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Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.

Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and

Real-Time Systems Information Technology


W1 Structure of a General Purpose Multi-User Operating System

W2a Basic Process Model, Process States and State Transitions

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W2b Switching/multiplexing the CPU between multiple tasks

[from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W3a Task State Model of µC/OS [from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W3b Windows NT Process Model [from: R. Brause, Betriebssysteme, Springer 2001]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

Assigning Task Priorities – Introductory Example

The design of a real-time application plans two cyclic tasks with the following repeat
periods Ti and execution times Ei :
Task A TA = 100 ms EA = 50 ms
Task B TB = 20 ms EB = 5 ms
The timer-tick rate of the real-time multitasking kernel to be used is 100 Hz.
Task-switching times can be neglected.
a) Determine the resulting CPU-load, b) draw the tasks' timing diagrams, c) discuss the
design as a whole (i.e. does it work or not ?) and d) what is the start time jitter (worst case
delay vs. the ideal start time) of the low priority task for both cases below ?

Case 1) Task A is assigned high priority, task B has low priority.

Task A

Task B

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 t [ms]

Case 2) Task B is assigned high priority, task A has low priority.

Task A

Task B

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 t [ms]

W3c Assigning Task Priorities – Introductory Example

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

Fixed Task Priorities – Rate Monotonic Approach Example 1

The design of a real-time application plans three periodic tasks with the following repeat
cycle periods Pi and execution times Ei :
Task A P1 = 8 ms E1 = 2.0 ms
Task B P2 = 10 ms E2 = 4.0 ms
Task C P3 = 40 ms E3 = 10.0 ms

Task A has the highest, task C the lowest priority. Task-switching times can be neglected.
The deadline of each task is equal to the end of its period.

a) Determine the resulting CPU-load, b) draw the tasks' timing diagrams, c) discuss the
design as a whole (i.e. does it work or not ?) and d) what is the start time jitter (worst case
delay vs. the ideal start time) of the low priority tasks below ?

Task A

Task B

Task C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 t [ms]

W3d Fixed Task Priorities – Rate Monotonic Approach Example 1

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

Fixed Task Priorities – Rate Monotonic Approach Example 2

The design of a real-time application plans three periodic tasks with the following repeat
cycle periods Pi and execution times Ei :
Task A P1 = 20 ms E1 = 4.0 ms
Task B P2 = 10 ms E2 = 5.0 ms
Task C P3 = 50 ms E3 = 10.0 ms
Task A has the highest, task C the lowest priority. Task-switching times can be neglected.
The deadline of each task is equal to the end of its period.

a) Determine the resulting CPU-load, b) draw the tasks' timing diagram, c) discuss the
design as a whole.

Task A

Task B

Task C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 t [ms]

W3e Fixed Task Priorities – Rate Monotonic Approach Example 2

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

Dynamic Task Priorities – Earliest Deadline First Approach vs. RMA

The design of a real-time application plans two cyclic tasks with the following repeat
periods Pi and execution times Ei :
Task A PA = 50 ms EA = 20 ms
Task B PB = 70 ms EB = 40 ms
Task-switching times can be neglected. The deadline of each task is equal to the end of
its period.
a) Determine the resulting CPU-load, b) draw the tasks' timing diagrams, c) discuss the
design as a whole, i.e. is the schedule feasible ?

Using EDF – Scheduling (task A is executed first)

Task A

Task B

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 t [ms]

Using RMA – Scheduling (task A has high, task B low priority)

Task A

Task B

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 t [ms]

W3f Dynamic Task Priorities – Earliest Deadline First Approach vs. RMA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W4a Shared Resources & Mutual Exclusion via Semaphores

[from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W4b Shared Resources & Mutual Exclusion via Semaphores

[from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology


Task 1

Task 2

W4c Task Timing & Semaphore Operations for Mutual Exclusion

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W5a Task Synchronisation via Semaphores (’Unilateral Rendezvous’)

[from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W5b Mutual Task Synchronisation via Semaphores (’Bilateral Rendezvous’)

[from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology




W5c Event Signalling / ISR -> Task Synchronization Timing Example

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

[from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W6a Priority Inversion Problem [from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W6b Priority Inheritance [from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W7a General Interrupt Mechanism [from: J. Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W7b Interrupt Nesting & OS-Notification [from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W7c Interrupt & Preemptive Multitasking [from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W8 Interrupt - Handling on the Hardware Level (80x86 Architecture)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W9a Delaying a Task for one Tick [from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

W9b Delaying a Task for one Tick [from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

µC/OS Basic Configuration Parameters and Memory Usage

W10 µC/OS Basic Configuration and Memory Usage (V2.00 for 80186)
[from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W11a µC/OS System Calls and Configuration Parameters

[from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W11b µC/OS System Calls and Configuration Parameters

[from: J.Labrosse, MicroC/OS-II, CMP Books 1999]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

main( )


StartUpTask( )


UserTask1( )


UserTask2( )


IdleTask( )


StatisticsTask( )


OSXXX( ) – System Calls


W12 Basic µC/OS Application Structure & Key Functions

Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Mysliwetz Electrical Engineering and
Real-Time Systems Information Technology

W13 Basic µC/OS Application Structure - Modules


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