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Mother, daughter, sister,… let’s be real, those are the ones that take control of all the world. Yes!
Even the most powerful man in the world can’t stand when his mother is forbidding him to do
something right ?
Good morning everyone, my name is Mino and as guessed, today, i’m going to talk about us :
We tend to give more consideration to the masculine gender and forget about the things women
are able to do, as much in education, in art, in society and in life in general!
Let’s be honest, women have that power than men somehow don’t have when it comes to life : the
way they are soft and bold at the same time, understanding but sometimes indulgent, firm but so
lovable and that, without any difficulties because they have that “caring behavior” in their veins.
Yes, women are the one that rule the society! As Beyonce said : they run the world!
But actually, do they receive the credits they deserve? No! And this is because in the world we are
living, women somehow tend to putwdown women! Yes, due to jealousy, the thought of “argh, i
don’t like her, so let’s make her hated by everyone too”, the envy and all the disagreeble things we
think about each other, women, even though they can reach the sky together, chose to put themself
above the others! And yes, that is by some ways, the ultimate reason women are considered weak
in society. Even if they are as strong as Goliath, the impact of being downgraded by others reach
their personal ego and may make them feel so unlovable, so they x mmm prefer to keep all the
strenght they could spread to the world to themselves.
Moreover, let’s be honest, men neither don’t make the things easy for them. In our society, men
are considered as the “pillar of the family” right? And who are the ones that made this etiquette?
Yes, their mother! As i said in the beginning, the only person that can weaken a man is his mother!
However, some mother-in-laws may sometimes create this environment of “insecurity” for their
son’s wife. And again, that rejoin the fact that women downgrade women!
Because of that, i think we, women, should do something right? What about lifting each other?
What about complimenting each other? That can be manifested as “oh i love how you are dressed
today?” or just a “you smell sooooo good!”
Yes, those little words are not that little right. These little compliments mean the world for some
of us and yes, just by saying this, we empower each other.
So let’s make the world better! It doesn’t cost a rein to be kind to each other, a smile doesn’t cost
twenty thousands of Ariary and yes, that can make a big difference in our society. Repeating this
continually, little by little and everyday, because let’s not forget that we are almost 4 billions
women in earth make a really big impact for our society.
So yes, my name is Mino and it was a pleasure to share my mind with you today!
Thank you!

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