جاہلوں سے گفتگو کا انداز

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‫َو ِإ َذا َخا َطبَ ُه ُم ا ْل َجا ِهلُونَ قَالُوا َ‬

‫س ََل ًما‬
‫جاجلہولگانےس(اجالہہن)وگتفگرکےتںیہوتوہالسمےتہکںیہ"‬ ‫"اور ب ب‬
‫جوکیئےصغںیمانےسوگتفگرکتاےہ‪ ،‬ب ب‬
‫جےبادبولگ‬ ‫جاجلہانےسوگتفگرکےتںیہ‪ ،‬ب ب‬ ‫‪.‬نج ب‬
‫اقبرفنتولگانےسوگتفگرکےتںیہ‪ ،‬ب ب‬
‫جوکیئآپوکےبزعترکےوتفیلکتوہیتےہ‪ ،‬ب ب‬
‫جوکیئآپوکھچکطلغےہکوتفیلکتوہیتےہ‪،‬اوراہللےنان‬ ‫انےسوگتفگرکےتںیہ‪،‬اور ب ب‬
‫سولوگںوکاجولھناہکےہ‪،‬اجلھرعیبںیماعلقےکاخمفلےہ‪،‬اجلھاکرعیبںیمینعمےہ"وکیئااسیصخشسجاکاےنپ ب ذ‬
‫طبَ ُه ُم ْال َجا ِهلُونَ قَالُوا َ‬
‫س ََل ًما‬ ‫َوإِ َذا خَا َ‬
‫جاجلہولگانےس(اجالہہن)وگتفگرکےتںیہوتوہالسمےتہکںیہ‪.‬‬ ‫"اور ب ب‬
‫آپاںیہنالسمےتہکںیہ‪ ،‬تاوسریہہکرکذہمبرطےقیےسوگتفگاکااتتخمرکےتںیہ‪.‬آپوکہیرکتاانھکیسوہاگ‪،‬ارگںیہنرکتکسوتآپاس‬
‫"ج"‪ ..‬ب ب‬
‫جاکبلطمےہہیرضوروہاگ‪.‬‬ ‫رگوپربمن‪1‬ںیمشالموہےنےکالہںیہنںیہ‪.‬اوراہللےناہیں ہیںیہناہک"ارگ"اسےنفرامتا ب ب‬
‫آپںیہناجےتنولگآپےسااسی ببرتاوویکںرکےہںیہ؛نکممےہانہکزدنیگںیماکیفےلئسمںیہسجےکتباعوہآپرپہصغرکاجےتںیہ‪،‬اس‬
‫ےیلآپوکانےسااھچ ببرتاورکتااچےیہ‪،‬ھچکرمداوروخانیتےھتوجیبنرکمیلصاہللہیلعواہلوملسےکتاسآرکانرپالچےنگلےئگےھت‪،‬اوروہ‬
‫املسمنےھت‪،‬اورآپلصاہللہیلعواہلوملستاراضںیہنوہےئےھت‪ .‬ب ب‬
‫جولگآپےس ببرا ببرتاورکںیوتآپوکرنیمےسوجابدانیاچےیہ‪ ،‬ہی‬
‫ن ‪ ego‬واےلوک ببراتاےگل‪.‬ہیےلہپولوگںاکرگوہاھت‪،‬وہولگوجاانپہصغاقوبرکاتکسےہ‪،‬وہولگوجاینپ‬
‫متخرکدےتیںیہرھپاچںیہ وہقحاجب ب‬
‫فر ب‬
‫ایوقاھت ب ب‬.‫دنیےسدور ےلاجےئاگسب‬
‫ارگ ب‬،‫جآپیھبامنزںیہنڑپاھرکےتےھت‬
‫رکدےتی تادنیےساوردورےلچاجےت؟وسںیچاستبارےںیم!آپوکانےسرنیمےسشیپآتااچےیہاوراہللےسداعرکےترانہاچےیہہکاناک‬
‫ینتکووجاہتیھتاسےسرفنترکےنیکاوراہللےنفرامتاہک ب ب‬،‫وخدوکجذااتہکاھت‬،‫وہہراسلہراروںوچبںاکلتقرکتااھت‬،‫وکششیکیھت‬
،‫آپیکاوالد‬،‫ تاآپےکوشہر‬،‫وتآپیکویبی‬،‫ےکتاساجووتاسےسرنیمےستباترکتا!!ارگاںیہنفروعنےسرنیماک ببرتاورےنھکاکاہکاجاتکسےہ‬
َ َ ‫ یہی َقالوا‬.‫الکناکایکقحےہ؟ہیوہولگںیہوجںیمہہصغدالےتںیہاوریہیوہولگںیہوجاپےکرنمروےیےکقحدارںیہ‬،‫نہباھبیئ‬،‫کربر‬
‫َس ًاما‬
َ ‫طبَ ُه ُم ْال َجا ِهلُونَ قَالُوا‬
‫سلَ َما‬ َ ‫َو ِإ َذا َخ‬
"And when the ignorant people speak to them (ignorantly), they say hello"
.Hateful people talk to them, when ignorant talk to them, when someone talks
to them in anger, when ignorant people talk to them, and when someone
disrespects you, it hurts. It hurts when someone says something wrong to you,
and Allah has called all of these people ignorant, Jhala is in Arabic as opposed
to rational ."If they get a wrong word in their mind, they play with their
languages, they don't even think about it. I explain with one example, you are
driving, a little accident happens, that person Comes on you and you say, oh
well, I tell you .. No, wait!
َ ‫طبَ ُه ُم ْال َجا ِهلُونَ قَالُوا‬
‫سلَ ًما‬ َ ‫َو ِإ َذا َخ‬
"And when the ignorant people talk to them (ignorantly), they say Salaam.
You call them Salaam or you end up having a decent conversation by saying
Suri. If you cannot, then you are not eligible to join this group number 1. And
Allah did not say here " if " He said " when " .. when that means it must.
You don't know why people are treating you like this; it's possible that there
are problems in life that make them angry, so you should treat them well,
there were some men and women who The Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) approached the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him), and he was Muslim, and he was not angry with the Prophet. When
people treat you badly, you should respond softly, this is one of the Sunnah.
There are so many married men out there, your wife can say many things, after
hearing that you will not call her ignorant anymore but will say " greeting ".
Don't reply ahead, keep quiet! And Sisters, your husband will say some things
that will make you very angry, but if you say no, keep quiet at this point, just
say " hi". Replace the subject. This means that you can not" before you fighting
greeting"Let's say, it means talking calmly, calmly, talking in a way that doesn't
make the listener feel bad. It was a group of people first, people who could
control their anger, they People who finish their ego, then why not do it right?
I tell you the story of Imam Abu Hanifa, he was a great jihadist of his time and
people used to come to him for a fatwa every time. His mother asked him a
question, he replied, but his mother said, "You do not know anything. I go to
someone else and ask." Now the person she went to inquire about, They do
not have fatwas He said, "I will do some research on it first, then I will tell you,
and he came to Abu Hanifa and told him your mother had come and it
happened. Abu Hanifa said: This is the answer to this question. But don't tell
them I told you. Sometimes there will be people in your family who you would
not like to hear. You may have been very close to Islam, but they are not and
therefore you get angry, you get angry that there are some women in your
family who do not wear the hijab, you are angry that some young people pray.
Don't play, but .. don't get angry at them, talk to them peacefully! Your anger
will only take them away from religion. There was a time when you were not
even praying. If someone was angry with you, would you start praying or move
away from religion? Think about it! You should treat them gently and pray to
Allah to soften their hearts. Allahu Uzzal had told Moses Islam to do good to
Pharaoh, the Pharaoh who tried to kill Moses, killed thousands of children
every year, calling himself God, for what reasons. He hated it and Allah said
that when you go to Him, speak softly to Him !! If they can be said to be kind to
Pharaoh, what is the right of your wife, or your husband, your children,
cousins, siblings, uncle? These are the people who make us angry and these
are the ones who deserve your gentle attitude. This is the kalawa slama. If they
can be said to be kind to Pharaoh, what is the right of your wife, or your
husband, your children, cousins, siblings, uncle? These are the people who
make us angry and these are the ones who deserve your gentle attitude. This is
the kalawa slama. If they can be said to be kind to Pharaoh, what is the right of
your wife, or your husband, your children, cousins, siblings, uncle? These are
the people who make us angry and these are the ones who deserve your
gentle attitude.

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