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Sosial elmlər və psixologiya fakültəsi, “Psixologiya” kafedrası

(I kurs, II smestr, i/b, ə/ş, 60s.)

“Ümumi psixologiya (Nitq və təfəkkür)”

İmtahan sualları

1. Aphasia
2. Basic forms of thinking
3. Behavioristic approach to thinking
4. Binet-Simon intelligence test
5. Ch. Spearman’s model of intelligence
6. Child development stages of thinking
7. Child speech development
8. Development stages of speech
9. Different approaches to the study of thinking
10.Egocentric speech
11.External speech and its features
12.External and inner speech
13.Flexible and logical thinking
14.G. Guilford model of creative thinking
15.General remark of creative thinking
16.Imagination and creativity
17.Independent and creative thinking
18.Intellectual behavior definition and its forms
19.Intellect measuring
20.Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
21.L.S. Vygotsky sociocultural theory
22. L. Thurstone’s model of intelligence
23.Language and consciousness
24.Language and speech and its comparative analysis
25. Monologic and dialogic speech
26.Oral and written speech
27.Pathology of thinking and speech
28. Problem solving
29. Psychological nature of thinking
30.Psychological nature of speech
31.R.Cattel’s model of intelligence
32. Speech and its functions
33.Speech disorders
34.Thinking and information processing
35. Gestalt approach to thinking
36. The problem of speech and thinking in J. Piaget’s theory
37.Thinking processes
38.Types of speech
39.Types of thinking
40.What is speech perception
41.B. Keller’s experiment on monkey
42.Concept formation
43.Consciousness and thinking, its differentiation and similarity
44.Inner speech and its features
45.Individual differences on thinking
46.Qualitative disturbances
47.Qualities of mind
48.Quantitative disturbances of thinking
49. Mechanical approach to thinking
50. Psychological problems of possession of speech
51. Relationship between intellect and speech
52.Relationship between thinking and speech
53.Role of language and speech in thinking
54.Speech perception
55.Study methods of thinking
56.The associative approach to the study of thinking
57.Thinking and emotion
58.Thinking and problem solving
59.Types of imagination
60.Thinking, culture and language

Tərtib edən: P.ü.f.d. Nəsirova Nigar

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