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Why do we calculate sidereal time at birth?

Although ascendent or Lagna has the greatest importance in charting a horoscope, but due to rotation of the earth on its axis
once during the 24 hrs., the entire zodiac along with its sign, planet and nakshatra. it is not enough to know the ascendent/sign
but also exact degree of the Zodiac. Due to this rotation of the earth the sidereal time or local time is also created and hence the
ascendent is dependent on the sidereal time at any given point of time. sidereal time is always expressed in Hrs. 0-24 hrs. and
never in am/pm. Hence this is important to calculate ST and then calculate the ascendant.

Need for LMT correction?

It is required in determining the sidereal time of a moment to find the ascendent.

1° of Longitudinal arc is =4 min on clock.

Why the need for noon Correction

In absence of date of Birth for larger masses and calculation and Astrologer use 12h noon as Time of birth and then make
further place and year correction. In TOA Sidereal time precalculated at 12 hrs. noon LMT for days of the year 1900 AD. We use
the value from the table and make necessary corrections to get to right time of birth.

For AM Birth: (Ajay Sir’s Method) at Northern Latitude


1. Ensure Data bank details are handy, completed. One may use the details directly as per the steps
instead of drafting a Data bank 1st.
2. Calculate LMT of Birth (Formula: TOB-LMT Correction) = LMT of Birth
3. Difference from Noon /Noon Correction (i.e. add +24h in the value obtained after LMT correction in
Time of birth in step 2 and then (-)12hrs (noon correction) from the value.
Note: Ajay Sir’s Method We 1st +24 Hrs. to LMT of Birth (if its AM birth) & then -12 Hrs. to go a day back to the
nearest previous noon before birth. This step is blindly adopted to ease out the challenge one faces if the TOB
is morning (Am). Since for ascendent calculation the time is always denoted in HRS 0-24h subtracting 12hrs for
noon correction could land in a -ve value creating confusion. To override this a hypothetical 24hrs + is used here
to take us a day before to get to the nearest noon of the previous day n then make the “(-)12hrs noon correction
resulting in a +ve value of difference from noon in step 3 above.

4. Correction for Increase in Time interval (i.e. Hours & Minutes correction) – (A)
5. Calculation of Sidereal Time at Birth at 12h Noon –(B)
i. Correction of Place of Birth
ii. Correction of Year of Birth
6. A+B.

Note: Sidereal Time correction is needed if the value of (A+B) is more than 24 hrs. (i.e. -24 hrs. from A+B)
Value Arrived At is the Sidereal Time at TOB.
7. Find Nearest Latitude value page in TOA and do the Latitude Correction
8. After doing Ayanamasa Correction we get the Ascendent
9. Longitude of Planets (Placing Planets in Model Kundli)
Note: for longitude calculations-

• if the birth is after 5.30am “IST” we subtract the current values from the Next day of DOB
• if the birth is before 5.30am “IST” we subtract prior day of DOB’s value from current values.
• For Rahu Values we only consider Rahu (True) from Ephemeris.
10. Prepare chart and place the Degrees and values in the houses as obtained in the step 9 Calculation.

Example- Class model -Delhi

Ascendant No #3 Place: DELHI

STEP 1 Data Bank Sign

Date of Birth 25-02-2022 LMT Correction - (-) 21m 08s TOA pg 111
Time of Birth 10:30 IST Correction Of Place -Delhi + (+) 00m 03s TOA pg 111
Place of Birth Delhi Correction of Year-2022 + (+) 01m 48s TOA pg 4
Lattitude 28° 39'N Ayanamsa Correction 1970 - (-) 01°11m TOA pg 6
Longitude 77° 13'E IST from ZST correction - na TOA pg 111
Pls Note if any of the Information from Data bank is missing than we 1st calculate that . Its important to have all details in Data bank in STEP 1

Ex. To Calculate LMT Correction:

LMT OF BIRTH 10 8 52

NOON (+/-) HOURS ** + 24 0 0

- 12 0 0

For 22h +/- + 3 37 TOA pg5 table 4
For 8m 52s +/- + 0 1
Increased Time Interval 22 11 90 A
OR 22 12 30
STEP 5 Sidereal Time Calculation DETAILS SIGN(+/-) h m s
Sidereal Time at 12 Hours noon LMT For 24.02-1900 A.D 22 14 43 ref TOA pg3
Correction For Year 2022 + 1 48
Correction for Place Delhi + 3
Sidereal Time at 12 Hours noon LMT For 24.02-2022 A.D 22 15 94 B
22 16 34 B

STEP 6 Add A*B DETAILS SIGN(+/-) h m s

A 22 12 30

B + 22 16 34
44 28 64
or 44 29 4
adjust noon 24hrs her - 24
Sidereal Time at _25-02.2022_ at 10.30 IST 20 29 4
STEP 7 From the Table of Ascendants find Nearest Lattitude (TOA Page 48_)
h m s s 0 ' "
Ascendants For 20 32 0 is 0 27 36
Ascendants For 20 28 0 is 0 26 26
diff 4 1 10
for 04' or 1° 10' can also be written as 70' 70
so for 1' =70/4'*1'=17.50' or 17'30" 17 30
for 4" 70/4'*4"=70" or 1'10" or 1 10

h m s s 0 ' "
Ascendants For 20 28 0 26 26
Ascendants For 1 17 30
Ascendants For 4 1 10
so - Ascendants For ST in Step 4 20 29 4 0 26 44 40

STEP 8 Ayanmansa Correction For 2022 - 1 11 0

Ascendant Rising at _Delhi on 25.02.2022 at_10:30 IST Aries 0s 25 33 40

Please note.
In the above calculation of the nearest latitude. We continue to convert the value post “.” Either min /sec by
multiplying it by 60’

Like 17.5’ or 0.50X60’=.30 so 17.5’ can also be written as 17’30”.

For PM Birth: (Ajay Sir’s Method) at Northern Latitude

Please note all steps remain same as AM birth (above). The only change is at step 2


1.Ensure Data bank details are handy, completed. One may use the details directly as per the steps
instead of drafting a Data bank 1st.

2.Calculate LMT of Birth (Formula: TOB-LMT Correction) = LMT of Birth

Note: if its PM birth) & then -12 Hrs. from LMT of birth obtained in Step 1 to go to the nearest previous noon
before birth. There is no need to add 24 Hrs. as the birth is a pm birth and to make a noon correction of 12hrs
the LMT of birth will already be more than 12 hrs. so subtracting 12hrs for noon correction is not a problem.

TOB 18:30pm
LMT OF BIRTH 18 8 52
NOON (+/-) HOURS ** - 12 0 0

3.Difference from Noon /Noon Correction

4.Correction for Increase in Time interval (i.e. Hours & Minutes correction) – (A)
5.Calculation of Sidereal Time at Birth at 12h Noon –(B)
iii. Correction of Place of Birth
iv. Correction of Year of Birth

Note: Sidereal Time correction is needed if the value of (A+B) is more than 24 hrs. (i.e. -24 hrs. from A+B)
Value Arrived At is the Sidereal Time at TOB.
7.Find Nearest Latitude value page in TOA and do the Latitude Correction
8.After doing Ayanamasa Correction we get the Ascendent
9.Longitude of Planets (Placing Planets in Model Kundli)
Note: for longitude calculations-

• if the birth is after 5.30am “IST” we subtract the current values from the Next day of DOB
• if the birth is before 5.30am “IST” we subtract prior day of DOB’s value from current values.
• For Rahu Values we only consider Rahu (True) from Ephemeris.
10.Prepare chart and place the Degrees and values in the houses as obtained in the step 10 Calculation.

For Place of Birth in southern hemisphere

some additional steps (to the above process) are to be kept in mind as a thumb rule

1. Ensure Data bank details are handy, completed. One may use the details directly as per the steps
instead of drafting a Data bank 1st.
2. Calculate LMT of Birth
3. Difference from Noon /Noon Correction
4. Correction for Increase in Time interval –(A)
5. Calculation of Sidereal Time at Birth at 12h Noon –(B)
6. A+B. this will Give ST at birth at the TOB.
7. If ST of birth (in step 6 above) is <12H than +(add) 12h to it & If ST of birth (in step 6 above) is
>12H than – (subtract) 12h from it
8. Find the Ascendant from the TOB as if they are in Northern Latitude
9. Apply ayanamsa correction of +/-6* signs to the resultant ascendant sign obtained.
(*if the signs are <6 Signs than add (+)6 signs from it & if it is >6 Signs than subtract (-) from it)

The result obtained is Ascendant at Southern Latitude

Daylight correction:

It’s a man-made input to adjust their bio clock & was only aimed to make better use of daylight by turning
the clock ahead with warmer weather and back again with colder weather to prolong the amount of time
people can spend outside during daylight hours. It is irrelevant for Astronomical calculation purposes.

Model Kundli

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