Brown ChromeV2 2

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Edge harder.
Do you want all 4 of your disgusting meat limbs to be metal
before you even leave chargen?

Did someone at your table turn down selling their soul

because it “sounded bad”?
Did your GM stiff you on your hard earned ennies, saying
they want their game to be “gutterpunk”?
Did you just blow 3 times your monthly lifestyle on
synthcoke and XBDs, having a week long bender in which you
misplaced your gun and your left arm?

Blah Blah Corpo Talk

This supplement is unofficial content provided under the
Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not
approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials
that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
Some images and text may be the product of generative AI. I do
not claim ownership or copyright to any such material herein,
and I do not condone the commercialization of such material.

Author can be contacted via Discord: @hardl1ght

“My body’s a damn temple, and declining
attendance means I gotta skimp a little on the
PA system, yeah?”
- James “That Guy” Nightingale

▶ Budget Neural Link
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Hospital • HL: 7(2d6)
Poor Quality Neural Link. Has 4 Option Slots. User suffers
the Brain Injury Critical Injury whenever one or more
neural link options are disabled via EMPs or other means.
You may only have one Neural Link installed at a time.

▶ Budget Cyberarm
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Hospital • HL: 7(2d6)
Poor Quality replacement arm. Has 3 Option Slots. Comes
installed with Standard Hand and Quick Change Mount
that don’t cause Humanity Loss or take up Option Slots.
The Quick Change Mount cannot be removed without
destroying the Cyberarm beyond repair.
When a 1 is rolled on any physical action (excluding
shooting) using the arm or the hand (brawling, grappling,
melee weapon attacks, etc), the Cyberarm comes flying off
the body, landing 2M/YRDs from the user, and must be
retrieved and reattached using an action. If user has two
Budget Cyberarms installed and the action used both
hands, both arms become detached, requiring either
assistance or a DV15 contortion check to reattach both
▶ Budget Arms Budget Arm-Arm
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Clinic• HL: 7(2d6)
Poor Quality Very Heavy Pistol installed in a Cyberarm.
Weapon can be concealed even if not normally concealable.
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 2 Option Slots.

▶ Bigger Knucks
Cost: 500eb (Premium) • Install: Clinic• HL: 7(2d6)
Cyberarm option. Brawling and Martial Arts attacks made
with this arm are treated as having at least Body 7 (3d6
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 2 Option Slots.

▶ Big Fucking Sword

Cost: 500eb(Expensive) • Install: Clinic• HL: 7(2d6)
Cyberarm option. Comically Massive Sword that folds out
from arm. Poor Quality Very Heavy Melee Weapon that
adds a +2 to Facedown rolls when used to intimidate.
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 3 Option Slots.

▶ John’s Silver Hand

Cost: 500eb(Expensive) • Install: Mall• HL: 0
Cyberarm option. Replica metal plating of Johnny
Silverhand’s cyberarm. Grants +4 to Wardrobe and Style,
but only when user is cosplaying Silverhand.
Requires a Cyberarm but does not take an Option Slot.
▶ Budget Arms Budget Arm-Arm
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Clinic• HL: 7(2d6)
Poor Quality Very Heavy Pistol installed in a Cyberarm.
Weapon can be concealed even if not normally concealable.
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 2 Option Slots.

▶ Bigger Knucks
Cost: 100eb (Premium) • Install: Clinic• HL: 3(1d6)
Cyberarm option. Brawling and Martial Arts attacks made
with this arm are treated as having at least Body 7 (3d6
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 2 Option Slots.

▶ Big Fucking Sword

Cost: 500eb(Expensive) • Install: Clinic• HL: 7(2d6)
Cyberarm option. Comically Massive Sword that folds out
from arm. Poor Quality Very Heavy Melee Weapon that
adds a +2 to Facedown rolls when used to intimidate.
Requires a Cyberarm and takes up 3 Option Slots.

▶ John’s Silver Hand

Cost: 500eb(Expensive) • Install: Mall• HL: 0
Cyberarm option. Replica metal plating of Johnny
Silverhand’s cyberarm. Grants +4 to Wardrobe and Style,
but only when user is cosplaying Silverhand.
Requires a Cyberarm but does not take an Option Slot.
“Even Night City is day once a day. That’s why
you need a big man, with an even bigger gun.”
- Marcus “Shoulder Arms” Vince-Gilligan

▶ Acid Ammunition
Cost: 100eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types: All except Shotgun Shells
When using this ammunition, attacks that hit, but not
pierce armor still ablate it in that location by 1. Reduces
damage of weapon by 1d6.

▶ Danger Gal® Tracer Ammunition

Cost: 100eb (Expensive) • Ammo Types: Bullets only
Bright pink tracer rounds that bring a degree of elegance to
any firefight. When using this ammunition, negate the
penalty for autofiring in darkness or smoke.

▶ Agent Attachment
Cost: 50eb(Costly) • Eligible: All Non-Exotic Ranged Weapons
A convenient fold-out clip that allows an agent to be used
hands-free during a firefight. Useful for tracking shots,
tactical notes, or getting your last affairs in order.

▶ Throwing Knife x6
Cost: 500eb(Expensive)
A pack of 6 Exotic Medium Melee Weapons. Treated as low
quality if used in melee combat. When thrown, weapon
continues to ignore half SP and may be used as half of an
ROF2 attack.
If a thrown attack misses its target, or is used against hard
cover/metal objects, knife will be broken.
▶ Potassium Special
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Exotic Medium Pistol designed to have the weight and
external appearance of a pre-collapse Banana. Requires a
DV17 Perception Check to determine it isn’t real. Beware
that the sight of real produce may draw more attention
than a gun.

▶ The Phoenix
Cost: 1000eb (Very Expensive)
Exotic Combination Heavy Pistol and Flamethrower that
cannot be concealed. Pistol Exclusively uses incendiary
ammo, and Flamethrower is mechanically a shotgun that
can only shoot incendiary shells. Pistol and Flamethrower
only deal standard incendiary damage (2 per turn until put
▶ JK-47
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Exotic Assault Rifle. Despite being exotic, it can use
non-standard ammunition. A joke weapon built by a
brilliant tech, the rifle is indistinguishable from a regular
AK-47 until the magazine runs dry. When the magazine is
depleted, the barrel of the gun droops down, becoming
flaccid until the bolt is cycled again. When reloading, the
user may choose to initiate a facedown with any combatant
they can see.

“Performance issues? Not with this

barrel, trust me.” - Igor Malkov
▶ Kiejl A9 Armistice
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
Exotic Very Heavy Pistol. Despite being exotic, it can use
non-standard ammunition. Single Round capacity. Once
saved a cop from certain death in a far off city. Engraved on
the handle are the words “Sunrise, Parabellum.” If the user
spends their final point of LUCK to fire this gun, penalty for
making an aimed shot is reduced by 4 and it ignores half

“God, please.” - Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi

“The shiny shit on the holos ain’t for us,
choom. Now sit still while I get this piece of
shit back together.”
-Alex Guarino

▶ Coat of Arms
Cost: 500eb (Expensive)
A trenchcoat with the appearance of Nomad Leathers or
Urban Flash. Concealed inside are specialty holsters for up
to 6 Teen Dreams (See 12 Days of Gunmas), which may be
retrieved without using an action. Teen Dreams sold

▶ Coat of Blades
Cost: 1000eb (Very Expensive)
A High Fashion Jet Black robe fashioned in the style of the
Vampyres. Has sheathes for up to two dozen concealable
throwing weapons, sold separately. When filled with
knives, the robe jingles like a wind chime, which may be
noticed with a DV13 Perception check.

▶ Folding Table
Cost: 50eb(Costly)
A plastic table that folds down into a 2x3ft square and
extends into a 8x3x4ft table that can flipped over to act as
thin cover with 10HP, after which it must be repaired
before it can act as cover again. Extends and folds as an
▶ Pile of Nails
Cost: 10eb (Cheap)
What it says on the bin. Can be used to upgrade a blunt
light or medium weapon into the next damage tier, while
reducing the quality tier of the weapon by 1 (Minimum
Poor Quality). Or to hang a picture on a wall.

▶ Horrific Necktie
Cost: 10eb (Cheap)
A necktie with a garish and disturbingly vivid pattern. It’s
your friend now. The only thing that makes sense in this
godforsaken world.

▶ Obviously Stolen Pager

Cost: 500eb(Expensive)
A small black pager obviously swiped from a presumably
deceased officer. Still seems to be functioning.
When using the pager, roll a 1D10. If the roll is less than or
equal to 2, the pager calls in 4 local Renta-Cops that arrive
within 1D6 rounds. They will not be friendly to you, and if
they figure out you called them, may turn hostile and
permanently deactivate the pager.
Renta-Cops: Combat Number: 10 • SP: 7 • HP: 20 • MOVE & BODY: 4

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