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(See Clause 2.1)


1 Project Facilities

The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilities in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:

(a) Toll Plazas;

(b) Roadside Furniture;
(c) Highway Lighting;
(d) Pedestrian Facilities;
(e) Truck lay-byes;
(f) Bus-bays and bus shelters;
(g) Cattle crossings;
(h) Traffic aid posts;
(i) Medical aid posts;
(j) Vehicle rescue posts;
(k) Highway patrol Unit;
(l) Emergency Medical Services;
(m) Crane services;
(n) Operation & Maintenance Centre;
(o) Landscaping and Tree Plantation;
(p) Communication system; and

2 Project Facilities for Four-Laning

Project Facilities forming part of Four-Laning and to be completed on or before the

Project Completion Date have been described in Annex-I of this Schedule-C.

4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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Annex - I
Project Facilities for Four-Laning

1. Project Facilities

The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilities described in this Annex-I to
form part of the Four-Lane Project Highway. The Project Facilities shall include:

(a) Toll Plazas;

(b) Roadside Furniture;
(c) Highway Lighting;
(d) Pedestrian Facilities;
(e) Truck lay-byes;
(f) Bus-bays and bus shelters;
(g) Cattle crossings;
(h) Traffic aid posts;
(i) Medical aid posts;
(j) Vehicle rescue posts;
(k) Highway patrol Unit;
(l) Emergency Medical Services;
(m) Crane services;
(n) Operation & Maintenance Centre;
(o) Landscaping and Tree Plantation;
(p) Communication system; and

2. Description of Project Facilities

Each of the Project Facilities is briefly described below:

a) Toll Plazas
Except otherwise provided in this Schedule-C. Toll plaza shall be design as per Section
10 of the Manual (IRC: SP: 84:2014), Toll Plazas including all facilities shall be
provided at the following locations:

Location of Toll Plaza:

S. No Location Remarks
Rigid Pavement shall be constructed for Toll Plaza Area including
1 7+200 Palkhanda
the transition portion.

Note :
(i) Concessionaire shall provide the toll lanes as per Manual subject to minimum 8
lanes in the toll plaza subject to the condition that all lanes except one lane on
each side shall be FASTAG/ETC lanes. The remaining one lane on each side
shall be Hybrid lane in line with MoRT&H policy circular no. H-25016/01/2018-
4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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Toll dated 19/07/2019. Stage construction shall not be allowed.

(ii) Solar panels shall be erected over the Toll Plaza Canopy to generate
the green energy. The same shall be utilized for toll plaza lighting with
LED lights and other energy requirement within toll plaza area. In
addition to solar panels conventional electricity shall be provided by
Concessionaire. All charges/cost of solar panels, conventional electricity and
ancillary infrastructure shall be borne by the Concessionaire.

(iii) Medium or higher speed Weigh in Motion (WIM) devices with bending plate
technology shall be provided in all toll lanes at Toll Plaza Location. In addition
to WIM, Static weigh Bridge (SWBs) shall also be provided on each direction.

(iv) Point of sale (POS) with card swapping machines shall be provided.

(v) Highway nest mini consisting of food and beverages kiosk, water ATM,
separate toilet facility under Swach Bharat along with parking
facility for road users shall be provided on each direction (LHS & RHS) near
Toll Plaza as per NHAI guidelines no. NHAI/GM(T)HO/Highway Nest
(Mini)/2017/108290 dated 09.11.2017. Suitable advance signs as per NHAI
guidelines no. NHAI/GM(T)HO/Highway Nest (mini)/2017/111993 dated 24-01-
2018 shall be provided. However the sign boards shall be retro reflective
Type XI. The Toilets facilities must be constructed as per NHAI
guideline drawings and 24 hours functionality. Operation and maintenance
of the Toilets shall be carried out by the concessionaire during entire O&M
period. The toilet facilities shall follow CPWD specifications including sanitary
ware items and fitting. The number of persons that shall be deployed at each
Toilet complex shall be, at a minimum 3 Safai wale (1 in each 8 hour shift).
Each side (LHS/RHS) shall be treated as one Mini and Toilet complex. The
operation and maintenance of the Nest mini and toilet complex is in the scope
of concessionaire for the entire construction and O&M period.

b) Road Side Furniture

Road side furniture comprising road signs, road markings, object markers, hazard
marker, studs, delineators, attenuators, safety barriers, pedestrian guard rails,
boundary stones, kilometer stone etc. shall be provided as per Schedule D.

The roadside furniture shall also include the following minimum provisions:

I. Crash Barrier: New Jersey crash barriers shall be provided as per TCS. W beam Metal
Crash Barrier shall be provided at required locations as per the Manual.

II. Pedestrian Guard Rail (MS Railings) shall be provided as per Manual.

III. Traffic Signs: Traffic Signs viz. roadside signs, overhead signs and kerb mounted
signs shall be provided along the entire Project Highway as per Manual.

IV. Pavement markings: The pavement markings shall cover the road markings for the
entire Project Highway as per Manual.

V. LED Traffic Beacons: These shall be provided on the entire project highway
near pedestrian crossings, public gathering places (Educational Institutions, Hospitals,
Worship places etc.) cross roads at Major and Minor Junctions and wherever required as
per Manual.

4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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VI. Studs: Road Studs shall be provided at Horizontal Curve below 700m, median
opening, intersections, Cross roads & Built-up areas (Excluding Toll Plaza location)
and wherever required as per Manual.

VII. Delineators: Delineators for night time visibility shall be provided for the entire
project Highway as per Manual.

VIII. Boundary stones shall be provided at the boundary on both sides of Right of Way
as per Clause 9.8 of IRC SP: 84 :2014at built up locations.

IX. Hectometer/Kilometer Stones: Shall be provided for the entire Project Highway.

c) Highway Lighting/Street lighting:

Highway lighting (LED) shall be provided at the following locations:

(i) At Toll Plazas, Rest area, Truck lay bye, Bus bays, bus shelter, junctions,
Interchanges and Grade separators including approaches, built up sections, Slip
Road & junctions as location given in schedule – B, and wherever required as per

(ii) High mast Lighting

High mast lighting shall be provided along the Project Highway at Toll Plazas,
Rest-areas, Truck Laybyes, at Grade Major Junctions and Bypass Start & End
and wherever required as per Manual

Not to be limited to the above specified locations and it shall be finalized in

consultation with Authority Engineer / Project Director, NHAI.

Concessionaire shall install, maintain and operate highway lighting/ street

lighting including electricity bills and electrical connection in the name of
authority during entire concession period including operation & maintenance

d) Pedestrian Facilities
Pedestrian facilities in the form of guard rails, footpath, lighting, etc. shall be provided
as specified in Manual referred in Schedule D.

e) Truck Lay-byes Nil

f) Bus Bays and Bus Shelters

The concessionaire shall provide minimum of 16 nos. of Bus Bays with Bus Shelters
along the project highway and 20 nos. also only Bus shelters shall be provided at all
major, minor & other junctions and the locations are given in Appendix C I. The
locations of these bus bays shall be finalized by the concessionaire in consultation with
the IE.

g) Pedestrian/Cattle Crossing:
Pedestrian facilities shall be provided in accordance with the Manual of Specifications
and Standards as referred in Schedule “D”.

h) Traffic Aid Posts

Traffic aid post shall be constructed at the toll plaza in consultation with the
Independent Engineer/Project Director, NHAI, not exceeding 25 (twenty five) square
meter of plinth area.
4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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i) Medical Aid Post
Medical Aid Post shall be provided as per the Manual.

j) Vehicular Rescue Posts

Vehicle Rescue post shall be constructed at the toll plaza in consultation with the
Independent Engineer/Project Director, NHAI.

k) Highway Patrol unit

Provide 1 no. Highway Patrol Vehicle (Vehicle shall be of GPS mounted with tracking
facility) for covering the entire project highway. These shall confirm to the
specifications mentioned in Schedule D.

l) Emergency Medical Services

EMS shall be provided as per clause 12.9 of the Manual.

m) Crane service: Crane service shall be provided as specified in the manual.

n) Operation and Maintenance Centre: Operation and Maintenance Centre shall be

provided as specified in the manual.

o) Landscaping and Tree Plantation

Landscaping of the highway shall be done on, but not limited to the following
i) Toll Plaza Area, Truck lay bye area and Interchange.

ii) Road-side avenue tree plantation as per GreenHighwayPolicy2015.

iii) Median Plantation as per Green Highway Policy 2015

It is further clarified that the concessionaire shall be responsible to plan and
maintain minimum 800 nos. of tree per km. length of highway in avenue i.e. on
both sides of highway. Concessionaire shall also be responsible for plantation
and maintenance of minimum 800 nos. of plans/ tress per km. length of median
highway. Species of plants/ saplings to be planted on avenue and median shall
be approved by the Independent Engineer and Authority.

p) Communication system: Communication system shall be provided as specified in the

manual. Telecom system shall be provided at the Toll Plazas for convenience of the
users of the Project Highway.

4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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Appendix C I

Locations of Bus Bays with Bus Shelters

Design Chainage (m)
Sl. No.
Left Side Right Side
1 0+280 0+400
2 3+300 2+940
3 5+790 5+590
4 11+380 10+980
5 17+980 17+980
6 20+640 20+180
7 25+415 25+415
8 26+590 26+590

Note: The location shown above for Bus Bay with Bus shelter is indicative and it may vary as
per actual site condition and No CHANGE OF SCOPE shall be provided in case of
increase or decrease at site.

4- Laning of Dewas Ujjain section of Old SH18 from Design Ch. 0+000 to 19+733, Construction of 4-Lane Ujjain
Bypass from Design Ch. 19+733 to 26+900 (Part I) and construction of 4-Lane Dewas Bypass from Design Ch.
0+000 to 14+520 (Part II) having total Design Length: 41.42 km in the State of Madhya Pradesh on HAM Mode.
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