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Best Healthy Fat Sources

Written by trainer winny

Healthy fats are an absolute must in every diet, to make sure that your body works properly.

But note that i said healthy fats, not just any kind of fat.

You should avoid trans fats as much as you can.

You can find trans fats mostly in fried food.

Im not going to blame you for having something fried once in a blue moon, but eating fried food on
the regular, might cause you a lot of problems.

The foods that you should eat to get your healthy fats in are as follows:

High quality olive oil, avocado, different kinds of nuts and seeds, edamame, various dairy products,
fatty fish, eggs, lean poultry, lean cuts of red meat, game meat..

Your diet should always consist of at least 20% of healthy fats to make sure that your body works
properly, dont forget that!

Thats all you need to know, back to the Meal plan!

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