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‫العامة‬ ‫األشغال‬

‫العامة‬ ‫هيئة‬
‫األشغال‬ ‫هيئة‬
(Designs Department)


The Authority ‫الهيئة‬

Public Works Authority ‫هيئة األشغال العامة‬
PO Box 22188 22188 ‫ص ب‬
Doha ‫الدوحة‬
State of Qatar ‫دولة قطر‬ May 2024


1.1 Tenderers shall strictly to adhere all the Tender participation eligibility criteria in this Tender,
pursuant to ITT 2.5 of Volume 1 Part 3 Instruction to Tenderers. Tenderers with the following
Ministry of Finance (MoF) Classification criteria are eligible to participate according to the
below conditions.

Category Activity Company Grade Remarks

Service Civil Engineering Local / Foreign 1

A. local Tenderers without the requisite classification certificate according to the category,
activity and grade as stated in the Tender Document are not eligible to participate in this
B. local Tenderers without classification certificate in accordance with the category, activity,
grade and condition (if any) or no longer having requisite valid classification shall only
participate in the tender on the condition that they shall submit the requisite valid
classification within five (5) working days from the Tender Evaluation panel’s clarification
notice in case of One-Envelope Tendering System OR in case of Two-Envelope
Tendering System shall submit the valid classification certificate on the date stated in the
Tender Evaluation panel’s clarification notice. Failure to submit the requisite valid
classification certificate on the stated cut-off date, their tender, at the sole discretion of
the Tenders Committee, will be disqualified from the tender process.
C. Any evidence of application for upgrade or renewal or new classification request to the
concerned office of classification by Tenderers shall not be acceptable.
D. for foreign companies without Qatar MoF classification certificate, a similar or equivalent
certificate from the country of origin will be sufficient for tender submission. A copy of
such classification certificate translated in English/Arabic and attested by the competent
authority/ministry at country of origin and Qatar diplomatic embassy at country of origin
shall be submitted. In the event of there is no such equivalent authority/ministry issuing
the classification in their country of origin, any other form of certification/ classification/
client testimonial for specialized works/services issued and endorsed by
reputable/competent organization /authority/ board governing the construction industries
related and attested by the Qatar diplomatic embassy at country of origin may also be
considered. This is also applicable to foreign company’s status who has already had
Qatar company registration. Refer 1.1.G below for guidelines for Foreign Company
E. should these foreign companies be awarded a contract, then they are required to register
with MoF by submitting the required relevant documents as stated in Sub-item 1.1.D to
MoF before signing the contract with the Authority. The same rules in Sub-items 1.1 D
and E are applied to foreign companies either as single entity or joint venture with a local
F. In case the foreign companies do not have classification certificates from their country of
origin then the same rules applicable to local companies as mentioned in Sub-item 1.1 B
and 1.1 C above shall be applied.
G. Guidelines for classifying the companies are available at Qatar Ministry of Finance as
following link:

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PSC (Pre) for Design Consultancy Services for Foul Sewer Strategic Tunnels in Qatar South C870

H. In case of the tenderer forming a joint venture, the leader of the joint venture shall hold
the required classification. A foreign company led joint venture may bid the tender in
compliance with item 1.1 D to F.
Tenderer who does not comply with the above criteria shall not be eligible to
participate and be disqualified.

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2.1 Professional Services Contract

The Consultant shall be appointed under the terms and conditions of the Professional
Services Contract, General Conditions of Contract – 2018, to provide Pre-Contract
Professional Consultancy Services to Projects Affairs of the Public Works Authority
hereinafter to be referred to by the abbreviation Authority.


2.2.1 General Scope of Services

The scope of services to be provided by the Consultant is defined but not necessarily limited
to the requirements given in the Scope of Services (Volume 2 Schedule A).

The Consultant shall gather and study all available supporting information and incorporate it
as appropriate and as agreed with the Authority into the Scope of Services deliverables

In order to achieve the objectives of the project the Consultant is required to carry out the
tasks listed in Schedule A Part 2. Other tasks may also be necessary in order to achieve the
objectives and these shall be included in the Consultant’s method statement.

2.2.2 Extent of the Services

It is required to deploy the services of Consultant’s team to carry out Pre-Contract

Professional Consultancy Services for Design of Foul Sewer Strategic Tunnels in Qatar
South area.

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PSC (Pre) for Design Consultancy Services for Foul Sewer Strategic Tunnels in Qatar South C870



Key Objectives of the Consultancy services includes but not limited to the following:

a. Design of Foul sewer strategic tunnel MTS-02 and mains LIS-02, LIS-03, LIS-04, LIS-05
and LIS-06 catering the sewage flow from the catchment areas located in Doha City,
Doha West, Qatar South, Industrial area as indicated on drawing no. PWA DD-SK-
6005_rev.00 (Refer Volume 2_Schedule A - Part 4_ Project Data, Section 5, item-I).
b. Perform Concept Design of the above-mentioned Foul sewer strategic mains which shall
include but not limited to Survey and Investigation works, Hydraulic Modelling, General
arrangement drawings (Civil & Structural), Septicity Modelling, Odour Sampling, Odour
Modelling, Existing OCF / OCU system assessment for adequacy and enhancement as
necessary, Ventilation and Air pressure profiling and Modelling for transient conditions.
c. The Concept Design shall also include integration of existing tunnels MTS-01, MTS-03,
LIS-01 and LIS-02 with the proposed strategic mains with respect to Hydraulics, Septicity,
Odour, Ventilation and Air flows Assessment from upstream of MTS-01 / LIS-01 till
downstream Wakra-Wukair Sewage treatment plant. The design shall also consider
lessons learnt during Design, Construction and Operation & Maintenance of LIS-01,
MTS-01 and Terminal Pumping station at Doha South STW.
d. The Consultant shall note that the construction of Strategic tunnels MTS-02 and LIS-03
were earlier awarded to the Contractors under Project nos. C727/5 and C727/3
respectively and these projects were terminated after the Contractor carried out
considerable amount of Design, Survey and Investigation works. Hence the works which
were already performed by the Contractor under these projects i.e, Survey,
Investigations, Hydraulic Design, Drawings, Permits etc shall be re-validated by the
Consultant and taken into consideration in the proposed design.
e. The Consultant shall include detailed scope of works / design requirements for the
Contractor to design and build Tunnels, Microtunelling, Temporary & Permanent Shafts,
ventilation systems and temporary by-pass flow arrangement.
f. The Consultant shall perform Physical modelling and CFD Modelling for the backdrop /
Vortex drop structures and at shafts where transient flow is anticipated.
g. The Concept Design shall include unforeseen ingress of storm water into the sewer
system during rainy events and its impact on Hydraulics, Air ventilation including
assessment and recommendation of remedial measures.
h. Employ comprehensive data analysis and predictive modelling techniques to estimate
the likely odour profile of the foul sewer tunnel system, informing optimal odour control
design strategies.
i. Assess the potential odour impacts on surrounding communities, sensitive receptors
(e.g., hospitals, schools), and the environment. Identify potential odour nuisance zones
and risks to public health.
j. Prepare Concept Design drawings which shall include but not limited to Plan layouts,
longitudinal profiles, typical detail drawings of Manholes, Tunnels and Shafts, Combined
Utility drawings, Survey drawings, Interface/ Connections etc.
k. Salvaging of Assets and plans for decommissioning of Pumping stations, PTPs and STW
in consultation with all stakeholders of PWA which includes Asset Affairs.

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l. Prepare detailed and comprehensive Environmental Scoping Report, Environmental

Impact Assessment (EIA) report and obtain Environmental Permit from MoECC for the
proposed project. Its shall be noted that detailed EIA study was undertaken as part of
previous projects C727/5 and C727/3 for the construction of MTS-02 and LIS-03 tunnels
respectively. The Consultant shall extract the required data/ information from these
projects and shall verify, validate and incorporate them in the preparation of EIA report.
m. Prepare Concept design of geotechnical works which shall include validating the existing
geotechnical data available for MTS-02 and LIS-03 carried out as part of Projects C727/5
and C727/3, performing geotechnical and geophysical investigation at concept design
level for the remaining lateral interceptor sewers (LIS-04, LIS-05 and LIS-06). Perform
confirmatory investigation for MTS-02 & LIS-03 alignment, establish ground and ground
water parameters, assess geotechnical risks, provide geotechnical parameters and
recommendations, and list out the geotechnical design and investigation requirements
for the Detailed design to be performed by the Contractor.
n. Prepare Supplemental Specifications to QCS 2014, Codes and Requirement to facilitate
the Contractor to prepare detail design and construct the sewer strategic mains.
o. Prepare Sustainability Management Plan and Scope of works for the Contractor to
develop and implement a Project specific Sustainability Management Plan.
p. Prepare Detailed Scope of Works for implementation of Building Information Model (BIM)
by the Contractor.
q. Prepare Pricing Schedule / Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and Cost Estimate for the design and
construction of proposed Works.
r. Prepare a detail implementation schedule outlining key activities, milestones for all
s. Prepare Design and Build Tender document which shall include Tender drawings and
Pricing Schedule.
t. Prepare Professional service agreement tender documents for Supervision of
corresponding construction packages.
u. Prepare Tender clarifications, Responding to Tender queries, Evaluation of Technical
Tender submission, Preparation of final Technical Tender report and Responding to
Financial queries from ESD.
v. Prepare Contract drawings.
w. Obtain Document Control Clearance from Ashghal ESD department.


The Time for Completion of the whole of the Services is 1030 days and to be completed in
accordance with Schedule A – Project Brief – Part 1 – Scope of Services

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