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Harre’s English Assignment: Essay (500-1000 words)


How are Australian values and attitudes such as identity, traditions, culture and language
represented in the film studied in class?

Satellite Boy (2012)

Essay Structure

Paragraph #1: Introduction Paragraph – brief overview of what we will discuss in the essay

Body Paragraph #2: main points

Body Paragraph #3: main points The technique used is establishing shot which means that the
camera captures the whole character. It’s effective to show the camera movement and capture the
ground using ground level and low angle

Paragraph #4: Conclusion paragraph


Harre’s introduction paragraph DRAFT

Satellite Boy, directed by Katrina McKenzie, explores the concept of tradition, language and culture.
When discussing this concept, we are referring to Pete and his friend Kalmain who are Aboriginal.
Their traditions are ‘blackfella style’, which means no shops, no houses and no schools. It clearly
demonstrates when they set off and adventure to save their home from their land getting burned.
This film uses many camera techniques to express different themes, ideas and background music.
This helps to let the audience feel and enjoy the movie to see the characters feelings and what they
symbolise and what they say and communicate to one and another. The language they used is their
indigenous language to communicate stories about the land and country by using the dirt to draw
paths and places such as camps. This essay will explore the ideas in more detail.


1. Capitals
2. Nouns spelling
3. Sentence structure – READ IT OUT LOUD.
a. Is the sentence too long?
b. Am I running out of breath?
c. Do I need Commas and full stops?

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