WM - TCL WM Retail Guideline 2023海外终端标准形象指导手册2023.11.15 - 洗衣机 (英文)

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TCL Washing Machine Overseas

Terminal Image (2023 )

TCL2023 Overseas washing machine terminal store image specification management manual

OVERVIEW 1. Convey the latest version of TCL's overseas terminal image
specification in 2023.
2. The core elements and design guidelines in this manual will
comply with the TCL brand VI specifications.
3. Provide a guarantee for the local execution power.
When making or using TCL logos, use standard files and do not
design them yourself.
1. The original design drawings are confidential and are for use
only by TCL employees, design consultants and suppliers.
2. The pictures shown in this manual are for illustrative
purposes only and must be officially copyrighted before use
Whenever you make a TCL logo, use a standard file and never
design it yourself.
*TCL GMC Global Marketing Center has the right to interpret
and revise this manual.

TCL2023 Overseas washing machine terminal store image specification management manual


A DesignConcept B Store Design Schemes C General Design

D Flat material standard E Furnishing Specifications
D01 Heading specification 51 E01 Bar chair form reference 54
A01 Design principles and planning 4 B01 U-shaped store effect
picture 8 C01 Brand identity code 40 52 E02 Dress form reference 55
D02 Column specification
A02 Image summary 5
B02 L-shaped store 16 C02 Standard for door head 43
E03Towel form reference 56
A03 Color and main material 6 renderings fabrication/installation

19 E04 Vase form reference 57

B03 Midisland type rendering C03 Store LOGO usage
specifications 58
E05 Circular storage box form
B04Against the wall - overall
module rendering 23 C04 Facade usage code 45
E06 Square storage box form
B05 Monomer module 24 C05 Ceiling lighting
reference 60
use standard 46
E07 Bottle form reference
C05 Ground use code 47

C06 Material list 48

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 2
A01 Design principles and
TCL 2023 overseas planning 4
washing machine
A02 Image summary 5
terminal store image
specification A03 Color and main material 6

management manual
DESIGN Design planning
Under the premise of brand strategy upgrading and
establishment of brand visual identity system, the application

PRINCIPLES AND output of "must match, optional, special customization" and

other modules for stores at all levels.

PLANNING Design tonality

With simple design form and different gray scale to present
technology, high-end brand tone, fully demonstrate TCL's
leading technology; The use of a small amount of gray cloth, the
interweaving of black and white, coupled with the fabric of life,
adds a pleasant and pure space.

Design principle
According to the actual situation of different countries and
regions, standardized, moderately customized design
emphasizes image enhancement, and takes into account
practicability - easy to copy - modularity.

Image summary
A TCL balcony scene display
- Optional module
- With high-end washing machines as the core,
Output core selling points in accordance with the scene

B TCL DD Variable frequency vp display

- Optional module C D
- Visual output DD frequency conversion core selling point B
C TCL technology main exhibition
- Prerequisite module E
- Technology demonstrations attract consumers

D TCL Cloakroom scene show A F

- Optional module
- Scene display, rich product application scenarios

E TCL Product display

- Prerequisite module
- Multi-category product display for consumers to choose from

F TCL Nakashima negotiation display

- Optional module
- It can be paired with a negotiation table to meet the functional
needs of the store

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 5
Color and main material

Fog ash - minimalist design; Youth and


Material: Wood board light gray paint

Main applications: secondary lintel head, back Technology fog

Dark gray - the beauty of reason; High-end

texture design

Material: Wood board dark grey paint

Main applications: door head, first class lintel
head, floor
Textured grey

Wood grain - a sense of balance; Home sense,


10% 5%
Material: Wood veneer
Main application: cabinet board
Light grain semitouac
Translucency - Tranquil beauty: transparent,

Material: Translucent acrylic

Main application: decoration, props

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 6
Store Design Schemes
B01 B01 U-shaped store 8
TCL 2023 overseas effect picture
washing machine 16
B02 L-shaped store
terminal store image renderings 19
B03 Midisland type 23
management manual rendering
B04Against the wall -
overall module rendering

B05 Monomer module

Inner lintel: Door Head/lintel LOGO:
Backboard: Dark gray wood paint Frosted acrylic luminous Conventional

U-shaped shop Light gray wood paint

Back light (color
Light transmission under the
inner light strip
Silver paint on the sides
display backboard:
Light gray wood Door Head:
material description temperature 6500k) (Color temperature 6500k) (Color temperature 6500k) paint Dark gray wood paint

Back board LOGO: Nakajima floor cabinet: Platform:

Gray stainless steel background Cabinet: light wood color wood Cabinet: dark gray wood paint, slotted at the
luminous lettering decorative panel, slotted in the middle bottom of the floor hidden LED light belt
(Color temperature 6500k) and bottom of the floor cabinet with LED (lower light transmission)
lamp belt (lower light transmission)

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 8
U-shaped store effect

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 9
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 10
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 11
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 12
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 13
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 14
U-shaped store effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 15
L-shaped store renderings

L-shaped store renderings

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 17
L-shaped store renderings

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 18
L-shaped store renderings

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 19
A rendering of the package
column scheme

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 20
Package pillar scheme two
effect picture

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 21
Middle island + pillar
scheme effect

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 22
Middle island + pillar
scheme effect

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 23
Against the wall - overall
module rendering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 24
Monomer module

Balcony scene display

Size: 1700*750*2800mm
Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint
Light wood veneer (cabinet board)
Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with
silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background
luminous lettering
(" Wash & Care in Intelligence ").
White acrylic
(" l -- 1600mm -- l ")
(" l -- 20mm -- l ").

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 25
Monomer module

DD Variable frequency vp display

Size: 2700*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel head/floor)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)
Light wood veneer (cabinet board)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background
luminous lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 26
Monomer module

Technology main push display

Size: 2500*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background luminous

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 27
Monomer module

Cloakroom scene display combination

Size: 4200*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)
Light wood veneer (cabinet board)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with silver

paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background luminous

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 28
Monomer module

Cloakroom scene show 1

Size: 2300*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)
Light wood veneer (cabinet board)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with silver

paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background luminous

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 29
Monomer module

Cloakroom scene Show 2

Size: 2100*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with silver

paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background luminous

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 30
Monomer module

Product display + Selling point display

Size: 3500*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel head/floor)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)
Light Wood veneer (Props)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Gray stainless steel background luminous

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 31
Monomer module

Light box
Size: 900*750*2800mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel)
Light grey wood spray paint

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 32
Monomer module

Nakashima negotiation display

Size: 3050*800*1020mm

Dark grey wood paint (floor)
Light grey wood spray paint
Light wood veneer (Cabinet)

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 33
Monomer module

Nakajima show combination

Size: 1450*3550*1400mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel
Light grey wood spray paint
Light Wood veneer (Props)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering

with silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Dark grey 3mm acrylic lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 34
Monomer module

Middle island display combination

Size: 1450*2850*1400mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel
Light grey wood spray paint

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Dark grey 3mm acrylic lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 35
Monomer module

Middle island conventional end

Size: 1450*750*1400mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel head/floor)
Light grey wood spray paint

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").
Dark grey 3mm acrylic lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 36
Monomer module

Middle island atmosphere display end

Size: 1450*750*1400mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel head/floor)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)
Light wood veneer (cabinet board)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with silver

paint on side (" TCL ").
Dark grey 3mm acrylic lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 37
Monomer module

Nakajima technology display end

Size: 1450*750*1400mm

Dark grey wood paint (lintel head/floor)
Light grey wood spray paint (backboard)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with silver

paint on side (" TCL ").
Dark grey 3mm acrylic lettering

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 38
Monomer module

Conventional display floor display

Size: 2100*800*130mm

Dark grey wood paint (floor)

Frosted acrylic luminous lettering with

silver paint on side (" TCL ").

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 39
General Design
C01 Brand identity code 40
TCL 2023 overseas
washing machine C02 Standard for door head 43
terminal store image
specification C03 Store LOGO usage 44
management manual
C04 Facade usage code 45

C05 Ceiling lighting 46

use standard

C05 Ground use code 47

C06 Material list 48

Brand identity code
Main markLOGO

The grid lines shown on this page

show TCL for sale
The correct ratio after the service
center sign appears.
Sign is a balanced whole, do not
Create the brand logo and do not
change it during use
Shape, structure and proportion.
Must be used correctly
Note: T is the height of LOGO "T"
The electronic document template.
(The height of "TCL" appears in this
Based on "T")

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 41
Brand color code

Monochrome version (dark grey

Except for use on special
backgrounds, the entire brand
logo is presented in one solid
color, pure white.

White standard word color:

PANTONE:Neutral Black C/U

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100
R:0 G:0 B:0

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 42
Example of brand identity
TCL brand logo is the core of all
visual communication, as a
representative symbol of TCL,
can not change the form of the
logo, this TCL brand logo is
Do not change the size ratio of the main LOGO Do not change the center position of the main
prohibited when using to the door header at will LOGO at will
specifications example.

Do not add a combination LOGO to the main It is forbidden to change the proportion of the
logo at will main LOGO at will

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 43
Door head production
Surface material: dark grey wood paint
Luminous character: Frosted acrylic
luminous character side spray silver
paint (color temperature :6500k); Word
height 210mm

Dark gray wood paint Drywall ceiling

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 44
Installation standard Follow the steps

The door LOGO is issued by the

headquarters; The height of the LOGO is
"T" as the standard character height, the 210mm 400mm
height of the door LOGO is 210mm, the 1. Beauty paper fixed PVC fixed height
height of the store lintel LOGO is 160mm,
and the whole is installed in the center.
LOGO material: frosted acrylic light
Installation diagram
character 2. Connect to the power supply letter by letter

Silver paint on the sides

(Color temperature :6500k)

3.After the overall installation is complete,

fine-tune the position

Finished screw Corrugated paper fixed

luminous PVC fixed height, pre-
4. The installation is complete character punched holes

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 45
Facade usage code 图一 400mm

The standard height of the store is 2800mm, the

height of the lintel head is 400mm, and the height 2400mm
of the backboard is 2400mm (Figure 1).

When the height of the store is 2600~2800mm,

priority should be given to adjusting the height of 图二 300mm
the lintel head (the minimum can be adjusted to
300mm); If the height of the store is lower than
2700mm, the backplane height can be adjusted 2600~2800mm
Adjust according
synchronously, and the minimum height can be to store height
adjusted to 2300mm (see Figure 2).

When the height of the store is 2800~3200mm,

priority should be given to adjusting the height of 500mm

the lintel (up to 500mm). If the height of the store

is higher than 2900mm, the height of the
backplane can be adjusted according to the actual 2800~3200mm
Adjust according
height of the store (see Figure 3).
to store height

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 46
Standard for use of
ceiling lamps
Light distance principle
pattern specification
Spotlights to the wall control at
500~800mm, 500mm
Power: 15W
The spot light spacing is controlled at Color
800~1400mm, 6000K
Strip lamp spacing control in
800~1400mm, Power: 26W
To ensure the overall lighting 900mm temperature:
brightness of the store 6000K

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 47
Ground service standard

Ground paving principles

Preferred raw wood flooring (size:
(Floor material can be replaced
according to the requirements of the
Raw wood color wooden


Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 48
Material list material Picture application specification

Note: The material specifications Wood paint (Dark grey)

Door head/lintel Dark grey
in the store are based on the
table on the right, and can not
be changed without special
Wood paint (Light grey)
circumstances. head/floor Light grey

Translucent acrylic Black translucent, colorless

Backboard/light box

Wood veneer
(Light wood grain) All acrylic items Light grain

Raw wood color wooden

ground Specification: 1220X200mm

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 49
Material list material Picture Material application specification

Note: The material specifications Power: 15W

spotlight Ceiling luminaire
Color temperature: 6000K
in the store are based on the
table on the right, and can not
be changed without special
Power: 26W
circumstances. Strip light Ceiling luminaire
Color temperature: 6000K

Main image wall

Aluminium trough lamp backboard/Midisland backboard / Color temperature: 6000k
All hidden lights

LED soft light belt platform Color temperature: 6000k

Different sockets must be

Socket (with switch) Electrical outlet adapted according to different

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 50
Flat material standard
D01 Heading specification 51
TCL 2023 overseas
washing machine D02 Column specification 52
terminal store image
management manual
Heading specification

The title "TCL" takes T as the 400mm

standard word height, the height is
210mm, the overall left and right
center in the combination module,
and the height from the ground is
CARING" is 60mm high, the whole
left and right center in the
combination module, and the height
LOGO and lintel head in
from the ground is 2270mm.
the center

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 52
Column specification

Lamp box bag post

Soft film light box is preferred
when packing column appears
in the selling floor.
It is best to reserve 100mm on
both sides.

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 53
Furnishing Specifications
E01 Bar chair form reference 54
TCL 2023 overseas
washing machine E02 Dress form reference 55
terminal store image E03Towel form reference 56
E04 Vase form reference 57
management manual
E05 Circular storage box form reference 58

E06 Square storage box form reference 59

E07 Bottle form reference 60

Furnishing Specifications

Bar chair form reference

Color: Black translucent
Suitable for: all bars

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 55
Furnishing Specifications

Clothing decoration reference

Color: White shirt
Suitable for: technology main
display, cloakroom scene display,
middle island display

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 56
Furnishing Specifications

Clothing decoration reference

Color: White shirt
Suitable for: technology main
display, cloakroom scene display,
middle island display

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 57
Furnishing Specifications

Vase decoration reference

Suitable for: cloakroom scene
display, middle island
negotiation area

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 58
Furnishing Specifications

Storage box decoration reference

Color: Brown
Suitable for: cloakroom scene display

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 59
Furnishing Specifications

Storage box decoration reference

Color: Gray suitable
Used for: cloakroom scene display

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 60
Furnishing Specifications

Bottle decoration reference

Color: Brown
Used for: soft installation areas such as
cloakroom scene display

Design Strategy Store Layout Schemes General Design Specifications Flat Material Specifications Furnishing Specifications 61

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