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Time : 3 Hours ] Code : 20SC01T Register | | Number L | 1/11 Semester Diploma Examination, Oct/Nov.-2021 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS [ Max. Marks : 100 ‘Special Note: Students can answer for max. of 100 marks, selecting any sub-section from (b) © @ ) © @ any main section. SECTION -I 13 -1 Ifthe matrix |0 2 4 | is singular, then find ‘x’. 3:2 x 4 IfA= [i | own-[} Spin ina + 38, Solve the system of equations 2x + 3y = 5 and x + 4y = 5 by Cramer’s Rule. 23 Find the characteristic roots for the matrix [; 4 Find the characteristic equation and Eigen roots of the matrix () A 7r 2 Find the Inverse of the matrix A=|1 4 -1). \ 20 4 \ ey lof4 [Turn over 20scoT 20f4 1601 SECTION - II 3. (@)_ Find the slope of the straight line passing through the points (1, 2) and(3,4). 4 (b) Ifthe x-intercept of the line is 3 units and y-intercept is 2 times x-intercept, then find the equation of the line. 5 (©) Ifa straight line makes an angle of inclination of 60° with respect to positive x-axis and passes through the point (1, ~1), then find the equation of the straight line. 5 (d) Find the equation of the straight line parallel to the line joining the points 3,-1) and (4,~2), passing through the point (2, 2). 6 4. (a) Write the slope and x-intercept of the line 2x + dy +5=0. 4 (©) Find the equation of the straight line passing through the points (4, 2) and (1,3). 5 (©) Find the equation of the straight line perpendicular to the line 4x ~ 2y +3 = 0 and passing through the points (1,2). 5 (@ Find the acute angle between the lines 7x - 4y = 0 and 3x - Ily +5 =0. 6 SECTION - IIL 5. (@) Express 75° in radian measure and 2 i degrees ‘ ig, . 860 (360 A)eot (90—A) gig : SEA PO ©) Simplify : =F (60+ A)cosec (90+ A) S) (©) Prove that : cos 20 = cos? @ — sin? @ 5 (@) Prove that: sin 20 sin 40 - sin 80 = ce ‘ 20SC01T 6. (a) () © @ ) © @ © © @ 30f4 Find the value of cos (15°) Prove that : sin 30 = 3 sin @ — 4 sin? 0 Prove that : sin 600° cos 390° + cos 480° sin 150° = -1 Show that : cos 55 + cos 65 + cos 175 =0 SECTION -IV Find the derivative of y = x3 + e** + sin 3x — 4 log x w. 1+cos.x 4 dy Find © fory= ede eos Fina for y= e8it* + sin (3) + tan x 1601 If S = t? + 6t + 5 represents the displacement of the particle in motion at time “t’, then find the velocity of the particle and acceleration at t = 3 secs. . dy 7 a, ify =e sin, then find $* ter! 12) find Y., tym (122), mn Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y =x° at the point (1, 2). Ify = tan x, show that (1 +x2)y, + 2xy, = 0. {Turn over 20SCO1IT @ ) © @ @ (b) © @ 4of4 1601 SECTION-V Evaluate: f (# ssinzeLeet) a 4 x mm Evaluate: [cos?x dx 5 Oo Evaluate: {xe* dx 5 Find the area bounded by the curve y = x2 + 3, x-axis and co-ordinates x= 1 & x22, 6 + 1 Evaluate : [ — dx 4 1x tan™ x Evaluate : 5 J 14x? Evaluate : fx sec? x dr 5 Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the curve y = Vx241 between x= 0 and x=2. 6 Sc 3] Expansion, Simplification, Answer 1b Finding 2A and 3B, 2A+3B, Sum 4,| Finding 4, 4;, ;,xandy / (dj General CE, Particular CE, Roots aYA+B, Writing (A+B), Product | b) Writing AB, Product, Transpose Nw |'¢ General CE, Particular CE, Roots | d) 4, Adjoint, Formula, Inverse SECTION 2 GOVERNMENT O} : DEPARTMENT OF COLLEGIATE AND { 1/Il SEMESTER DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS, OCT/NOV-2021 Sub: Engineering Mathemati KARNATAKA ‘CHINICAL EDUCATION af Formul b) Writing intercepts, General form, Equation ubstitution, Slope I 9) Slope formula, slope, line formula, Equation of the line [A) Finding slope of lines, General equation of the line, equation of the lin BSlope formula, intercept formula, slope and x-intercept Slope formula, slope, line formula, Equation of the line Finding slopes of lines, General equation of the line, Equation of the line. [d) Finding slopes, formula, Angle SECTION 3 jersion radian to degree, versa ding each term, Simplification )cos(A+B) Writing 2A=A+A, ‘simplification 'sinAsinB formula, Simplification, 20sco1T, HEME AND SOLUTION ‘6) Applying cosC+cosD formula Aa Writing cost20, Simpifcation | 3+1+2 2r2et bs SECTION 4 Jase Va) Each term derivative \Hetets bed ©) Arlyn et ls Eb "21-2 ~ ‘SimplificationgAnswer 14142 | |e} Finding derivative of sin (x) | 2+2e1 13d 7 |" Finding derivative of e#™ a Finding derivative of tanx j L202 | | @) Differentiating w.rt,t, Finding | 2+1+24 ee 7 selocty, Finding 2 derivative \ at ding Ac Rana} La) Product rule, Each derivative 2141 Bit | Eb) Apply chain rule, Apply quotient | 2+2+1 14242 rule, Simplification and Answer 6) Finding derivative, Finding Teles asie2e1| | 8 | slope, ) Equation of tangent slope point form, Simplification 2242 ‘d) Finding yi, second derivative, 2242 Proof és eat) 242 SECTION 5 cn (af Evaluation of each integrand | 1+1+1+4 1s1+2¢1 p>) Integrand simplification, 243 < Evaluation, 24 "2A Choosing first and second fun 2etey Applying by part rule Integral ofe* | 2+2+1 Derivative of x 2rde2 [adj Applying data in Area formula, | 2+2+2 tegration, tending the limits. 242 ~] a Integration, Applying limit, 2141 Solution. 441 (4) Substitution, Integration, 2241 2el42 ae pee? [Divo Aedeted GOVERNMENT OF KARI JA’ DEPARTMENT OF co) Drees 1/I1 SEMESTER DIPL ithematics /LLEGIATE AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION OMA EXAMINATIONS, OCT/NOV-2021 Code: 20sco1T Sub: Engineering Ma ‘MARK Le = ee Pe WA=lo 2 32 | Solution: ‘ . 1 ay, | Sven Ais singular ie [Al =0 , 1 3 = Wal=lo 2 4 | B2x* 1 12x ~8)—3(0x-12)+(-1)(0-6)=0 1 x=-17 waz 3] oe aiazacse i Wy ae 2 28 ae 6 oS 3X1 3X21 3 6 ¥ 6] Jo 12)_ p13 18) alts gl-[2 2. iy = 8, x +4y = S by Cramer's rule; Solution -Given system of the equations is 2x +3y=5 &x+4y=5 tet a=[? 3]=8-3=5 f a asf j]=20-15=5 2 Scan eteeee a= |f ]=10-s=5; sx Landy =1 3) Find the characteristic roots forthe matriva = [2 3] iven A= bees C.E is given by |A ~All SECTION 1 MA “g | find (A+ Bye =Ptt tye a 1 Piss dS © 390 #810 ha re 3+ 0x3” 330 +O : & aro Mis Bee ; | {es oat 9 +30 0+ 1001 bso 100 ea T Find (AB) ACA = 2 2 ‘ pele 2 3 Solutions wf 3 ak: ; 2412-1 14623 34342 a | A) |-|seer0 34940 o4200 | 84443 44249 1241-6 | 13 4 8 -[s 7 2 1S 15 Be 14 _ | (aB)™= i ae 1 : ran cquation and Eigen roots for the matrix Solution: Given a = [2 Cis given by |A—Al] = 0 y ‘1 1 0) ~ 39 |G la Sle ; poms |=o 1-al 1 -ag 0 A=lAVe bt | Finger a hematin 8 =] | Qno SECTION 2 MARK Find the slope of a straight line passing through the points (1,2) & (3.4) Solution: Let A= (xy,y,) = (1,2) and B = (x2,¥2) = (3,4) 38) | : Slope of AB= A sms 1 et = 2 = TEx intercept of the line is 3 units and y-intercept is 2 times x-intercept the find the equation of the Solution: Given that: a= 3 and b = 2a = 2X3 = 6 Equation ofa straightlineis ~+%=1 a 3b) y 1 1 | wnanis and passes through the point (1, -1), then find the equation of the straight line, 3e)_-| Solution: Given 8 = 60° slope ism = tan® 1 then, m = tan® = tan60° = V3 1 Y—¥i =m(K—%) 2 V3x-y-1-V3=0 1 Find the equation of the straight line parallel to the line joining the points @, > 1) and (4,-2) and passing through the point (2,2). & ae 3 Sine te given lin spall o required ie =m: = a jae ~y = ma 2 3a y-2=-x+2 1 X+Y—4-= Dis the required equation of line, SECTION 2 M Solution: — Herea = 2,b = 4andc = 5 | : lope, m= =-1 | Sipe OS eee x= intercept = ~£ oa 4b)| y— 2Ve= 2 y-2= (7-4) @-4 y+ 644=0 ' = 10 = 0 is the required equation of the line a4 Find the equeden of lies/perpeacMellat (a1 (uel MAS DAEapeeO (aed (pening {rough the point (2). 3 | Solution: m= 3 at2i m, Xm, = 1; m, LE yoy = mam) | we (x=1) | X+ 2y 5 = 0 isthe required equation of lif P Find the acute angle between the two lines 7x —4y = Oand 3x—11y+5-0 | | Solution: Given line ly 7x — 4y = 0 and Ip 3x- ly +5 =0 | Let the slope of ly be m, = -2=—-7 =2 ca 1 Slope of lz be m, = -2=-—4=2 —— ' n | s fe | tand = (So) 2 . tno = (S58) = Cad (G)= O= tan 41) = 459 — MARK Se) so) iss x xdegree ;2% radians = 630 degree xradians = Quo SECTION 3 Convert 75° in radians measure and in degree. i Sa)_} Solution: x degree = x xradians; 75° = $ radians ie 4 ‘Sec{ 360A) cotO=A) Simplify: (n(B60-A) cosec(90+A) 1 Se9(360—8) ot0-A) Tan(a60¥A) cosec(oo+A) ‘anaxsecA iets Prove that cos20 = cos? 0 —sin® 0 Proof: We have cos(A +B) = cosAcosB—sinAsinB ~ putB=A=0 cos(@ + 8) = cos 8 cos 0 ~ sin@sin® cos 26 = cos? @ ~ sin? @. Show that sin 2 0° sin 4.0° sin 8 0° Solutii¥in B = = [cos(A — B) — cos(A + B)) 1 * [cos(40° — 20°) — cos(40° + 20°)] sin 80° 2 = Flcos20? — 0560" sin 80° 4 (os20-2) nso? : sin Acos B = 5[sin(A + B) + sin(A — B)}, m8 le) 6a) 6b) 60) 6d), SECTION 3 Solutio - 30°) We know that cos(A ~ B) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB — (1) Substitute A = 45°, B = 30° in equation (1), then we get 015° = cos(45° ~ 30°) =cos45° cos30° + sin45° sin30° ~ 1 v5) eed aie x) Ea - 18° 0 2m oa ne Prove tha Proof n30 = 3sin0—4sin"O 30 = sin(20+0) sin3 0 = sin20.cos0 + cos20sin@ sin3 8 = 2sin cos @ x cos + (1 ~2sin®6) sin@ sin3 0 = 2 sin cos? @ + sin ~2sin®@ sin3 0 = 2sin0 (1 ~sin® 0) + sin@ ~2sin? 0 sin30 = 2sind ~ sin! 0+ sin 2sin? sin3@ = 3sin0 ~ 4sin?@ Show that sin 600° cos 390° + cos 480° sin 150" “8; cos 390° = 4 ; cos 480° = —}, sin 150° 2) (2) Now, Consider LHS. = Sin 120° cos $30°+ cos 420° sin 30° a Prove that cos55 + cos65 + cosi75 = 0. Solution: cos € + cos D = 20s (2) cos (& =c05 55 + cosi75 + cos65 conse es) (2 =) = cos55 + 20s (7) cos (“>> = c0s55 +2 cos 12 0c0s85._— 0855 + 2cos(18 0 — 60)coss5, = cosS5 — cosS5=0 vn Qno SECTION 4 MARK 7a) 7b) cs i) x +e + sin3 x ~ 4 logx then find 2. meee +e" + sin3x—4logx; 2 = 3.x? +3e™ + 3c0s3x- 42) T+ cosx Find Se where y = cosx (a-cosn 1 4corn) (acon) £(1-cos%) Solution: & _ ise C=comn)? a = cosx)(0— sine) — (1-4 €089)(0 + six) (T= cosx)* __ rsinx (1 = cosx) ~ sinx (1 + cos) (1 = cos x)? _=sinx + sinxcos x ~ sins ~ sinxcosx C= cosx? ay __=2sinx dx” = cosx? < Find for y = e%"* + sin (x?) + tanx Solution: y = sin (x3) + 09 + tanx oy _ dessin yrtame) a a =e5 (cosx) + cos (x?)(3x*) + sec*x ak 2244 ‘The displacement of a particle from one point (o another is given by S = + t+ 5, find te velocity and acceleration tie aaGEE-9 See =2+6+0;2 22 a 8b) 8c) x oa ‘Obtain the equi m=3 Yaa (sine) + sine £00") (83) i Wye a=? y andy & Gay ‘The equation of tangent tothe curve atthe SECTION 4 wv aw (uv) =u 4 vit ac? (©) on al Solution: y = tnt (228) Co) oF dy _ (=)0+1)-0+90-1) (=x) + xy? point (1, 2) with slope m=3 is Solution: y = tan=?x Wy = tan“ x then prove that (1+ x4)y, ~ 2xy, — 0 9a) 9b) 9) a) Qno | MARK Evaluate i cos?x dx : % (rvcosmey Gy ify 4 snes] = mH Solution: {3 coséxdx = fj (“2 )ax = ffx + 2] sina sin20) tet +533) - (048 a) ‘ g+9)- (0+) E Evaluate: | xe" dy Solution: Here x is Algebraic function and ¢* is Exponential function. ‘According o the ILATE rule of choosing the first function, u=Ifa=x and y=Ifn=e* it J (Uti Iin)edx = 1 fm fll fn dx — ff fn) dx) (1 fn) dx : ' T=fxe* dx 1 =x Je* dx- J (Se* dx) 2 (9) dx =xet-fet x 1dx 1 Find the area bounded by the curve y =x? +3, x —axisand the ordinates x=18x=2, Solution: Area enclosed by a curve is A= Jy dx — (1) 1 | » 2 a= [vac fot +3 1 | Is h oe ae S [E+a4 mm , ee =[E+3x2]-[2 +30] SECTIONS | [loge - 0] sez Bee 7 Evaluate: { x sec?x dy Solution: Let = f x sec®x dx Here x is Algebraic function and sec"x is Trigonometric function. | According othe ILATE rule of choosing the ist function, ju=lfn=x and v=lifn fi J (ifm x U1 fn)dx = En fl fm dx — ff UU tn) dx ) 2 (1 tn) dx I= fxsectx dx x fsectxdx-J(fsectx dx) £(x) dx =x (tan x) - f(tanx) x Idx. = xtanx- ftanx dx = x tan x log (see x) +e es Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the curve y = between x=0 and x=2 Solution: We know that, the volume of the solid formed by revolving the ‘curve y=f(x) and the x-axis between x=a and x=b about the x-axis is Venfoy? dx [ ler irax B [ere

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