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MÔN THI: Phương pháp giảng dạy Ngoại ngữ- 001180
KỲ THI: 20% NĂM HỌC: 2020– 2021 Ban hành lần: 05
Ngày thi: …/…/20… Giờ thi:.............Nhóm:
Thời gian: 25 phút – Không sử dụng tài liệu Hiệu lực từ ngày: 07/01/2019

Họ và tên SV:.......................................................................MSSV:.................................STT:.......................

CÁN BỘ CHÁM THI ĐIỂM BÀI THI Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2
Ghi bằng số Ghi bằng chữ

Read the following text and do the task below:

(Source: Tiếng Anh 11, Friends Global, NXB GD Việt Nam - OUP)

1. Identify the lesson objectives including Knowledge, Ability and quality. (1.5pts)
2. Design an activity to lead in the reading text. (1 pt)
3. Identify the grammar point of the underlined part. And design a meaningful and a freer practice (3 items for
each) to help your students practice that grammar point. (2 pts)
“ Amanda recently had a colourful butterfly tattooed on her wrist."
4. Decide 2 active lexical items you will teach and present how you would teach them. (1.5 pts)
5. Work out an exercise (4 items) for your students to practice the underlined sound "attitude" /ˈætɪtjuːd/ (1pt)
6. Design a 3 -item task (including instructions and key) to check your students' reading comprhension. Identify
the reading skill(s) you wish your students to develop through the task. (2 pts)
7. Suggest a writing or speaking activity for post- reading stage. (1 pt)


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