Valuation Model Business Explained

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1 1-Jan-21 Valuation = 2 Lakhs

Equity Name Amount Invested Stake Ratio

rahul 1 Lakhs 50
Saurabh 1 Lakhs 50

2 1-Jul-21
Valuation = 50 Lakhs
Angel investor 10 Lakhs 20
rahul 20 Lakhs 40
saurabh 20 Lakhs 40

2 1-Jan-22 Valuation = 6.6 Crores

Venture Capital 1 Crore 15

angel investor 1 Crore 15
rahul 2.3 Crore 35
saurabh 2.3 Crore 35

Unicorn' Valuation: $ 100 Crore

3 1-Jan-24 Valuation: 100 Crore

Series A Round 20 Crores 20

Venture Capital 10 Crores 10
angel investor 10 Crores 10
rahul 30 Crores 30
saurabh 30 Crores 30
15 1
100 6.666667

Opulence Consult = 100 Shares

1 1-Jan-21

Equity Name Amount Invested Stake Ratio Valuation = 20 Lakhs

rahul 10 Lakhs - 1 Million INR 50

Saurebh 10 Lakhs - 1 Million INR 50

Raise Funding For Capital Expenditure - Seed Investment - Angel Investor

2 1-Jan-22

Equity Name Amount Invested Stake Ratio Valuation = 6 Crores

Angel Investor INR 2 Crores 20

rahul 4 Crores 40
Saurebh 4 Crores 40

Raise Funding For Business Expansion - Series A - Venture Capital

2 1-Jan-23

Equity Name Amount Invested Stake Ratio Valuation = 106 Crores

Series A - VC $2 Million - INR 16 Crores 15

Angel Investor INR 16 Crores 15
rahul INR 37.3 Crores 35
Saurebh INR 37.3 Crores 35

100 Crore Raise INR 100 Crores - Funding For IPO - Series B & Bank Loan - VC & HDFC

Bank Loan = INR 20 Crores, Internal Acqural ( Profits From The Company ) = 20 Crores, Remainder Amount = 60 Cror

2 1-Jan-24

Equity Name Amount Invested Stake Ratio Valuation = 300 Crores

Private Equity Investor - Series B $ 7.5M - INR 60 Crores 20

Series A - Venture Capital INR 30 Crores 10
Angel Investor INR 30 Crores 10
rahul INR 90 Crores 30
Saurebh INR 90 Crores 30

Raise an IPO - Initial Public Offering - Merchant Banker - SEBI - Draft Red He
10 % Of Company Shares You Want To Make Public - 100000 Shares
Price Of the IPO depends on the Opulence Board
90 % Of Your Shares Shall Be Subscribed Or else The Application Gets Debarr
Atleast 90,000 shares should be subscribed by the retail investors
Valuation = 20 Lakhs

estment - Angel Investor PRE MONEY VALUATION

Value Of 15 Shares = INR 1.5 Crores

Valuation = 6 Crores
20 2 Crore
40 *


Value Of 15 Shares = INR 16 Crores

Valuation = 106 Crores

15 16 Crores
35 *

& Bank Loan - VC & HDFC Bank - Raise

mainder Amount = 60 Crores ( Series B Round - Private Equity Investors )

Valuation = 300 Crores Bank Loan Amount = 20 Crores

Interest Rate: 10 % Per Annum
The Investor Shall Join The Board Of Directors
Bank Profit: 2 Crores - Interest Charged By The Banks Are Profit

anker - SEBI - Draft Red Hearing Prospectus - Public

ic - 100000 Shares

he Application Gets Debarred or Rejected

e retail investors
he Banks Are Profit

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