Material Selection Guide - 20111101

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1. Scope 2. General 3. Major Materials and Corrosion Considerations


Major Materials and External Damage

5. Temperature 6. Chemical Injection

1. Scope
This Guide Provides information for the selection and use materials in GOSP (Gas and Oil Separation Plant).

2. General
2.1. This

Guide shall be used for Samsung Engineering Projects when specifying purpose of GOSP is to separate oil and gas from upstream plat form.

construction materials for GOSP.

2.2. The

One representative GOSP plant in shown on Figure 1. Since each different feed stocks and has specific product state requirements, this general scheme usually is modified for the various GOSP installations. 2.3. The overall approach to selection of materials is to first evaluate the internal corrosivity of the fluids with respect to utilization of carbon steel. Carbon steel is considered as a first choice due to its lower cost, ready availability and well understood requirements to fabrication and testing.
2.4. With

increasing corrosivity, carbon steel with a corrosion allowance up to 6

mm is suggested and where applicable, chemical inhibitor injection is proposed to reduce corrosion rates. 2.5. Higher alloyed materials are only suggested once carbon steel with corrosion allowance and inhibition could not provide adequate corrosion resistance throughout design life. 2.6. In vessel, the utilization of carbon steels is further extended by considering the use of lining and cladding.

Figure 1. General Schematic Drawing for GOSP Plant

Gas Dehydration Unit

Gas Sweetening - H2S - CO2

Hydrocarbon Dewpointing


Condensate Stabilization

Condensate Oil

Gas Dehydration Unit : , Hydrocarbon Dewpointing

hydrate , Sales gas . , Hydrocarb-on Dewpointing Hydrate .

Gas Sweetening Unit : /

. , , LPG Hydrocarbon Dewpointing . Sales gas/ Condensate Sales gas Hydrocarbon Dewpointing , Sales gas

Hydrocarbon Dew point Unit : NGL

J-T valve , Turbor-expander . .


Major Materials and Corrosion Considerations assessment considers both the internal and external surfaces.

3.1. Corrosion

Other degradation mechanisms such as erosion is considered. They are included here since, though not strictly corrosion, they also result in material wastage and my interact with corrosion mechanisms, eg. Erosion typically increases the effect of corrosion. 3.2. The most likely degradation mechanisms that can cause internal damage to hydrocarbon systems are related to the following : Corrosive Agent CO2 H2S Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) 3.3. 3.4. Type of damage Corrosion : Local and General Cracking : (HIC/ SOHIC and SWC) Local corrosion

In some cases, the presence of sand may cause erosion. Other factors, such as organic acids in the fluids, affect the above mechanisms indirectly, e.g. in terms of pH. wet hydrocarbon systems made of carbon steels, corrosion mechanisms

3.5. For

to be evaluated should include: general and localized corrosion; top-of-line corrosion; MIC; erosion corrosion; corrosion fatigue; SSC; HIC; alkaline cracking.
3.6. For

wet hydrocarbon systems made of CRAs, types of corrosion to be

evaluated should include: localized corrosion (pitting and crevice corrosion); H2S cracking; SCC (without H2S).


Parameters to be considered in a corrosion evaluation should include:

environmental conditions; design- and operating pressure and temperature; pressure and temperature profiles; system dimensions (e.g. diameter, thickness, length); production rates/profiles (gas, oil, water); percentage water cut; composition of hydrocarbon fluid, especially corrosive constituents; o CO2; o H2S; o mercury (Hg), elemental sulphur etc.; o organic acids; o oil properties; chemical composition of produced water, including organic anions; velocities and hydrodynamic flow conditions. 3.7.1. CO2 and H2S content Most CO2 corrosion prediction models for carbon steel require input in terms of CO2 fugacity, the CO2 content in the gas phase should be used, which should be derived from flash calculations for the actual conditions. For pipelines transporting hydrocarbon liquids (oil and condensate) with small amounts of water, the CO2 content and the total pressure for the last separation stage should be used. To compensate for non equilibrium conditions in a vessel downstream of a pressure reduction, the corrosion rate found for the conditions upstream of a pressure reduction may be assumed. For evaluation of SSC, SCC and HIC in H2S containing service, the partial pressure is normally used. The H2S content in the gas phase should be used, which should be derived from flash calculations for the actual conditions. 3.7.2. Temperature General corrosion, environmentally assisted cracking resistance, and brittle fracture toughness vary with the temperature for carbon steels and CRAs.

Sensitivity calculations or evaluations may be necessary to determine the most critical temperature range that will promote environmentally assisted cracking for CRAs. 3.7.3. Organic acids Organic acids will increase the corrosivity of the produced fluids and should be included in the corrosion evaluation for carbon steel. The corrosivity due to organic acids is determined by the presence of undissociated organic acid as opposed to organic acid salts. Hence, it is essential to consider the complete chemical analysis. 3.7.4. pH General corrosion and cracking resistance vary with pH. pH values are difficult to measure accurately because this should be done under actual pressure and temperature. pH can be calculated by a pH model or using ISO 15156-2 Annex D. The calculation should be based on CO2 and H2S fugacity at actual pressure and temperature and the composition of the produced water. When calculating pH to be used in CO2 corrosion predictions in gas production environments with condensing water, it should be evaluated if the water contains corrosion products as they act to increase pH and reduce the corrosivity. For carbon steel components that are located downstream of stainless steel piping or equipment such as gas coolers, it should be assumed that the water is free from corrosion products. 3.7.5. Dry gas A gas is considered dry when the water dew point at the operational pressure is at least 10 C lower than the actual operation temperature for the system. Such systems are not subject to electrochemical corrosion and no corrosion prediction is required. The possibility of transient periods with insufficient or no de-hydration should be considered in the corrosion assessment. If the export gas specification is less than this dew point limit or there is a possibility of transient periods of operation with insufficient or no de-hydration,

this needs to be considered in the design corrosion assessment. 3.7.6. Oxygen Oxygen is not normally present in production streams. The oxygen content in injected chemicals should be evaluated in each case and precautions may have to be taken to limit contact between chemicals and oxygen. Risk for ingress of oxygen is likely in systems operating under vacuum such as in MEG regeneration plants, and where inert gas is used as blanket gas. The purity of the inert gas is recommended checked. 3.7.7. Mercury Effects of mercury in produced fluids on materials of construction should be considered. Limits are not well established and therefore mercury bearing streams should not use copper, titanium and aluminum base alloys for any components. Mercury and associated mercury compounds can be detrimental to certain materials. Mercury can occur naturally as a contaminant in well production fluids or gas. The potential of mercury presence should be recognized at the earliest possible stage of design to avoid potentially susceptible materials being specified. It is generally accepted that mercury needs to be present as free liquid for damage to occur. Attack can be by amalgamation or by LME.

Major Materials and External Damage the external surfaces of equipment and piping are exposed to the marine offshore environment. The two main concerns are: Direct exposure to the atmosphere : Corrosion is promoted by dust, dirt and marine atmospheric salt deposits, as well as moisture -including nonvisible moisture from humidity. Rain will tend to wash away salt deposits and thereby reduce corrosion, particularly if the surface dries quickly

4.1. All


4.1.2. Corrosion and cracking under an insulating surface: If the process fluid temperatures require thermal insulation, there is an increased the propensity to damage under insulation.
4.2. Carbon

and low alloy steels should have a good fabric maintenance program,

i.e. application of coatings, to avoid corrosion in the marine atmosphere and to prevent localized corrosion under insulation. Piping and equipment under insulation should be given the full painting treatment as per the applicable specification. Typically, problems would occur where there is any geometry that allows water to accumulate. 4.3. Stainless steels are subject to some localized corrosion in the atmosphere, but this does not usually significantly affect the integrity of the equipment unless severe conditions arise: typically as water traps in crevices causing limited oxygen access. 4.4. The application and maintenance of a suitable coating can postpone and prevent degradation. Although a coating system reduces the immediate likelihood of external chloride stress corrosion cracking (ESCC), this is not recommended as long term prevention, except for non-insulated systems in certain circumstances. The potential problem with coatings is that some forms of degradation produce crevices at the substrate, i.e. disbondment such as flaking or blistering, promoting corrosion and cracking of a metal substrate. Hence diligent coating maintenance (not likely under insulation) would be needed to cracking under otherwise susceptible conditions. 4.5. With salt accumulation, Type 316/316L stainless steel materials are susceptible to external chloride stress corrosion cracking at temperatures above about 60C. In such a case, ESCC is anticipated under insulation, where water ingress promotes a gradual accumulation and concentration effect of salts at the metal surface. Areas of high stress are most susceptible, typically weldments. 4.6. ESCC is not anticipated with direct atmospheric exposure of these stainless steels, i.e. without insulation. However, to account for other geometrical features such as crevices that could facilitate accumulation of salt, it is safer practice to use the same upper temperature limit for all cases.


This upper temperature limit is not absolute: chloride SCC has occurred in the common austenitic stainless steels at nominal temperatures several degrees Celsius lower than 60C under some conditions, however it is considered to be a reasonable limit for external surfaces (non-coated surfaces) of these materials in this project.


For more highly alloyed materials the maximum operating temperature may be increased. For example, typical limits for the 22Cr type and 25Cr type duplex stainless steels are about 100C and 110C respectively. The exterior surface of any duplex stainless steel operating above 100C should be protected by painting or better coating system while noting the caution on paint disbondment mentioned above.


Rust that runs/drips from carbon/unalloyed steel onto stainless steel (e.g. from the application of carbon steel bolts in stainless steel equipment) is unsightly and can initiate pitting on stainless steels and higher alloys, which is promoted by the formation of ferric chloride from marine atmospheric contamination. Correct fabric maintenance of the carbon and low alloy steel can prevent the rust drips; typically hot-dipped galvanized bolts are used in stainless steel.


All immersed and buried pipelines have to be protected against external sea water corrosion by a combination of external coating and Cathodic protection.


The main criterion for the pipe coating selection is the temperature. Medium density polyethylene can be used up to 80 C. Polypropylene can be used up to 114.


Infrafield lines will be protected by 3-layers polypropylene due to high temperature. For the onshore part of the export line it is recommended to use polypropylene coating which has a better mechanical resistance, for the last few km of the pipeline and river/road crossing.


5. Temperature 5.1. To avoid brittle fracture, the material selection must take account of the minimum operating temperature as well as that predicted during blow-

down. The seasonal changes in ambient temperatures also require that low temperature properties of materials must also be selected accordingly. 5.2. At low temperatures, ferritic steels (i.e. unalloyed and low alloy steels, and ferritic-austenitic duplex stainless steels) lose their ductility spontaneously as the materials are cooled. This allows any cracks and crack-like defects, which are harmless at normal operating temperatures, to propagate under load. To provide greater resistance to low temperature embrittlement, materials and welds are heat treated where applicable (e.g. normalized and postweld heat treated low alloy and carbon steels). For even lower service temperatures, fine grained steels, high nickel steels, or austenitic materials (e.g. UNS S31600) are required. The blow down temperature requires special consideration: it is essential to assign the correct grade of steel, together with impact testing requirements.
5.3. Appropriate

low temperature grades of carbon steel and duplex stainless

steels can be used down to -46C, whilst lower temperatures can be accommodated by the alloys shown in below table. Table . MATERIAL Design MINIMIM TEMPERATURE Minimum Metal Temperature Carbon steel -29 C LTCS(low temperature grade Carbon -46 C steel) and duplex stainless steels Low alloy steel LT 100 (3.5% Ni) -100 C Austenitic stainless steel / Nickel Base -196 C alloys 5.4.


Care should be used in selecting materials for operation at temperature above 510 C (950 F) to ensure resistance to high temperature creep. Carbon steel, in proper thickness, is normally suitable up to 538 C (1000F) for pressure containing components and up to 565 C (1050 F) for non pressure parts. Chromium-molybdenum steels and austenitic stainless steels normally provide satisfactory service above 538 C (1000 F)

6. Chemical Injection


Corrosion inhibitor is fed into crude oil and condensate lines at the upstream of the receiver which may be effective to downstream facilities. This is very important to prevent corrosion and contribute material selection made of carbon steel even corrosive conditions as CO2 corrosion. Therefore no more corrosion inhibitor to the process area is required to mitigate CO2/ H2S Corrosion.

6.2. Corrosion

inhibitor availability, measured by monitoring should be 95% and

above. The inhibited corrosion rate shall remain below 0.1 mm/yr. A complete qualification program of inhibitor performance and compatibility with other chemicals shall be carried out. 6.3. Fire water is required to use biocide to prevent MIC. Typically Fire water of sea water has biological environment which bacteria can grow under condition stagnant zones and organic material introduced.
6.4. Biocide

and oxygen scavenger injection should be considered for the open

drain drum and provision of biocide injection for the closed drain drum. The treatment is necessary due to the risk of MIC as the open drain drum contains waste water contaminated with hydrocarbon liquids from normal operation, accidental leak or oily phase from caisson.
6.5. Corrosion

and erosion monitoring devices shall be installed to monitor the

corrosivity, chemical treatment efficiency, and bacteria activity and erosion rate.

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