Basic Commands

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date – To Print Current date and time

2. cal – To print current month Calender
cal -3 - print 3 months (previous,current,next) calender
cal -y - print current year calender
cal -y 2025 - print 2025 year calender
3. history – To print terminal commands history
history -c - To clear terminal commands history.
4. clear - clear terminal window/screen
5. pwd - present working directory
6. ls - list contents of s directory
ls -l - long list (permissions, user, group, date & time)
ls -la - to show hidden files.
ls -ld - to check directory details.
ls -ldZ - to check directory context.
7. ls+Double Tab - To show all possibilities to execute a command
8. lscpu - To show details about CPU
9. lshw – To show system Hardware Details - to see help menu of a command
ex: ls --help - display manual pages of a command
ex: man ls
12.whoami – Show currently logged in user
13.whatis - display one line description of a command
ex: whatis ls
14.whereis - to check location of a command and its man pages
15.lsblk - to display partition information
16.pwd - to check present working directory - change working directory
cd <path> - to go a directory of given path
cd .. - to go the parent directory
cd ../../../ - to go 3 directories back
cd - - to go to the previous directory
cd - to go to the users profile/home-dir
18.echo - to print a line of text in terminal
echo "line of text" - print in terminal
echo "line of text" > filename - create new file cat with
echo "line of text" >> filename - add line of text to echo file - print data of a text file in terminal
cat echo - print in terminal
cat echo > cat - create new file cat with echo file text
cat echo >> cat - add echo file text to cat file
20.touch - to create a bank file
touch filename
21.cp - to copy a file from one dir to another dir.
cp <source-file-path> <Destination-path>
cp echo /root - to move a file or dir. to a new dir.
mv <source-path> <Destination-path>
mv test mvtest - to rename a file or dir.
23.mkdir - To create new directory
Ex: mkdir Songs
mkdir –p - To create parent directory
Ex: mkdir -p Songs/MP3/Punjabi
24.rmdir – To remove a blank directory
rmdir <directory-path>
25.rm – To delete a file or directory with data
rm <file-path> - To delete a file
rm -r <dir-path> - To delete a directory
rm -rf <file-path/dir-path> - Delete file/dir and never
prompt for yes/no
26.Tree – To see contents of a directory in Tree format.
Tree <directory-path>
27.Head – To print starting 10 lines of a text file
Head <File-path>
Head -n <no.of lines> - to print starting given no. of
lines from a text files
28.Tail – To print last 10 lines of a text file
Tail <File-path>
Tail -n <no.of lines> - to print last given no. of
lines from a text files
29.grep = to print a text or pattern from a text file
syntax: grep <options> "<pattern>" file-path
grep "pattern" filename
-c = print no. of matches
grep -c "pattern" filename
-i = ignore-case
grep -c "pattern" filename
-n = line number
grep -n "pattern" filename
-v = print lines without match
grep -v "pattern" filename
30.alias - to create a shortcut of a command.
syntax: alias <shortcut> = <command>
alias c=clear
alias l=ls
31.sort - to sort data of a text file and print in terminal.
syntax: sort <options> filename
sort: sort data alphabetically.
sort filename
sort -r: sort data alphabeticall in reverse string.
sort -r filename
sort -n: sort data numerically.
sort -n filename/path
sort -f: sort data in case sensitive string (alphabetically but
Capital first then small letters)
32.less - divide a long file into readable bits.
Syntax: less <file-path>
(show only one page of a file.)
Down arrow key - show next line
enter - show next line
space - go to end of file
After end of file press "q" to exit
33.more - divide a long file into readable bits.
Syntax: more <file-path>
(show only one page of a file.)
enter - show next line
space - go to end of file
34.|(pipe) - to use two or more commands at the same time.
use output of one command as input to
other command
syntax: command1 | command 2 | command 3 – to check running process details

to kill a process “ press k”
then type the PID(process ID) of process to kill
hit enter twice
36.kill – to kill a process
kill <process-id>
37.df – to check file system information and free disk space
df -T - to show type of file system
df -h - to show in human readable form(K,M,G)

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