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Lecture : 01 (Part- 2)

Lecture Topic
Identifying Parts of Speech
2. Pronoun
Pro = সমতুলয্
Pronoun = নােমর সমতুলয্ বা সবর্নাম
Noun এর পিরবেতর্ যা বয্বহৃত হয়, তােক Pronoun বেল।
 he, I, me, you, it
 this, that, so, such,
 some, many, one, each other
 Who, whom, what, which
শতর্: Pronoun েযন েকান Noun েক Modify না কের। অনয্থায়, তখন
েসটা Adjective হেয় যােব।
 This is my pen.
 This pen is mine.
 Many people died.
 Many believe that English helps them get good jobs.

His father is a doctor.

Ours is a beautiful country.
This man is very cunning.
That is a good idea.
I think so.
You are looking pale. So, I am not telling the matter now.
3. Adjective (িবেশষণ)
যা �ারা Noun বা Pronoun এর েদাষ, গুণ, অব�া, সংখয্া, পিরমাণ ইতয্ািদ
বুঝায় তােক Adjective বেল।
 He is a good boy.
 You are a cruel man.
 He is honest.
 I have many friends.
 Give me a pen.
 There were five books on the table.
 The rich are not always happy.
 The child likes the yellow of an egg.
 Don't disturb the sleeping baby.
 His is an indomitable mind.
 This is my pencil not yours.
 Water is life but polluted water is harmful.
4. Verb (ি�য়া)
যা �ারা েকান িকছু করা বা হওয়া বুঝায়, তােক Verb বেল।
do, eat, become, occur

 Students go to school.
 This is the go of the day.
 He is sleeping.
 I have supported him.
 It is interesting.
 Swimming is a good exercise.
 He was disappointed.
 To help the poor is praiseworthy.
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