Risk management

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Why analyse these risks
For Insurance cover or other risk transfer

What happens if you do not transfer the risks?

Company can be devastated or may be liquidated

What is happening with the analysis?

Proper Risk Analysis – leads to Insurance that can stop company from getting severely affected or closing down, but there is a
people shortage.

What Government has done?

SEBI has mandated top 1000 listed companies to have risk committees with risk management framework

Does this have impact?

No. There are no adequately qualified people and this cannot, in any case, be managed by one risk manager. The risk culture has to
be there among all department managers in a company. India needs about 33,000 risk & insurance executives & current supply is
barely 500 per year- that too, not adequate quality.

How an MBA (Elective in Risk Management & Insurance) could help?

If you are responsible, for say, supply chain or General Manager in a Hotel, you start managing the risks carefully in Supply Chain
or Hotel. You become a ‘darling’ of the management. You can also become a Chief Risk Officer of a Company

Our Course in III semester would cover all significant aspects of risks and risk transfers that you would face in industry-Supply
Chain, Property or Liabilities. You are not compromising on your upskilling anyway.

International Opportunities; As our course modules are not country-specific, there plenty of opportunities for MBA (Insurance)
Executives in Middle East, Singapore, Canada, Africa, UK & Australia

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