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Dark Minds

Causes and effects of Intrusive Thoughts

Weird thoughts that are sometimes bloody, intrusive thoughts is an issue individuals
should look out for.

To understand better what does intrusive thoughts mean, intrusive means “trespassing”
or “unwanted” while thoughts are the ideas produced by thinking, or sometimes occurs
suddenly in one’s mind. In simple term, intrusive thoughts are the ideas that occur suddenly
that an individual finds unwanted.

According to Healthline, intrusive thoughts are unexpected images or thoughts that

seem to pop into your head. They’re often strange or distressing.

Intrusive thought is not just referring to a single negative thought that a person
experiences. It can be in many forms.

According to Mental Health America (MHA), intrusive thoughts can be you thinking
about hurting yourself or someone else, intrusive sexual thoughts, negative-self talk that can
lead to pessimism, and delusional thoughts that is aligned with psychosis, a condition of the
mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real.

Since intrusive thoughts have to do with the brain, it’s like a parasite and is associated
with mental problem. It can be a cause of an array of mental health issues.

According to Medical Health Today, intrusive thought is one of the symptoms of anxiety,
depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that occurs after a
person experiences a traumatic event, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), is a mental
health condition that involves an obsession or compulsion, distressing actions, and repetitive

Intrusive thoughts have the ability to make someone go insane by thinking of things that
are weird, unwanted, and unjust. However, there are solutions to this alarming mental issue.

According to, Psych Central, stopping intrusive thoughts may not be possible but, the
goal is to control your thoughts, not the other way around. Intrusive thoughts can be managed
through mindful meditation, thinking that it will soon go away, bonding with pets, and through
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a form of psychological treatment that has been proven to
be effective for a range of problems, including PTSD.

Alarming and distressing, intrusive thoughts is quite scary knowing what could happen if
you let it control you. However, with sufficient knowledge about its causes along with the
suggested solution, you can avoid the effects of this issue that causes negative thoughts leading
to dark minds.

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