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1. Which professional organization developed a code for nursing students?

1. ANA
2. NLN
2. Who were America’s first two trained nurses?
1. Barton & Wald
2. Dock & Sanger
3. Richards & Mahoney
4. Henderson & Breckinridge
3. For a client a previous blood pressure of 138/74mmhg and pulse of 64 beats/min
approximately how long should the nurse take to release the blood pressure cuff in order to
obtain an accurate reading?
1. 10 to 20 Seconds
2. 30 to 45 Seconds
3. 1 to 1.5 minutes
4. 3 to 3.5 minutes
4. The name of the nursing diagnoses is linked to the etiology with the phrase:
1. as manifested by
2. related to
3. evidence by
4. due to
5. What is the term used for a high-pitched sound in clients during a respiratory
1. Crowing
2. Wheeling
3. Stridor
4. Sigh
6. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs the highest level is:
1. physiological needs
2. Safety and Security
3. belongings and affection
4. Esteem and Self respect
5. Self-actualization
7. A nurse sees smoke emerging from the suction equipment being used which is the
greatest priority in the event of a fire?
1. Report the fire
2. Extinguish the fire
3. Protect the client
4. Contain the fire
8. An 87-year-old man is admitted in the hospital for cellulitis of the left arm. He ambulates
with the walker and takes a diuretic medication to control symptoms of fluid retention.
Which intervention is most important to protect him from injury?
1. Leave the bathroom light on
2. Withhold the client’s
3. Provide the bedside commode.
4. Diuretic medication
9. Which nursing intervention is the highest in priority for a client at risk for falls in a
hospital setting?
1. Keep all of the side rails up
2. Review prescribed medications
3. Complete the “get up and go” test
4. Place the bed in lowest position
10. A client receiving hydrochlorothiazide is instructed to increase her dietary intake of
potassium. The best snack for the client requiring increased potassium is:
1. Pear
2. Apple
3. Orange
4. Avocado
11. A client with a deep decubitus ulcer is receiving therapy in the hyperbaric oxygen
chamber. Before therapy, the nurse should:
1. Apply an occlusive dressing to the site
2. Apply a lanolin-based lotion to the skin
3. Wash the skin with water and pat dry
4. Cover the area with a petroleum gauze
12. An 85-year-old male patient has been bedridden for two weeks. Which of the following
complaints by the patient indicates to the nurse that he is developing a complication of
1. Stiffness of the right ankle joint
2. Soreness of the gums
3. Short-term memory loss
4. Decreased appetite
13. A client in a long-term care facility complains of pain. The nurse collects data about the
client's pain. The first step in pain assessment is for the nurse to:
1. Have the client identify coping methods
2. Get the description of the location and intensity of the pain
3. Accept the client’s report of pain
4. Determine the client’s status of pain
14. The term that refers to a person's routine of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation,
1. Activity – Exercise
2. Mobility
3. Proprioception
4. Range of motion.
15. The term that refers to formalized experiences designed to enhance the knowledge or
skills of Practicing professionals is:
1. CME (Continue medical education)
2. CE (continue Education)
3. Panel discussion
4. Group Study.
16. A person who is waiting for or undergoing medical treatment and care is called,
1. Sufferer
2. Patient
3. Client
4. Consumer
17. A Person who engages the advice or services of another who is qualified to provide the
Service is termed as:
1. Sufferer
2. Patient
3. Client
4. Consumer
18. The term "Allodynia" is used for the patients with pain, the term describes:
1. Pain caused by stimuli that are usually not painful
2. The 'burning' sensation causalgia
3. Red flare with nerve damage
4. Due to reflex sympathetic dystrophy
19. Which nursing statement is a good example of the therapeutic communication
technique of focusing?
1. “Describe one of the best things that happened to you this week”
2. “I am having a difficult time understanding what you mean”
3. “Your counseling session is in 30 minutes. I’ll stay with you until then"
4. "You mentioned your relationship with your father let's discuss that further"
20. A Type of heat loss that occurs when the heat is dissipated by air current,
1. Convection
2. Conduction
3. Radiation
4. Evaporation
21. Considered as the most accessible and convenient method for temperature taking,
1. Oral
2. Rectal
3. Tympanic
4. Axillary
22. The client's temperature 10 hours ago is a normal 36•5 degrees. 4 hours ago, He has a
fever with a temperature of 38.9 degrees right now, his temperature is back to normal which
of the following best describe the fever john is having
1. Relapsing
2. Intermittent
3. Remittent
4. Constant
23. Which professional organization developed a code for nursing students?
1. ANA
2. NLN
24. A registered nurse is interested in functioning as a healthcare advocate for individuals
whose lives are affected by violence. This nurse will be investigating which expanded career
1. Clinical Nurse specialist
2. Forensic nurse
3. Nurse practitioner
4. Nurse educator
25. Although the client refused the procedure, the nurse insisted and inserted a nasogastric
tube in the right nostril, The administrator of the hospital decides to settle the lawsuit
because the nurse is most likely to be found guilty of which of the following?
1. An unintentional tort
2. Assault
3. Invasion of privacy
4. Battery
26. The nurse asks a newly admitted client, what can we do to help you? What is the
purpose of this therapeutic communication technique.
1. To reframe the client's thoughts about mental health treatment
2. To put the client at ears
3. To explore a subject, idea experience or relationship
4. To communicate that the nurse is listening the conversation
27. Which would most likely be included in the evaluation of the client goal of demonstrate
adequate tissue perfusion?
1. Symmetrical chest expansion
2. Use of pursed – Lip breathing
3. Brisk capillary refill
4. Activity intolerance
28. Which set of assessment data best validates that the nurse should initiate
cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a comatose client?
1. Cool, Pale skin, Unconsciousness, Absence of radial pulse
2. Cyanosis; slow pulse, dilated pupils
3. Absent pulses, flushed skin, pinpoint pupils
4. Apnea, absence of carotid or femoral pulses, dilated pupils.
30. A nurse is working with a patient who is well known to the public-shortly before lunch, a
news reporter walks into the nursing unit and begins questioning the nurse; The nurse
knows that if she gives out patient information without the patients consent, she would be
failing comply with which law?
1. Informed consent
2. Health insurance portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
3. Hospital policy
4. Common Law
31. The harmful effects of a drug on an organism or tissue results from overdosage,
injection of a drug intended for external use is called?
1. Drug allergy
2. Drug toxicity
3. Side effects
4. Adverse effects
32. Which hormone increases metabolism and heat production, but over a much longer
time period than epinephrine and norepinephrine
1. Thyroid
2. Parathyroid
3. Thalamus
4. Hypothalamus
33. A 52-year-old women is admitted with dyspnea and discomfort in her left chert with
deep breaths- she has smoked for 35 years and recently lost over 10 pounds. Her vital signs
on admission are: HR 112 BP 138/82 RR 22, tympanic temperature 36.8C°(98.2°F) and
oxygen saturation 94% she is receiving oxygen at 21 via a nasal cannula. Which vital sign
reflects a positive outcome of the oxygen therapy?
1. Temperature 37°C (98.6°F)
2. Radial pulse 112
3. Respiratory rate 24
4. Oxygen saturation: 96%
34. Proper administration of an ontic medication to a 2-years old client includes which of
the following.
1. Pull the ear straight back
2. Pull the ear down and back
3. Pull the ear up and back
4. Pull the ear straight upward
35. The type of movement in which isotonic
exercises in which client moves each joint in the body through its complete range of
movement maximally stretching all muscles groups within each plane over the joint.
1. Passive – ROM exercise
2. Active ROM exercises
3. Ampullary exercises
4. Mobilization exercises
36. Mr. Niaz is admitted in orthopedic ward the Nurse helps him to move his joints of all the
body. The Nurse is helping in:
1. Passive – ROM exercise
2. Active ROM exercises
3. Ampullary exercises
4. Mobilization exercises
37. How long should the rectal thermometer be inserted to the client's anus?
1. 1 to 2 inches
2. 0.5 to 1.5 inches
3. 3 to 5 inches
4. 2 to 3 inches
38. The nurse recognizes which of the following as a benefit of using standardized care
1. No individualization is needed
2. The nurse chooses from a list of interventions
3. They are much shooter than nurse authored care plan
4. They have been approved by accrediting agencies
39. The nurse is applying an external urinary device to a client be force attaching. The device
to the drainage bag, what should the nurse do?
1. Wash her hands
2. Document the client’s tolerance of the procedure
3. Instruct the clients about the drainage system
4. Ensure that the condom is not twisted
40. A client has received an oil retention enema the nurse should instruct the client that the
enema will take effect within what time?
1. 1 – 3hours
2. 10 – 20minutes
3. 5 – 10 minutes
4. 10 – 15 minutes
41. Which of the following is most likely to validate that a client is experiencing intestinal
1. Large quantities of fat mixed with pale yellow liquid stool
2. Brown formed stool
3. Semisoft black-colored stools
4. Narrow, pencil- shaped stool
42. A client with emphysema is prescribed corticosteroid therapy on a short- term basis for
acute bronchitis. The client asks the nurse how the steroids will help him. The nurse
responds by saying that the corticosteroids will do which of the following?
1. Promote bronchodilation
2. Help the client to cough
3. Prevent respiratory infection
4. Decrease inflammation in the airways
43. The nurse is planning to perfume percussion and postural drainage which is an important
aspect of planning the client care?
1. Percussion and postural drainage should be done before lunch
2. The order should be coughing percussion positioning and then suctioning
3. A good time to perfume percussion and postural drainage is in the morning after
breakfast when the client is well rested.
4. Percussion and postural drainage should always be preceded 3 minutes of 100%
44. The nurse will need to assess the client’s performance of clean intermittent delf
catheterization (CISC) for a client with which urinary diversion?
1. Heal conduct
2. Kock pouch
3. Neobladder
4. Vesicostomy
45. A nurse is assessing several clients in a long-term health care facility. Which client is at
highest risk for development of decubitus ulcers?
1. A 79-year-old malnourished client on bed rest
2. An obese client who uses a wheelchair
3. An incontinent client who has had 3 diarrhea stools
4. An 80-year-old ambulatory diabetic client

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