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45 oe KnOu Tuning moment ~ T= fp x Sin [Ot cosy ore Sin [sing coset coring J Cosh A 1 T= anne ame Wg Ose - an = Fv [ sian + oso sino siny = xsing Swe tint [Sing SE w + Ts fr {sing + Sint | ay Sins +o O =f csty= I Site 95 [nrsvs> cate) Goby = Jim Sinto aa rs T= py [snot ait | | asg = Wane » Sea n Oe ae “TTP PITTFFe22¢2 s i fy Fema Ja= wy cosy 4 | t dywnd on 8 and acide ag Jrut ast Sryye urhuckin’s =r momen! We {oa re amine th aks onear If Se sane ee ws 38 aot) “ot ene malt pe, Jue ye lcs 4n oufput toe: Now) ay Te Engine am suction shoke piston 1s Suki gyses So Wuek is ve Ami Oy exxqnion Wolun gusey 2 buen Jae aA done Work on (uston % Te “Tis why + 9 chageam 1s shown lake hah” DDnDORRDNMNGEDH guctinn > Work is done On Yu a6 (ve) nnd Compan expan > Week 15 che by the gasy (+ve) Sag chown im cngeom Dee ont Juuge fluchuabon’s.” a We hare tp zadute then 4 Sh —peomeecneeeeeneeeeurrrrrnr mow let ug Connect a Wheel om Ceank shaft ¢- cot a of saycurend dou & wut cal vary sa a oat 9 om om BA aS Sel ae oie hacia eovring dt icy > Sere? Unthin Yang Sf) at af) font dl ym © 8 EA a Ga san OE] © DO yet done eg ee (° ae . = af. od 4 aeman < S\my\osey 5 UA ema FEIN 4 esol) YW BH Gh (Em work ne OA aia Gay wea Fie) l : me % i aid data Red ate) Ih WIFE Freon % aan’ fe Bin oy We) 9 cH) epauend oF} SHR sad) —ve y © point end BM IR AED begining. La af punt oer a 4 ¢ 4 < ¢ < « « « ¢ 4 4 Fin) nod OMY E= E {Stat Shu en 07) Ey = Fata {Eo m day 3h a) Re [ome eo Geeeoeneeeen re BE att yt 95 =A = Qt aytas = WtAyt % os IS / \, ens lest enaryy Stree enytgy Suen deem Sore eC yay 4 Cmtegy Encess UT ae an feu) | — a Ag GH ‘Vosyings Some poirt hae man ond some have rim So 1 Ala) Ey 2 15 mux Conboy | Fy = E may, SAL Beef & : Calatake a, chee a Eo = Emin et DE nae Cash BH Om Ome => tis de ley (less Huchuations) Bae CHa Value wat A dd Flue Gary bis) So fre lever qluchalin we hove b use @hox\ igre gh mr ee ae vida, that fludualn vf, Spud is lees shoe be Aeage t #t Fly coheo) 9 BP % Gig the duce cobich aeduces luclicdon of, oped Gy Stouing energy When eacess amd given [supply Whom Eaquise” 2 Eas ke) a Gaal os =} ken means Sm = bum tend ke A vary shoudl oA) 2° WTA og x eT EN feflance to charg is. algo‘ So, a5 lose a thy 1 Revistamce Spiéd x Huchatin) is alag Jorge @ ith 1s lege. . “f Tun ak one toym known as +f Coghiqoml of ‘uckuaton ch Cnsgy (CE) alee = zt (pact Uprin) | DE vam = Ee Wayg® (Snare “rin 8m, = ¥ Gy [tog ) | Sa ase DE am =e oN Cs Sp 2a G th oe LE =— 2. _ [m= ths) aoa er © moc sfluctiahon Hemet” 4 hel > Fo cigtame fre © qyeleg- won a Toe + liao e 2eeeoeee rT TN S Ghun rigut is Snuuasing > x 1s gee Sn casing — Means vudhotity 1s Tnessating COngulan-) ast ( hhy Tat OD] NOW, How te spud coy dacqu &- De ak an 5 8 ol eee Smal) oq => 0 = Aeoy = (440 fre compleh osay > (her mplle ytk J 1 or by = » question he fyshal ca eythm engine dur a fedex of gytehon Os Hh tmand o man Q Asoo Ky The lading heque q th Shem eyn enyine is [Soo 9 Ond : may be farmed cont? Dekome UY x th Me Hye Dee eh Yhy flyttbel abe 10 reddal fam the shih? ke Im m= ator by = T> Mov NP a \e L= mkt = asooxt)” Bleep dere { \Soo = Qo x X X= 0-6 ad eel oe vee ddd ddd ddd dd ddd QUYg A sham ey engine tune ad [oot 16 digtam —gerve the following RY rreeuse ih mye Gy cede — above ome] belowy Hy rceen doeyue ine Foo , ~aso, 27, - 290, \go , -a40, 240, - 250 Te stale for Hy foaming mame is € e dimm = soo em Sad bre Chk angle fmm= 5° 2 e & A he Plachuehnn of Guay nek nab mee toy ys Dy ran Faia debermine Ih mss “b Ha Pyokee 1 fv Secliy A gyi aq m 0 IN Ei ee Seesinr) Jet emargy at A> Vine = ey i > lnm 2 yo oa Fo Fy 2B, alo & Imm? = Soox 5% € E, = Ent So € Eee erat Uae Ce Eqt 50 2 & Ey = Ett Fat $o0- QFo+43H= Eq tro 9 MM = ead Egy Soo - 250 4249-390 = Fa ti3D a Eps Eqttsorite =) Fy + 320 Sy eee Goa e ager ee => [B_=20 me by = Ey -20 +2 Sg teat fex/= Eq +250 tng FA lmmt = 4% 63 Sera SOX UB 63 DE mim = 23S5Uu) wim (5) p= eh lace) ke OE Mm Om = 2 thy ie I3SU = m[raW?x (sao m = 1942 ky ly Pbpb ee dd bb dd dd dd dd ddd ro © QUE Dh vasiation OQ ceark chabt Atque of oy fe ep Ongline may be afm. typtotertee) by faking — bhy freq FOE Caml. ange ©” amd [50 Aud as Skaght Vfre- Ae 5 ass- nem pot Come amgle Zo amd ys? We Tnkeemediale portions A teequr gtaph being chesigh? dans. The Cycle FS Adqualed 9 eunsy hal eayolaon dy Gan, The ry she Ts Coo rem + Sunposby Hal oq erage dees ¢ machiHe AAHlUA4 ons hequa. demian Jnr epi Of dh Hye) cp tect 09 ayeaten 856m. eghith mul ko /B0v1dcd So thal te te] Vorrton oh the Spa One porcenf. Also ftd He ass i axes’ Ao no . pals Creek Omigle a} Nth meen fotyue “T Da a way Chow © aha teeque ome Sao - K et) N, = TS tem Gg = 600 ¥Pm Trea HEL k= astm = 025m e & & & e & & & = - e e& S|} e& Nate) Trunk © = Toner, Uz toy Oso = LK BAKITS + a SODAS 4 Axase 1 (4-499) ad lbp Vf a Bye Coy = UlNG =f IN, ieee o ull Emp pl al bine ached heque [30m 5 oreo breque. We can say tha} at point B Hy flyohal Stal is aug Sued (oy cLiagewm) Q tbo £-O¢ oa A joy b 4s nu Si SOE [90 - Og Neo wom ese Seeesesveeeaeeeeeeeeeeee &€¢ CO (ile eee i man Ey point — Chagheads lin Whoneves The duseriing moment Chay wn a en Only Ole. of Hava GI oF) boop ae PPL Tren mo Dre s fe, yy polnd Lie) peo ap ; Gs ond ER- 4 BPH 2084 (aca) 308° cf Stast point mini Sntegy ait cid pdint mat enmgy Sy, apse SAT | RE FA case Y aM vs Sy Gam GR Bre 4 ge calealabe amey 1 Exaumiqle hat 1S mae dackehes df Cmtsy ta Obra = Mer G Wye mloesx (62.63) x00) Welghh «yo my? US3 XP] quad] © Ay. | i) psiqunet Quwsy A Shalf fied vith fuel “old a? ro oF amd dives @ machine he Feeque of, the machine vanes Th @ cydic manne over q porb GB -tvoluhons, The oeque eiseg fie $36 a6 mm Ww agua vem Mh bly Shad}, tela Romans ONS avihng yank one Soyolution Amd daoqes. oan fy E3S 4S rem, WM eat hell Cevdlujon. «I emma cangd ab 136% » duuidhy nd aevoluhion dhe cydle being toperikee) thorwaplee u Belomine the paver Fequany dbive the muding ond i acter fy ued if Me dety tre plied th Gone. amd th yuslul Leigh SHEAIW With aR saa (oon 2943 Mammy E Yd was Suadgh ine Om lye ora) auaoye aes o e e Wo9 = dflewerrarrox0) + aanagya + LL ase ras 2x Ja = BUF} yo/ Nowy 20h eee < o> 69 D QUsH-Y = Tew 67 (Tile wey 2 Mots a5 only two point au Tntersecting only O%€ loop ubove Tray) pisleet ama deg TH QAXABS ES aan nan ean a may > LTRS = Ways = Sava [O= PArxe5 6a F = = a sled-s6 = ke QA Ka C 64 ™ ( te 0) XG SEl4-SS = Soo OR f oars Rx Cs Co » ¥ . w v e . 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I ° \ifuoy > 2 Inet = Bo pm Cosi? Snorkel 4 Gt’) Ge ty =o ‘ a ae ‘Nolo ay a (P= Bh Te 6d ISvo = RX 36K AR ae | Tree = YFF-U6 mem Bo Smeegy Supplied 2y moloe th one cytle = 8 WO= emtyy = Te = UFULXaR enixgy Supplied = (rpm Se oe “Tp = & Seebnd now a Re pm—y | mir ade ei nN foe S8-— IyHS rolex =) FIR ist & DE man = IVS £966 DE mw, = 8529) J, NE eal maa max = min ae u { vs Oe F Bhtpe, = SIO, 2 ME = £2 (= 3 Af = AL (exe)? - Geteor] eh a (24 * lade 2008] hole 10 Second Te man a , al Hh -4etljus gyedtion 18 28.08 m/e Yenht Ihe so) if the Sued at this — & ul! — delovo 85 9 ne dusiny exch ei. “Toye = (0 See Sree ae mf) Ynin= 25h) me Ling Ayre Pywhuel — ome Unifromly ditkiiulal B may Fryohey Cclite Hne) WU mass 1S fotuy at OMe Fudkiy yp J G iD Wwe knows age SUPE Aly Teycte wep Th BX 1905 ey Tele a aa Tote = he Toye 88 3ST foe apes a 0359.52 x To Tove = 20857-52 x1 % oli = ven) VMN . eta One = Bf (ee) bo, Rothing 1S gion sv, ae astum is Riny Age Hyahaly Spies ee) er Ob im Te l 4 mn Vaan — Unig zy) toeigh} = my = You €55X93) Pw, = 0063 ry } Lhe > © is ceank onyle oh chsplacemml th -egutiry — Aoegue to be Umifieo dikywoine Y The pormwee sh ty engine Shen th pa fs Is rem te mor tk Hythe ih he pu Valuation fe n0f ty exceed toos7.. of He mean spu/ ‘oe Ae eagle 4 the fytdhu) hen the Ceank hag Hee ho Q o° TOL, iy Sait Cues ahiom we Ta (east 2256 35in20 1500 0830) Mew ee irl a7 {+46 ° ale, wn = Tinewn X O hg Wt AT Toren Kaa = f° To QA ately Wein = gf tas eal 5 2a \ aa Clumus + 22F0.9sinae #1804 cos20) dp = er [misuse + 226 3 fooseg) we — 4 oa f> 2Q3.uF kW 4 Design of Syoha_ jp Vel the Width jg Heb Uychrags ig > mean 2adiy = BPR volume = Aydp ma fi dF = Parderw> Verhical cay= df sing = = PAFAIerCing oA lnbalane (s veste, vetical onl iaT hoennlal Component Yo ch GRA alone 21 OFA vim } total daunvwoad= MzA equad (Galtme eot>> 4 £ FAT AD KIOAGN = ACH of | 7 7 rn iG PAxzg> sing dp= cA PAY o> {sine da = QHD PAO or [on] = 279 Ph PP [ asx- coir] = 8 = puree (-1-W) = 2% “ee ; ch Hye ly *h = © vent Ayo 4 _d) Kim chal é- oh hy hol adie oh then ony Stored inthe lake of | ) = dtWt , I Oe tas =e) Sa gai | Gad ' Soe bas | | poe ioe } aa ones Fae 3 ue) AoE ' Cusy ©) freq bin engine having aug Speud Oh oo reg & oly) | Apyrammahed 95 9 Solid dise a) Aopuusod fos eerpuiy He fluciahon of the Sart laltbin- 4. howd Ha Clay Shoed Te fluchmlion oy KE fin Cycle 15 uns he 2ka + wheal is least posse may q the FYyaleel 14 th dharels jy nd fo @eeeud tm: ‘* Sr Nowy Sew 2 Appa 7 10 ra OM = Ws ARN, Any C= 0:02 Z Dm 2 AUT > R00 g vs. Tur-G a ty ke Uo mem . The Ind) 4 in gem Ig mt fs. Song —— = Wyman = 10 esdl/e myn? 190 Ate aes ( ONS = uate u ( Muy ene 4 TY, OF =e el a 2 mm = Lf oh yy 2) ¢ i 5) Vitae = 4 2 Lar iyo QW 19 gh, Hytohal oo seam ongine has @ Aedius TRI CL Im amd moss 2500 ky . The Freq Oryme 65 IS Wem « Aekimping ae. He Pyvhey a ‘oye J Rolakitna) —kinehe @ntegy Sure m= 00 k= 00m = 0) @ =10 tome ke Tegra 38 ee 1x five x on) x (oh = KE = EX Iy% 06) yeeb— as Ioy Gees) oe Quons IS) The furminy momen} cliggtam ota singe oplindee double athey Sku engine onsale O Ve and —ve loop abve amd bio fly Cueraye Areque line Poe tee Ye loop th cho Qh the cree! el the flywhal at hy beginiy od of He — Ond 10 hich Or of the Followiay engine having } wolution - Gh, energy — amd — fae! te @ ond Sone Ee tote = Sse eo Oe Cox pur we knw OBmgz FUG TW = GW (2KEkC, = Gxw ke = Sexy ace poomsoble hints Oh Ceefhicens Rinehe Ontegy oy the yhw) i¢ gluon by. 9 G mee. Te fo tre kg At oS m fading - one rf | 4 Sean and tbsoeh loon Nem Of Oniegy | flyishusl ig doo rtm eho Pesiing Aveling ~ hed | Spuutl [ty neaust corem) able Rbveing Omd se tea nuerbor yy Nee Qbv TPM Aa 3 f= Hh (54)? fy? OS = tube Ya [2s-rxiet ey eae to vo C (y= 6) ™¢ Quse us) The ceonk oy Audte ctank punching prow fas o mace moment neva Kat ky m2 Re pygte below Shous Hy regia demand fx anluhion foe 9 rumcing opmeapon Yt Sper of Hr Conk 1 fownd to deap gftem Bo r0off fo Jo tad dating punching Wha is be fqnimury teeque imag huady fh pruocing ontvohion Sone T= kg mr Lg? WANS nine 2 Buu T= AE I@XIg® Nye eos mm Om " Jyolal 94 FF olde ad 600 Crargy of, the flyway th © fowley is - Ig = 20mm. N> boo tPm (k= Be 07m gee eee) ee eee thew (Ex Gates : ke = S9uUtt Gea a eg WW alsdle Gg ue a ee which of Hy “twembler Noxiahon 4 Ceannle ANAT e =O: ”) chs, -lke Bowe fenhae ol, nod “Hy whud «such as Spokes efe. shove beet apptaetmation fe x, Y the momont eh Seta ee Of Folahion fs expat sted Pyhu) boul # i auc QS &X mpr fs - Le mer 2 =k + on T= Mmprs+ mpr 2 16 S mae Muse gi) Teque ord angular Spee date over 5, om cyte veg Shaft eyo ated Ylywhay — ore ie in piguee Th pee of Zrertiq in[igme) of the Plies re ed Dmin= le DE =1T(42-y 2 Sonn = 15 [et-102) a lati a

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