Handout 1- Chapter 1

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Handout 1

Review – Chapter 1
I. Five Imperatives for Intercultural Communication
Fill in the blanks with appropriate terms

1. …………………………..includes the changing domestic and international migration –

raising questions of class and religious diversity.
2. ………………………… involves working through issues of colonialism, economic
disparities, and racial, ethnic, and religious differences.
3. …………………………involves the challenge of communicating in an intercultural
world that occurs in our families, homes, work settings, schools, and neighborhoods.
4. ………………………….. highlights issues of globalization and the challenges for
increased cultural understating needed to reach the global market.
5. …………………………… gives us increasing information and increased contact with
people who are similar or different from us. Increased use of communication technology
also raises questions about identity and access to these technologies.

 Describe the diversity of the US population:

- By race:
- Immigrants:
 Explain the terms:
- “the browning of America”

- “Classrooms of Babel”

- Global Village

- “The World is flat”

- hate groups

II. Communication
 What is communication?
 Characteristics of communication:

 Interpersonal communication

 Challenges of living in an intercultural world

 Explain the terms:

- symbol:

- meaning:

- message

- emblem:

- two outcomes of an interpretive process:

- views of the communication process:

+ actional view:

+ interactional view:

+ transactional view:

- contexts of communication: physical, social, interpersonal

- shared meaning:

- communication as a process

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