The Feast of Sukkot - Day 3

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Sukkot - The Feast of Booths

• Jacob’s life Gen 48:4-1

• Jacob’s Character
• Judah & Israel, the Nations & Israel

Jacob means “heel catcher” or “schemer” or “one that overthrows

something”. Pretty interesting meaning, isn’t it? This was what Jacob’s life
was about. He schemed his brother out of his birthright and he also
schemed with regards to the animals when he stayed with his uncle Laban.
His uncle returned the favor (schemed back) and gave Jacob his daughter
Leah first, instead of Rachel, and he had to work seven additional years to
get his beloved bride. Rachel was his beloved and the one he really loved.

Leah means “weary”, “grieved” or “impatient”. Her name tells us about the
frustration that poor old Jacob experienced, waiting seven years longer
before he could have Rachel. This taught Jacob to be patient and
persevere until he reached his goal.

This teaches us that YHVH will never give you the ‘first prize’ right at the beginning of your
walk with Him, you will have to undergo difficulties to build your character first, and when you
have changed, He blesses you. You wouldn’t be able to handle the blessings of YHVH
without a changed character. Joseph had to become a slave in jail
before he could rule and David had to be a shepherd before he could
become king. YHVH is more interested in you being changed than
you being spoiled. A blessing without character will destroy you and
you need wisdom to handle riches. The two seven year periods
(First and Second Coming) shows us the two, two thousand year

YHVH married Israel at Sinai (Leah) the first time and He will come again to marry His
Beloved Bride (Rachael) at the Second Coming. The Hebrew marriage has two parts, first the
contract (engagement) and then after two years, He go to collect His bride to live with her in
the house He has prepared for them.

The Bride is made up of the two houses; Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim represents the
people of Israel who are scattered among the nations (including the Gentiles that will be
gathered with them). Manasseh represents the Jews (Judah, Levi & Benjamin) who are living
in the land of Israel who still believe in YHVH. These two houses will be joined together just
before His Second Coming. After Jacob schemed the blessing and birthright out of Esau,
Esau threatened to kill him. After Jacob fled and lived 20 years with his uncle Laban, YHVH
told him to return to his father’s land and face Esau. This is prophetic of these two houses that
will be reunited at the end and is part of YHVH’s Plan.

Jacob’s name was changed to Israel after he wrestled with YHVH. The name
Yisrael consists of two words “yasher”, which means “upright” or righteous, and “El” which is a
short form of Elohim. This gives us the meaning of Israel - “Righteous people of Elohim”.
People who become believers in Y’shua think that they are not part of Israel, but they are
mistaken. If you become born again, you are grafted into Israel and become a righteous one
of Elohim. There are not suppose to be a name like Christian because we are eventually
becoming Israelites.

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The natural branches (Jews or ancient Israel) did not believe and were broken off. We know
that we are saved through faith. We see here even the Jews are save by faith. They were
broken off because of unbelief. That means that through their stubbornness to listen to
YHVH’s Word and His Prophets caused them to be broken off (taken into exile). Faith is to be
faithful in doing what YHVH requires from us. Faith comes from the root word meaning
‘nurturing Father’, and we need to become dependant on Him so that He can give us the
spiritual food we need to live. His food is His Word. His Word is defined as the TaNaK – the
Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms, not only the New Testament.

YHVH changed Jacob’s name to reflect his new character and future and He
changed his “walk” after wrestling with him. He changed Jacob from being a
scheming overthrowing bad person in to a righteous person who was the father
of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob married both Leah and Rachel (Manasseh
and Ephraim) and their descendants formed the twelve tribes.

Their names and meanings are as follows:

1. Ruben – “to see”

2. Simeon – “to hear”
3. Levi – “to join to”, “interweave”

4. Judah – Celebrate and praise YHVH with “dalet” or “door” inserted .

5. Dan – “a judge”
6. Naphtali – “my wrestling”
7. Gad – “seed representing manna”
8. Asher – “happiness and be blessed”

9. Issachar – “will bring a reward”
10. Zebulun – “habitation”
11. Joseph – “ YHVH added”
12. Ben-oi, Benjamin – “son of my sorrow, right hand”

The meaning of the names of the sons of Jacob (Israel) would be as follows:

See and Hear o Israel, restoration is coming, celebrate the One Who is the Way (door) to
salvation and the Judge. You will wrestle with Him but He is the Seed and the Bread
(manna) from heaven. Happy and blessed be the ones who accept Him for His reward is
with Him and will make His habitation among you. YHVH has added many to you through
the Son of His sorrow, but He is exalted and sit at the Father’s right hand.

If we look at the meaning of the names of the sons as will as the meanings of their mothers,
we see three time periods that spell out a prophetic timeline of events that will take place and
will bring us right to the end.

First Time Period: Leah conceived the first four sons. (Leah means “weary”, “grieved” and
“impatient”). This is the time period from creation up to the First Coming of Y’shua.

1. Ruben – “to see”

2. Simeon – “to hear”
Levi – “to join to”, “interweave”
Judah – Celebrate and praise YHVH

YHVH revealed Himself to man through His Word so that they might “see” Him. The
only way to “see” is to hear for YHVH is an invisible El Who hid Himself from the
unrighteous. He gave man His Commandments so that they can “interweave” it into
their lives and be part of His set apart people through whom He chose to fulfill His
Plan. Judah is the name YHVH with a “dalet” added. The Messiah is the Door and
the Way and the Life that leads man to the Father and He is the Praise of YHVH.

, “Yod –Hey – Vav – Dalet – Hey” . YHVH + Dalet =Judah. Judah being the
froth son out of Israel prophetically shows the Messiah’s coning, (Dalet), during the
fourth millennium, to do His work.

Second Time Period: The next four sons are from slave women; Bilhah (calamity) and
Zilpah (tricking) and shows that the next time period between the First Coming and the
Second Coming of the Messiah. This is where the Gentiles will come in. There came four
sons forth from two slave women and represents the gentiles who consisted of two groups;
scattered Israelites and Gentiles. They will come in through grace (fifth son) and it is a time of
preparation for His Second Coming.

5. Dan – “a judge”
6. Naphtali – “my wrestling”
7. Gad – “seed representing manna”
8. Asher – “happiness and be blessed”

In this time period there will be calamity (Bilhah - tribulation) and ticketing (Zilpah –
false religion) but these will be judged and wrestled through until the truth and real
Word (manna) will be revealed and those who receive it will be blessed and happy
when He appears.

Third Time Period: After this period in time we will see the end coming revealed in the last
four sons. Two of these sons were born of Leah (grieved) and two were born of Rachael
(Beloved) It says in Scripture that there will be tears and joy when Messiah comes the second
time and these four sons represents this. This is the time where YHVH will come down and
make His final dwelling with us in the form of the New Jerusalem.

9. Issachar – “will bring a reward”
10. Zebulun – “habitation”
11. Joseph – “ YHVH added”
12. Ben-oi, Benjamin – “son of my sorrow, right hand”

The Messiah will come on the clouds and will bring a reward (salvation) and will come
and make His permanent habitation with us. For all those who were His from the
beginning (Manasseh), and all those who will be added (Ephraim – scattered Israel
and gentiles), they will be gathered by the work of His sorrow (death for sin). He will
rule over them from the New Jerusalem, from His Fathers right hand.

We saw that Jacob was not the best role model if we look at his scheming character. But this
was not his only problem; he was also confused and scared.

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Before facing his brother Esau, he feared because he thought Esau would kill him. He did not
trust YHVH for protection and was uncertain what the outcome of the meeting with his brother
would be.

Fear - “yare” -

These two words combined gives us the word “yisraale” or Israel.

YHVH used these two bad attributes and formed the destiny of Jacob’s life out of it.
“Everything works out for the good, those who love Him”. YHVH used whatever you are
willing to offer Him and He will turn it into something useful. You do not have to wait until you
are perfect to be used by YHVH, He only needs a willing heart and He will start the
transformation process in you. YHVH turned fear and confusion into a righteous man of
Elohim, the father of a nation that will change the world.

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Jacob sent his house in two groups to meet up with Esau, Leah and
her sons first (Judah) and Rachael and her sons later (Israel - Gentile
nations). He divided them in two camps. The word “divide” is “chatsha”
and is descriptive of dividing into military ranks, and it is connected to
making war. Is there any hostility between these two parties? Yes,
Esau wanted to kill Jacob because of the “stolen” birthrite.

We know from earlier studies that sin caused division and the result of division is death.
Death means to be separated from YHVH.

Y’shua brought reconciliation between man and YHVH, when He took our death upon Himself
and exchanged our death for His Life by giving us His Spirit. The separation Jacob did with
his people caused death to enter between those two parties later on, and resulted in division
within Israel later on.

The ten tribes moved to the Northern parts of Israel and

only Judah and Levi staid behind. These ten tribes are
also known as Manasseh. Being so far away from the
Temple in Jerusalem, they decided to build their own
Temple up North to keep the festivals. They did not
have an Ark of the Covenant, so they put idols in the
holy of holies and this caused them to be defeated by
their enemies and scattered throughout the world, even
to this day.

Y’shua came to restore back these scattered Israelites,

or Ephraim, back to their roots and back to their original
people called Israel. People around the world today are finding out about the Hebraic roots
and come back into the way it was at the beginning. Through this process, there are also a lot
of gentiles that come to the faith, and they are also grafted in with the “scattered Israelites”. It
was as if YHVH used these scattered people (ten tribes) as a net, thrown into the earth, and
harvesting the nations so that His people, (not knowing really who they are), as well as
gentiles, so that they can come into His Kingdom. That is why Y’shua called His Disciples
fishers of men.

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You might be part of the original Israel; you might even be part of Judah or Levi, known as the
Jews today. But the most of the people that will be coming in will be from the gentiles, coming
out of the nations with the scattered Israel. These two houses will come back together again
and will serve YHVH as one nation.

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