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Model Question Paper

For Business Correspondance

For Online examination
ì¶dgm¶ g§nH$m©gmR>r Z‘wZm àíZ{nÌH$m
1. Savings accounts contain some restrictions regarding………………………
1 ~MV ImË`m_Ü`o Imcrc H$mhr ~§YZo AmhoV
(a) Number of withdrawals per quarter
(E) àË`oH$ {V_mhrV n¡go H$mT>Ê`mda
(b) Amount of withdrawals pre transaction in ATM
(~r) ATM Ûmao n¡go H$mT>Ê`mda
(c) Number of deposits into the account per quarter
(gr) àË`oH$ {V_mhrV n¡go ^aÊ`mda
(d) Both (a) and (b) above
(S>r) XmoÝhr (E) Am{U (~r)
2. Overdraft is allowed generally by banks in ………………………
2 ~±Ho$À`m `m ImË`mVyZ {e„Ho$nojm OmñV aŠH$_ H$mT>Vm `oVo?
(a) Savings accounts
(E) ~MV ImVo.
(b) Term deposit accounts
(~r) _wXVr R>od ImVo
(c) Current accounts
(gr) Mmcy ImVo
(d) Recurring deposit accounts
(S>r) AmdVu/ [aH$[a¨J R>od ImVo.
3. A bank’s Fixed Deposits is characterized by……………………:
3 _wXV Fixed R>od Aer Agy eH$Vo?
(a) Interest rate as agreed with the customer at the time of the deposit
(E) J«mhH$mer ì`mOXa gh_VrZo R>od ñdrH$maVmZmM R>a{dcm OmVmo.
(b) Fixed period of the deposit
(~r) R>odrMm {ZpíMV H$mcmdYr AgVmo.
(c) Periodical payment of interest
(gr) R>am{dH$ _wXVrZo ì`mO {Xco OmVo.
(d) All the above
(S>r) darc gd©
4. Fixed deposits cannot be……………………:
4 _wXV Fixed R>od Aer Agy eH$V Zmhr…-
(a)Renewed for a further period on maturity date

(E) _wXV g§në`mda _wXVdmT> H$aVm `oVo.
(b) Transferred to third parties
(~r) Ì`ñW ì`ŠVrÀ`m ZmdmZo H$aVm `oVo.
(c) Pre-paid before the maturity date
(gr) _wXV g§nÊ`mAmYr {Xcr OmVo.
(d) Cannot be pledged to the bank as security
(S>r) VmaU åhUyZ ~±Ho$H$S>o JhmU R>odVm `oV Zmhr.
5. A Recurring Deposit account requires the customer to…………………:
5 AmdVu/ [aH$[a¨J ImVo AgUmè`m J«mhH$mcm Imcrc Jmoï>r H$aUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
(a) Deposit any amount at specified intervals for a specified period
(E) H$mhrhr aŠH$_, R>am{dH$ hßË`m§V d R>am{dH$ H$mcmdYrgmR>r ^aUo
(b) Deposit a fixed amount at will for a specified period
(~r) BÀN>oZwgma, R>am{dH$ aŠH$_, R>am{dH$ H$mcmdYr H${aVm ^aUo.
(c) Deposit a fixed amount at specified intervals for any period
(gr) Hw$R>ë`mhr A{Z`{_V H$mcmdYrgmR>r, R>am{dH$ H$mcmdYrZ§Va R>am{dH$ aŠH$_ ^aUo.
(d) Deposit a fixed amount at specified intervals for a specified period
(S>r) R>am{dH$ aŠH$_, R>am{dH$ hßË`m§V R>am{dH$ H$mcmdYrgmR>r ^aUo
6. Principal functions of banks are :
6 ~±H$m§Mr à_wI H$m`©o Aer AmhoV…-..
(a) Accepting deposits
(E) R>odr ñdrH$maUo.
(b) Lending and investing
(~r) CYma/ H$O© XoUo Jw§V{dUo
(c) Non-fund business and remittance services
(gr) {ZYra{hV ì`mnma/ ì`dgm` Am{U YZàofU gw{dYm
(d) All of above
(S>r) darc gd©
7. Demand Deposits are those which can be withdrawn :
7 _mJUr R>odr/ {S>nm°{OQ> Aem AmhoV H$s Á`m H$mT>Vm `oD$ eH$VmV…-
(a) On Request
(E) {dZ§VrZwgma
(b) On Sanction by Manager
(~r) ì`dñWmnH$mÀ`m _§Oyar Z§Va
(c) On Demand
(gr) _mJUr Zwgma
(d) On persuasion
(S>r) _mJo cmJyZ/ _ZdidyZ
8. Current account deposits are not entitled to……………………:
8 Mmcy ImË`mÀ¶m R>odr H$emgmR>r nmÌ ZgVmV…-

(a) Cheque book above 100 leaves
(E) 100 n¥ð>mnojm OmñVrMo MoH$~wH$
(b) Monthly Statements
(~r) _m{gH$ {ddaU
(c) Cash payments
(gr) amoIrZo n¡go H$mT>Uo
(d) Interest
(S>r) ì`mO.
9. In saving account deposits, interest is paid on ……………………: balance.
9 ~MV ImË`mVrc H$moUË`m {e„Ho$da (~°cÝg) ì`mO {Xco OmVo?
(a) Maximum
(E) OmñVrV OmñV
(b) Daily
(~r) X¡{ZH$
(c) Minimum
(gr) H$_rV H$_r
(d) Last Balance at the end of month
(S>r) _hrZm AIoarÀ`m {XderÀ`m {e„H$sda.
10. The term Customer has been defined in :
10 J«mhH$mMr ì`m»`m Imcrc H$m`Úm§V Ho$cr Amho…-
(a) Negotiable Instruments Act
(E) {ZJmo{eE~c B§ñQ´çy_|Q> A°ŠQ>
(b) RBI Act
(~r) Ama.~r.Am`.A°ŠQ>
(c) Banking Regulation Act
(gr) ~±qH$J ao½`wcoeZ A°ŠQ>
(d) Not defined
(S>r) (BVaÌ) Hw$R>ohr Zmhr.
11. When a banker allows overdraft to his customer, the relationship between
his customer and bank is that of
11 Ooìhm ~±H$ J«mhH$mcm AmoìhaS´>mâQ> gw{dYm XoVo Voìhm ~±H$ Am{U J«mhH$ `m§Mo (ZmVo) g§~§Y…-
(a) Bailor and Bailee
(E) ~oca-~ocr
(b) Lessor and lessee
(~r) cogm°a-cogr
(c) Debtor and Creditor
(gr) F$UH$mo-YZH$mo
(d) Creditor and Debtor
(S>r) YZH$mo-F$UH$mo

12. When a customer takes a locker in the bank, What is the relationship between
the bank and the Customer
12 Ooìhm J«mhH$ ~±Ho$V cm°H$a KoVmo Voìhm ~±H$ d J«mhH$ `m _Yrc g§~§Y…-
(a) Lessor and lessee
(E) coga-cogr
(b) Principal and Agent
(~r) _mcH$-à{V{ZYr
(c) Trustee- Beneficiary
(gr) {dídñV-cm^mWu
(d) None of the above
(S>r) `mn¡H$s H$mhr hr Zmhr.
13. When does the Banker-customer relationship stand terminated?
13 ~±H$a J«mhH$ ZmVo/ g§~§Y H$Yr g_mßV hmoVmo?
(a) On the death of the customer
(E) J«mhH$mÀ`m _¥Ë`Z§Va
(b) On customer becoming lunatic
(~r) J«mhH$ doS>m- {ngm Pmë`mda
(c) On customer being declared insolvent
(gr) J«mhH$ {XdmirImoa åhUyZ Kmo{fV Pmë`mda
(d) On closure of the account
(S>r) ImVo ~§X Pmë`mda
14. In deposit accounts, the main relationship between bank and customer is :
14 R>odrÀ`m ImË`m§V, ~±H$ Am{U J«mhH$ `m§Vrc à_wI ZmVo AgVo…
(a) Creditor-bank, debtor-customer
(E) YZH$mo-~±H$, F$UH$mo-J«mhH$
(b) Debtor- bank, creditor-customer
(~r) F$UH$mo-~±H$, YZH$mo- J«mhH$
(c) Agent-principal
(gr) à{V{ZYr-_mcH$
(d) Only a and b
(S>r) Ho$di (E) Am{U (~r)
15. Bailor- bailee relationship is applicable in :
15 ~oca-~ocr g§~§Y Hw$R>o cmJy AgVmo…-
(a) Cash deposited with cashier by customer
(E) J«mhH$mZo H°${e`a H$S>o amoH$S> O_m Ho$ë`mda
(b) Safe deposit locker
(~r) go\$ {S>nm°{OQ> cm°H$a
(c) Demand draft issued by bank
(gr) ~±Ho$Zo {S>_m§S> S´>mâQ> {Xë`mda

(d) Keeping articles in safe custody with bank
(S>r) ~±Ho$H$S>o dñVy go\$ H$ñQ>S>rV R>odë`mda
16. What relationship is created when the bank collects a cheque in clearing?
17 Á`mdoir ~±H$ ŠcoAatJ/ g_memoYZm _Ü`o YZmXoe g§J«{hV/ Jmoim H$aVo Ë`mdoir H$m` g§~§Y
{Z_m©U hmoVmo?
(a) Clearing member and principal
(E) ŠcoAatJ _§o~a Am{U _mcH$
(b) Agent and principal
(~r) EO§Q> (à{V{ZYr) Am{U _mcH$
(c) Collecting bank and holder
(gr) H$co{ŠQ>§J ~±H$ Am{U YmaH$ / hmoëS>a
(d) None of the above
(S>r) `mn¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr
17. When any FDR is lost by a customer of a bank, what document is executed:
17 Ooìhm J«mhmH$ _wXVr R>od agrX (E\$ Sr Ama) ha{dVmo/ Jhmi hmoVo Voìhm ~±H$ J«mhH$mH$Sy>Z H$moUVm
XñVmdoO KoV?o
(a) Guarantee bond
(E) J°a§Q>r ~m±S>/ h_rnÌ
(b) Government bond
(~r) gaH$mar ~m±S>
(c) Promissory bond
(gr) dMZ-nÌ
(d) Indemnity bond
(S>r) jVrnyVu /B§S>o_{ZQ>r ~m±S>
18. Working capital means
18 IoiVo ^m§S>dc åhUOo
(a) Requirements for the day-to day transactions
(E) X¢{ZXH$ ì`dhmam§gmR>rÀ`m JaOm
(b) Excess of current assets over current liabilities
(~r) Mmcy AmpñV¨Mo, Mmcy Xo`Vm§darc A{YŠ`
(c) Fixed assets- current assets
(gr) AMc AmpñV- Mmcy AmpñV
(d) Current assets- current liabilities
(S>r) Mmcy AmpñV-Mmcy Xo`Vm.
19. Term loans mean loans
19 _wXVr H$O© åhUOo …-
(a) Payable after one year to ten years
(E) EH$ dfm©nmgyZ Xhm dfm©n`ªV naV\o$S>rMo
(b) Repayments are done in instilments

(~r) naV\o$S> hßË`mV Ho$cr OmVo
(c) Term loans are utilized for acquisition of fixed assets
(gr) AMc AmpñV/ _mc_ÎmoÀ`m IaoXrgmR>r _wXVr H$Om©Mm Cn`moJ Ho$cm OmVmo.
(d) All of above
(S>r) darc gd©
20. Kisan Cards are issued to farmers to enable them to
20 {H$gmZ H«o${S>Q> H$mS>© eoVH$è`m§Zm H$emgmR>r {Xcr OmVmV?
(a) Withdraw money from ATM in rural branches
(E) J«m_rU emImV EQ>rE_ _YyZ n¡gm H$mT>Ê`mgmR>r
(b) Purchase farm equipments
(~r) \$m_© CnH$aUo/ Am¡Omao `m§À`m IaoXrgmR>r
(c) Purchase agricultural implements on credit from dealers
(gr) {S>cg©/ ì`mnmè`m§H$Sy>Z CYmarZo H¥${f gm{hË`/ Am¡Oma IaoXrgmR>r
(d) Meet their cultivation needs and non-farm requirements,
including purchase of inputs and other short term requirements
and working capital requirements for allied activities
(S>r) Ë`m§À`m _emJVrÀ`m JaOm Am{U {~Ja eoVrÀ¶m JaOm ^mJdÊ`mgmR>r Á`m_Ü`o >/
gm{hË`mMr IaoXr Am{U BVa cKw_wXVrÀ`m JaOm Am{U AZwf§Jr H$m`m©gmR>r IoiË`m
^m§S>dcmMm, g_mdoe Amho.
21. Under farm mechanization scheme, loan is given for
21 H¥$fr ¶m§ÌrH$aU `m§ÌrH$aU `moOZoA§VJ©V H$moUVr H$O} {Xcr OmVmV…-
(a) Providing irrigation facilities
(E) qgMZ gw{dYm nwa{dÊ`mgmR>r
(b) Cultivation expenses
(~r) _emJVrÀ`m IMmªgmR>r
(c) Purchase of farm equipments
(gr) eoVr CnH$aUm§Mr IaoXr
(d) For digging wells
(S>r) {dhrar ImoXÊ`mgmR>r
22. The following are a few of the root causes that prevent banks reaching out
to the rural poor. (State what is incorrect)
22 J«m_rU Jar~mn`ªV ~±H$m nmohmoMy Z eH$Ê`mÀ`m H$mhr _wc^yV H$maUmn¡H$s Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo
H$maU AgË` Amho?
(a) High transaction cost in banks.
(E) ~±H$m_Yrc ì`dhmamMm _moR>m IM©
(b) Poor credit discipline in the rural areas, making credit monitoring
by banks more difficult.
(~r) J«m_rU joÌm_Yrc H$O©/ nV {df`H$ AË`ën {eñV H$s Á`m_wio ~±H$mZm H$Om©da A§Hy$e/ XoIaoI
R>odUo OmñV H$R>rU hmoVo.

(c) Poor deposit- base in the rural branches.
(gr) J«m_rU emIm§_Yrc Aën R>odtMm/ {S>nm°{OQ>Mm AmYma.
(d) No willing takers among the bank employees for the rural postings.
(S>r) J«m_rU {Z`wŠVr/ V¡ZmVr pñdH$maÊ`mH$S>o ~±H$ H$_©Mmè`m§Mr Zmng§Vr/ A{ZÀN>m.
23. The Regional Rural Banks are the best fitted to be the vehicle for financial
inclusion in rural areas. (State what is incorrect)
23 J«m_rU joÌmV {dÎmr` g_mdoeZmgmR>rMo gw`mo½` gmYZ/ dmhZ åhUOoM joÌr` J«m_rU ~±H$m.
Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ AgË` Amho?
(a) Their Regional character.
(E) Ë`m§Mo joÌr` ñdê$n
(b) Their functioning in a homogeneous agro-climatic area.
(~r) EH${ÌV/ EH${OZgr H¥$Vr nmofH$ joÌm§_Yrc Ë`m§Mo H$m`©/ ì`dhma
(c) Their employees, hailing from the same area, are best suited to relate
with the rural customers.
(gr) Ë`mMo joÌmVyZ AgUmao Ë`m§Mo H$_©Mmar, Am{U Ë`m_wioM J«m_rU J«mhH$m§er Vo Mm§Jë`m [aVrZo
OwidyZ KoD$ eH$VmV.
(d) They are managed by people from their parent banks.
(S>r) Ë`m§À`m nwañH$ma ~±H$m Ë`m§Mo ì`dñWmnZ H$aVmV.
24. The initiatives’ of Reserve Bank of India towards financial inclusion of
the rural poor include. (State what is incorrect)
24 J«m_rU Jar~mgmR>r {dÎmr` g_mdoeZ A§VJ©V ^maVr` [aOd© ~±Ho$Zo KoVcoë`m nwT>mH$mamV Imcrcn¡H$s
H$moUVo H$WZ AgË` Amho?
(a) Introduction of basic ‘no frills‘ savings accounts making them
accessible to vast sections of the rural poor.
(E) gac ~MV/ Zmo{\«$c ImË`m§À`m Ama§^m_wio J«m_rU Jar~m§À`m _moR>çm g_wXm`mcm ~±H$m Iwë`m
Pmë`m AmhoV/ gm_moè`m Joë`m AmhoV.
(b) Issuance of simplified General purpose Credit Card (GCC) without
insistence on collateral or purpose.
(~r) gwc^ gm_mÝ` hoVy H«o${S>Q> H$mS>© (Orgrgr){dÎmr` ghmæ`Vm {Xcr OmUo.
(c) Financing of SMEs on concessional terms.
(gr) EgE_B© (SME) àdJm©cm gdcVrMr {dÎmr` ghmæ`Vm {Xcr OmUo.
(d) Relaxation of KYC norms for opening new relationship accounts
in rural areas.
(S>r) J«m_rU joÌmV g§~§Y ñWm{nV H$aÊ`m§gmR>r/ [acoeZerngmR>r ZdrZ ImVr CKS>Ê`mgmR>r Ho$ dm`
gr _mZX§S>mV {Xcocr gwQ>/ gdcV.
25. Intermediaries through whom banks reach-out to the rural poor in areas
they have no branches’ include. (State what is incorrect)
25 Á`m joÌm§V ~±H$mÀ`m emIm ZmhrV Aem joÌm§Vrc J«m_rU Jar~m§n`ªV nmohmoMy eH$Ê`mgmR>rMo
_Ü`ñW H$moU? Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ AgË` Amho?

(a) Self-Help Groups
(E) ñd`§ghmæ`Vm g_yh (EgEMOr)
(b) Non- Government Organisations
(~r) AemgH$s g§KQ>Zm
(c) Debt Recovery Agents
(gr) H$O©dgycr EO|Q>
(d) Microfinance Institutions
(S>r) _mBH«$mo \$mB§Zmg/ A{Vgyú_ H$O© XoUmè`m g§~§Y
26. The scope of the activities to be undertaken by the Business Correspondents
will not include
26 ì`mnm[aH$ g§nH$uV\}$ H$am`d`mÀ`m H$m`m©À`m H$joV Imcrc g_m{dï> AgUma ZmhrV.
(a) Disbursal of small value credit
(E) H$_r IMm©Mo H$O© {dVaU
(b) Recovery of principal and collection of interest from the borrower
(~r) H$O©XmamH$Sy>Z _yi aH$_oMr dgycr Am{U ì`mO dgycr
(c) Collection of small value deposits
(gr) H$_r _yë`m§À`m R>odtMo g§J«hU
(d) Payment of Demand Drafts not exceeding Rs. 1,000
(S>r) é. 1000/- n`ªVÀ`m {S>_m§S> S´>mâQ> AXm H$aUo
27. Banks cannot use the services of one of the following as inter-mediaries
under BF/BC model
27 ~±H$m ì`mdgm{`H$ _XVZrg/ ì`mnmarH$ g§nH$s© _m°S>ocÀ`m A§VJ©V Imcrcn¡H$s Hw$UmÀ`m godm
_Ü`ñW åhUyZ Cn`moJmV AmUy eH$V ZmhrV?
(a) NGOs
(E) AemgH$s` g§JR>Z (EZ.Or.Amo)
(b) SHGs
(~r) ñd`§ ghm`Vm g_yh (Eg.EM.Or.)
(c) Village Sarpanch
(gr) J«m_ gan§M
(d) MFIs
(S>r) gyú_ {dÎm g§ñWm (E_.E\$.Am`.)
28. In a Bank‘s Balance sheet, loans and advances will appear in …………..
28 ~±Ho$À`m Vmio~§Xm§V H$O© d CYma................. H$m°c_m/ A§VJ©V aH$mÝ`mV XmI{dco OmVo?
(a) Liabilities
(E) XoUr
(b) Assets
(~r) _mc_Îmm/ AmpñV
(c) Capital
(gr) ^m§S>dc

(d) Income
(gr) CËnÞ
29. Which of the following statements is not correct?
29 Imcrc H$WZm_Yrc H$moUVo `mo½`/ ~amo~a Zmhr?
(a) A cash flow statement is for a particular period.
(E) H°$e âcmo/ amoIVm àdmh EH$m {d{eï> H$mimgmR>r AgVmo.
(b) In Monthly cash flow statement, all cash inflows and cash outflows
during that month are taken into account.
(~r) _m{gH$ H°$e âcmo {ddaUm§V, Ë`m _{hÝ`mVrc gd© H°$e BZ âcmo, Am{U H°$e AmD$Q> âcmo
{hemo~m§V KoVco OmVmV.
(c) In a monthly cash flow statement, the closing cash balance is
equal to profit in that month.
(gr) _m{gH$ H°$e âcmo {ddaUm A§{V_ amoH$S> {e„H$ hr Ë`m _{hÝ`mÀ`m \$m`ÚmEdT>r AgVo.
(d) Cash inflows in a month may not always be more than the cash
outflows in that month.
(S>r) H$moUË`mhr _{hÝ`mV H°$e BZ âcmo gX¡d Ë`m _{hÝ`mVrc H°$e AmCQ> âcmo nojm A{YH$ Agoc
Ago Oê$ar Zmhr.
30. Which of the following statements is not correct?
30 H°$e âcmo {ddaUm§V Imcrcn¡H$s H$m` H°$e AmCQ> âcmoÀ`m ñdê$nmV Xe©{dco/ KoVco OmV Zmhr? ?
(a) Repayment of loan installment is taken as a cash outflow in the cash
flow statement.
(E) H$Om©À`m hßVmMr naV\o$S>rMr aŠH$_ H°$e âcmo {ddaUmV H°$e AmCQ> âcmo À`m ñdê$nmV KoVcr
(b) Depreciation is taken as a cash outflow in the cash flow
(~r) H°$e âcmo {dVaUmV _yë` èhmg/ S>o{à{eEeZ hm H°$e AmCQ> âcmo åhUyZ Yaco OmVo.
(c) Interest payment to bank is taken as a cash outflow in the cash flow
(gr) ~±Ho$Mo ì`mOmMr naV\o$S> H°$e âcmo {ddaUmV H°$e AmCQ>âcmo À`m ñdê$nmV Yacr OmVo.
(d) Cash received on sale of scrap is taken as a cash inflow in the cash
flow statement.
(S>r) ^§JmamÀ`m {dH«$sVyZ {_imcocr amoH$S>, H°$e âcmo {ddaUm§V H°$e BZ âcmo À`m ñdê$nmV KoVcr
31. Which of the following is not reflected as a cash outflow in the cash flow
31 H°$e âcmo {ddaUm§V Imcrcn¡H$s H$m` H°$e AmCQ> âcmoÀ`m ñdê$nmV Xe©{dco/ KoVco OmV Zmhr?
(a) Transport charges paid on bringing the material to the factory.
(E) H$maImÝ`mV gm_wJ«r AmUÊ`mgmR>r {Xcocm n[adhZ IM©.
(b) Purchase of material by cash payment.

(~r) gm_wJ«rMr ZH$X/ amoH$S> KoD$Z Ho$cocr {dH«$s.
(c) Purchase of material on credit.
(gr) CYmarda Ho$cocr gm_wJrMr IaoXr
(d) Payment of telephone bill.
(S>r) Q>ocr\$moZ {~cmMo no_|Q>
32. The following data is projected for ABC Enterprises for the next month-
32 E~rgr E§Q>aàmBOoggmR>r nwT>rc _{hÝ`mgmR>rMo AZw_m{ZV Am§H$S>o Imcrcà_mUo AmhoV.
Sale of Rs. 10, 000 on cash basis and Rs. 15, 000 on on credit basis.
Cash paid for labour, transport, electricity, water and misc expenses,
Money realized from the debtors for sales of earlier months. Frs. 20,000
Money paid to the creditors for purchases of earlier months. Rs. 15,000
Instalment and interest paid to the bank. Rs. 4000
If a cash flow statement is prepared for the next month, how much will be
the cash surplus during the month?
amoI {dH«$s ê$. 10,000/- Am{U CYmarMr {dH«$s é. 15,000/-
amoI IaoXr é. 8,000/- Am{U CYmarMr IaoXr é. 12,00/-
l_/ _Oyar, n[adhZ, drO, nmUr Am{U {d{dY IM©amoI é. 2000/-
nyduÀ`m _{hÝ`mVrc {dH«$s g§~§Yr F$UH$mo/ S>oQ>g© H$Sy>Z dgyc Ho$cr Jococr aŠH$_ é. 20,000/-
_mJrc _{hÝ`mVrc IaoXrg§~§Yr YZH$mo/H«o${S>Q>g©Zm {Xcocr aŠH$_ é. 15,000/-
~±Ho$cm {Xcocm hßVm Am{U ì`mO é. 4000/-
Oa nwT>rc _{hÝ`mMo H°$eâcmo {ddaU V`ma H$am`Mo Agoc Va Ë`m _{hÝ`m§Vrc amoIrMo A{YŠ`/ H°$e
gaßcg {H$Vr Agoc?
(a) Rs. 3000
(E) é.3000/-
(b) Rs. 4000
(~r) é. 4000/-
(c) Rs. 1000
(gr) é. 1000/-
(d) Rs. 6000
(S>r) é. 6000/-
33. What is pradhan mantri jan-Dhan Yojana?
33 àYmZ_§Ìr (n§VàYmZ) OZ-YZ `moOZm H$m` Amho?
(a) National Mission for Financial Inclusion
(E) {dÎmr` g_mdoemW© amï´>r` {_eZ
(b) It ensures access to financial services in an affordable manner.
(~r) {H$\$m`VeranUo {dÎmr` godm nwa{dUo Vr gw{ZpíMV H$aVo.
(c) It ensures Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner.
(gr) {d_m, n|eZ, amñVXamZo Vr gw{Z{íMV H$aVo
(d) All the above

(S>r) darc gd©
34. How is PMJDY different from the earlier Financial Inclusion plan?
34 AmYrÀ`m {dÎmr` g_mdoe `moOZonojm PMJDY H$er {^Þ Amho?
(a) FIP was for the bankers
(E) ~±H$amgmR>r FIP hmoVr
(b) FIP coverage of households.
(~r) Hw$Q>w>~m§Mo FIP H$ìhaoO
(c) PMJDY focuses on coverage of rural as well as urban areas.
(gr) PMJDY hr J«m_rU VgoM ehar joÌm§da H|$Ðr^yV Amho
(d) None of the above
(S>r) darcn¡H$s H$mhr Zmhr.
35. How many level of monitoring stages are there for PMJDY?
35 PMJDY gmR>r VnmgUrMo {H$Vr ñVa AmhoV?
(a) 2
(E) 2
(b) 3
(~r) 3
(c) 4
(gr) 4
(d) 5
(S>r) 5
36. Which one of the following is the slogan of the PMJDY?
36 PMJDY Mo Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo KmofdmŠ` (ñcmoJZ) Amho?
(a) Bin paise Ke Khata Kholo, Aao Bank Se Naata Jodo
(E) {~Z n¡go H$m ImVm Imocmo, AmAmo, ~±H$ go ZmVm OmoS>mo.
(b) Mera Khata- Bhagya vidhaata (my Bank Account- The Creator
of the Good Fortune.)
(~r) _oam ImVm-^m½` {dYmVm (_mPo ~±H$ ImVo-Mm§Jë`m ^m½`mMm gO©H$)
(c) Bank Me sab Mil Khata Kholo, Apni Bank Se Naata Jodo
(gr) ~¢H$ _o§ g~ {_c ImVm Imocmo, AnZr ~¢H$go Zm_ OmoS>mo.
(d) Beti Bachao, Beti padhao ( Save girl Child. Educate girl chile)
(S>r) ~oQ>r ~MmAmo, ~oQ>r nT>mAmo (_wcrcm dmMdm, _wcrcm {eH$dm.)
37. Under PMJDY, bank account can be opened at …………………
37 _Ü`o PMJDY A§VJ©V ~±H$ ImVo ImocVm `oVo…
(a) Business correspondent Outlet only
(E) Ho$di ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©À`m AmD$Q>coQ>da
(b) Bank branch only
(~r) Ho$di ~±H$ emIm
(c) Designated bank branch only

(gr) Ho$di {ZYm©[aV ~±H$ emIm
(d) Any bank branch or Business Correspondent outlet
(S>r) H$moUVrhr ~±H$ emIm d ì`dgm`r g§nH$s© AmCQ>coQ>
38. PMJDY means…………………
(a) Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana
(E) àYmZ {_{ZñQ>a OZYZ `moOZm
(b) Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
(~r) àYmZ_§Ìr OZYZ `moOZm
(c) Prdhan Mantri Janandolan Yojana
(gr) àYmZ_§Ìr OZm§XcZ `moOZm
(d) Primary Money Jodan Yojana
(S>r) àm`_ar _Zr OmoS>Z `moOZm
39. PMJDY is built on ………………… Pillars.
39 PMJDY ñV§^mda {Z{_©V Amho
(E) 3
(b) 4
(~r) 4
(d) 6
(S>r) 6
40. The long term vision of Jan Dhan YoJana lay Foundation of a
………………… economy.
40 OZYZ`moOZoMr XrKm©dYr Ñï>r-AW©ì`dñWoMr AmYmaercm Amho.
(a) Cash
(E) amoH$S> (H°$e)
(b) Barter
(~r) ~mQ>©a
(c) Cashless
(gr) amoH$S>{dahrV (H°$ecog)
(d) Planned
(S>r) `moOZm~Õ
41. Which among the following is / are the salient features of OD facility under
41 PMJDY A§VJ©V OD gw{dYoMr Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVr R>iH$ d¡{eï>o AmhoV?
I. Overdraft faclilty up to Rs. 5000/-
(I) é. 5,000/- n`ªV AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYm
II. It is available to one account holder of PMJDY

(II) À`m EH$m ImVmYmaH$mg Vr CncãY Amho.
III. It is available immediately after opening the account.
(III) ImVo CKS>ë`mda cJoMM Vr CncãY Amho.
IV. IF Aadhaar number is not available then Bank will do additional
due diligence and also seek declaration from the beneficiary.
(IV) Oa AmYma H«$_m§H$ CncãY Zgoc Va ~±H$ A{V[aŠV XjVm R>odyZ (KoD$Z) VgoM cm^mWuH$Sy>Z
KmofUmnÌ XoIrc _mJrc.
42. Whether Overdraft facility can be availed in more than one account under
PMJDY? Which Statement is not correct
42 EH$mnojm OmñV ImË`m§V AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYm àmßV hmoD$ eH$Vo MwH$sMr H$m?
(a) Overdraft facility up to Rs. 5000/- is available in only one account
per household, preferably lady of the household.
(E) é. 5,000/- n`ªV AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYm Ho$di EH$mM ImË`m§V à{V Hw$Qw>§~,
AJ«H«$_mZo Hw$Qw>§~mVrc ñÌrcm CncãY Amho.
(b) Overdraft facility up to Rs. 5000/- is available in all account per
(~r) é. 2500/- n`ªV AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYm EH$m ImË`m§V à{V Hw$Qw>§~ CncãY Amho.
(c) Overdraft facility up Rs. 2500/- is available in all account per
(gr) é. 2500/- n`ªV AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYm à{V Hw$Qw>§~ gd© ImË`m§V CncãY Amho.
(d) No Overdraft facility is available
(S>r) AmoìhaS´>mâQ> gw{dYm CncãY Zmhr.
43. Under PMJDY overdraft facility will be allowed in the 5B
accounts for the period
43 ImË`m§V {H$Vr H$mcmdYrgmR>r AmoìhaS´>mâQ> (CYma) gw{dYoMr AZw_{V amhrc…-
(a) As running OD facility for 36 months subject to annual review
of account
(E) Mc/Mmcy OD gw{dYm 36 _{hÝ`m§gmR>r ImË`mÀ`m dm{f©H$ g_rjoAYrZ
(b) As running OD facility for 12 months
(~r) Mc/Mmcy OD gw{dYm 12 _{hÝ`m§gmR>r ImË`mÀ`m dm{f©H$ g_rjoAYrZ
(c) As running OD facility for 24 months subject to annual review
(gr) Mc/Mmcy OD gw{dYm 24 _{hÝ`m§gmR>r ImË`mÀ`m dm{f©H$ g_rjoAYrZ
(d) As running OD facility as the account holder prefers
(S>r) Mc/Mmcy OD gw{dYm ImVoYmaH$mÀ`m ng§VrZwgma
44. Who can sanction overdraft under PMJDY?
44 PMJDY A§VJ©V AmoìhaS´>mâQ> H$moU _§Oya H$ê$ eH$Vmo?
(a) BC agent
(E) BC EO§Q>

(b) Bank branch
(~r) ~±H$ emIm
(c) Controlling office of the bank
(gr) ~±Ho$Mo {Z`§ÌH$ H$m`m©c`
(d) None of the above
(S>r) darc H$mhrhr Zmhr.
45. What is the extent of Guarantee cover in PMJDY?
45 PMJDY _Ü`o {H$Vr Jma§Q>r H$ìha (H$dM) CncãY Amho?
(a) Up to 60% of default amount
(E) {S>\$m°ëQ> aŠH$_oÀ`m 60% n`ªV
(b) Up to 80 % of default amount
(~r) {S>\$m°ëQ> aŠH$_oÀ`m 80% n`ªV
(c) Up to 90% of default amount
(gr) {S>\$m°ëQ> aŠH$_oÀ`m 90% n`ªV
(d) Up to 100% of default amount
(S>r) {S>\$m°ëQ> aŠH$_oÀ`m 100% n`ªV
46. Who has to pay for Credit Guarantee cover for Overdraft under PMJDY?
46 PMJDY A§VJ©V AmoìhaS´>mâQ>gmR>r F$U Jma§Q>r H$ìhaMr aŠH$_ Hw$Ur AXm H$am`Mr?
(a) BC agent
(E) BC EO§Q>
(b) Borrower
(~r) F$Ur (H$O©Xma)
(c) Concerned Bank
(gr) g§~{YV ~±H$
(d) Government
(S>r) emgZ
47. The sum assured for the Life Insurances cover provided under the PMJDY
scheme is …………
47 PMJDY `moOZoA§VJ©V Am`w{d_m© H$dMmgmR>r aŠH$_ ............. Amho
(a) Rs. 30, 000/-
(E) é.30,000/-
(b) Rs. 5, 000/-
(~r) é. 5,000/-
(c) Rs. 25, 000/-
(gr) é. 25,000/-
(d) Rs. 1,00,000/-
(S>r) é. 1,00,000/-
48. Who among the following is not eligible for coverage under the scheme of
life insurance cover under PMJDY?

48 darc PMJDY `moOZoA§VJ©V Imcrc n¡H$s H$moU H$ìhaoO (H$dM) gmR>r nmÌ Zmhr?
(a) A rural person opening Bank account for the first time, with Ru
puy card in addition, during the period from 15.08. 14 to 26.01.
(E) J«m_rU ì`ŠVr Or n{hë`m§XmM ~±H$ ImVo A{V[aŠV éno H$mS>m©g{hV H$mcmdYr 15-8-
14 Vo 26-1-15 À`m Xaå`mZ CKS>rV Amho.
(b) Any person opening Bank account for the first time, with Rupay
card in addition, during the period from 15. 08. 14 to 26. 01. 15
(~r) H$moUrhr ì`ŠVr Or ~±H$ ImVo n{hë`m§XmM A{V[aŠV éno H$mS>m©g{hV H$mcmdYr 15-8-14 Vo
26-1-15 À`m Xaå`mZ CKS>rV Amho.
(c) Any person including a minor opening Bank account for the first
time, with Rupay card in addition, during the period from 15.08.14
To 26. 01. 15.
(gr) H$moUrhr ì`ŠVr Ad`ñH$mg{hV Or n{hë`m§XmM ~±H$ImVo, A{V[aŠV éno H$mS>m©g{hV H$mcmdYr
15-8-14 Vo 26 -1-15 À`m Xaå`mZ CKS>rV Amho.
(d) All the above.
(S>r) darc gd©
49. The age for coverage under the scheme of life insurance cover under PMJDY
is ………
49 PMJDY `moOZo A§VJ©V H$ìhaoOgmR>r cm^mWu Mo d` H$m` Amho?
(a) Age group of 21 to 59
(E) 21 Vo 59 Mm d`moJQ>
(b) Age group of 18 to 59
(~r) 18 Vo 59 Mm d`moJQ>
(c) Age group of 18 to 60
(gr) 18 Vo 60 Mm d`moJQ>
(d) Age group of 21 to 60
(S>r) 21 Vo 60 Mm d`moJQ>
50. RuPay Debit Card is introduced by …………………
50 ................ Ûmam éno S>o{~Q> H$mS>m©Mm Ama§^ Pmcm
(a) RBI
(b) NPCI
(~r) NPCI
(c) I BA
(gr) I BA
(d) GOvt. of India
(S>r) ^maV gaH$ma
51. NPCI stands for

51 NPCI Mo nyU© én............... Amho.
(a) National Payment Corporation of India
(E) National Payment Corporation of India
(b) National payment Company of India
(~r) National Payment Corporation of India
(c) National Payment and receipt card for Individuals
(gr) National Payment and receipt card for Individuals
(d) None of the above
(S>r) None of the above
52. What is special advantage of RuPay Debit Card?
52 éno S>o{~Q> H$mS>m©Mm {deof cm^ (\$m`Xm) H$m`?
(a) It provides accidental insurance cover upto Rs. 1.00 lac
(E) é. 1 cmI n`ªVMo AnKmVr {d_m H$dM Vo nwadVo.
(b) It is on ATM card
(~r) Vo EH$ ATMH$mS>© Amho.
(c) It is debit and credit card
(gr) Vo EH$ S>o{~Q> d Ho«${S>Q> H$mS>© Amho.
(d) It is substitute for the KCC.
(S>r) Vo KCC À`m EodOr Amho.
53. What is the expansion of PIN?
53 PIN Mo {dñVm[aV én H$m`?
(a) Personal Identification Number
(E) Personal Identification Number
(b) Personal Information Number
(~r) Personal Information Number
(c) Productive Information Number
(gr) Productive Information Number
(d) Purposive Information Number
(S>r) Purposive Information Number
54. How much interest savings would earn in PMJDY Account?
54 PMJDY ImË`mVrc ~MVrda {H$Vr ì`mO {_ioc?
(a) Interest rate applicable for Saving Bank Accounts (Presently @
4% in most of the banks)
(E) ~MV ~±H$ ImË`m§da cmJy ì`mO Xa (gÜ`m A{YH$m§e ~±H$mV @ 4%)
(b) Interest rate will be decided by the Finance Ministry
(~r) {dÎm _§Ìmc` Ûmam ì`mO Xa R>a{dcm OmB©c.
(c) No interest will be provided
(gr) H$mhrhr ì`mO {_iUma Zmhr.
(d) Interest at 2% for the time being

(S>r) gÜ`m 2% ì`mO Xa
55. Can a minor open an account under PMJDY?
55 PMJDY A§VJ©V AkmZ ì`ŠVr (_m`Zm°a) ImVo CKSy> eH$Vmo H$m?
(a) A Minor of above the age of 18 years can open his/ her Savings
account in any bank.
(E) H$moUË`mhr ~±Ho$V 18 dfm©darc Ad`ñH$ Ë`mMo / {VMo ~MV ~±H$ ImVo CKSy> eH$Vo.
(b) A minor of above the age of 10 years can open his/ her Savings
Bank Account in any bank.
(~r) H$moUË`mhr ~±Ho$V 10 dfm©darc AkmZ$ Ë`mMo /{VMo ~MV ~±H$ ImVo CKSy> eH$Vo.
(c) A minor of above the age of 12 years can open his/ her Savings
Bank account in any bank.
(gr) H$moUË`mhr ~±Ho$V 12 dfm©darc Ad`ñH$ Ë`mMo / {VMo ~MV ~±H$ ImVo CKSy> eH$Vo.
(d) A minor cannot open the account under the scheme.
(S>r) `mo `moOZoA§VJ©V Ad`ñH$ ì`ŠVr ImVo CKSy> eH$V Zmhr.
56. Can a person get her PMJDY account transferred to other City/ State upon
the transfer to other States?
56 ì`ŠVr Ë`mMo/ {VMr PMJDY ImVo, Amnco ñWmZm§VaU / V¡ZmVr BVa amÁ`m§V Pmë`mda BVa
eha/ amÁ`m§V, A§V[aV H$ê$ eH$Vo H$m?
(a) All banks participating in PMJDY are on Core Banking Solution
platform and theaccount can easily be transferred to any branch
of the bank in any city/ town as per the request of the account-
(E) PMJDY gh^mJr Pmcoë`m gd© ~±H$m H$moa ~±qH$J goë`yeZ âc°Q> \$m_© da AmhoV, Ë`m
ImVoXmamÀ`m {dZ§VrZwgma H$moUË`mhr ZJa/ ehamVrc H$moUË`mhr emIoV ImVo ghOnUo
A§V[aH$ hmoD$ eH$Vo.
(b) All banks accounts can easily be transferred to any branch of the
bank in any city/ town as per the request of the account- holder.
(~r) gd© ~±H$ ImVr ~±Ho$À`m H$moUË`mhr emIoVyZ H$moUË`mhr ZJa/ eham§V ghOnUo ImVoXmamÀ`m
{dZ§VrZwgma A§V[aV hmoD$ eH$VmV.
(c) Accounts cannot be transferred to another branch of the bank in any
city/ town as per the request of the account-holder.
(gr) ImVoXmamÀ`m {dZ§VrZwgma ~±Ho$À`m Xwgè`m emIoV H$moUË`mhr ZJam§V/ eham§V A§V[aV hmoD$ eH$V
(d) Accounts can be transferred with special permission of the Regional
head of the bank.
(S>r) ~±Ho$À`m joÌr` à_wImÀ`m {deof AZw_{VZo ImVr A§V[aV hmoD$ eH$VmV.
57. Which one of the following statements is incorrect as regards RuPay Debit

57 éno S>o{~Q> H$mS>m©À`m ~m~VrV Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo H$WZ MyH$ Amho?
(a) This card is accepted for cash withdrawal at all ATMs within India.
(E) ^maVmVrc gd© ATMs da amoH$S>rÀ`m AmhaUmgmR>r ho H$mS>© ñdrH$maco OmVo.
(b) This card is accepted for making cashless payment for purchases
at all the POS in the country
(~r) Xoem§A§VJ©V gd© POS da IaoXrÀ`m amoH$S>a{hV A{YXmZ (no_|Q>) gmR>r ho H$mS>©
ñdrH$maco OmVo.
(c) It is a debit card introduced by NPCI.
(gr) NPCI Ûmam ho H$mS>© gwê$ Ho$co Joco.
(d) It is an indigenouws domestic debit card.
(S>r) ho EH$ _ycV… Xoer` S>o~rQ> H$mS>© Amho.
58. Which of the following is India‘s own domestic card network?
58 Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo ^maVmMo Xoer` ZoQ>dH©$ Amho?
(a) Visa
(E) drOm
(b) Mastercard
(~r) _mñQ>aH$mS>©
(c) RuPay
(gr) éno
(d) Maestro
(S>r) _°ñQ´>mo
59. Expand ‘NPCI‘
59 ‘NPCI‘ Mo {dñVm[aV én.............
(a) National payments Corporation of India
(E) National payments Corporation of India
(b) Notional payment Co-operative Institute
(~r) Notional payment Co-operative Institute
(c) New payment Corporation of India
(gr) New payment Corporation of India
(d) New payment Co-operative Institute
(S>r) New payment Co-operative Institute
60. BSBDA refers to ………………………
60 BSBDA Mm g§X^©.............
(a) Basic Savings and Bank Deposit Account
(E) _yi ~MV d ~±H$ ImVo
(b) Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
(~r) _yi ~MV ~±H$ R>od ImVo
(c) Bank Savings and Bank Deposit Account
(gr) ~±H$ ~MV d ~±H$ R>od ImVo

(d) None of the above
(S>r) `mn¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
61. A Business Correspondent / Bank Mitra is………………….
61 ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©/ ~±H$ {_Ì................ Amho.
(a) Retail agent engaged by banks for providing banking services
at locations where opening of branch banking not viable.
(E) {OWo ~«±M ~±qH$J ì`dhm`© Zmhr Aem n[agam§V / ñWmZm§da ~±qH$J godm nwa{dÊ`mgmR>r
~±H$m§Zr {Z`wŠV Ho$coco {H$aH$moi EO§Q>.
(b) Working for the recovery of the loan
(~r) H$Om©Mr dgycr H$aUmao (EO§Q>)
(c) The name of bank staff
(gr) ~±H$ ñQ>m\$ Mo Zmd
(d) None of the above
(S>r) `mn¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
62. Which the following are falling under the scope of activities of Business
correspondents/ Bank Mitra?
62 ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©/ ~±H$ {_Ì H$m`m© A§VJ©V Imcrcn¡H$s H$m` Amho?
(a) Creating Awareness about saving and other products and education
and advice on managing money and debt counseling.
(E) ~MV d BVa CËnmXm§{df`r OmJê$H$Vm AmUUo, VgoM n¡gm ì`dñWmnZ d H$O©{df`H$ gyMZm d
{ejU XoUo.
(b) Identification of potential customers.
(~r) g§^mì` J«mhH$m§Mr AmoiI
(c) Collection and preliminary processing of various forms for deposits
including verification of primary information/ data. Filling of
application/ account opening forms
(gr) àmW{_H$ _m{hVr/ S>oQ>m `m§À`m gË`mnZmg{hV R>odr {df`H$ {d{dY \$m°_©Mo àmW{_H$ àmogoqgJ d
g§J«hU AO©/ ImVo CKS>Ê`mMo \$m°_© ^aUo, N>moQ>çm aŠH$_oÀ`m R>odrMo g§J«hU d no_|Q> / AmhaU
(d) Collection and payment of small value deposits and withdrawals.
(S>r) N>moQ>çm a³H$‘m ñdrH$maUo d N>moQ>çm a³H$‘oMo no‘|Q> H$aUo
(e) All the above.
(B©) darc gd©
63. Who among the following cannot be Bank Mitra?
63 Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU ~±H$ {_Ì ~Zy eH$V Zmhr?
(a) Retired Bank Employees
(E) {Zd¥Îm ~±H$ H$_©Mmar
(b) Retired Teachers
(~r) {Zd¥g {ejH$
(c) Retired Govt. Employees
(gr) {Zd¥Îm gaH$mar H$_©Mmar

(d) Local panchayat Secretary
(S>r) ñWm{ZH$ n§Mm`V g{Md
64. The scope of the activities to be undertaken by the Business Correspondents
will not include………………..
64 ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©Ûmam Ho$ë`m OmV Agcoë`m H$m`mªÀ`m ì`mßVrV......................Mm g_mdoe
(a) Identification of potential customers
(E) g§^mì` J«mhH$m§Mr AmoiI (nhMmZ)
(b) Collection of small value deposits
(~r) N>moQ>çm R>odr g§J«{hV H$aUo
(c) Sanctioning of loans not exceeding Rs. 1000
(gr) 1,000/- n`ªVMr H$O} _§Oya H$aUo
(d) Recovery of principal and collection of interest from the borrower
(S>r) H$O©Xmam§H$Sy>Z _yi aŠH$_ d ì`mO dgyc H$aUo.
65. Expand 'AEPS'
65 'AEPS'' Mo nyU© ê$n
(a) Account Enable payment system
(E) Account Enable payment system
(b) Aadhaar Enable payment & Settlement
(~r) Aadhaar Enable payment & Settlement
(c) Aadhaar Enable payment system
(gr) Aadhaar Enable payment system
(d) Anywhere Electronic payment solution
(~r) Anywhere Electronic payment solution
66. A major technological development in banking sector is the adoption of the
CBS. Here, the abbreviation ‘CBS‘ refers to ………………….
66 ~±qH$J joÌmVrc V§ÌkmZ {df`H$ à_wI ~m~ åhUOo CBS Mo A§JrH$aU BWo, g§jonmZwgma CBS
Mm g§X^©......
(a) Core Banking Solution
(E) Core Banking Solution
(b) Combined Banking System
(~r) Combined Banking System
(c) Collection Banking System
(gr) Collection Banking System
(d) Core Business Solution
(S>r) Core Business Solution
67. Adhaar number is a……………. digit number.
67 AmYma H«$_m§H$ hm........................... A§H$s` Z§~a AgVmo.
(a) 8

(E) 8
(b) 10
(~r) 10
(c) 12
(gr) 12
(d) 15
(S>r) 15
68. Under e- KYC, the Aadhaar KYC service at UIDAI authenticates
68 e- KYC A§VJ©V UIDAI Mr AmYma KYC godm J«mhH$mMm.......... A{Yà_m{UV H$aVo.
(a) Data
(E) S>mQ>m
(b) Movement
(~r) hmcMmc
(c) Only bank account number
(gr) Ho$di ~±H$ ImVo H«$_m§H$
(d) None of the above
(S>r) darc n¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
69. What are the advantage of Mobile Banking?
69 _mo~mB©c ~±qH$JMo H$m` \$m`Xo AmhoV?
(a) It enables the subscribers to manage their financial trans-action
( Funds transfer) independent of place and time.
(E) dJ©UrXma/ J«mhH$m§Zm ñWmZ d g_` `m§À`mda Adc§~yZ Z amhVm Ë`m§Mo {dÎmr` ì`dhma ({ZYr
A§VaUm) Mr _w^m XoVo.
(b) The subscriber can approach a retailer of mobile network for
withdrawal/ deposit of money and the transaction takes place using
SMS messages.
(~r) dJ©UrXma/ J«mhH$ _mo~mB©c ZoQ>dH©$À`m [H$aH$moi {dH«o$Ë`m_m\©$V, n¡go O_m/ H$ê$ dm H$mTy> eH$Vmo
d SMS g§XoemÛmao ì`dhma nyU© Ho$cm OmVo.
(c) Various banking services like Funds Transfer, Immediate payment
Services, Enquiry Services (Balance enquiry/ Mini statement), Demat
Account Services, Requests for Cheque Book, Bill payments, etc.
may be carried out through mobile banking.
(gr) _mo~mB©c ~±qH$J _m\©$V {d{dY ~±qH$J godm Ogo {ZYr A§VaU, VËH$mc no_|Q> godm, Mm¡H$er godm
({e„H$sMr Mm¡H$er/ {_Zr {ddaU) {S>_°Q> ImVo godm, MoH$~wH$ gmR>r {dZ§Vr, {~c no_|Q> BË`mXrMm
dmna H$aVm `oVmo.
(d) All the above
(S>r) darc gd©
70. Which of the following is not true regarding Micro-ATMS?

70 _mBH«$moATMS ~m~V Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo ~amo~a (gË`) Zmhr?
(a) Micro- ATMs are biometric authentication enabled hand- held device
(E) _mBH«$mo ATMs hr ~m`mo_¡{Q´>H$ A{Yà_m{UV hmVmV nH$S>Ê`mMr (h±S> hoëS>) gmYZo AmhoV.
(b) In order to make the ATMs viable at rural/ semi- urban centers, low
cost Micro- ATMs would be deployed at each of the Bank Mitra
(~r) J«m_rU / AY©ehar H|$Ðmda ATMs ì`dhm`© H$aÊ`mgmR>r àË`oH$ ~±H$ {_Ì ñWmZm§da H$_r
IMm©Mr gyú_ ATMs Cn`moJm§V AmUcr OmVrc.
(c) This device is not based on a mobile phone connection.
(gr) _mo~mB©c \$moZ OmoS>Urda ho gmYZ AmYm[aV Zmhr.
(d) This would enable a person to instantly deposit or with. Draw funds
regardless of the bank associated with a particular Bank Mitra/
Business Correspondent.
(S>r) `m_wio ì`ŠVr VËH$mi {ZYr R>ody `m H$mTy> eH$Vo. _J ~±H$ {d{eï> ~±H$ {_Ì ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©er
OmoS>cocr Agmo dm ZgVmo.
71. Which of the following are the major functionaries under Kiosk Banking
71 {H$`m°ñH$ Kiosk ~±qH$J M°Zoc A§VJ©V Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo à_wI H$m`©H$V} AmhoV?
(a) Administrator- a bank official
(E) àemgH$-~±H$ A{YH$mar
(b) Business Correspondent
(~r) ì`mdgm{`H$ g§nH$s©
(c) Kiosk Operator
(gr) {H$`m°ñH$ n[aMmcH$
(d) All of the above
(S>r) darc gd©
72. POS Machine is a small device installed at almost all Business Centers to
facilitate cashless purchases to their customers. POS stand
72 POS _erZ Ago N>moQ>o gmYZ Amho Oo gd© H$mamo~mar H|$Ðmda ñWm{nV AgyZ Ë`m_wio J«mhH$m§Zm
amoH$S>a{hV IaoXr H$aVm`oVo.POS Mo nyU© ê$n-
(a) Payment on Sale
(E) Payment on Sale
(b) Point of Sale
(~r) Point of Sale
(c) Point of Settlement
(gr) Point of Settlement
(d) Purchase & Sales
(S>r) Purchase & Sales

73. What is the infrastructure requirement for the Kiosk Operator?
73 {H$`m°ñH$ n[aMmcH$mgmR>r nm`m^yV gw{dYoMr H$moUVr JaO hdr?
(a) PC with web camera & speaker.
(E) PC do~ H°$_oam d ñnrH$a g{hV
(b) Internet Connectivity.
(~r) B§Q>aZoQ> OmoS>Ur
(c) Finger Print Scanner.
(gr) q\$Ja qàQ> (~moQ>m§À`m R>í`mMm) ñH°$Za
(d) All of the above
(S>r) darc gd©©
74. ATM is one of the banking channels. Here, the abbreciation ‘ATM‘ refers
74 ATM ho ~±qH$J M°Zcm§n¡H$s EH$ Amho. BWo g§jonmda ATM Mm g§X^© ......................er
(a) Any Time Money
(E) Any Time Money
(b) Automated Teller Machine
(~r) Automated Teller Machine
(c) Automated Transaction Money
(gr) Automated Transaction Money
(d) All Time Money
(S>r) All Time Money
75. What is the main purpose of the NPS Lite initiated by the Govt?
75 ^maV gaH$maÛmam gwê$ Ho$ë`m Jocoë`m NPS cmBQ> Mo à_wI H$maU H$m`?
(a) “NPS- lite“ is for weaker sections of society.
(E) NPS cmB©Q> hr g_mOmÀ`m H$_Omoa dJm©gmR>r Amho.
(b) NPS- lite“ is for economically disadvantaged sections of society.
(~r) Am{W©H$ X¥îQ>çm Acm^mpÝdV Aem g_mOmÀ`m dJm©gmR>r Amho.
(c) Both a and c
(gr) XmoÝhr E d gr
(d) None of the above
(gr) dacr n¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
76. Which of the following is not a feature of Swavalamban Scheme launched
by the Govt?
76 gaH$ma Ûmam Ama§^ Ho$coë`m ñdmdc§~Z `moOZoMo Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo R>iH$ d¡{eîQ>ç Zmhr?
(a) “ Swavalamban “ will be available for persons who join NPS or
NPS “Lite“
(E) () d () cmB©Q>_Ü`o gh^mJr hmoUmè`m ì`ŠVrgmR>r ""ñdmdc§~Z'' CncãY amhrc.
(b) Minimum contribution is Rs. 1000 per annum during a financial

(~r) {dÎmr` dfm©V Ý`yZV_ A§eXmZ ê$. 1000 à{Vdf© hdo.
(c) Maximum contribution of Rs. 12000 per annum during a financial
(gr) {dÎmr` dfm©V A{YH$V_ A§eXmZ ê$. 12000 à{Vdf© hmdo.
(d) Govt. will contribute Rs. 2000 in their NPS account each year
upto the year 2016-17.
(S>r) df© 2016-17 n`©V gaH$ma Ë`m§À`m () ImË`m§V é. 2000 Mo A§eXmZ XoB©c.
77. Under the Swavalamban Scheme a subscriber will be allowed exit at age of
77 ñdmdc§~Z `moOZoA§VJ©V gh^mJr (dJ©UrXma) `moOZoVyZ ~mhoa nS>Ê`mMo d`........... Agoc.
(a) 50 years
(E) 50 df}
(b) 60 years
(~r) 60 df}
(c) 25 years
(gr) 25 df}
(d) 45 years
(S>r) 45 df}
78. Which of the following is a unique number given when an individual
subscribes to New pension Scheme?
78 Á`mdoir d¡`pŠVH$ dJ©UrXma ZdrZ n|eZ `moOZoV gh^mJr hmoVmo Ë`mdoir Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVm
{d{eï> H«$_m§H$ {Xcm OmVmo?
(a) PAN
(b) PRAN
(~r) PRAN
(d) PIN
(S>r) PIN
79. Expand 'PRAN'
79 PRAN Mo {dñVm[aV ê$n H$m`?
(a) Personal Retirement Account Number
(E) Personal Retirement Account Number
(b) Personal Registry Account Number
(~r) Personal Registry Account Number
(c) Permanent Registration Account Number
(gr) Permanent Registration Account Number
(d) Permanent Retirement Account Number

(S>r) Permanent Retirement Account Number
80. Which of the following is the pension scheme of GOI for weaker and
economically disadvantaged sections of society?
80 GOI (^maV gaH$ma) Mr Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVr n|eZ `moOZm g_mOmÀ`m Am{W©H$ÑîQ>çm
Acm^m{ÝdV d Xw~©c KQ>H$mgmR>r Amho?
(a) NPS-Main
(E) NPS à_wI
(b) NPS- Lite
(~r) NPS cmBQ>
(c) National Pension System-main
(gr) amï´>r` n|eZ `moOZm à_wI
(d) None of the above
(S>r) darcn¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
81. What is the minimum contribution per annum during a financial year under
Swavalamban Scheme?
81 ñdmdc§~Z `moOZoA§VJ©V {dÎmr` dfm©V Ý`yZV_ A§eXmZ à{Vdf© H$m` Amho?
(a) Rs. 1000
(E) 1000/-
(b) Rs. 5000
(~r) é. 5000/-
(c) Rs. 10000/
(gr) é. 10,000/-
(d) Rs. 12000/
(S>r) é. 12,000/-
82. Who are the target group/s of Swavalamban Scheme?
82 ñdmdc§~Z `moOZoMo cú` g_yh H$moU AmhoV?
(a) People working in organized sector
(E) g§J{R>V joÌm§V H$m`©aV ì`ŠVr
(b) People working in unorganized sector
(~r) Ag§J{R>V joÌm§V H$m`©aV ì`ŠVr
(c) People working in organized and unorganized sectors
(gr) g§J{R>V d Ag§J{R>V joÌm§V H$m`©aV ì`ŠVr
(d) Only people working in rural oareas
(S>r) Ho$di J«m_rU joÌm§V H$m`©aV ì`ŠVr
83. Which one of the following is true regarding Micro insurance?
83 _mBH«$mo (gyú_) {då`mÀ`m ~m~VrV Imcrcn¡H$s H$m` ~amo~a (gË`) AmhoV?
(a) A Micro-insurance policy can be a general or life insur- ance
policy with a sum assured of Rs. 50,000 or less as defined by

(E) _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr hr gmYmaU dm Am`w{d©_m nm°{cgr Agy eH$Vo d (IRDAI)
À`m ì`m»`oZwgma {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 50, 000/- dm H$_r Agy eH$Vo.
(b) A Micro-insurance policy can be a general or life insur- ance policy
with a sum assured of Rs. 50,000 or less as defined by RBI.
(~r) _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr hr gmYmaU dm Am`w{d©_m nm°{cgr Agy eH$Vo d RBI À`m ì`m»`oZwgma
{d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ ê$. 50,000/- dm H$_r Agy eH$Vo.
(c) A Micro-insurance policy can be a general or life insur- ance policy
with a sum assured of Rs. 40,000 or less as defined by IRDAI.
(gr) _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr hr gmYmaU dm Am`w{d©_m nm°{cgr Agy eH$Vo d IRDAI À`m ì`m»`oZwgma
{d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 40,000/- dm H$_r Agy eH$Vo.
(d) A Micro-insurance policy can be a general or life insur- ance policy
with a sum assured of Rs. 60,000 or less as defined by IRDAI.
(gr) _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr hr gmYmaU dm Am`w{d©_m nm°{cgr Agy eH$Vo d IRDAI À`m ì`m»`oZwgma
{d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 60,000/- dm H$_r Agy eH$Vo.
84. Which of the following agencies involved in Micro-Insurance?
84 _mBH«$mo {dÎm_Ü`o Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUË`m g§ñWmMm g_mdoe hmoVmo?
(a) Non- Governmental Organisations
(E) J¡a-gaH$mar g§JR>Zo
(b) Self- Help Groups
(~r) ñd`§ ghm`Vm g_yh
(c) Micro-Finance Institutions
(gr) _mBH«$mo {dÎm g§ñWm
(d) All the above.
(S>r) darc gd©
85. Which one of the following cannot be insured?
85 Imcrc n¡H$s Hw$UmMm {d_m H$mT>cm OmD$ eH$V Zmhr?
(a) Valuable households
(E) _yë`dmZ Hw$Qw>§~o (Kao)
(b) Life of a person
(~r) ì`ŠVrMo Am`wî`
(c) Status of a family member
(gr) Hw$Qw>§~mVrc gXñ`mMr nV
(d) Risk of personal accident
(S>r) ì`pŠVJV AnKmVmMr Omo{I_
86. The price for insurance is called……………
86 {då`mÀ`m _yë`mcm.................... åhQ>co OmVo
(a) Fee
(E) \$s
(b) Service charge

(~r) godmewëH$
(c) Premium
(gr) {à{_`_
(d) Instalment
(S>r) hßVm
87. Under……………….. plan of insurance the sum assured is paid on expiry
of the policy term only if the life assured does not die within that term.
87 {då`mÀ`m................ ßc°ZA§VJ©V, {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ nm°{cgrMr _wXV g§në`mdaM AXm Ho$cr
OmVo Oa {d_mH¥$V ì`ŠVrMr {då`mÀ`m _wXVrV _¥Ë`y hmoV Zmhr.
(a) Term Assurance plans
(E) _wXVr {d_m ßc°Z
(b) Endowment plans
(~r) Y_m©Xm` (E§S>mD$_|Q>) {d_m ßcmZ
(c) Whole Life plans
(gr) AmOrdZ {d_m ßc°Z
(d) None of the above
(S>r) darc n¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr
88. Which one of the following does not constitute a micro insurance policy?
88 Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVr _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr Zmhr?
(a) A general insurance policy with sum assured less than Rs. 50000
(E) gmYmaU {d_m nm°{cgr {OWo {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 50,000 nojm H$_r AgVo.
(b) A general insurance policy with sum assured less than Rs. 50000
(~r) Am`w{d©_m {d_m nm°{cgr {OWo {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 50,000 nojm H$_r AgVo.
(c) An insurance policy either general or life with sum as-sured of Rs.
(gr) gmYmaU {d_m nm°{cgr {OWo {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 50,000 Mr AgVo.
(d) An insurance policy either general or life with sum as-sured
more than Rs. 50000
(S>r) gmYmaU {d_m nm°{cgr {OWo {d_mH¥$V aŠH$_ é. 50,000 nojm OmñV AgVo.
89. Micro insurance policies are a special category of insurance policies to
promote insurance coverage among………………………
89 ...................._Ü`o {då`mÀ`m g§dY©ZmgmR>r _mBH«$mo {d_m nm°{cgr `m {deof àdJm©Vrc
{d_m nm°{cgr AmhoV?
(a) Economically vulnerable people
(E) Am{W©H$ Xw~©c ì`ŠVr
(b) Low income women only
(~r) Ho$di H$_r àmßVrÀ`m pñÌ`m
(c) Financially excluded landless labourers only
(gr) Ho$di ^y_rhrZ _Oya Oo {dÎmr` Ñï>rZo dJicoco AmhoV.

(d) Distressed farmers only
(S>r) Ho$di ì`{WV/ Xw…Ir eoVH$ar {H$gmZ
90. What are steps taken by the Govt. to monitor the progress under PMJDY
90 PMJDY `moOZoA§VJ©V àJVrMr XoIaoI H$aÊ`mgmR>r gaH$maV\}$ H$m` nmD$co CMccr
Jocr AmhoV?
(a) The Govt. has set-up on extensive mechanism for generating data
(E) S>oQ>m V`ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r gaH$maZo ì`mnH$ `§ÌUm J{R>V Ho$cr Amho.
(b) The data will be used to monitor the progress of the Scheme at various
stages on an on-going basis
(~r) gVV AmYmamda {d{dY ñVamda `moOZoÀ`m àJVrda XoIaoIrgmR>r S>oQ>m dmnacm OmB©c.
(c) Banks and other agencies will be involed.
(gr) ~±H$m VgoM BVa EO|grMr g_mdoe Ho$cm OmB©c.
(d) All the above
(S>r) darc gd©
91. Which of the following is not involved in MIS and data generation for
PMJDY Scheme?
91 PMJDY `moZOogmR>r S>oQ>m V`ma H$aÊ`mH$[aVm d MIS _Ü`o Imcrcn¡H$s HwUmMm g_mdoe
(a) IBA
(E) (gr) (^maVr ~±H$ g§K)
(b) SLBC
(~r) SLBC(amÁ`ñVar` A§_c~OmdUr g{_Vr)
(c) Lokadalats
(gr) cmoH$ AXmcVo
(d) Lead District Manager
(S>r) AJ«Ur {Oëhm ì`dñWmnH$ LDM
92. Which of the following is true regarding the MIS under the PMJIDY?
92 PMJIDY A§VJ©V MIS {df`H$ Imcrcn¡H$s H$m` ~amo~a Amho?
(a) Periodic Reports to be generated would be district wise/ state wise
and would include covered villages with uncovered households
needing opening of fresh account, covered villages with uncovered
(E) V`ma hmoUmao {Z`VH$m{cH$ (Periodic) [anmoQ>© ho {Oëhmdma/ amÁ`dma AgVrc Am{U Ë`m_Ü`o
H$ìhS>© Jm§dmVrc ZdrZ ImVr CKS>Ê`mgmR>r, AZH$ìhS>© Hw$Qw>§~o VgoM H$ìhS>© Jmdo Á`m_Ü`o AZH$ìhS>©
Hw$Qw>§~o AmhoV Ë`m§Mm g_mdoe Agoc
(b) Each Bank Would have a structured System generated MIS system
to monitor the function of Bank Mitra (Business Correspondent) in
the field.

(~r) àË`oH$ ~±Ho$Mr g§a{MV MIS àUmcr hr ~±H$ {_Ì (ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©) À`m H$m`m©da XoIaoIrgmR>r
(c) IBA will have a monitoring committee which shall review the
progress on weekly basis. The information for monitoring shall be
extracted from the DFS portal.
(gr) IBA Mr EH$ XoIaoI g{_Vr Agoc Or gmßVm{hH$ AmYmamda àJVrMr g_rjm H$arc. DFS
nmoQ>©c_YyZ XoIaoIrgmR>rMr _m{hVr KoVcr OmB©c.
(d) All the above
(S>r) darc gd©
93. The District level Implementation Committee for implementation and
monitoring of PMJDY Scheme is headed by………………..
93 PMJDY `moOZoMr A§_c~OmdUr d XoIaoIrgmR>r {Oëhm ñVar` A§_c~OmdUr g{_VrMr
à_wI.............. AgVmo.
(a) Lead District Manager
(E) AJ«Ur {Oëhm ì`dñWmnH$
(b) District Collector
(~r) {Oëhm{YH$mar
(c) District Development Manager of NABARD
(gr) NABARD Mm {Oëhm {dH$mg A{YH$mar
(d) Zilla Panchayat Secretary
(S>r) {Oëhm n§Mm`V g{Md
94. Who among the following is not a member of the District Level
Implementation Committee for implementation and monitoring of PMJDY
94 PMJDY `moOZoÀ`m A§_c~OmdUr d XoIaoIrgmR>rÀ`m {OëhmñVar` A§_c~OmdUr g{_VrMm
Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU gXñ` ZgVmo?
(a) District Development Manager of NABARD
(E) NABARD Mm {Oëhm {dH$mg ì`dñWmnH$
(b) Branch Manager of one of the rural bank branch
(~r) Hw$Um EH$m J«m_rU ~±Ho$Mm emIm ì`dñWmnH$
(c) NRLM members
(gr) NRLM gXñ`
(d) Senior most officers of banks in the district
(S>r) {OëømVrc ~±H$m§Mm d[aï>V_ A{YH$mar
95. What is the frequency of period of frequency of monitoring by the district
Level Implementation Committee under PMJDY scheme?
95 PMJDY `moOZoAV§ J©V {Oëhm ñVar` A§_c~OmdUr g{_VrÀ`m XoIaoIrMm H$mcmdYrMr dma§dmaVm
H$m` AgVo?
(a) Qiarterly

(E) {V_mhr
(b) Monthly
(~r) _m{gH$
(c) Fortnightly
(gr) nm{jH$
(d) Weekly
(S>r) gmßVm{hH$
96. Expand ‘NABARD‘
96 NABARD Mo {dñVm[aV én .........Amho.
(a) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(E) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(b) New Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
(~r) New Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
(c) National Bank for Agriculture and Regional Development
(gr) National Bank for Agriculture and Regional Development
(d) New Bank of Agriculture Co-operative and Rural Development.
(S>r) New Bank of Agriculture Co-operative and Rural Development.
97. What is the role of Central Govt. in taking the PMJDY forward?
97 PMJDY nwT>o ZoÊ`mgmR>r H|$Ðr` gaH$ma Mr H$m` ^y{_H$m Amho?
(a) The Department of Financial Services, MOS, GOI has project on
Financial Inclusion and the overall Monitoring and Implementation
of the Mission.
(E) {dÎmr` godm {d^mJ (DFS) MOS, GOI cm {dÎmr` g_mdoeZmdarc {_eZ _moS> àmoOoŠQ>Mr
g_J« _mcH$s {Xcr Jocr Amho. VgoM {_eZMr g_J« XoIaoI d A§_c~OmdUr gwnwX© Ho$cocr Amho.
(b) Other Central Government Departments have been in-cluded in order
to achieve the completefinancial inclusion and transfer of social
benefits in the accounts of the beneficiaries.
(~r) g§nyU© {dÎmr` g_mdoeZ d cm^mWuÀ`m ImË`m§V gm_m{OH$ cm^m§Mo A§VaU àmßV H$aÊ`mgmR>r
BVa gaH$mar {d^mJm§Mm g_mdoe Ho$cm Jocm Amho.
(c) The concerned Departments of Central Government would
coordinate with the stake holders.
(gr) H|$Ð gaH$maMo g§~§{YV {d^mJ ho {hVYmaH$m§er g_Ýd` gmYVrc.
(d) All the above.
(S>r) darc gd©
98. Which of the following is/ one true regarding the implementation of PMJDY?
98 PMJDY À`m A§_c~OmdUr {df`H$ Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUVo ~amo~a gË`/ Amho/ AmhoV?
(a) Mission Director at State level shall take responsibility of monitoring
of financial inclusion campaign.
(E) amÁ` ñVamda {_eZ {ZX}eH$ {dÎmr` g_mdoeZ _mohr_rMr XoIaoI H$aÊ`mMr O~m~Xmar {Z^mdoc.

(b) Mission Director shall function in coordination with SLBC & all
the stakeholders
(~r) {_eZ {ZX}eH$ SLBC d gd© {hVYmamH$m§À`m g_Ýd`mZo H$m`© H$arc.
(c) SLB Conven. Shall act as Secretary to state implementation
committee and maintain coordination with all the Banks for Financial
Inclusion Activity. He has to oversee the monitoring and follow
up of different activities of Financial inclusion.
(gr) SLB Mm g§`moOH$ hm amÁ` A§_c~OmdUr g{_VrMm g{Md Agoc Am{U {dÎmr` g_mdoeZ
H$m`©H«$_mgmR>r gd© ~±H$m§er g_Ýd` gmYoc d Vmo {dÎmr` g_mdoeZmÀ`m {d{dY H$m`m©Mr XoIaoI
d nmR>nwamdm `mda cj R>odrc.
(d) All The above
(S>r) darc gd©
99. What is the role of the District Administration in the implementation of
99 PMDJY À`m A§_c~OmdUtV {Oëhm àemgZmMr H$m` ^y{_H$m Amho?
(a) District Administration has a key role in implementation of FI in the
(E) {Oëøm§V FI À`m A§_c~OmdUr_Ü`o {Oëhm àemgZmMr à_wI ^y{_H$m AgVo.
(b) District Collector shall act as Chairman of District level
implementation committee
(~r) {Oëhm ñVar` A§_c~OmdUr g{_VrMm AÜ`j åhUyZ {Oëhm{YH$mar Agoc.
(c) Lead District Manager has to act as Secretary to this Committee
(gr) `m g{_VrMm g{Md hm AJ«Ur {Oëhm ì`dñWmnH$ Agoc.
(d) All the above.
(S>r) darc gd©
100. UIDAI stands for…………………
100 UIDAI Mo nyU© ê$n.....................
(a) Unique Identification Authority of India
(E) Unique Identification Authority of India
(b) Unique Identification Action of India
(~r) Unique Identification Action of India
(c) Unique Information Authority of India
(gr) Unique Information Authority of India
(d) Unique identification Agency of India
(S>r) Unique identification Agency of India
112. ‘SLBC‘ refers to…………………
101 SLBC Mm g§X^©................. er Amho.
(a) State Level Bankers Co-ordination Committee
(E) State Level Bankers Co-ordination Committee
(b) State Level Bankers Committee
(~r) State Level Bankers Committee

(c) State Level Bankers Club
(gr) State Level Bankers Club
(d) None of the above
(S>r) None of the above
102. Who among the following can call the toll free number linked to the call
center installed by SLBCs for complaining on the difficulty in opening
accounts under PMJDY scheme?
102 Imcrcn¡H$s H$moU H$m°c g|Q>aer OmoS>coë`m Q>moc \«$s Z§~amer g§nH©$/ H$m°c H$ê$ eH$Vmo, Omo SLBC
Zo ñWm{nV Ho$cocm AgyZ PMJDY `moOZoA§VJ©V ImVr ImocÊ`mÀ`m g_ñ`m/ AS>MUr {df`H$
VŠH$ma H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amho.
(a) Any Citizen
(E) H$moUVmhr ZmJ[aH$
(b) Bank Branch Manager
(~r) ~±H$ emIm ì`dñWmnH$
(c) BC Agent
(gr) BC EO§Q>
(d) Lead District Manager
(S>r) AJ«Ur {Oëhm ì`dñWmnH$
103. The complaint registered with the SLBC to be forwarded to the concerned
for necessary action within………………… days.
103 SLBC H$S>o Zm|X Ho$cocr VH«$ma hr g§§~§{YVmH$S>o Amdí`H$ H$m`©dmhr gmR>r ..............
{XdgmV nmR>dm`cm hdr.
(a) 5
(E) 5
(b) 10
(~r) 10
(c) 15
(gr) 15
(d) 30
(S>r) 30
104. ‘DFS‘ stands for…………………
104 DFS Mo nyU© ê$n .................Amho
(a) District Financial Services Society
(E) District Financial Services Society
(b) Department of Financial Services
(gr) Department of Financial Services
(c) Distressed Farmers Service
(~r) Distressed Farmers Service
(d) None of the above
(S>r) None of the above

105. The ground level survey under PMJDY has to be completed within
……………. Of the start of the campaign.
105 PMJDY A§VJ©V J«mC§S> ñVar` gd}jU ho _mo{h_oÀ`m gwadmVrnmgyZ {Xdgm§V nyU© H$am`cm hdo.
(a) 1 year
(E) 1 df©
(b) 6 months
(~r) 6 _{hZo
(c) 4 months
(gr) 4 _{hZo
(d) 3 months
(S>r) 3 _{hZo
106. What is the LPG Subsidy scheme launched by the Govt.?
106 gaH$maZo Ama§^ Ho$cocr LPG g~{gS>r `moOZm H$m` Amho?
(a) The Govt. has decided to transfer LPG Subsidy by direct
payments to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries through
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) The Govt. has given emphasis
to roll out subsidies/ direct cash transfers on the basis of Aadhaar/
UID number of the resident.
(E) gaH$maZo {ZU©` KoVcm Amho H$s cm^mWuÀ`m ~±H$ ImË`m§V LPG g~{gS>r Mo
àË`j no_|Q> BcoŠQ´>m°{ZH$ cm^ A§VaUm_m\©$V (EBT) A§V[aV H$am`Mo. {ZdmgrÀ`m
AmYma UID H«$_m§H$mÀ`m AmYmamda g~{gS>r/ àË`j amoI A§VaU H$aÊ`mda ^a {Xcm
(b) The Govt. has decided to transfer LPG Subsidy by direct payments
to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
(~r) cm^mWuÀ`m ~±H$ ImË`m§V LPG g~{gS>r àË`j no_|Q> _m\©$V A§V[aV H$aÊ`mMm {ZU©`
gaH$maZo KoVcm Amho.
(c) The Govt. has decided to transfer LPG Subsidy by direct payments
to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries through Electronic Benefit
Transfer (EBT) such as LPG Subsidy etc.
(gr) gaH$maZo LPG g~{gS>r àË`j no_|Q>_m\©$V cm^mWuÀ`m ~±H$ ImË`m§V BcoŠQ´>m°{ZH$ cm^
A§VaU (EBT) Ûmao A§V[aV H$aÊ`mMm {ZU©` Ho$cm Amho. Ogo LPG g~{gS>r BË`mXr.
(d) None of the above.
(S>r) `mn¡H$s H$mhrhr Zmhr.
107. What are the modalities to be followed under the DBT of LPG Subsidy
107 LPG g~{gS>r `moOZoÀ`m DBT A§VJ©V H$moUË`m _moS>°{c{Q>OMo AZwgaU H$am`cm hdo?
(a) In Case the customer is having Aadhaar number the Aadhaar number
should be linked to their bank account and LPG distributor.
(E) Oa J«mhH$mÀ`m AmYma H«$_m§H$ Agoc Va AmYma H«$_m§H$ Ë`m§À`m ~±H$ ImË`mer VgoM () {dVaH$mer

VgoM LPG {dVaH$mer OmoS>m`cm hdm.
(b) If customer is not having Aadhaar number they should link/ seed
their bank account number with their LPG distributor.
(~r) Oa J«mhH$mMm AmYma H«$_m§H$ Zgoc Va Ë`m§Zr Ë`m§Mo ~±H$ ImVo Ë`m§À`m LPG {dVaH$mer
OmoS>m`cm hdo.
(c) The LPG consumer can also get subsidy by linking LPG Consumer
ID with their bank account.
(gr) LPG J«mhH$mcm Ë`mMm LPG JmhH$ ID Ë`mÀ`m ~±H$ ImË`mer OmoSy>Z XoIrc g~{gS>r {_iy
(d) All the above.
(S>r) darc gd©
108. Which of the following mode/s a Basic Savings Bank Deposit Accounts
under financial inclusionthrough BCs can be operated?
108 Imcrcn¡H$s H$moUË`m àH$mao _yi ~MV ~±H$ O_m ImVr, BC _m\©$V {dÎmre g_mdoeZ A§VJ©V
n[aMm{cV H$aVm `oD$ eH$VmV?
(a) Smart Card Only
(E) Ho$di ñ_mQ>© H$mS>©
(b) ATM/ Debit Card Only
(~r) Ho$di ATM S>o{~Q> H$mS>©
(c) RuPay Card Only
(gr) Ho$di éno H$mS>©
(d) All of the above.
(gr) darc gd©
109. EBT stands for…………….
109 EBT Mm AW© .................. Amho?
(a) Economic Benefit Transfer
(E) Economic Benefit Transfer
(b) Extra Benefit Transfer
(~r) Extra Benefit Transfer
(c) Electronic Benefit Transfer
(gr) Electronic Benefit Transfer
(d) Electronic Board for Transaction
(S>r) Electronic Board for Transaction
110. Banks have assigned ……………………… for opening of Basic savings
Bank Deposit Accounts under financial inclusion through Business
110 ì`dgm`r g§nH$s©_m\©$V {dÎmr` g_mdoeZm A§VJ©V _yi ~MV ~±H$ O_m ImVr CKS>Ê`mgmR>r
~±H$m§Zr.......... {Xco AmhoV.
(a) Scheme Codes
(E) `moOZm H$moS>

(b) Personal Identification Number
(~r) ì`pŠVJV nhMmZ (AmoiI) H«$_m§H$
(c) Adhaar Number
(gr) AmYma H«$_m§H$
(d) PRAN
(S>r) PRAN
111. Regional Rural Banks are established by Which Act
111 àmXo{eH$ J«m_rU ~±H$m `m H$moUË`m H$m`Úm A§VJ©V ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Amcoë`m AmhoV
(a) Regional Rural Bank Act 1976
(E) àmXo{eH$ J«m_rU ~±H$ H$m`Xm 1976
(b) Banking regulation Act 1949
(~r) ~±H$s¨J aoJycoeZ H$m`Xm 1949
(c) Reserve Bank Act 1934
(gr) ^maVr` [aPd© ~±H$ H$m`Xm 1934
(d) None of above
(S>r) darc n¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
112. Share capital of Regional Rural Banks are shared by
112 àmXoerH$ J«m_rU ~±H$m§Mo ^mJYmaH$ H$moU AmhoV
(a) Central Government
(E) H|$Ð gaH$ma
(b) Central Government and State Government
(~r) H|$ÐgaH$ma d amÁ` gaH$ma
(c) Central Government, Sate Government, Public
(gr) H|$Ð gaH$ma, amÁ`gaH$ma d OZVm
(d) Central Government, Sate Government, Sponsor Bank
(S>r) H|$Ð gaH$ma, amÁ` gaH$ma d nwañH¥$V ~±H$
113. Deposit kept in Banks are for the purpose of
113 ~±Ho$_Ü`o Imcrc H$maUmñVd R>odr R>odÊ`mV `oVmV
(a) Safety
(E) gwajrVVm
(b) Liquidity
(~r) VacVm
(c) Interest income
(gr) ì`mO
(d) All of above
(S>r) darc n¡H$s gd©
114. Loan account with security is known as
114 VmaUmgh H$O© Agcoë`m H$O© ImË`mg
(a) Secured loan

(E) gwajrV H$O© ImVo
(b) Unsecured loan
(~r) {~Ja VmaUmMo H$O©
(c) Demard loan
(gr) _mJUr H$O©
(d) Cash credit
(S>r) H°$e H«$rS>rQ>
115. Loans and advances which remain overdue for more than a specified
period is called as
115 {d[eï> H$mcmdYrnojm OmñV H$mcmdYrÀ`m WH$sV H$O© ImË`mg H$m` åhUVmV.
(a) Bad loans
(E) dmB©Q> H$O©
(b) Non performing Assets (NPA)
(~r) AZwËnmXH$ H$O© ImVo (EZnrE)
(c) Overdue loans
(gr) WH$sV H$O©
(d) Un recoverable loans
(S>r) dgwc Z hmoUmao H$O©
116. Remittance of funds by Banks is
116 ~±H$m_m\©$V nmR>{dÊ`mV `oUmar aŠH$_ hr
(a) Fast
(E) ËdarV
(b) Safe
(~r) gwajrV
(c) Cheap
(gr) ñdñV
(d) All above
(S>r) darc n¡H$s gd©
117. Full form of KYC is
117 Ho$dm`gr Mo nyU© Zmd
(a) Know your client
(E) Amnë`m J«mhH$m§Zm OmUm
(b) Know your consumer
(~r) Amnë`m Cn^moŠË`mcm AmoiIm
(c) Know your customer
(gr) Amnë`m J«mhH$m§Zm AmoiIm
(d) Know your copartner
(S>r) Amnë`m gh^mJYmaH$mg AmoiI
118. Illiterate person can operate his account by

118 A[ejrV ì`ŠVrV Amnë`m ImË`mVrc ì`dhma ho.
(a) Cheque book
(E ) MoH$À`m _mÜ`mVyZ
(b) On production of passbook and after verification of thumb
impression and proper identification of account holder
(~r) Amnco nmg~wH$ gmXa H$ê$Z d ñdV…Mm A§JR>m cmdyZ VgoM AmoiI nQ>{dë`mZ§Va
(c) By thumb impression only
(gr) A§JR>m cmdë`mZ§Va
(d) By request
(S>r) {dZ§VrZwgma
119. Maximum Number of nominees are permitted for nomination are
119 Zm_m§H$ZmÀ`m gw{dYoV OmñVrV OmñV Zm_m§{H$V ì`ŠVr {H$Vr AgVmV.
(a) Two
(E ) XmoZ
(b) Three
(~r) {VZ
(c) One
(gr) EH$
(d) Four
(S>r) Mma
120. When Balance lying in the deposit account is payable to nominee?
120 R>odrXmamÀ`m ImË`mV {e„H$ Agcocr aŠH$_ Zm_m§{H$V ì`ŠVrg H|$ìhm XoÊ`mV `oVo
(a) Depositor be came insolvent
(E ) R>odrXma {XdmiImoa Pmë`mg
(b) Depositor dies
(~r) R>odrXmamMm _¥Ë`y Pmë`mg
(c) Depositor Become ill
(gr) R>odrXma AmOmar nS>ë`mg
(d) Depositor went foreign country
(S>r) R>o{dXma naXoer {ZKyZ Joë`mg
121. A Cheque issued on specified date may be payable only before
121 R>am{dH$ {XZm§H$ {chrcoë`m MoH$Mo no_|Q> Ho$ìhm H$aVm `oVo
(a) One year from the date of cheque
(E ) MoH$darc {XZm§H$mÀ`m EH$ dfm©À`m AmV
(b) 6 Months from the date of cheque
(~r) MoH$darc {XZm§H$mÀ`m ghm _{hÝ`mn`ªV
(c) 3 months from the date of cheque
(gr) MoH$darc {XZm§H$mnmgyZ VrZ _{hÝ`mn`ªV
(d) One month from the date of cheque
(S>r) MoH$darc {XZm§H$mÀ`m EH$ _{hÝ`mn`ªV

122. To get the benefit of Accidental insurance cover Rupay Debit card must
be used at least
122 ATM ImVoXmamg AnKmV {d_m {_iÊ`mgmR>r H$_rV H$_r {H$Vr {Xdg AmJmoXa ì`dhma
Ho$cm nm{hOo.
(a) One in a day
(E ) XaamoO
(b) Once in a Month
(~r) Xa_hm
(c) Once in 45 days
(gr) 45 {XdgmMm AmV
(d) Once in Two Months
(S>r) XmoZ _{hÝ`mVyZ EH$Xm
123. How long the debit card is vallied
123 S>o{~Q> H$mS>rMr _wXV {H$Vr AgVo
(a) It is vallied up to 5 years
(E ) 5 dfm©n`ªV
(b) It is vallied up to 10 years
(~r) 10 dfm©n`ªV
(c) Its validity is mentioned on the card
(gr) S>o~rQ> H$mS>m©da Ë`mMr _wXV Xe©{dcocr AgVo.
(d) It is veiled till the account is closed
(S>r) R>od ImVo ~§X hmoB©n`ªV
124. If more than one account is in the bank how many accounts are coverd
under Accidential insurance
124 EH$mnojm OmñV ImVo Agë`mg AnKmV {d_m {H$Vr ImË`m§Zm {_ioc
(a) For only one debit card
(E ) \$ŠV EH$m S>o~rQ> H$mS>©gmR>r
(b) For each debit card
(~r) àË`oH$ S>o~rQ> H$mS>©gmR>r
(c) For one account in each bank
(gr) àË`oH$ ~±Ho$Vrc EH$m ImË`mgmR>r
(d) None of above
(S>r) darcn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
125. What is full form of POS Machine
125 POS _erZMo nyU© Zmd H$m`
(a) Post operational Scheme
(E) nmoñQ> Am°nQ>rH$c ñH$s_
(b) Preliminary optical scheme
(~r) àrcr_rZar Am°nQ>rH$c ñH$s_

(c) Point of sale
(gr) nm±B©Q> Am°\$ goc
(d) None of above
(S>r) darcn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr
126. Overdraft facility will be available under PMJDY is
126 àYmZ_§Ìr OZYZ `moZZoV CMc _`m©Xm {H$Vr {XdgmZ§Va {_iy eH$Vo
(a) After one months of satisfactory conduct of the account
(E) EH$ _{hZm g_mYmZH$maH$ ì`dhma Ho$ë`mZ§Va
(b) After two months of satisfactory conduct of the account
(~r) XmoZ _{hZo g_mYmZH$maH$ ì`dhma Ho$ë`mZ§Va
(c) After three months of satisfactory conduct of the account
(gr) VrZ _{hZo g_mYmZH$maH$ ì`dhma Ho$ë`mZ§Va
(d) After six months of satisfactory conduct of the account.
(S>r) ghm _{hZo g_mYmZH$maH$ ì`dhma Ho$ë`mZ§Va
127. Minimum balance required opening account under PMJDY is
127 àYmZ_§Ìr OZYZ `moOZoV ImVo CKS>Ê`mgmR>r {H$Vr aŠH$_ ^amdr cmJoc.
(a) Rs. 100/-
(E) é.100/-
(b) Rs. 200/-
(~r) é. 200/-
(c) Rs. 500/-
(gr) é. 500/-
(d) No minimum balance required
(S>r) H$mhr aŠH$_ ^aÊ`mMr Amdí`H$Vm Zmhr.
128. What is the rate of interest payable on overdraft facility under PMJDY
128 àYZ_§Ìr OZYZ `moOZoV CMc _`m©Xm ImË`m§Zm ì`mOmMm Xa H$m`?
(a) Base rate + 1%
(E) _wi ì`mOXa+1%
(b) Base rate
(~r) _wi ì`mOXa
(c) Base rate +2%
(gr) _wi ì`mOXa +2%
(d) No interest
(S>r) ì`mO Zmhr.


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