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10 Tips For LEO Leaders

By: LT Sean Carrol

2 Types of leadership: Internal & External

Leadership Tool Belt:

#1 - Master the ability to lead yourself first

5 Pillars of personal succes:

1. Physical Fitness

2. Mental Fitness

3. Personal Pursuits - Hobbies outside of the job

4. Professional Development - confidence comes from

competence. Keep training and getting better.

5. Financial Knowledge

4 Leadership Styles:

1. Tradional - Old school, about stats and numbers.

2. Supportive - Takes care of minor things while the team does the

3. Innovative - New school, get interacting with officers and

community policing.

4. Active - Being out in the field, lead by example.

When setting a goal and wanting to make it achievable use...

S.M.A.R.T Goals: ex, losing weight.

S = Specific - im going to lose 15 pounds in 5 months

M = Measureable - has to be able to measure

A = Action Steps - most important part, take action.

R = Realistic - has to be realistic and achievable

T = Time Senseitive (deadline) - time to know what constraints

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

Extreme Ownership (book)

Ego Inoculation - ongoing process of being self aware and self correcting

The Coach's Mirror - can you face yourself in the mirror? Without beating yourself up? How
can you get better?

#2 Master ability to lead and coach your team effectively

Hybrid leadership - combination of old school command and control, new school that needs to
be incorporated

12 Traits of legendary leaders:

1. Honesty

2. Humility - remembering where you came from

3. Loyalty - to self, team, and organization

4. Coachability - dont take offense to easy, take constructive criticism

5. Passion/Drive

6. Adaptability - dont get stuck, be able to roll with changes and things
that dont go to plan

7. Courage - not so much physical courage but moral, ethical to do the

right thing. Hard decisions.

8. Antifragility - take hard stuff and grow from it

9. Empathy - put yourself in others shoes and understand where they are
coming from

10. Confidence - comes from competence

11. Gratitude - be grateful for the things you do have and focus on the

12. Awareness - self awareness and be aware of how your

affecting/impacting others. Situational awareness as a leader of
whats going on around you.

8 Roles of legendary leaders:

1. Leader 5. Influencer

2. Manager 6. Commnunicator

3. Role Model 7. Coach

4. Mentor 8. Crisis Manager

Explain the "why" ...

"Commanders Intent" : A clear statement of the operations prpose which

acts as a unifying focus and a guide for all independent subordinate
decison making and action planning.

"My way or the highway =/= no good"; Reinvent yourself to get the most from your people,
thats the challenge, dont bow down to them but find what inspires and motivates them. People
bring alot of uniqe and different skills/assets to the team.

#3 Connect with all generations

· Understand what influences each generation

· Find the keys to motivation

· Find the keys to effective communication

· Identify shift from warrior to guardian

#4 Communicate effectively at all levels

Connect with ALL people

Get your message across; clear message.

Noise = things that get in the way.

5 Types of Noise:

1. Physical - Environmental sounds

2. Physiological - Physical weakness & sickness

3. Psychological - Psychological factors

4. Semantic - Different meaning

5. Cultural - Wrong Explanation

93% of communication is non-verbal

#5 Balance the dichotomy of leadership

Two parts:

1. Still serving the troops.

2. Beware of the goals of the organization.

Be able to navigate the "buddy to boss" challenge

- Think ahead; how would I react if I were put in that situation

How to successfully serve two "masters"

- Be clear about what your role is

- "Mission Accomplishment": Get the job done first

- "Troop Warfare": Take care of your people

#6 Confidently create an ethical environment for your team

"Ethical Survival" - Are we doing the things necessary to survive this job and career

Ethical Policing - Doing your job the right way; being honest and doing the right thing.
Procedural Justice - Are people being treated equally? Are they being heard? Give them a voice
and treat them fair with dignity and respect.

#7 Recruit, Motivate, and Retain Team Members

Definition of "Mentor":

Role of a Good Mentor: Someone there to share their knowledge and be supportive

Mentoring - Dont just give them a fish... teach them how to fish. You've ate for the day, but now
you'll be hungry tonight. If i teach you how to fish, it is now a skill that you have in your tool belt
that you now have the wisdom to solve the problem. There may be 100 different ways, but they
all result in the same solution and you will know how to fish

The Transformative Power of Delegation:

- Delegation (Def.) - The act of giving someone authority or responsibility

- Etymology - (Latin) Delegere - Delegated power (to act on another's


#1 Rule - You (as the leader) are always responsible for the task you delegated
(extreme ownership)

4 Elements of Successful Delegation:

A - Authority: Give them the authority to get the job done

I - Information: Give all information they need, not partial

R - Resources: The tools needed to get the job done

S - Support: YOU! They know you are there, even if they dont see you
(like training wheels on a bicycle). Dont hover or micromanage.

Challenges To Delegation for Leaders:

- You still retain overall responsibility

- Added responsibility of overseeing team member

- Fear of team member not suceeding

- Anxiety about being "outshined"

- Fear that team member will resent added responsibility

Challenges To Delegation for Individuals:

- Feelng like a supervisory burden

- Fear of failure

- Anxiety about boss feeling "outshined" if successful

- Fear that others will resent their added responsibility

- Fear of jealousy

Keys to Success with Delegation:

- Provide all necessary authority, information, resources, and support

- Balance risk with reward (level appropriate)

- Be explicit and clear with expected outcomes

- Provide "way points" with objectives

- "Connect the dots to success"

- Be the "bumpers"

- Debrief as soon as possible upon completion

- 1 good thing & 1 improvement (Ego Innoculation)

#8 Prevent/Manage/Convert Toxic Employees

5 Dysfunctions of a Trouble Team:

1. Absence of truth

2. Fear of conflict

3. Lack of commitment

4. Avoidance of accountability

5. Inattention to results
5 Steps to creating an effective team environment:

1. Create Pyschologcal Safety: Built trust so they are allowed to speak

heir mind, respectfully. Be open. Make them feel heard.

2. Establish an Ethical Culture

3. Value FTOs, Informal Leaders, and Emerging Leaders

4. Practice what you preach (be a good role model)

5. Make success a win-win situation

"Corrective Conversations": Discipline (Etymology)

- The word "discipline" derives from the latin word of DISCIPLINA meaning
"instruction and training"

- It is derived from the root word DISCERE meaning "to learn"

- Be the "Bumpers"

- 24 hour rule (emotion vs logic)

- How a "knock it off" talk can save a team member's career (and yours

- Follow up is important

- Dont document your failures

- "Look through the turn" for success

- Ego Incolation: "compassionate corrections"

- Wait for "the river" before showing your hand

- End with clear outcome and future expectations

#9 Thrive - Not Just Survive - In Critical Situations

The most important element is = Effective Communication

Teamwork makes the dream work

Debrief & After action report

Post Traumatic Growth

#10 Become a Leader-Producer

#11 Stay curious as a lifelong learner

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