CAMs Hand Written Classroom Notes gate 2025

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ake CAMS: a In We previous chapter, we study about {con TAe punpace of gean to obtain const. angulay veloci 4 ratio. TR mo tion power Lwansmission in eon 18) acKteved by wolling as weet Ge alidi motion. Sand at Re pitcR point , s\iGin become 2020 nt modding Cpure wollivg eendi Hom), > Need of cam Mechanism % at pitcA point - RW, = RW We R ~ De Wo RQ 6, * as Me vadti ane fixed, the angubor veluel ty votio will be Fired Coomstend) fov_example~ 1S input (2) =25 Fadigeg & & =2 en- we _ Re ol oa S g, oe 2 ic, in geors, for a fixed given “‘mput Move wit! be a fixed output, => But Sometimes, we wank oun output to ede tow example- In Ic Engine, we want the input & output valves “to open & close 7 for a fixed period of me, WHEELIE EIIIIIII SSSI IS SII INH ‘ i GUOeLieL eras siaeiaemaeLeemeeerTe es le, gow entesing Ae furl,® valve Open & then ¢ close for xome Hme and owllet valve open ™ fow exit of exRoust gases and close (we dort want Cortinous motion of value, we want the motion in Intesmi ttert manner) <> whet valve open, Such entering PELTFERETITE * 68 ae fous bw design Buch a aystero, om where we con obtain “tntevmittert motion gm Cie, fox a fixed input, we get vaneing opal) => Tre essential components of a cam Mechanism are ag follous — 1 cam 2- follower i 7 3- Frame follower” %* The dvivex member is known as the Cam. : X Tae dviven membey 1s Fnoun ' Os the follower. Afvame which supports the cam and Otides fae follower, ~----t PPPPPPP?PPPP?P > Types of cam :- Thexe ane vanious types OF 6 CAM according to & shapes — i- Wedge & Flat cams 1- A coedge cam fac a translational motion, ard Tre follower can eithex translate ov oscibles NY eid lower Cosci lak r9) Efe e] i C i— follower Ceronslaking} | SSSTSS STS SSE, Cb) In Dise cams :~ 9 dise cam frag a votational moten,and the followes can either translate ox osciddate. fellow eating ) follower (orci eebing ) WRLELE LEE EIIIISI IIIS IIE 3- Cindssicad carn 2 — ; . In cylindrical cam, tylindex ee ceabiferediel, rocetenioen ck Surface, rotates About its a% ‘Dlatp followey motion ‘can be either Osci 7 Ov weciprocak pe * Tee ae allio called bore ov dum coms, ~ "> oscil. A ee Uitlleey Rotetion of cam cam Grove, 4- Seiwa cam: - A spival cam js a face cam in whic a groove is cut im te form of spiral. S- Consuyate cams A Cony e cam js a double dis® cam, Ke two disc eo togetex ond are in conctont touch wr He ~ too rollexc of a follower PARPRTAAVWTATVTEVDTNT AAA E LE > Lrloboidad caoms— simidan to oo cam oo as ei Rey a Concave Sw OF Convex aunface and a Ciacumferendal & §rrove is cuk on tRe Sunface. ae Sehenical cam :— The spRenical cam fs in the & form tpRenical ¢ ] whi Boremit motion to he oe 7 “ ? > yy pes Of followex ?— a According to According bo Recording to Docation shape Movement Of Line “of movernent ) Based om ‘Sunface in contact) :— i J Recipre cling Ca) Keniferedge (b) $1at-faced (©) spherial faced Follower follower followey Cradiat) (radial) Csadiat) I } l Recipre aabvg osd.lati ng (d) Roller follower (e) oscillating fllowey (offset) (b) Aceon ding to_movement + PesSeeEEEELIES IIIS I IISI II SIO OO ( wo Reciprocating followey /- In Ris pe, as the —ssaprecang carn tee AES follower Secl procates. CH) OsciDlating follower :— The followex is pivoted Ata suitable point on | te frame and oscidllates as cam. makes | fe rotary motion AVAVTETWVA CO) According to Qocation of Dine of movement ‘~ | CH) Radial followex:— ushen Me axis of We oe re followey passes Hough centse of rotation of Me cam it is collec as Radial follower, di) offset follower :- when He oxid of Re @ follower does not passth Me centre of rotation of tre cam, it is “OS called as offset follower, e - ~~ 4---4 « > CAM anally sis w- ; « TFUTe 4 AB: Bise of the @ followey BCE Dwell upper) co: ' Ot i ee ie | DAS Duell (ower) Oy s ho “ D Cortour s S Cinitial position) (after Some time) s WeeweeseeseEEETIIGIIIAGII SII PSP AI AIP! OC Ww Ce ogee i a. Dwell!— Dwell is te motion” aed woh Me followew is at vestlata definite position), > let the cam rotated by an ote 6, He followey move in vertical dive ba 4: followey 7 So- ‘$ 4 ® angular veloct 4 oF cam =a: uy = SY = const. ° angular ace™ of cam deo a= vs [6 so - ° Yo displacement of follower > velocity ona dy | follo We ¥ ae v= $4 46 ae dt ve 4h ow 30 veloc ty of follower (uy we dy ae > acc! of followes 3 a= dv t az dv .de _ 38. dv ae i eae oo = © Sof. SY a= © so(o-as) [as ot az wr ae dg? + whare~ yy = anguilors Jon of cam WELLL REEL III IISI ISI ISIIIISISI II So So Velocity of followey (v) = wo aceloration of follower(a) = ww, vy pee a Sp? These equations ane the general a” of os) of cam & followes Gaseti):- Followers executes uniform motion :- | Cmoves coith cemstart velocity. J 2 vise of ABS eS | | Bee lly well - eallof CDs UPreY DAS Lares dwell 3 f [Soli ae Nowey rs \ follower at} — { follower | \ (dellower of ees Loving moved to Ke meee te “ est J i "a Ox Segoe} > Y=A (max. displacement of follower) > Rise of follower + “Boundary condition) — ae fee: 5. Beg pring of j i es BSE Nat B) felt i : gro mu oda / =h §=0 7 qa OFF -- Lopeapasocee oe 8 . A g 2 firgle cove sed by cam using 1 * eR Ahe follower Is WISING | YR Xt angle covered by car dusting which Ke follower ao is at! yest Y > Upper dwell angle K> lowey dwelf angle @eaanaeaanezaeeteaeaaaaae ae B B= Angle covered by cam e during which HheY follower @ is falling. So - Berea Gh N=) eo 4 e = e [arareeys on | tt : _$ 4 ¢ a Gseci)- follower execute Sse Jol CH) URise) Bounday y=0, 6 =o Cond” yA, 0-8 ge cote 0 = Clo)+¢ = [G=o So ye co h= cB) ese 4 { fance 8 g: Pe PRis 9” gives the tend’ for yise of Follower u BD creates uniform mot ae BD Displacement €9” for J vise of follewev » VETTE IIISISIS ISI SSS SS SSIS SH Fle follow unifom motion (Catt) veloc "2 velocily of follower Yr Ww dy d do ancl i Ay - dy - de =¢ owt! ie do do dy = C-dO Trterating- Say : fe if era) Ll ashinies GD Ufo ] ; Boundary Y¥ =0. 9= B | ond”: 4¥=4,0=0 < Y= cOrG | R=c(0)+G 2[G=h] | 48 ye co th, \ O= CCA) +h | I \ fance- RO =e 4A d By \ = Aho | [ie | This ep ghar The nd" for | Ja2l cf Jollowes wtyle ! Yfoll pes xen te unt fom | motion, we wnffemn j etlen | Displacement eq” for 1 fe of foltower. “y= AB . dy 8 ee. . w ty lo-k 2 -A o-% . “s velodiy(v)= a 7 *: veloc? = oo. as ve octty.(v) 6 i Velocity of followey a, [# ont f toody Ry euicig end fol, de de® 2 4B 319.4 TAUTETAAUNRATAR = acelaration(a) = ott 6? ' acelanction@) = wr 2d [a=e]# — acceloration of followrv [a=o]# 7 become 2ex0 at. | ' acceleration of fallow © uniform motfon.(%150) become Zeoo af uniform @ os Er . 1 metien. (fel). e Summary }— follower execute uniform motion @ Rise fal 7 Bo angle covered by cam | B, > angle covered by 6 | | ! ! | ' I ' ! 2 vise ! ¢ 2 ) Velocity of follower ! i ' ! I | | | during rise \ Can) deair feel e ' 4 I - , f—> mor. Parighct (oise) fhaouph | -p > max. fall of follower which fillower on } _ arn ieee deo ett e from lower duvell position position e Displacement cn! displacement @& y. eo > of fllowey | = R- AO |e elle 7 sit aise. d R 6 Per of fllower during fall. J “es Meo a. | | [a= Ol : s a g a ts a | ) ® S 8 yO Sv wu . ch) foo dise lacement :- us displacement of follower lowe dwell Rise Vepes deel! 7 X= 160° B= 70" Y= 80° B= s0 (Dis placement diagram) (UW) Joe velocity : - Vt velocity of follower va 1 ' oe mise. 2 v i v= 42 Be, ofall: - ° ve ae " Bo } : te Upper __ e i bpeoes ore Rise FF oe i fall cvelocity diggram) (il) fr acedlonation:. az accelenation of follower or Seer ere an i 1 Pe vice accelanation eS in - : & fel Lennie laccekanation | loco eg Sud-o'e ise 2b Gendell = swESVE BLESSES III III ASIII AIAN eat the very beginning of vise(Zexo time) — Qe a = ou = 0 (eo Aecelonstion) © at the very end of vise - coed Orv (00 actondation) at ° 2 at Me vesy beginring of fold ~ adv o-ev). co (00 arallaration) at es at Be very end of foll- a= = = GN Oleeitess Coo webasdation) ° => Duning vise ox at the time of vise, Me velocity is indeastng suddenly (in no time) ferefere the accelorcdttten ts owCa=) Similarly, when the follower is reach eee daetl sition, the velocity is deex ing gudda to zeso fence the veterdition fs co. .=ce) Qz=e “Fema > FmS8 / y Due te these infinite aaa) Auge contact [inertia Eero generated. fence it is “net geod from desfyn pofnt of view - 1 3- we t yemove pe ia Sharp wifes of graph. @2ea4a0ava arp eve ovneneaveane eee eT eae ett @ (Diplaement diogxarm) Pet etic Upper —oe fall We GN see, by making Shane edges cunved, the oo is not Sniform at time of ise oy at lowrw dwell pasion, 30 Me accel mn WW now become finite. ' ¥ gur tis cose is om papery. It is practically not possibie. > Pressure ample t— Tt is te angle between common normal at Me point of exdark and Re line of acho of follower. CEILI III AIO OO 2 why ecith Gmmen normal: Becouse, there can. be yeletive velocity along commer tangent, but “Hex can't be welletive vilodity along Common normal Because if the welmtive velocit 5 will be allon common normal then Tt din broke ¢ ea tre comtact of followey wilt be pesdBseSeTC CECT IT AISI F Ciricionat force ab the Support due to F Sina) Fox < Fine force exerted 6 a FC an om the face) (Radial follower & Cam) N Ftece : couse fe rise F@xoc of follower FSingx Fsing: cause the frictional e Cie at the SuppOT gy : opposes He fence 3- ae : Jreputved vise of ub ale e Hso- we by te keep pressure angle altooys Legs. : eeeerpeeaegeeeece ir} i Coff set followers Om) by providing offset, aa angle a ores, | 220200809090 827800908 > when the am rotates in ACW, ecentricit Coff-aek)’ is provided on the wight side of cath ne, Contino to obtain fower . pressure a eed ie a hiais te of follower. erosirald Shaft, because Re point of contact fs Pa when cAny rotate aon sets of Cam otates in ACW Gm rotates in Coo. eccerdsicity eoilh be (Leena voll | m™m he wight Bide om the ‘Deft Side » Base_civcle: oe - Base cixcle is the smadlest Circle faving centse at He com Centre of rotation whifr. tan be draem, ee fhrougt profile of He cam. Gm bie A ~Rase dacle s VSSBSEETCECE TIC TI IVI VIISIIS PPP ASM ee Tha (es) os Pressure angle Y= base circle rodius # =Oaho ¥ Vem= velodity of com e bee ee _D — Vy = veloct of follaxvg / d= wise, foo base € 8B circle € ee o Base Grete « 1 b3 e ! 6 velocity of cam > 7 Vem = CO =(0G)0 : Veam= CH tY) CO € € velocity of follower > q q Vyottower (Vg) =. da Ves « Ad os ! a => Alora Me common normal of + \*Lemmont re. Spoink of contact (a), eee el ¢ must be same - ¢€ Vbam Cos (90-x) = Vp os a earn? SINK = Vy Cogox ae g du ¢q tone = Me = (a5) ¢ q Veo gy) wo y oo O6- (4y46) ea a(S de) Fresune angie) 5 (an ) be less 3 e Know, pressure a le «must : = te Hie above frfels ws can cemdude Hot base chacle vadius _must be Lange: fies Foo lower x > % must be lage | Quss:- In a uniform velocity condition, It fs given rot - time of fall (tay) = "25 trise mox. vise (A) = 20mm Sat ae velaci ty (eo) = Lrod/k 1f com 4s xotattngat conc vo then find ~ Vyise =2 Vee = Go) Vee oe Ne Aw) _ hw ol: o Natce = ii Vew = 6, B+ 28,48, +38 = 277 4B +38 = 2 — a) ed de dd dd hd ee dod de hos et ee Pat B m 29 ci) 7 4B +3 (t-256,) = on SO- B= [25x 0.8107 B, = L-013420d So- _ fw _ Qommx L Mdke Veise = 8, O81} rod [Vries = 24°67 Mice | Jos Vyast --hWw = 20mm x J Meo By Via = £924 mm ae | 41-0434 rod {is aign _POPOFOVPOPPPTPPPFRFEREKTAVLAGTERE Gsetiil : Uniform accelonation & Uniform netondation (Rnabolte_ motion) :_ @Im He previous case of uniform motion (anc, velocity) , ewe was a problem of sudden increage ox gudden decrease of acenation to infinity (00), . ' \ {oo 1 1 Frets | ccelortin | = BS Pe Ree AO tyeen he fal —> >Due to Infinite accelonation, contact] Tretia forces an ot ely “Aighest. *: Inextia forces ane acting opposite te acceleration, So: of he ered A vise Sow at the beginnirg Of fall, Lnextia forces are taying to CAM and follower. ‘i ay Sepanote : fence, te maintain proper contact, we attach spring at the tee of follower tp counter 5. Inevtia forces. This system of motion become uniform acer am and uniform retardation (anabolic motion) ae WewPVSSEEELTSSESSIIIIELIIDAIAAS ASSIS Io =} [ g fe Rove tp design CAM tn sur D z aay which ‘Contacting forces must® not thot Aish alae que b high contacting “forces, CAM Profile damage and due. ushich hi Vibsadinn pendured and we colll nat get emooke mob™: Uniform accelanation & Uniform retardation ee eee oe eee eos Qa =cmst: Nel. Veloc ty TeTEHKE@Ae@V_ee & E | | : Cae | <— rise ——> <——- trike —> j <— tn @ ] < Slope ef) i Blope o a * Gf ace) SLoetardation) | (See) > (2lre f)! | sogeet) = (a ss Se~ contact forces So- contact forces will | So- coil be fag be fig dong | conttactin fpoces @ duning non. a 1m . joi” be same @ jduning aa F- ' se ea Fence, we keep _ slope of acch equal to Me slope . of vetondation ie, time for ach & retardation & equal, tp rhaiaty same dnaaod forces a dunia acceloration ond wetland e a «a velocity ' 2 Vina © Vex v=o O : Ci59% azay trie, ok — “bie _, ze Vee Ves
/BR=8/# le during acc equal to fhe Ce ded retardation ) Lrenexah condition ¢- velodty. ie ae to ese aioe — dusing vise, tye Lime desing which follower Is “retarding te sty > duntng vise, <— trise > duning accelanation - eae Te Van © + alta) = \ta= wel eb BESET IIIIII II IIIIIMMME£“ & ct\o Vv al > y caning retandion- y= sat O=Vwroe ~Ay ty > tse a So- trise = tatty = Vio 4 Viror a ay trise = Verox (o+a) ers Vimar (4 ql 7 B, ve Resinthy ae > generalised : < : lon di Hom __ se cages are not preferred fox desi ning. = et POPPFRAPRTHTPTTEHKAACVLADEAE =h Veo | %y etand”™ ee ee ie T — | % acc Voeg—tiss 5! veo 8 ee trise ——> V=o dre ee = t * ° dusting aceadionation~ ~ N20 = totod displacement = Vet? rn) « oy total time 2 (Sue) = Mee ar oe . a“ rank trise (R [») = Venax = ay tee * aecebonotion (0) = SY = Ninos (3 Qu 2Nrar 2 (282) tee Ape duning setandation Be 4 (a witt alo be some, Ane thew methode £ . during a pont of vise) 3 - at Ke beginning of vise, Velocity (w= 0 Bs Ts : jie, U=o Oe ee & Now ee i 2 Ssut+ = ak +10 % d= $ xa (0)* 7 Ag? 1 ERE > Roan = ao (Parabalie mation) d= ont = 2 2, er So- “| - ge ke > g= This is known as displacement ey : [ &- GR)-@6)] > Aalope of curve (parabola) i de er during wise ovew occelosadon gy @ une selondation - oo e a 2 initial velocity (0) ec coe Ging faors ©=6) wetoad” FY. : = 2& 92 yee B> *f aan z i (A-4) = = (8-6) vio =o : => displacement es deat = 4 setandstion. % "t ray es = 2 ° a6 i gz *2(8-8) Co-1) 7 —dy _ -4h& zi dp Bz By 6) 7 dy AR ws, slope of cunve (parchsh)gim | = = “pe (#6) duning vise over 6 : wetohdadtion, 7 Let's plot : [or slsplacement] 3 — a ¢ | | | | @ (Same concendy | | for fall of i le Follower, as o e Imo diodl 9c ocise—ye eres rl jets! = (dis placement diogzam foe = uniform ach 4 “uniform rretand”) a 2 for velocity + - 2h \ 2 a-(eE)-9 dy _ / 28 de ~ ee) LA ° velocity) = [os =e 7) (29) ye A080 |g eee telat Be ening accellanation. E desing setandation— V's at (8,-6) ov 2 maximun, velocity at 6 = ee SO- Ving, = AAW, Boy a p> 2 bs Velocity ' w&) "each wetand” | ! | ' — eR fall dered ep RY —3 (velocity diog yam) we lbwer z7ewrrrrveavaeSEeoesesgseebEEGEtsEIERUEeEETd © px acclonation:- : Re acceleration dv dow @ poi = eee Oren ete B= « ql e “ - _ dv = wf 4hw accelonakion (a) = tao w ( B> ] : 4 fw oe hath 40, It wilt Ke same Celesningg accelanation) ae ae. on | ad Tor) | Zo ae e a tie VS ee > (duning seford”) : sdu _ “tee -L) = —4hw do” Be 7 7 iE fa - (42 4 bwo® 7 elute ARO) _, = Oo gE OTe = (Fe) a 3s b> Here eee ae (daring xetand oo oe Omar = area Ga B> Crnognitide ) wise aPpPPr?Pr?>?PF22? € 2 = 8 ac j 1 1 1 ' ' ’ — Saat ' ' ! ’ " } ' ’ ! accdlanation ‘ : ; i - ; ; | | ' ie) } ! ’ ! } Lower, Uppew. ce eet Se Rise oe fats => Dis placement, velocity & accelanation diag som fox uniform aceeldration & nce sekondotion motion condi im Jesk(d) - la Forge of accelomation is known os : Jew EE I \ ; +O F deok oe pope * Als we can cle dee, Reve are aix Wwfinity jevks jin “gust one cycle, fence we Can nod Use Ab 7 fig apeed CAMs & followers, because the motion wilX not be Smooth. % whenever , ere is Corge in accelonation, Jerk will be Mere. we con Pot completety eliminate © Terk bet wecan veduce it. e = os oo = | Gse UL:- Simple fanmonic motion (SHM):- © e AA BZAEE A movi point on fe ciacle when projected @ Ona verticle plone executes Uineon motion @ which is brown ag Bimple Ranmonic motion, @ Vertfoal Plane upwond, motion met (gad Ww | CRise of follower) (fold of followe x) Rise 0 Nouwew 2— of vise- B=O0 cat Me end of rise > < : g oak Me beginning 8, = 7 sak some angle & aha eve DEDD fee- R= Yr ROsK (Re av SIII AMAA 0 —2 0 by Aimion corsesponderce ~ Co co 8 c B, So- from 7 Gy- = XO 3 Y= Be (os 48 z 48) y= & SD (1-@s(42 : l = Leg J] tt displacement ; ' ep uation > Lut’s plot #~ (fos _ displacement) ~ ; 4 Es HB eB 8 » » » 8 we Explanation: — ® fox yiset- ® Slope of displacement e en =O B yh Goo! =a Phe 6 eas a de (28 De uhen- B= B - —; 9 on fe test] = Bi x2. | he at the bejinrirg of tise, B=0° Aope ? i723 2 : Slope =0 (Je, Fosizortal Vins) it ak the end vise O= 8 If ak tin sane OF ee Oa aah ling) for mox. dlope —> Sin a (must be max, p, Sin AB "CE we 2% 2 Kx. oo 1e, mox. slope will be at 0 = Now - mox. slope = (SE) = 8% g,(~ max mox, slope = ($4) - AA => let 8, = 80°- ot Q=0°-5 slope=o ak @=20 —» slope = & Sin fe za ' O° alope = 0.70% (AX) at ©= 40° fe o= 8 > slope = 1-(35) we dan see slope ts Menai posi tively. Gk O- Be 8 » Pysitiwely 1 ineveasi slope Now - at B=60° —> slope =O Zlope fs decneasins . glee vfoent O=%, t O=B, at 9=50 — slope = SE sin (sexs) = 0.923 DA 28 AR deo casing slope TOOPrraeraaraaertigteatTrvarcaatrce eee FUVBVBBVVvVeVseseseeseTTTTVGVITVIIVWVVIVUIVMATA fow vise z- Slope By, 6, << Rise —> for falks- 9= 6, Simidow concept. 279e slope dv = oe EE Be eee Raw. 7b) | 8 = se “262 Cos | ' sat O=0° | eat = be | sat G= By ) | as lope= a (os (4) slope= TBs CRsitive) | slope =o Slope= a : (Zero) 1 : 1 > for vise: — eee ee 2 : Oo 7 hana CWWCUURUSETEEEIIT IV IV III SII IPL III! Se lower : ly | poo — re ppex dwet | Rise —oe well 7 Fall —> oe ae ty siagver) Sor _accelonaborts- vy = SAR gn (8) ' 4 + accelanodion(a) = dv > az wv. do dt dO dk = dv = [wan AG). A Pia | Cos( Z| ] 28, By = mwh OF ae accalonotisn IS @ function of Cosine, go iteoile Follow COSiNe CUnve, fox rmax™ ac + Cos(4 2°) = 1= Gs) [O=0% at 8-0 > ge Muh 26 ok p= 8 a=Mish (4) C ¢ [A=0 ]eere) ot 6=B az a (os() B{ a= ~agis | (reqative) > for vise- 9=0°—> O=8, ar i ° a <— Rise 2 for fall- C&imiQon concept) — Likt's plot > lowe 1 ) 1 ‘cleo eth ( accelonadion diagrarn ) Pues 1 Rise pie Upp ie — fatk—> awrTneaoeeret.@e@maa%éaeaeét & PQPrFeztee#e#ee#eeee®@eé >Frene az BaP coe | Sox jerk- a ieayeceie da k = Ce Jekcg) ae So- i i j=w/( SaPhs dado ~ w, da dé dO dt (] a] + Jerk is a function of negative dine, 40 it wi follows pA ative ‘kine cunve. at 00 > [Fz ate ot =f 4 4. PR sine) of 4: 2 Be at 6=R, ede @ fox xise — 8-0 > OF8, (2026) | ' | ] | | | \ ! 1 ) } \ | ee aoe) #] dy RB gale wR OF (58) eae 2m et 7 By lu Gs 8, 6] alo pe of displacement Slope ak =O" Ng Zew. diogpam, alope ok 8 =F {sg zero 188s. a0” sk O= by, = 188 = 90 My = = [- Cosa do alah) = i: im ee or > 2 >| 30 > moximum at Pla & slope WX ‘increase positiv and Yen max. at BZ. Men deeweases. ' = ! | I | | < dwell doc! > Rise serene tof s . (displacement diegrem) © fow Jor Nee E 2 6 Aig cm: Vw ae Be fos GN A | oS we (ws 7 8)] co Velocity eg rrrrrrerruinrreeeate aeeeavrrere rere VWHURVARRA ADEA yr alope of Veloct ty dieg ram ~ A ; Be = SF [o-(sin 4) (3) J dy _7mwh 2x0 < Te (42 ) slope of vel: diegeom, a0 i 8, eat =O +- : Slope = 2z C0 ae ak ORF ao _ slope= a SinQn) =O =ByJp 2~ at 6 ae _ 2Kwh gr) =o slope = eC ee nf Jace ae slope= 7 Sings 2 (lolz aa ge Slope wilt be a ot Big (Post ae) at = A/y t— not slope = a Sin (¥) > (lope) = = ar e Slope will be Mox. at 3h abatrgative) lets plets> iv ' 1 och P= Rise — >. Ee fat (veloct ty diagram ) » maximum velocity i- (at @= fy) Vinex = . [1-@s (3 )] ee 20h tt Bf maxtmun velocity. >for _acedanation- : ~ Ao ( 278) ] sve £8 (Go 8, BSB, *s accedonation = wed = wl RY (__ (een (200]. a eae ae (o-(S 2°) PwVVRUPSESEBESCEEPTITTIEVGTIIGSIIOVISIISISS dwelt falt—> (accelanadion diogram J 6 for ger ea "as mee Sin (298 y= Se ~ da dO ~ wd dk do dt a9 a 2nQ\ . 2A jew ae Cos (2) an | _ Anus 0 j= AER Gs (32) 18 LL a fs jerk 29” slope of fark - oo he do po ( at O=0' > slope =o. | at o= MYy i - me | tape = SIME G4 at @= Be > slope =O slope = fog eet in(4) 2 at P= 8 > glope =O! dope=! = nas at O= 28, 3 - rape a) dlope = GAR os, (3) > slope= S—— sale j Ciaiei maximum) eee Q=0 ov O= Fah 3 - ae .¢aoavoP Pr rrrrerrerreerrrgrarewaaerwde : , ‘ i I } t Lowe: ‘ t ; ; ' a dail —< Rise oe re foU——> ( jerk degrom) / We crn cleonly see, ere ane ho on infinity © es) ak in te cycle Mike previous oS fence, This is the best condition of motion) of follower. 3 i022 be smooth as : % The motion 5 the cycle So His motion of Fexk IN : , iio ton be used in . tn speed motions. lower motion for Highe speeds) thexe is eana be fol > SummTeny t= a, RO onl 2A Amex = BX «fy FO ~ Sin (259 fit 1 d= 27 ' ; ~ ato bos 2) =a v= Be [hts $0 iI te —— ate] 5 Ant R |, Ve a HH [ine ce as a sin E>) BURR ERELESSEATIIEEIGMIAESI AOI S ( lower ! | = deen Se Rice ties displacement, velocity, accelanation diogsam fov Cycloidal motion ey fd —> & jen ‘| pap avearrrrrerrrrerrerrer er epraereeade cam Profile ch) brife edge followcey (Ii) PitcR profile ® Base cacle :- The smallest circle Hot aan be drawn with centre as. centre of votatio & touching fe CAM Profile. * Prime Gscle :— The srrafdast checle tHe can be : drawn wikk centse as cenhe of cam me POFBLIon & tucking pitch ciacle. iti ei i ££ @ @ @ G44 4444 4 © dich pointi- It is Me _ point of contact where ongle is) maximum, “Ques: A “am Cr otea a Knife edge follower” rg 9 Lift of 30mm. TA. cam oases a% followers with SHM for 150° of its yotaticn follooed b a period OF dwell of Got The follower descends -fov the next teo® sxotation of cam witK uniform velocity, again, olowed by a duselt period. fav ewebeeana TRe cam rwotetes at Unifoxm peed of 120 %prd ard fas a Deast radius of l2omm, what are the maximum velocity & Accedanotion Onpiiieg fe followes danin Di4t on xeturn, also vorite Me displactment ¢9” dunivg ise. Solution - Az 80mm 8 2nN_ _ 2K X120 B = 150°” 60 ~—«60 B,=toot [= 12-56 Alec] * Simple Ranmonte moor Curing ess) ereN 7X X12-S Vox = mh > Venox = eas OvGl2 Oil 6 1 2x (Sor *( 160 ) Minox = 226-1 MM) sec aa nae = 5e6 - Ax (12-56) *¥ 20 2x (tar ot Tee a mm Amoe = 3S4OF = 3.404 me ~ duning vise — displacement ¢47~ qe & [1-48] g= Blt ov (Gero) | a ee ee “180. y= is[1-@s&2)] be : during fol: - ; 7 fos BOvl2-S6 Uniform velocity = too ¢ a a Vina = US+89 ee by velocity 4s. uniform So- aceorahon =o ae Qust- Ina com follower, follawes need to vise Proush 20mm oo 60° of com rotation. He fisst 30° with amst acc” and He xetandation of equod nitude for next 30% Com wotates ot 300 ‘spm. Find max. velocity and accellonatton during vise pexiod= So Tt is a case of uniform aceX & urifowm vetardahon , A=20mmM N = 3007PM , B =60° = “Ya toe 2AxX209 _ oh rody. 690 max. velogt= o 2AW _ 2 x20x OB’ Non selec eee Wa) Viney = [200 MM/se¢, boon mox. acceonation ~ Al 7 (Qma,) = AAW 4 x20xl0") Mee IAG f (4) Ging = FZOOO Wm | gec2 [Bena FE Pas] oe WURTREERESEEAIGEEIETEELE CFS SIIIIS Quy s- Considex fe follocoi Stodement- C1) For a radial transla! roller follower, Penabolic motion of follower is verg duitoble for high speed CAMS, (dD Pitt point on pitch dircle corresponds to a point of minimuro pressure anyle Ca) S* only covrect (b) 2"¢ only corrmoet Cc) both ytaan4 correct LAT Neither Lor ore, Ans : - aw Fisst statement is wrong. becouse , 1 Panabolte motion, eve Vane 4x infinite gerks ‘in a cycle. So the moti will net be ~ smooth, () Secomd statement is w because TTEPTEUCATHEREKEA E @ pitcA point om pitcher Cracle covsespond to a point of maximum Pressure angle, e sin Bie a _= Quus $= Te, dis placement of a fllowey of a @ Gm. Vs iven bb 7 ie * 10 ‘f 10 O+1209 where, O Is fe angle oP eetation yee The jerk ity given by CX) 9000 w* + 48000 w*B +o 00w*O™ 7 3000 w? (DO 240 uh + Jooo0 ur 6 (4) Nowe. 4 109 +120 67 +1500 67 SY = sot 2400 + W008” dé 27297 777? VVVPBeVveeesPF ECCT EMHII FE FEI PLO LE jak ({) = SX = 38. dee yd ee rade a6 ede d fdv. dey? ele celery wv) ella e aa io : ov od? a] ed = Ss = wt, jes Ole gee dg do's aby = OTO0+ 9009 = J00° do So= R : jerk (4) = Jooo ww? ae bw Ques :- why Aigh, . pressure ayy \e value fox ~~ a Zam is not desixtble- (0) Cam become flatter (b) power transmission Increases Tt cause Jo mming of follower in Me Qusr- Consider {Ae following Statement ~~ abouk rsoising, Com ~ U) Fer roller follower, tre wadkus of psime cizcle is equol tp xodius of base circle be complete votation of radial om esure ang le wemains ceemstart. Choose te versed opin ~ CO) 3S* corvect b) ne correct (C) bola a2 uy Nelther yS* now 2™ correct vv & oe Gust: ~ Equation of el goened profile in Sir 1 4. Si 58 J. es yadius js 25mm, a minimum cam : ‘ ° vadius fs 4omm, Dift fs Somm. Ke angle of rist/asent is 90°. The pressure angle aty = of rise angle is e 4 pe f igi ; Solutio-~ -. ae SEG ele - @sF 2] %, = 25mm = Adomm h=somM , B =90° = AV/o Pressuve angle at (O= 28) as 2 Pressure angle ~ tan K = ee % +% +4) oyat o- 38 | ; g * [tang = BGP a aa (et M+ y) ee ere re 7 Costas) ~~ (4o+25 +325) anperoeorvPrrevarraazaragaanaetretrtraeerre ate re ) $ 5 & jane (sin 129°) = 0.42245 v 5 RX | Le tan’ (0.42245) ae 22.9016" | fhe pressure angle: will be 22.901" of 2 of rise Afaoke- A ? Tangent cam with voller followey 3 B= base cixcle % = Nose wadius 0,0, = Centaol distance %, = volley wodius OQ =C+ H+ OP = By +% Maximum wise Ch) — A= 08 ~GP R= CAWAY, —(BH+Vr) ony POUR EREDSSIIGIIISIIAIIII SI SSS ASS “e Angle of vise /Angle of ascent (8) :- o ee 3 oe G@sB = = a OO, e OD = an-AB id _ ri AA'= e OD = SN t ad e ‘Eee Cy Sw « Gs By a + e 5 «@ e e @ flank angle CW s= iii, « A! e fo) ie ‘ | e e | e } ° ark, - Q, - Sing = QD eee, - ~ O20 = ate : = => Tre angle covered by follower chaning motion « over flank surface of cam (An') ok the « centre of rotation of com js knoun ae * $lank angle. « PRCRPBRPRERBESEEEEESUI III ISIS SI ASS SSH Original sadius = OP = Ut Sy vise = J =0,P'-O.P Of =%r%y — OF. Cos ® = OP > ops Of il iegliiiicese 3 a oe aoe -1) - cali da C* *) les ] 7 displocemert ef a locit eag Eda de fe oe velocity WW) = 7 on ae a6 Sin 8 we [wes) ( 8 0) | ye wrt) £ * accelonalt a eA Ty et OI a ™ Ca) a |)~OCOdO fae ag) a= 0 [wscyr) f 2% Cosd)— sn a2testaal Cos* 9 Qz= WH rH) [ se A= wr Wty) [ w*(%+%) (14Stno) ee Les in'6) Gs*6 L4+Sin’O 36 VTTTtrTc eeeee_e € € €& }a- th (0336 IS accltrad tor, eq". e tema she ¢ + Vy — By, | ee Max. velocity & e = %- @sp = x aa) # max, ihn fe = - E llowee is on & ° tony = CSin B # ee By J = (%e+%) fa 2 1] # eV = cO(%+%) ) Se ie 2G = w*(Wur%) (L+Sin?29) | @s36 ! | | | | | | + | e Vo = LoCit hs) Since Mox ~ Cy ry = ; C a, = i lie+%) (e+ Sim ce Gsty Oh gap Quist Equation of displacement profile iin SHM i ge Bla- 92). golley sodius is 25mm, and minimum Com ysodius is dorm. Sift is Somm. fhe angle of rise/oscent 15 90° The pressure angle at 2 of yise Stroke oe 7 pPrswesi- 4 ak ga = : f= Somm oy =25:5mmM . A ak %b, =40 mm er ge | TO? d= Af-o(Z2)]) — 0 #2 Loi) a $ {8 Gos) =~ So (GB) = fren) = (er - 0-4 (4B) d He EG Esmee) Sin(Z8 ) 202 I i 3 bRRRREELESSESEIIIIAI ASAI AAO o a. oR si (22) = Si .W™ - ean . do 28 6 ~ 28, 3 “3B . ee “ eo 3h : g © tan = Se) ‘ byt By ty 7 Sanh) e ton = _ CR, : 40+25 + 33-33 a = [12% xo e tenes CR) 0% «@ 96.33. 7 «34343300 «@ e 2 . Fence, the pressure ongle ot & of tise @ etyoke wiki be —25-6° ay ‘ e Position of point of contact of cam & follo wer- = sy) POF PRR2RF APR 2D (offset cay bWWERERERRAESESEIGAIISAIASSSI SI AS ASH Ques Consider a votatin tronslating volley follower wit 2e%0 of{set . whi ore dise cam& a of the sole Cunves, Ponamek vized by ic, Lying in Be interval Oto 2a fs associated ° with maximum tLansladion of the followex during ome wevo lution ot (%Y = (0,0) (a) %= Cost 4 Y=Sint of cam rotating about centre (b) x= Cost 5 q = 2st ©) %= S téest 3 Y= 2Sint () x= test 5 y = Sint Solution bas > Beck for ®) — xalest , y= 2Sint wodiuste) = (G24 4Sinet w= SLABS RE O = (14 3sin2e)™ fos max & mmr, wodius (%) = y mete = creck fox @)- x=lost ; ya Sint vodius(3) = [Godt +sint 42 de. Hut asrat)? 7 fo v7 3 (2sint st) | dx te (esmt ae DUuessweey2 Garee de -o0 > 3Stn2t =90 dt |Sin2t =o In He interval | t=° 7 Sin(axo) =Sino’ =0 0 t02a > t=4 2 Sin@x4) = SinX =0 ton Sin (xx) = Sinan =0 t+ => Sin (2x32) =Sin3x =o $=24 => Sin(Qaxn) =Singa =o tee 21% = Nees sagan =2 eS - Snax = 2 t=, %3 = O9n +4627 e i — ee ee lagi 2 co ts = Jesten) 4sint(am) = 2 vise(A) = 21 =e fF | Sack fie - nat? ee btGst 5 y= 2Sint sadist) = | Fre + ost £4Sin2t | w= (ZrGst +3siret) 4a BaP@Peoerap Bo reoararnareaAangaanaeeaeteee eTeeece too, Hs [Er @orsme = feu ' = ray = _ fs wD, A E+ GE 435i x ag 8 ie 2 7 2.0655 . Ss = So: te, SF E+Gsx + 3Sindx =je-t a os es = 2061S aan ee 123k = 1843 = 2-0 t= Bs Wye [St@B +3 yg "Ve ee Se Bas toon, te = [Evecmessirar SNE 3 So- Smax = 2085 5 Simin OD So- syise (A) = 2°0615-O°S Gck for td - ws La Gst 5 q = Sint padius (2) = (L+@st)"4 (Sin?t) = le t@stt wt +Sinrt = Jat! Hast VWWBSSRERERSESSEECIIIIAIISII II AIIM O So- a at too, 42 [EtG = \gth = 2705 at t

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