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Making spaghetti at a pasta factory

The manufacturing process consists of:

1. Premium flour from durum wheat is automatically fed into the dough
2. In a dough mixer, the flour is mixed with filtered water from artesian
3. There is nothing in the classic recipe other than these two ingredients.
4. A powerful mixing mechanism kneads the dough in a vacuum.
5. Vacuum is used to ensure the absence of air bubbles in the dough, so that
the pasta was smooth and dense.
6. Under pressure, the dough is pushed through the matrix, giving it the
familiar shape of long filamentary products.
7. The long threads of future spaghetti are conveyor, and because the
matrix comes out of the pasta of different lengths, it is trimmed with an
automatic knife.
8. The cut remnants of the dough fall back into the dough mixer.
9. Next, long strands of dough are placed in drying chambers, where at a
temperature of 70-100 degrees they are dried for 8 hours and acquire the
form known to us.
10.When the pasta is dry, they are sent to a conveyor knife, where they are
cut to the classic length of spaghetti.
11.Then the dosed quantities of pasta are sent by the conveyor to the
12.The film on a large roll automatically wraps the spaghetti, and then cuts
and solders.

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