and the Supreme Court relied on the
witnessed by several employees together with Directors Castillo and Unite. US cases of O’Connor vs. Ortega and U.S vs. Simons to reach a decision.
At around 6:00 pm, Director Unite sent text messages to petitioner, Ortega is the authority for the view that government agencies, in their
informing him of the ongoing copying of the computer files in their division capacity as employers, rather than law enforcers, could validly conduct
upon orders of the CSC Chair. Petitioner replied thru text that he was search and seizure in the governmental workplace without meeting the
leaving the matter to Director Unite and that he was going to get a lawyer. probable cause or warrant requirement for search and seizure. Simons
declared that the federal agency’s computer use policy foreclosed any
Upon examination, it was found that the contents of the diskettes were inference of reasonable expectation of privacy on the part of its
files copied from the computer assigned to and being used by petitioner, employees.
numbering about 40 to 42 documents, were draft pleadings and/or letters
in connection with administrative cases in the CSC and other tribunals. On The Supreme Court explained thus: the constitutional guarantee is not a
the basis of this finding, respondent David issued a Show-Cause Order prohibition of all searches and seizures but only of ‘unreasonable’ ones. It
against petitioner dated January 11, 2007. is the nature of government offices that others may have frequent access
to an individual’s office. Public employer intrusions on the constitutionally
Respondent David observed that the files of petitioner were draft pleadings protected privacy interests of government employees for non-
for and on behalf of parties who were facing charges as respondents in investigatory, work-related purposes, as well as for investigations of work-
administrative cases. This then gave rise to the inference that the one who related misconduct, should be judged by the standard of reasonableness
prepared them was knowingly, deliberately and willfully aiding and under all circumstances. A search of an employee’s office by a supervisor
advancing interests inimical and adverse to the interest of the CSC as the will be justified at its inception when there are reasonable grounds to
central personnel agency of the government tasked to discipline suspect that the search will turn up evidence that the employee is guilty of
misfeasance and malfeasance in the service. The number of pleadings also

work-related misconduct, or that the search is necessary for non-
investigatory work-related purposes.

Petitioner failed to prove that he had an actual expectation of privacy

either in his office or government-issued computer which contained his
personal files. He did not allege that he had a separate enclosed office
which he did not share with anyone. He did not also allege that he used
passwords or adopted any means to prevent other employees to access his
files. Under the circumstances, it could hardly be deduced that petitioner
had such reasonable expectation of privacy. The CSC also has Office
Memorandum No. 10, S. 2002 that stated that employees waived privacy
rights over their computers and that passwords do not imply such privacy.

B.) YES. When the computers of the PALD and Legal Services were backed
up, several key personnel were present to witness it. Petitioner was also
informed thru text that his files were being backed-up.

C.) YES. The CSC based its findings on evidence consisting of a substantial
number of drafts of legal pleadings and documents stored in petitioner’s
computer. There was also the sworn affidavits and testimonies of the
witnesses presented during the formal investigation. The CSC’s factual
finding regarding the authorship of the subject pleadings and misuse of
the office computer was well-supported by the evidence on record. There
was no grave abuse of discretion committed by the CSC and the CA.


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