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Thesis Statements- Exercises

State whether the following thesis statements are strong,

weak, too specific, too broad, or fact:
1- High schools should sell healthy food instead of junk food, and
they should start later in the morning.
2- High schools should sell healthy food instead of junk food
because it is better for students, it is often less expensive, and it
can boost levels of energy and attention.
3- Pets can actually bring families together, and they require lots of
4- Marriage can be a wonderful thing.
5- Marriage to the right person can add love, companionship, and
support to life.
6- My job is horrible.
7- This place could use a lot of improvement.
8- Models are thin.
9- In order to be thin, many models have to starve themselves.
10- Guns can kill people.
11- Health insurance rates rise every year.
12- In my opinion, everyone should exercise.
13- Everyone should exercise to reduce stress, maintain a healthy
weight, and feel better overall.
14- I will prove that drug testing in the workplace is an invasion of
15- Nancy should be the head of the Students’ Association.

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