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1% Club

Company Description: 1% Club is India’s leading Community for Financial Freedom with
50,000+ members.
Founded by Sharan Hegde & Raghav Gupta, The 1% Club is helping people achieve Financial
Independence with a Lifetime Membership. The membership includes:
1. Money School: Get access Finance Modules by top creators like Sharan Hegde and
Shashank Udupa, a gamified learning and a 4-week immersive community bootcamp
2. 25+ Finance Tools: Customize your path to financial freedom by using proprietary financial
planning tools.
3. One-Stop-Solution: A one stop shop for all your financial problems. Get exclusive
discounts and bonuses while you select the best financial services tailored to you.
4. 1% Experience: Meet. Learn. Thrive. Expand your professional circle, meet impressive
individuals and have fun at our Meet-ups. Stay ahead of emerging trends and learn valuable
skills with our curated workshops.

Industry: Higher Education

LinkedIn Page:
Job Location: Jogeshwari, Mumbai
Job Role: Content Creator
Job Description Link:

Social Media Handles:

Sharan Hegde:
Raghav Gupta:

Key Skills Required for the Role

1. Video Content Creation: Experience in creating engaging video content specifically

for social media platforms.
2. On-Camera Presence: Comfortable and confident presenting in front of a camera.
3. Storytelling and Scriptwriting: Strong skills in crafting compelling stories and writing
effective scripts.
4. Video Editing: Proficiency in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro.
5. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills to
effectively convey ideas and engage with the audience.
6. Content Calendar Management: Ability to develop and maintain a content calendar
to ensure consistent publishing.
7. Trend Research: Conducting research to stay updated with the latest video trends
and techniques.
8. Performance Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing the performance of video content
and making data-driven recommendations for improvements.

Functional Questions

1. Question: Can you describe your experience with creating video content for social
○ Sample Answer: I have created video content for various social media
platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. My videos have ranged
from short-form content like reels and stories to longer tutorials and vlogs. I
focus on creating visually appealing and engaging videos that resonate with
the target audience.
2. Question: How do you ensure your video content remains engaging and relevant?
○ Sample Answer: I stay updated with the latest video trends and techniques
by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and analyzing successful
content from other creators. I also continuously seek feedback from my
audience and use analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t,
allowing me to refine my content strategy.
3. Question: What is your process for developing a content calendar?
○ Sample Answer: I start by setting clear content goals and identifying key
themes and events relevant to our audience. I then map out a schedule,
balancing different types of content to keep it varied and engaging. Regularly
reviewing and adjusting the calendar based on performance metrics ensures
we stay on track and responsive to audience interests.
4. Question: Can you provide an example of a successful video project you worked on?
○ Sample Answer: I worked on a product launch campaign where we created a
series of teaser videos leading up to the launch date. The campaign included
behind-the-scenes clips, product features, and user testimonials. The videos
garnered high engagement and significantly boosted our pre-launch sign-ups,
contributing to a successful launch.
5. Question: How do you handle feedback and criticism on your video content?
○ Sample Answer: I view feedback and criticism as valuable opportunities to
improve. I listen carefully to understand the concerns, analyze the feedback
objectively, and implement necessary changes. Constructive feedback helps
me grow as a creator and ensures the content better meets audience
6. Question: What strategies do you use to optimize video content for different social
media platforms?
○ Sample Answer: Each platform has its own best practices and audience
preferences. I tailor content by considering factors such as video length,
aspect ratio, and format. For instance, I create vertical videos for Instagram
Stories and Reels, while using horizontal format for YouTube. I also customize
the messaging and call-to-action based on the platform’s user behavior.
7. Question: How do you stay motivated and creative in your content creation process?
○ Sample Answer: I stay motivated by setting personal and professional goals
and continuously seeking inspiration from various sources, such as other
creators, movies, and art. Collaborating with peers and taking breaks to
refresh my mind also help in maintaining creativity and enthusiasm for
content creation.
8. Question: What tools do you use for video editing, and how proficient are you with
○ Sample Answer: I primarily use Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing. I am
proficient with its features, including timeline editing, color correction, audio
mixing, and effects. Additionally, I have experience with After Effects for
motion graphics and Photoshop for creating thumbnails and other visual
9. Question: Describe a time when you had to quickly adapt to a new video trend or
○ Sample Answer: When TikTok started gaining popularity, I noticed the rise of
short, catchy videos with trending music. I quickly adapted by learning
TikTok-specific editing techniques and experimenting with different content
formats. This allowed me to create engaging content that resonated with the
platform’s audience and increased our reach significantly.
10. Question: How do you measure the success of your video content?
○ Sample Answer: I measure success using various metrics such as views,
engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), watch time, and audience
retention. Analyzing these metrics helps me understand what resonates with
the audience and informs my strategy for future content. I also consider
qualitative feedback from the audience to gauge overall sentiment and

Situational Questions

1. Question: How would you handle a situation where a video you created received
negative feedback?
○ Sample Answer: I would first analyze the feedback to understand the specific
concerns. If the criticism is constructive, I would acknowledge the feedback,
make necessary improvements, and respond positively to show that we value
our audience’s input. Learning from the experience helps in creating better
content in the future.
2. Question: You have a tight deadline to create a video for an important campaign.
How do you ensure timely delivery without compromising quality?
○ Sample Answer: I would prioritize key tasks and streamline the production
process by planning ahead and breaking down the project into manageable
steps. Effective time management and focusing on essential elements help in
meeting deadlines. I would also ensure that I have all necessary resources
and team support to maintain quality.
3. Question: If you had to create a video with limited resources, how would you
approach it?
○ Sample Answer: I would focus on creativity and efficiency. Using simple yet
effective techniques such as strong storytelling, engaging visuals, and clear
messaging can make a significant impact. Leveraging free or low-cost tools
and repurposing existing content can also help in creating high-quality videos
within budget constraints.
4. Question: How would you address a sudden change in the content calendar due to
unforeseen events?
○ Sample Answer: Flexibility and quick thinking are key. I would reassess the
content calendar and prioritize urgent or relevant content. Communicating
promptly with the team to realign tasks and ensuring that we maintain
consistency in posting helps in managing unexpected changes effectively.
5. Question: Imagine you are tasked with increasing engagement for a specific video
series. What strategies would you implement?
○ Sample Answer: I would start by analyzing past performance data to identify
areas for improvement. Engaging with the audience through interactive
elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and calls-to-action can boost engagement.
Promoting the series across different platforms and collaborating with
influencers or partners can also help reach a wider audience.
6. Question: How would you handle a situation where you need to present in front of
the camera but feel nervous?
○ Sample Answer: Preparation is crucial. I would practice my script multiple
times, focus on my breathing, and visualize a positive outcome to build
confidence. Starting with smaller, less intimidating recordings can help in
gradually becoming more comfortable on camera. Seeking feedback from
peers and making improvements based on their suggestions also helps.
7. Question: You notice that the performance of your video content is declining. How
would you address this issue?
○ Sample Answer: I would conduct a thorough analysis of the performance
metrics to identify trends and potential causes for the decline. Gathering
audience feedback and reviewing competitor content can provide insights.
Based on this information, I would adjust the content strategy, experimenting
with different formats, styles, and topics to re-engage the audience.
8. Question: If you were given complete creative freedom for a new video project, what
approach would you take?
○ Sample Answer: I would start by brainstorming innovative ideas that align
with our brand and resonate with our audience. Creating a storyboard to
visualize the concept and planning the production process in detail ensures a
smooth execution. Emphasizing unique storytelling, high-quality visuals, and
engaging elements would help in creating impactful content.
9. Question: How would you deal with a situation where a key team member is
unavailable for an important video project?
○ Sample Answer: I would quickly assess the tasks and redistribute
responsibilities among the available team members based on their strengths.
Clear communication and collaboration are essential to ensure that everyone
is on the same page. If necessary, I would seek temporary external support to
meet the project requirements and deadlines.
10. Question: Describe a time when you had to learn a new skill or tool quickly to
complete a video project.
○ Sample Answer: During a recent project, we needed to create advanced
motion graphics, and I had limited experience with After Effects. I took online
tutorials and practiced extensively to learn the necessary skills. By dedicating
focused time and seeking help from experienced colleagues, I successfully
completed the project, enhancing the overall quality of our video content.

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