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Chapter 07 Physical Sciences

NO English Korean
1 humanoid n 원인(原人)
2 creation n 탄생
3 atmosphere n 대기
4 emerge v 등장하다, 나타나다
5 current a 현재의
6 insect n 곤충
7 give rise to phr ~을 일으키다
8 dominate v 지배하다
9 observe v 관찰하다
10 devise v 고안하다
11 distort v 왜곡시키다
12 definite a 명확한, 확실한
13 diameter n 직경
14 currently ad 현재
~을 다루다, ~을
15 deal with phr
16 artificial a 인공의, 인공적인
17 consist of phr ~으로 이루어지다
18 troposphere n 대류권
19 strip n 띠, 가느다란 조각
20 transfer v 옮기다
21 exist v 존재하다
22 convection n 대류
23 friction n 마찰
24 susceptible a 민감한, 취약한
25 undergo v 겪다, 경험하다
26 dramatic a 극적인
27 ascend v 올라가다
28 descend v 내려가다
29 circulation n 순환
30 substance n 물질
31 pest n 해충
32 eliminate v 없애다, 제거하다
33 controversial a 논란이 있는
34 ban v 금지하다
35 turn to phr ~에 의지하다
36 mixture n 혼합(물)
37 ingredient n 성분
38 nervous system n 신경계
39 lethal a 치명적인
40 blame v 비난하다, 탓하다
41 drive n 추진(력); 충동
42 flea n 벼룩
43 larva n 유충, 애벌레
44 repel v 쫓아내다
45 reproduce v 번식하다
46 spray v (스프레이로) 뿌리다
47 surveyor n 측량 기사
48 coal mine n 탄광
49 canal n 운하
50 identical a 동일한
51 proceed v 나아가다; 계속하다
52 clue n 단서, 실마리
53 surmise v 추측하다
54 formulate v 이론을 정립하다
55 faunal a 동물군의
56 succession n 연속
57 sequence n 순서, 차례
58 co-opt v 마음대로 사용하다
59 albeit conj 비록 ~일지라도
60 foundation n 기초, 기반
61 precious metal n 귀금속
62 satellite n 위성
63 dominant a 지배적인
64 eruption n 분출
65 asteroid n 소행성
66 meteorite n 운석
67 comet n 혜성
68 erode v 침식하다
69 well-preserved a 잘 보존된
70 conversely ad 반대로
English Explanation
a humanlike creature or robot
the act or process of making, producing, or building something
the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body
to rise up from or come into view
happening now; of the present time
any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts
to cause something to happen or exist
to have control over a place or person
to notice or see; to watch closely
to invent or think out
to change the shape, appearance or sound of something so that it is strange or not clear
sure or certain
a straight line from one side of a circle or sphere to the other that passes through the center
at the present time; now
to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
made by people, often as a copy of something natural
to be formed from the people or things mentioned
the lowest part of the atmosphere of a planet
a long, flat, narrow piece
to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person, or group to another
to be, or to be real
the flow of heat through a gas or a liquid
the action of one object or surface moving against another
easily influenced or harmed by something
to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change
very sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement
to move up or climb something
to go or come down
the movement or passage of something, such as money or news, from person to person or place to place
that of which something is made; matter
an insect or animal that destroys plants, food, etc.
to remove or get rid of something
causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
to forbid or have an official rule against; to prohibit
to go to somebody or something for help, advice, etc.
a combination of different things
one of the parts of a mixture
the system of all the nerves in the body that carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body
causing or able to cause death
to think or say that somebody or something is responsible for something bad
a forceful push; a strong desire; ambition
a very small jumping insect that feeds on the blood of animals and humans
an insect at the stage when it has just come out of an egg and looks like a short fat worm
to ward off or force back
to have young or offspring
to send out in a spray
a person whose job is to examine and record the details of a piece of land
a place underground where coal is dug
a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops
exactly the same, or very similar
to move or travel in a particular direction; to continue doing something that has already been started
a sign or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery
to guess something, without having much or any proof
to express or represent as a formula
relating to the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
the act or process of following or coming after something or someone else
a pattern or process in which one thing follows another
to change somebody or something to a different role from the usual or original one; to take somebody's idea and use
the basis of something such as an action, substance, structure, or opinion
a very valuable metal such as gold or silver
a natural object moving around a larger object in space
more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type
an occasion when a volcano suddenly throws out burning rocks, smoke, etc.
any one of the many small planets that go around the sun
a piece of rock from outer space that hits the earth’s surface
a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail
to gradually destroy the surface of something through the action of wind, rain, etc.
kept in good condition
in a way that is the opposite of something

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