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How to Use REST API to create a Supplier

I. Login to and click on APIs &Schema. Click on REST API for Oracle Procurement
Cloud. In the tasks menu expand suppliers and create a supplier‐suppliers.html
A. Create supplier using REST API

Download Postman software using link
Open Postman
Click on “+” to get new window  Screen shot 2
By default untitled request will be “GET”  Screen shot 2
Since we need to Create a supplier will select “POST” from list of values in Untitled request. 
Screen shot 2
6. URL will be the URL of the environment: Copy till .com and the url given in API document to load
suppliers  Screen shot 1 and 2
Example : https://ucf1‐zqua‐fa‐
(URL to be replaced as per demo environment)

Screen shot 1

Screen shot 2

7. Click on Authorization
Type select : Basic Auth

Enter your Username / Password : This should be the login for your environment

Screen shot 3

8. Click on Body
9. Select raw / JSON instead of text

Screen shot 4‐suppliers‐post.html

10 Then from API Example copy the Script

10. Copy paste the script as per below sample

"Supplier" : "EMEARESTAPI 52",
"TaxOrganizationType" : "Corporation",
"SupplierType" : "Supplier",
"BusinessRelationship" : "Prospective",
"DUNSNumber" : "221134569",
"OneTimeSupplierFlag" : false,
"TaxpayerCountry" : "United States",
"TaxpayerId" : "98‐03316389"
11. Edit the details as per the required column information
12. Click on Send

Screen shot 5

Go down to check the output , in output a success acknowledgement is received  Body

Screen shot 6

"Supplierid": 300000206221263,

"Supplier Name": "EMEAXXX",

Verify the supplier Record in the application

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