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Math Research Presentation

Research a math topic of your choice, create a presentation, and present it to the class.


1. Choose a Topic:
Select a math topic that interests you. Ideas include:
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Probability
- Geometry in Art
- Algebra in Real Life
- Cryptography

2. Research (45-50 minutes):

3. Create a Presentation (8-10 slides):

- Title Slide:
- Title, your name(s)

- Introduction Slide:
- Brief intro and why you chose this topic.

- Background Slide:
- Basic information and key definitions.

- Detailed Explanation Slide:

- Main concept with diagrams.

- Examples Slide:
- At least two examples with step-by-step solutions.

- Applications Slide:
- Real-world applications of the topic.

- Interesting Facts/Extensions Slide:

- Related theories or future implications.

- Summary Slide:
- Key points of your presentation.

- Questions Slide:
- 2-3 questions for your classmates.

- References Slide:
- List your sources.

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